Chapter 3 Margaret L. Campbell and Michael A. Stellini Dyspnea is “a subjective experience of breathing discomfort that consists of qualitatively distinct sensations that vary in intensity” [1]. Dyspnea, also referred to as breathlessness, shortness of breath, or difficulty in breathing, is akin to suffocation and one of the most frightening symptom experiences. Dyspnea prompts visits to the emergency department and subsequent hospital admissions for three to four million patients per year in the United States [2]. Dyspnea predicts imminent respiratory failure and warrants rapid clinical responsiveness consistent with the patient’s treatment goals. As many as 50% of patients admitted to hospitals complain of dyspnea. Patients at greatest risk include those with heart failure (HF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), primary and secondary lung cancer, and pneumonia, which is commonly seen at the end of life in patients dying from any cause. Patients with advanced COPD typically have high levels of dyspnea throughout disease progression contrasted with patients with lung cancer who develop dyspnea in the last weeks of life [3]. HF patients experience dyspnea during a pulmonary edema exacerbation and at the end of life secondary to respiratory muscle wasting [4]. Of critically ill patients, including those mechanically ventilated, dyspnea is the most distressing reported symptom [5]. High-quality palliative care for dyspnea requires comprehensive, valid, and reliable measurement. The simplest assessment in patients who are able to self-report symptoms is to ask “Are you short of breath?” or “Are you getting enough air?” The numeric rating scale, for those able to report, is an appropriate palliative care tool, although limited since only presence and intensity are identified [6]. A typical numeric rating scale is anchored at 0 for “no shortness of breath” to 10 representing “the worst possible shortness of breath.” Patients may have familiarity with a 0–10 scale since most hospitals use this medium for routine pain assessment. Seriously or critically ill and patients near death are often temporarily or permanently cognitively impaired or unconscious and limited in their abilities to provide a symptom self-report [7]. The Respiratory Distress Observation Scale (RDOS) is a valid and reliable tool for measuring signs consistent with dyspnea presence, intensity, and response to treatment for patients unable to use a self-report measure. The RDOS is an eight-item ordinal tool with eight behavioral variables (see Table 3.1). Each item is scored from zero to two points and the points are summed. Higher scores suggest higher intensity respiratory distress [8]. The RDOS has application for all patients at risk for respiratory distress who are unable to reliably report dyspnea, including those undergoing invasive and noninvasive mechanical ventilation. This tool is in use in some hospital systems. In the absence of the RDOS, physical signs can be observed to indicate distress, including tachycardia, tachypnea, restlessness, accessory muscle use, paradoxical breathing pattern, grunting at end expiration, and a fearful facial display [9]. Table 3.1 Respiratory Distress Observation Scale Source: Figures courtesy of Ursula Hess, University of Quebec at Montreal. Instruction for use: When the patient is not near death it is prudent to consider the etiology of dyspnea in the event a disease-modifying intervention is indicated. When the patient is near death, the burden of a workup may be out of proportion to the benefit. The patient’s treatment goals will determine when a workup is indicated. In the case of advanced and terminal illness, the least invasive test that yields the most information is helpful. For patients with known chronic illnesses causing dyspnea, aggressive treatment of the underlying disease is the first approach. For example, the “palliative” treatment of HF is the treatment of HF. When dyspnea is refractory to aggressive usual treatments, the use of specific symptom control measures, global dyspnea treatment, described below is indicated. Physical examination is a foundation of diagnostic efforts. Following and during history taking (in the verbal patient), observe for facial signs of distress (“fear face,” nasal flaring, pursed lip breathing), how long the patient can talk without stopping, respiratory effort, respiratory rate, intercostal retractions, abdominal breathing, and end-expiratory grunting. (You can observe a lot just by looking—Yogi Berra.) Auscultation and percussion are also useful in helping to determine diagnosis and guiding use of imaging studies. In addition to lung findings summarized in the following, listen to the heart for rate, murmurs, and gallops. Also, evaluate the neck for venous distension and the abdomen for evidence of ascites (Table 3.2). Table 3.2 Chest Auscultation and Percussion Summary A great deal can be determined from a simple upright chest film, for example, detection of pulmonary edema, infection, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. This can be used for detection of pulmonary embolism, pneumonitis, fibrosis, or carcinomatosis. Use should be guided by the stage of known underlying disease and goals of treatment. Occasionally, symptomatic effusions not detected with chest X-ray can be found with ultrasound. Blood gases are painful and of little value in terminal illness and when the patient is near death unless mechanical ventilation use is consistent with the patient’s treatment goals and hypercarbic