Evaluation and Management of Hypertension in the Intensive Care Unit
Benjamin M. Scirica
Robert J. Heyka
Hypertensive Urgencies and Emergencies
Patients with elevated blood pressure (BP) in the intensive care unit (ICU) present with either a BP that threatens to cause imminent target organ damage (TOD) to vascular beds or a transient, usually more benign elevation in BP without threat of TOD.
Hypertensive syndromes have diverse etiologies and often have little in common besides a similar presentation. The terms used to describe these clinical syndromes are mostly of historic significance. In original usage, they applied to specific clinical findings often without an appreciation of their systemic abnormalities. They are often misapplied. Hypertensive crisis is loosely defined as any clinical situation with a severe elevation in BP [1]. Hypertensive emergencies and urgencies are categories of hypertensive crisis that may be life threatening and occur (a) against the background of worsening chronic essential hypertension, (b) with secondary forms of hypertension, or (c) in patients without previously known hypertensive disease.
There are not reliable data regarding the actual yearly number of hypertensive emergencies; however in the United States, hypertension is the primary diagnosis in more than 500,000 hospital admission [1]. Patients with essential hypertension who present to emergency rooms with hypertensive crises tend to be aware of their diagnosis of hypertension, on medication but noncompliant, are African-American or Hispanic, young males, and of lower socioeconomic status [2]. Other secondary forms of hypertension, including renovascular disease or endocrine causes [3] are found in a significant percentage of patients with hypertensive crisis.
In hypertensive crises, the elevation in BP tends to be severe with diastolic blood pressures (DBPs) greater than 120 mm Hg. However, the level of systolic blood pressure (SBP), DBP, or mean arterial pressure (MAP) does not distinguish them. Rather, it is the presence or absence of acute and progressive TOD [4,5].
Hypertensive emergency means the BP elevation is associated with ongoing neurologic, myocardial, vascular, hematologic, or renal TOD, whereas hypertensive urgency means that the potential for TOD is great and likely to occur if BP is not soon controlled. Examples of hypertensive emergencies are provided in Table 37.1. In many instances, a better term for urgencies is simply uncontrolled BP [4,5]. Many patients present to emergency rooms with inadequately treated BP and no evidence of TOD [6]. There is no evidence of benefit from rapid reduction in BP in these asymptomatic patients [7], and their difficult-to-control hypertension can be evaluated as outpatients [8].
Accelerated and malignant hypertensions are older terms named on the basis of ophthalmologic findings and refer to categories of hypertensive crises with exudative retinopathy, retinal hemorrhages, or papilledema. They probably represent a continuum of organ damage [9].
Accelerated hypertension may be an urgency or emergency with grade III Keith–Wagener–Barker retinopathy: that is, constriction and sclerosis (i.e., grades I or II) plus hemorrhages and exudates (grade III). The presence of exudate is more worrisome than hemorrhage alone. Malignant hypertension is grade IV Keith–Wagener–Barker retinopathy and with papilledema that signifies central nervous system (CNS) involvement, is a hypertensive emergency. It is frequently associated with diffuse TOD, such as hypertensive encephalopathy, left ventricular
failure, renal fibrinoid necrosis, or microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. In the 1930s, the term malignant was given to reflect the dismal survival among these patients, approximately 60% at 2 years after diagnosis and less than 7% at 10 years. With the introduction of effective hypertensive therapy, the prognosis has significantly improved, with a 5-year survival of 74%. The most common causes of death are renal failure (40%), stroke (24%), myocardial infarction (11%), and heart failure (10%) [10].
failure, renal fibrinoid necrosis, or microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. In the 1930s, the term malignant was given to reflect the dismal survival among these patients, approximately 60% at 2 years after diagnosis and less than 7% at 10 years. With the introduction of effective hypertensive therapy, the prognosis has significantly improved, with a 5-year survival of 74%. The most common causes of death are renal failure (40%), stroke (24%), myocardial infarction (11%), and heart failure (10%) [10].
Table 37.1 Examples of Hypertensive Emergencies | |
Importance of Target Organ Damage
Most organ beds can regulate the amount of blood flow they receive over a wide range of systemic pressures by autoregulation: OBF = OPPr/OVR, where OBF is organ blood flow, OPPr is organ perfusion pressure, and OVR is organ vascular resistance [11]. Small arteries and arterioles constrict or dilate in response to local myogenic effectors acting on the endothelium that respond to transmural (perfusion) pressure gradients. A decrease in OPPr leads to vasodilation; an increase in OPPr leads to vasoconstriction and limits pressure-induced damage when systemic pressure rises. The cerebral circulation can maintain perfusion with changes in MAP from about 60 to 150 mm Hg [11]. When MAP exceeds the usual autoregulatory range, breakthrough or loss of autoregulation occurs.
