5 Ethical Issues in Pediatric Anesthesiology
THERE ARE TWO OVERARCHING THEMES of this chapter: (1) Anesthesiologists must take seriously “the experience, perspective, and power of children,”1 and (2) anesthesiologists should treat every child and family with the grace and consideration with which they would want their own child and family treated.
Informed Consent
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) bases pediatric informed consent on assent, informed permission, and the best interests standard.1
THE Informed Consent Process
Assent: The Role of the Patient
Although most children cannot legally consent to medical care, children should share in decision making to the extent that their development permits (Table 5-1). As children grow older, participation in decision making should increase, depending on both their maturity and the consequences involved in the decision.2
TABLE 5-1 Graduated Involvement of Minors in Medical Decision Making*
Age | Decision-Making Capacity | Techniques |
<6 year | None | Best interests standard |
6-12 year | Developing | Informed permission Informed assent |
13-18 year | Mostly developed | Informed assent Informed permission |
Mature minor | Developed, as legally determined by a judge, for a specific decision. Although particulars vary by state, the mature minor doctrine in general requires adolescents to be at least 14 years old and tends to permit decisions of lesser risk. | Informed consent |
Emancipated minor | Developed as determined by statutes defining eligible situations (e.g., being married, in the military, economically independent). | Informed consent |
*This broad outline should be viewed as a guide. Specific circumstances should be taken into consideration.
Informed Permission and the Best Interests Standard
Parents have traditionally acted as the surrogate decision makers for their children, and legally they give consent. But surrogate consent does not fulfill the spirit of consent, which is based on obtaining an individualized autonomous decision from the patient receiving the treatment. The AAP has suggested that the proper role for the surrogate decision maker is to provide informed permission.1 Informed permission has the same requirements as informed consent, but it recognizes that the doctrine of informed consent cannot apply.
The best interests standard requires decision makers to select the objectively best care. It acknowledges that the cornerstone of informed consent, the right to self-determination, is inapplicable when it is impossible to know or surmise from previous interactions a child’s likely preference. Using this standard requires determining (1) who will make the decision and (2) what is the best care. The difficulties arise in assuming that there is always one best choice, because if there is, it should not matter who makes the decision. In our society, acceptable decision making is broadly defined. Parents capable of participating in the decision-making process are the appropriate primary decision makers. This is in part due to society’s respect for the concept of the family and the assumption that parents care greatly for their children. Although a child’s preferences cannot be known, it is reasonable to assume that because children will incorporate some of the parents’ values as they mature, parental values are a good first approximation for the child’s future values.3 A few have argued that the presumption that parents are the best decision makers needs to be more closely examined.4 These objections center on the legitimacy of the parents’ knowledge of the preferences of the child’s future self. Although these concerns are theoretically interesting and help physicians understand the complexities of the best interests standard, the standard is that parents have extensive leeway in determining what is in a child’s best interests.
Rather than rely on a rote informed consent process, anesthesiologists should seek to satisfy the needs of the decision makers by meeting their information and decision-making needs. Patients and surrogates differ in the extent to which they prefer to receive information and to participate in decision making.5–8 In general, 10% to 15% of patients may prefer less information than their peers. Overall, a quarter of patients want to be the primary decision maker, a quarter want the physician to be the primary decision maker, and half want some form of shared decision making.6,9,10
Anesthesiologists should inform families about matters that the anesthesiologist feels must be communicated and about options that affect the perioperative experience (e.g., regional versus general anesthesia). Following this baseline, anesthesiologists can then ask whether the decision makers wish to know more. By being attentive to the words and actions of the decision makers, anesthesiologists can tailor the process. The likelihood of being sued based on informed consent malpractice issues is very rare. Patient-driven interactions likely reduce malpractice lawsuits.11
Doctor, If This Were Your Child, What Would You Do?
Physicians should respond to requests for advice by using medical facts to explain how different paths support specific values, so that decision makers can choose the most concordant path. However, the question, “If this were your child, what would you do?” can be asked for a number of different reasons, forcing physicians to put the question into a broader context.12,13
Parents may be looking for support that they are making the right choice in an untenable situation. Physicians should answer with their best judgment if they agree with the family. If they disagree, physicians should lend support through comments such as, “Other parents in the same situation have made the same choice,” or by acknowledging that it is normal to feel uncertain.12 If the family persists in asking what they should do, physicians may wish to acknowledge that their choice might have been different. Physicians should emphasize, however, that parental values are more valid than physician values when referring to their own child.