respiratory failure is suspected. If determining hypercarbia is important, capnography (where available) to measure exhaled carbon dioxide or venous blood gases [10] can be used with less burden to the patient. Hypoxemia can be reliably measured with oximetry. Severe anemia will produce dyspnea and other symptoms. Consider the potential cause, for example, blood loss, hemolysis, and marrow failure/infiltration, and whether investigation is warranted based on the invasiveness of the diagnostic tests and likelihood of reversibility. Transfusion provides symptomatic relief, but at some point, benefit wanes as the patient’s overall condition deteriorates. Treatment of dyspnea will depend on the patient’s treatment goals, nearness to death, and likelihood of a positive response. Disease-modifying treatments such as antibiotics or chemotherapy may be considered based on the stage of underlying disease, prognosis, and treatment goals. These, as well as interventions such as mechanical ventilation, often can be more burdensome than beneficial for patients near death. The availability of an intervention does not mandate its use, when the burden/benefit ratio is not favorable. We are not obligated, nor should we provide interventions that are useless. This “withholding of care” often requires detailed, empathic discussion with patients and families. However, supportive treatments such as bronchodilators and anticholinergics, where indicated, should be maintained. These agents can be transitioned from metered-dose inhalers to aerosol (nebulized) treatments as the patient becomes cognitively impaired. Draining pleural effusions can provide significant relief of dyspnea. If the effusion is recurring, consider placement of a permanent catheter. A simple pigtail catheter or a tunneled device can be used; the latter has potential for decreased risk of infection. Some of the equipment needed for ongoing, repeated drainage can be quite expensive depending on the brand. If life expectancy is short, for example, weeks, the simple pigtail catheter, equipped with a stopcock, is both convenient and inexpensive, and infection risk is not high or of great concern. Case management assistance will be needed to plan for home or facility discharge when a tube is left in place. While the management of these tubes is not generally difficult, they can induce initial anxiety in family caregivers who will need teaching prior to home discharge. While the insertion of permanent drainage catheters is generally simple, quick, and not uncomfortable, the alternative approach of pleurodesis may be considered. Recent published guidelines for initial management of malignant pleural effusions recommend pleurodesis. However, good evidence is available about the equivalence of pleurodesis and catheter management in relieving dyspnea in the short term, with some advantage of catheters at 6 months or greater. About half of catheter treated patients had spontaneous pleurodesis and many had the catheter subsequently removed. Patients receiving catheters had significantly shorter initial and follow-up hospital lengths of stay [11]. For patients with an expected very short life-expectancy, the length of stay issue may be very important—favoring catheters. Overall, comfort of the patient and caregivers with an ability to handle the catheter care and use and length of hospital stay are the major considerations in choosing therapy. Removal of ascites can provide great relief of dyspnea as well as abdominal symptoms such as pain, constipation, and urinary urgency. Removal of 2–4 l is generally safe and does not require the use of albumin administration. For recurrent accumulation, a permanent catheter can be placed with the same considerations as for thoracentesis. Interventions such as transfusions and diuretics should be given if they provide symptom relief without causing other complications. For transfusions in particular, consider the burden of repeated use and the overall picture of the patient’s condition. Glucocorticoids can be useful in the treatment of COPD as well as other pulmonary conditions. In addition to relief of dyspnea, other effects such as a feeling of increased energy, increased appetite, and overall feeling of enhanced well-being may be achieved. In the palliative setting, consideration of long-term effects of steroids may be less of a concern. Do be mindful of short-term adverse effects such as hyperglycemia and confusion/psychosis. Refractory dyspnea is understood to be present when the patient’s underlying condition has been optimized. Treatment for refractory dyspnea is also known as “global dyspnea treatment” (Table 3.3). Table 3.3 Summary of Global Dyspnea Interventions An upright position with the head of the bed as high as possible is generally useful, particularly in COPD [12]. Arms elevated and resting on a pillow on the overbed table with the head of the bed elevated increases vital capacity and may foster dyspnea relief. In some patients with unilateral disease, a side-lying position with the “good” lung up or down improves ventilation or perfusion. Trial-and-error approaches using the individual patient as his/her own control will yield the ideal position. Nurses need to be aware of the “ideal” position for respiratory comfort so other imperatives such as “turn q2” can be overridden. Oxygen is useful to treat dyspnea when the patient is hypoxemic (SpO2 ≤ 85%). Oxygen is better tolerated delivered by nasal cannula; a face mask induces a feeling of suffocation and is aesthetically less