Emergency Oxygen Administration

Chapter 76 Emergency Oxygen Administration

Oxygen (O2) administration can be a critical adjunct to the delivery of effective emergency medical care. Medical personnel who practice in acute care settings must be familiar with O2, its therapeutic value, indications, hazards, and techniques for its effective delivery.

O2 is required for cellular metabolism, and is thus essential for life. It is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that makes up 21% of the earth’s atmosphere and is obtained commercially by the fractional distillation of air.3,4 In the case of hypoxia, convenient delivery mechanisms can enable uncomplicated administration of supplemental O2 in both the pre-hospital and hospital settings. Oxygen storage and administration must be controlled, because oxygen will also support and accelerate combustion, even though oxygen is not itself flammable.


Indications for the use of supplemental O2 include but are not limited to:2,5

In general, oxygen should be used for any condition that reduces oxygenation or tissue perfusion. Emergency oxygen first aid reduces hypoxia and hypoxemia, while reducing edema around injury sites. In a diving-related emergency, the diver may not be hypoxic and may be perfusing normally but should still receive emergency oxygen first aid. High concentrations of inspired oxygen create a large pressure gradient between the inhaled gas and the excess nitrogen in the body, helping to remove the built-up nitrogen quickly, reduce bubbles in the tissue, and possibly relieve symptoms of decompression illness.

Oxygen should be administered by providers trained in its use. According to an FDA statement “The Food and Drug Administration generally regards oxygen to be a prescription drug. Nevertheless, FDA recognizes that there are many circumstances under which it would be impractical to insist that oxygen be administered only under the supervision of a physician.”16

Although oxygen is considered a prescription drug by the FDA, the agency has acknowledged the importance of oxygen in medical emergencies and allows for the filling of medical oxygen cylinders for appropriately trained personnel. The following excerpt from the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research’s Human Drug CGMP Notes shows that for applications other than emergencies, a prescription is necessary.


In an acutely hypoxic patient there is no absolute contraindication to the administration of supplemental O2. The one potential exception to this is the person with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), who may be put at risk for respiratory depression. For such patients, treatment guidelines are optimally based on achieving target arterial oxygen tensions (or saturations) rather than on predetermined concentrations or flow rates of inspired oxygen. Evidence suggests that in patients with impending respiratory failure due to an acute exacerbation of COPD, the arterial oxygen saturation should be maintained no higher than 85% to 92% to minimize the rise in PCO2 that can accompany oxygen administration.11



Medical O2 cylinders are made of aluminum or steel and come in a variety of sizes (Table 76-1; Figures 76-1 and 76-2). The working pressure of steel medical O2 cylinders is 2015 psi. The working pressure of aluminum O2 cylinders is either 2015 psi or 2216 psi, depending on the type.

Oxygen cylinders in the United States are usually painted green or have distinctive green shoulders. In 2006, the European Union (EU) standardized medical gas identification for cylinders. The EU standard requires all oxygen cylinders to have white shoulders, referring to the top of the cylinder nearest the pillar valve. The body of the cylinder can be green or black.

Cylinders come in two practical field sizes: D (50.8 cm [20 inches] in length; carries 360 L of oxygen) and E (76.2 cm [30 inches] in length; carries 625 L of oxygen). The length of time that oxygen can be delivered is calculated by dividing the tank capacity by the flow rate.

In the United States, any pressure vessel that is transported on public roads is subject to U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) regulations. The U.S. DOT requires that cylinders undergo visual and hydrostatic testing every 5 years. Cylinders that do not pass are destroyed, and those that pass are appropriately stamped and labeled.13 Gas suppliers will not fill cylinders that have not been appropriately tested and stamped.

Devices for Ventilation of Nonbreathing Patients

All of the following devices keep direct patient contact at a minimum to reduce the risk for disease transmission. In addition, personal protective equipment (e.g., gloves, goggles) and standard precautions practices should be observed at all times. When used on a nonintubated patient, these devices all depend on adequate mask seal to ensure optimal oxygen delivery and ventilatory support.

Bag-Valve-Mask Device

The bag-valve-mask (BVM) device consists of a mask, bag, and valves that control or direct the flow of air and O2. Like the FROPV, different mask sizes can be used to accommodate different faces or can be attached directly to an endotracheal tube. The volume of the bag is 1600 mL in most commercially available models (Figure 76-4).

An adult BVM device should have the following features: (1) a nonjam inlet valve system allowing a maximum oxygen inlet flow of 30 L/min; (2) either no pressure relief valve or, if a pressure relief valve is present, a pressure relief valve capable of being closed; (3) standard 15-mm/22-mm fittings; (4) an oxygen reservoir to allow delivery of high concentrations of oxygen; (5) a nonrebreathing outlet valve that cannot be obstructed by foreign material; and (6) ability to function satisfactorily under common environmental conditions and extremes of temperature.10

An advantage of the BVM is that although it works best with supplemental O2, it will function on room air if the O2 supply is depleted. In addition, in intubated patients, experienced health care providers may be able to “feel” decreased lung compliance.

The primary disadvantage is that it requires training and practice to use effectively. In addition, many find it is difficult to maintain adequate mask seal and ventilate sufficient volumes when only one rescuer is available. Even with proper training, few individuals can maintain adequate mask seal and a patent airway with one hand while squeezing the bag fully to achieve the 700 to 1000 mL standard volume. The U.S. DOT National Standard Curricula for first responders, EMTs, and paramedics recommend the BVM be used first with two rescuers (one maintaining mask seal and patency of the airway, the other squeezing the bag). The NSC recommends that a BVM with one rescuer be the last choice (after all other devices and techniques) in ventilating a patient.13

In addition, the BVM has no overpressurization relief valve. This is rarely a concern in nonintubated patients because of the aforementioned difficulties in achieving even minimally acceptable ventilatory volumes, but it is of concern in intubated patients.

When using a BVM:

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Sep 7, 2016 | Posted by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Emergency Oxygen Administration

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