Sustained BP greater than the usual autoregulatory range leads to damage of the endothelial lining of capillaries and arterioles, resulting in leakage of plasma into the vascular wall. Fibrin deposition reduces lumen diameters and precipitates local edema and sclerosis. In patients with chronic hypertension, the loss of autoregulation typically occurs only at extremely elevated BPs, whereas in patients without any significant hypertension, in whom the protective autoregulation has not developed, edema and the consequent organ-specific symptoms can be seen with DBPs greater than 100 mm Hg [12].
When OPPr falls to lesser than the lower limits of autoregulation, organ ischemia and infarction may occur. Limits of critical perfusion pressure and tolerance to variation in OPPr vary among individuals. The elderly or patients with chronic hypertension tolerate an elevated MAP because of an upward shift in their cerebral autoregulation curve but have a diminished tolerance to hypotension with vessel functional and structural changes [12]. Patients without antecedent hypertension may develop a hypertensive crisis with acute conditions such as acute vasculitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), unstable angina, or eclampsia at lower systemic BP.
Cerebral circulation is the most sensitive vascular bed to breakthrough and ischemia [13]. Cardiac perfusion tolerates a more pronounced drop in BP, even with underlying atherosclerotic disease, because myocardial oxygen demands decrease dramatically when pressures decrease. In organ beds such as the kidneys with antecedent atherosclerotic, acute BP changes are less tolerated and may worsen renal perfusion [4,5].
In most patients with hypertensive crises, the pathophysiologic abnormality is an increase in systemic vascular resistance (SVR), not an increased cardiac output (CO) (MAP = CO × SVR). The increase in SVR elevates BP, overrides local autoregulation, and leads to organ ischemia.
Approach to the Patient
In the ICU, therapy must often begin before a comprehensive patient evaluation is completed. A systematic approach offers the opportunity to be expeditious and inclusive (Table 37.2).
A brief history and physical examination should assess the degree of TOD and rule out obvious secondary causes of hypertension. The history should include prior hypertension, other significant medical disease, medication use, compliance, recreational drugs use, and, most importantly, symptoms from TOD to neurologic, cardiac, or renal systems. Examination should verify BP readings in both arms, supine and standing, if possible and eliminate the rare but important finding of pseudohypertension due to extensive arterial calcification using Osler’s maneuver, which is performed by inflating the BP cuff to greater than the brachial systolic BP. A palpable radial or brachial artery, despite being pulseless, signifies a significantly stiff artery and the likely overestimation of the true BP [14]. Intra-arterial monitoring may be necessary to verify readings and monitor treatment. Also include direct ophthalmologic examination looking for hemorrhages, exudates, or papilledema; auscultation of the lungs and heart; and evaluation of the abdomen for masses or bruits and the peripheral pulses for bruits, masses, or deficits. Signs of neurologic ischemia include altered
mental status, headaches, nausea, and vomiting in addition to focal neurologic deficits. Ancillary evaluation should include electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine, complete blood cell count with differential, or echocardiogram (ECG), chest radiograph, and assessment of recent urine output. As the patient’s condition stabilizes, further evaluation of unexplored reasons for the hypertensive crisis can be considered and pursued.
mental status, headaches, nausea, and vomiting in addition to focal neurologic deficits. Ancillary evaluation should include electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine, complete blood cell count with differential, or echocardiogram (ECG), chest radiograph, and assessment of recent urine output. As the patient’s condition stabilizes, further evaluation of unexplored reasons for the hypertensive crisis can be considered and pursued.
Table 37.2 Initial Evaluation of Hypertensive Crisis in the Intensive Care Unit | ||
Patients with Neurologic Symptoms
In patients with neurologic symptoms, a noncontrast computed tomogram of the head is important to exclude intracerebral hemorrhages (ICHs) or mass effect. Magnetic resonance imaging is more sensitive for detecting early ischemic strokes, as well as the edema and white matter changes in the parieto-occipital region (posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome) associated with hypertensive encephalopathy [15]. Early identification of acute vascular events such as ischemic strokes or ICHs is critical as early management and BP goals differ from hypertensive encephalopathy.