desirable as well. Humidification should be added if flow rates exceed 4 l/min to minimize the risk of nasal drying and/or nosebleed. High-flow oxygen (where available) delivers up to 40 l/min; as of this writing, clinical trials are underway to determine if there is a role for high-flow oxygen in the palliation of refractory dyspnea [21]. If the patient is being discharged to home, an oxygen assessment must be performed for insurance to cover the cost of oxygen. The patient must desaturate at rest or with activity to a PaO2 of less than 55mmHg or SpO2 of less than 88%. NOTE that if the patient is being discharged with hospice care, this assessment is not usually required, as the hospice agency is the payer and will provide the oxygen based on its own criteria. Oxygen has not been found to be useful in nonhypoxemic dyspnea; no significant or clinically important differences were found when oxygen was compared to medical air [14, 22]. Relief may be achieved from cool air flowing toward the patient’s face. A bedside fan may be useful but is sometimes difficult to operationalize in the hospital due to bioengineering constraints [23, 24]. When the patient is near death and is hypersomnolent or unconscious, with no signs of respiratory distress, oxygen need not be initiated, and if flowing, it can usually be withdrawn, regardless of oxygenation [25]. Withdrawing oxygen during last hours permits a natural death trajectory; continued oxygen in the absence of patient distress may merely prolong dying. Removing a visible intervention such as oxygen may be disconcerting to the family; alternatively removing oxygen produces an aesthetically pleasing, natural patient appearance. Tactfully explain the rationale for removing this nonbeneficial and burdensome intervention to the family as well as the nursing and respiratory therapy staff. An added benefit of removing oxygen is a quieter environment for the dying patient and family, particularly when humidifiers or masks were in use. Close bedside observation for signs of respiratory distress for several minutes after oxygen withdrawal is indicated. There is no benefit to measuring peripheral oxygen saturation as this is a measure of pulmonary function and not a measure of dyspnea or respiratory distress. Opioids, morphine, and fentanyl, in oral or parenteral preparations, are the only medications supported by evidence to reduce dyspnea as primary agents [18]. Opioids reduce the effect of hypoxemia or hypercarbia on ventilation [1, 26]. Optimal dosing for dyspnea has not been established, and pharmacovigilance studies are underway [27, 28]. Typical doses of opioids for dyspnea relief are smaller than those used for pain control. Most of the opioid research for treating dyspnea has been conducted with morphine or fentanyl; similar effectiveness with other classes of opioids such as hydromorphone or methadone has not been established. Morphine is the drug of choice for dyspnea relief; fentanyl is safer when the patient has renal impairment. Severe, unrelieved dyspnea is a palliative care emergency that warrants frequent assessment and rapid titration of opioids (morphine or fentanyl). A recommended titration plan follows. In general, the onset of action of intravenously administered morphine is at 5–10 min with peak effect usually at 15–30 min. Fentanyl has an onset of 1–5 min with a peak effect at 3–5 min. As always in the palliative setting, goals and expected outcomes should be considered when deciding on how quickly to repeat doses. The other consideration is the degree of discomfort displayed by the patient. So, for a patient who is actively dying and in severe distress, a more rapid readministration, for instance, at 5–10 min, may be acceptable and the best approach. For a patient with less severe distress and whose life expectancy is not just minutes to hours, a more conservative approach of redosing at 15–30 min would be prudent. The general pharmacokinetic principle here is that redosing before steady state has been achieved can lead to overdosing. While we never intentionally overdose patients, even in the palliative setting, a high degree of suffering and nearness to death will permit a more “aggressive titration” which is acceptable. Administer an initial intravenous (2 mg) dose of morphine. Wait for 10–15 min for an IV peak effect. Standing by waiting for the peak effect can be difficult; reassure the patient that you are not leaving until they have relief. Relief is indicated by the patient’s report or RDOS or reduction in signs of respiratory distress (decreased use of accessory muscles, less tachypnea, etc.). If dyspnea persists, administer another dose that is 50–100% greater than the original dose (3–4 mg); continue administration every 5–15 min until relief is obtained. Maintain relief with an around-the-clock dose every 4 h that corresponds to the total amount of medication given during rapid titration; a continuous morphine infusion at 50% of the bolus dosing alternatively may be useful. Thus, if 5 mg of intravenous morphine produced respiratory comfort then 5 mg every 4 h or 2.5 mg/h as a continuous infusion is indicated. Breakthrough dyspnea will require an as needed dose of morphine. When respiratory comfort is established using intravenous morphine, conversion to an oral immediate-release formulation is indicated, particularly if the patient is not near death and/or is going home or to a facility. The effectiveness of long-acting formulations has not been established; thus, it may be most prudent to maintain respiratory