Disclosure and Apology of Medical Errors
Hiding medical errors is indecent and breaches informed consent.14 Fear, inadequate support, and lack of education prevent physicians from disclosing and apologizing appropriately.14–18 Forthrightly disclosing medical errors, although upsetting, often strengthens the patient−physician relationship. Learning about a hidden medical error destroys trust and rapidly (and often appropriately) triggers legal action.
Physician apologies or sympathetic comments often are prohibited as legal evidence of wrongdoing.19 Nonetheless, disclosing and apologizing may influence whether patients pursue legal action and whether such action is successful.20,21 Sincere (not pro forma!) apologies and subsequent redress to prevent future occurrences improves the patient−physician relationship, minimizing the likelihood of legal action.11
Physicians without expertise in disclosure and apology often botch the process. Disclosure is a process over time. Initial disclosure should take place as soon as possible after an event and should center on the medical implications.22–24 Do not speculate about cause or fault. When disclosing, it is wise to bring along an appropriate colleague who can help with the disclosure by providing psychological support for the patient and family. Soon thereafter, a specific, permanent liaison to the family should be identified. The liaison should be available to arrange meetings, explain the results of the investigation into the cause of the event, and describe plans to prevent future events. The liaison should be trained and experienced in apology and disclosure (e.g., a colleague in risk management).
Special Situations in Pediatric Informed Consent
Confidentially for Adolescents
The obligation to maintain confidentiality requires physicians to protect patient information from unauthorized and unnecessary disclosure. Confidentiality is necessary for an open flow of information.25 The anesthesiologist enhances trust by interviewing the adolescent in private, acknowledging the adolescent’s concerns about confidentiality, and following through on promises. Emancipated and mature minors have a right to complete confidentiality. For other adolescents, if maintaining confidentiality entails minimal harm, physicians should encourage adolescents to be forthright with parents but respect their decision not to be. If maintaining confidentiality may result in serious harm to the adolescent, physicians may be ethically justified in notifying the parents.25
The Pregnant Adolescent
Anesthesiologists face confidentially issues when an adolescent has a positive pregnancy test before anesthesia. Given the principles of confidentiality, it is ethically appropriate to inform only the adolescent of the positive pregnancy test.26 Because many locales statutorily prohibit sharing pregnancy information with anyone other than the adolescent, anesthesiologists must share this information with the adolescent without letting the parents know. Anesthesiologists should involve pediatricians, gynecologists, and social workers with expertise in adolescent issues in this discussion.
The Adolescent and Abortion
Even though pediatric patients who are pregnant may be considered emancipated, many states require some form of parental involvement, such as parental consent or notification, before an elective abortion.27,28 If a state requires parental involvement, the ability of the minor to circumvent this regulation by seeking relief from a judge, known as judicial bypass, must be available. Requirements and enforcement of statutes vary from state to state.29 The need for parental involvement in a minor’s planned abortion is not always legally straightforward, and it may be best to consult with hospital counsel in determining these issues. Although this is clearly an area in which honorable people disagree, it is worth noting that both the AAP and the American Medical Association (AMA) have affirmed these rights.25,29,30
Children of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Jehovah’s Witnesses interpret biblical scripture as prohibiting transfusion therapy because blood holds the “life force” and anyone who takes blood will be “cut off from his people” and not earn eternal salvation.27,28 Adults may refuse transfusion therapy because it is assumed they are making an informed decision about the risks and benefits of transfusion. However, based on the obligations of the state to protect the interests of incompetent patients, courts have uniformly intervened when parents desire to refuse transfusion therapy on behalf of their children.
Emergency Care
Anesthesiologists should provide necessary emergent care for minors who do not have a parent available to give legal consent.31 Emergencies include problems that could cause death, disability, and the increased risk of future complications.