Most studies of hypertensive emergencies are either nonrandomized or suffer from (a) tremendous variation and inconsistency in definitions and cutoffs, (b) absence of important and long-term outcomes such as mortality, (c) being underpowered with wide confidence intervals, and (d) inconsistent reporting of adverse effects. Thus, treatment recommendations for hypertensive emergencies are not based on a large body of randomized controlled studies. One systematic review of hypertensive urgencies and emergencies studies found no evidence supporting any one agent over another. For hypertensive emergencies, nitroprusside, captopril, and clonidine were acceptable choices. For urgencies, a number of agents were used and effective [16]. A systematic review for the Cochrane collaboration, which included more recent studies, again failed to detect any specific agent or strategy that was superior to another. There was well-documented efficacy for BP reduction with nitrates (including nitroprusside), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, diuretics, α-adrenergic antagonist, calcium channel blockers, and dopamine agonists [17]. Given this lack of data to guide therapy, how should we proceed?
The intensity of intervention must be determined by the clinical situation. In many situations, intubation, seizure control, hemodynamic monitoring, and maintenance of urine output can be as important as control of BP. Initial therapy should terminate ongoing TOD, not return BP to normal. Because cerebral circulation is the most sensitive to ischemia, the lower limit of cerebral autoregulation for each patient determines the initial goal. This floor is approximately 25% lesser than the initial MAP or a DBP in the range of 100 to 110 mm Hg [11]. Reasonable initial therapy is to decrease MAP by 25% with an agent that decreases SVR, considering the medical history, initiating events, and ongoing TOD [5]. Patients with acute left ventricular failure, myocardial ischemia, or aortic dissection require more aggressive treatment [18,19,20].
The decision to use oral or parenteral therapy depends on several factors. Atherosclerotic disease puts the patient at higher risk if therapy overshoots the mark. The answers to the questions in Table 37.3 guides the decision of parenteral versus oral therapy. Table 37.4 lists recommendations and precautions for therapeutic agents, and Table 37.5 lists proper dosing for each agent.
Once the patient is stable, additional diagnostic studies may proceed. An oral regimen can be started as the situation stabilizes. Because the ICU is an artificial environment, physicians should avoid attempts to normalize BP especially if large doses of medications are required. Further fine-tuning of BP to levels suggested by Joint National Committee VII [6] or the European Society of Hypertension/European Society of Cardiology guidelines for the management of hypertension [21] should occur once the patient resumes his or her usual diet, activity, and compliance at home.
Table 37.3 Parenteral Versus Oral Therapy of Hypertension in the Intensive Care Unit | |
Specific Hypertensive Crises
Acute Left Ventricular Heart Failure
Decreases in SVR and MAP improve left ventricular function by decreasing cardiac work, left ventricular wall tension, and oxygen demand. Intravenous nitroglycerin or nitroprusside are the agents of choice in acute heart failure because they rapidly reduce preload and diminish pulmonary congestion [20]. Nitroprusside, a balanced vasodilation with a decrease in both preload and afterload, is usually administered with other acute therapy for pulmonary edema, such as diuretics. Nitroglycerin has greater effect on the venous (preload) side than on the arterial side. Nitroglycerin is preferred for management of ischemic heart failure [20]. Because of the fairly rapid development of tachyphylaxis to nitrates, alternative and more chronic therapy should be instituted within 24 hours of initiation of therapy. The use of an intravenous ACE inhibitor in this situation is contraindicated though oral agents can be resumed or initiated.
Myocardial Ischemia or Infarction
Treatment of elevated BP is only part of the overall therapy to preserve and restore cardiac perfusion with anti-ischemic medications, antithrombotic agents, thrombolytic therapy, percutaneous coronary intervention, or surgery. Therapy should maintain local coronary arterial flow and not induce a steal syndrome with differential relaxation of coronary vessels. Because nitroprusside may actually divert the flow away from poststenotic areas, nitroglycerin is preferred. Beta-blockers given intravenously also act to maintain coronary perfusion in the face of decreased systemic pressures and decrease myocardial oxygen demand by lowering heart rate and BP. The use of an intravenous ACE inhibitor in patients with an acute myocardial infarction and depressed left ventricular function should be avoided as it may precipitate symptomatic hypotension. Uncontrolled hypertension (SBP > 180 mm Hg or DBP > 110 mm Hg) is a relative contraindication to treatment with fibrinolytic treatment [18].
Table 37.4 Treatment of Hypertensive Emergencies
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