comfort with immediate-release formulations. When the patient is near death, the ability to swallow becomes impaired. Maintain an IV access, if possible, for rapid onset and ease of administration. When there is no IV access, concentrated immediate-release morphine (20 mg/ml) can be effective when instilled into the buccal space (cheek) with eventual trickling down the pharynx into the esophagus. Constipation remains a problem with opioid use and a laxative bowel regimen should be initiated with the opioid regimen and continued as long as the patient can swallow. Respiratory depression in the dying patient is difficult to detect since respiratory slowing typifies the last hours; respiratory depression was not evident in previous opioid studies [18, 27]. Benzodiazepines as primary agents for dyspnea were not effective [29]; they may be useful as an adjunct to opioids [19]. Consider adding a benzodiazepine to the dyspnea opioid regimen when the patient requires frequent doses, when the doses are escalating, or when the patient reports or displays anxiety or fear. Starting with lorazepam 1 mg orally or parenterally every 6 h as needed is a reasonable approach. Alprazolam can also be used but is only available orally. Lorazepam tablets easily dissolve and are quite reliably absorbed sublingually and are a good option when there is no IV access and the patient cannot swallow pills easily. Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is an effective treatment for acute respiratory failure [30]. Effectiveness to palliate dyspnea is less well established [31]. In the case of refractory dyspnea with no expectations for disease modification, NIV becomes a relatively permanent treatment; end points need to be determined with the patient. When the patient is near death, and conscious, NIV may be useful to provide some additional time for life closure. When the patient is near death and hypersomnolent or unconscious, there is no patient role for NIV; families may request prolongation to meet the family needs. Stopping points when the patient no longer benefits need to be diplomatically negotiated with the family. An NIV task force of the Society of Critical Care Medicine made recommendations regarding three categories of patients: (1) NIV with no limits on advanced life support, (2) NIV with “do not intubate” limitations, and (3) NIV with comfort measures only. In Category 1 the expectation is a return to baseline and unassisted breathing; the patient may deteriorate in spite of NIV and accept mechanical ventilation or improve. In Category 2 the goal is also a return to baseline but in this case if the patient declines with NIV or finds NIV intolerable than other palliative treatments for dyspnea are indicated, such as opioids. In Category 3, for which there is little evidence, the goal of NIV is to reduce dyspnea. The end point is improved symptoms; failure to improve symptoms or worsening discomfort from the NIV warrants discontinuation [32].
Dyspnea: Management in Seriously Ill Hospitalized Patients
0 Points
1 Point
2 Points
Heart rate per minute
<90 beats
90–109 beats
≥110 beats
Respiratory rate per minute
≤18 breaths
19–30 breaths
>30 breaths
Restlessness: nonpurposeful movements
Occasional, slight movements
Frequent movements
Paradoxical breathing pattern: abdomen moves in on inspiration
Accessory muscle use: rise in clavicle during inspiration
Slight rise
Pronounced rise
Grunting at end expiration: guttural sound
Nasal flaring: involuntary movement of nares
Look of fear
Eyes wide open, facial muscles tense, brow furrowed, mouth open, teeth together
Specific Conditions Which Cause Dyspnea to Consider
3.4.1 Physical Exam
Findings on Auscultation
Findings on Percussion
Bronchial breath sounds, rhonchi, increased fremitus
Pulmonary edema
Basilar crackles
Pleural effusion
Diminished sounds over effusion; no increased fremitus
Pneumonitis and fibrosis
Diffuse “dry” crackles
Lymphangitic carcinomatosis
Possible diffuse “dry” crackles
Diminished/absent breath sounds
Hyperresonance over area of pneumothorax
Diminished sounds, prolonged expiratory phase, wheezes
Diffuse hyperresonance
3.4.2 Imaging Studies
Chest X-Ray.
Computed Tomography.
3.4.3 Laboratory Tests
Arterial Blood Gases.
3.5.1 Disease-Modifying Treatments
3.5.2 Supportive Interventions for Symptom Relief
3.5.3 Global Dyspnea Treatment
Mode of Action
Optimal positioning, usually upright with arms elevated and supported [12, 13]
Whenever patient reports dyspnea or displays respiratory distress
Increased pulmonary volume capacity
Oxygen as indicated by goals of therapy; no evidence for use in terminal illness unless patient is hypoxemic [14–16].
Variable, guided by goals of therapy and patient characteristics
Improves the partial pressure of oxygen, reduces lactic acidemia
Cold cloth on face [17]
As needed
Trigeminal nerve stimulation, action on dyspnea unknown
Opioids, such as morphine or fentanyl [18]
Low doses titrated to the patient’s report of dyspnea or display of dyspnea behaviors is effective; oral or parenteral; no evidence to support inhaled; no evidence on dosing regimens
Uncertain direct effect, reduced brainstem sensitivity to oxygen and carbon dioxide, altered central nervous perception
Benzodiazepines, such as lorazepam or midazolam [19, 20]
Low doses titrated to the patient’s report of dyspnea or display of dyspnea behaviors, no evidence for benzodiazepine regimens
Sample morphine titration plan: patient in severe distress.
Noninvasive Ventilation.

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