The right of an adolescent to refuse emergency care treatment turns on the adolescent’s decision-making capacity and the resulting harm from refusal of care.1 If the harm is significant and the adolescent’s rationale is decidedly short-term or filled with misunderstanding, it becomes necessary to consider whether the adolescent has sufficient decision-making capacity for this decision. In this situation, it may be appropriate to consider what is in the best interests of the adolescent. For example, a 15-year-old football player with a cervical fracture might refuse emergency stabilization, stating that he does not want to live life without football. Most would hold that his conclusion overly values short-term implications, especially in light of the suddenness of the injury, and that he should receive emergency treatment.
The Impaired Parent
Parents may be unable to fulfill surrogate responsibilities because of acutely impaired judgment, such as being intoxicated.32 Anesthesiologists will then have to weigh the benefits of waiting for appropriate legal consent against what is in the best interests of the child. It may be in the child’s best interests to proceed with a routine procedure in the situation of an impaired parent who is unable to give legal consent. Anesthesiologists may wish to consult legal and risk management colleagues for guidance.
End-of-Life Issues
Forgoing Potentially Life-Sustaining Treatment
Perioperative Limitations on Life-Sustaining Medical Therapy
The concept of limiting potentially life-sustaining medical therapy (LSMT) is the same for children as is for adults. Decision makers choose to limit LSMT because they do not consider the potential burdens worth the potential benefits.33 The AAP, the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), and the American College of Surgery mandate reevaluation of any limitations on LSMT before proceeding to the operating room.34–36
Reevaluation of LSMT preferences for the perioperative period starts with clarifying the patient’s goals for the proposed surgery and end-of-life care (Table 5-2). Anesthesiologists should involve the patient, family, and other clinicians such as surgeons, intensivists, and pediatricians in determining what is in the best interests of the child.
TABLE 5-2 Components of a Pediatric Perioperative LSMT Discussion
• Planned procedure and anticipated benefit to child
• Advantages and opportunities of having specific, identified clinicians providing therapy for a defined period
• Likelihood of requiring resuscitation
• Reversibility of likely causes for resuscitation
• Description of potential interventions and their consequences
• Chances of successful resuscitation including improved outcomes of witnessed arrests compared to unwitnessed arrests
• Ranges of outcomes with and without resuscitation
• Responses to iatrogenic events
• Intended and possible venues and types of postoperative care
• Postoperative timing and mechanisms for reevaluation of the limitations on LSMT
• Establishment of an agreement (which may include a full resuscitation status) through a goal-directed approach
LSMT, Life-sustaining medical therapy.
Adapted from Truog RD, Waisel DB, Burns JP. DNR in the OR: a goal-directed approach. Anesthesiology 1999;90:289-95; and Fallat ME, Deshpande JK. Do-not-resuscitate orders for pediatric patients who require anesthesia and surgery. Pediatrics 2004;114:1686-92.
Benefits of potentially LSMT include an improved quality of life and prolongation of life under certain circumstances. Burdens include intractable pain and suffering, disability, and events that cause a decrement in the quality of life, as viewed by the patient.37 These guidelines help in considering short- and long-term goals and putting into appropriate context specific fears such as long-term ventilatory dependency, pain, and suffering.
The goal-directed approach for perioperative limitations on LSMT permits decision makers to guide therapy by prioritizing outcomes rather than procedures.33 After defining desirable outcomes, decision makers have anesthesiologists use their clinical judgment to determine how specific interventions will affect achieving the specific goals. Predictions about the success of interventions made at the time of the resuscitation are more accurate than predictions made preoperatively, when the quality and nature of the problems are unknown. Therapy may be guided by goals rather than specific procedures (as is done on the ward), because during the perioperative period children are cared for by dedicated anesthesiologists for brief, defined periods. It is helpful to define a goal-directed approach by discussing the acceptable burdens, the desirable benefits, and the likelihood of distinct outcomes. Most decision makers choose a goal-directed approach indicating that they would desire therapy if the interventions and burdens were temporary and reversible (i.e., if they could return to the present state without suffering too much).
Barriers to Honoring Preferences for Resuscitation
Barriers to honoring limitations center on clinician attitudes, time pressures, and inadequate knowledge about policy, law, and ethics.38–43 In short, whereas patients prioritize functional status in choosing to limit LSMT, clinicians tend to base their opinions on diagnosis and life expectancy.

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