Difficult and Failed Intubation: Strategies, Prevention and Management of Airway-related Catastrophes in Obstetrical Patients

Difficult and Failed Intubation: Strategies, Prevention and Management of Airway-related Catastrophes in Obstetrical Patients

Maya S. Suresh

Ashutosh Wali

Edward T. Crosby


Complications of airway management, that is, difficult laryngoscopy, failed tracheal intubation, and inability to ventilate or oxygenate following induction of general anesthesia (GA) for cesarean delivery (CD) are major contributory factors leading to maternal morbidity and mortality in the United States (1). The trend in clinical practice of obstetric anesthesia has shifted toward enhanced use of regional anesthesia (RA) thus resulting in a dramatic decline in GA even in large tertiary centers with high volume deliveries (2). The enthusiasm for providing GA in obstetrics has been severely diminished as reflected by the serial reports from the Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in the United Kingdom, from 1976 to 2005, detailing the all too frequent deaths of mothers resulting from a failure to establish an airway.

The decreased use of GA in obstetrics raises several concerns:

  • Clinical Concern: Obstetric patients that do receive GA have the following characteristics: (a) Majority are high-risk patients with additional comorbidities and (b) Obesity during pregnancy has increased exponentially, thus these patients pose increased risks and challenges in providing GA.

  • Patient Safety Concern: The incidence of difficult intubation (DI) in pregnant patients has not changed significantly and continues to be a problem. Since GA for cesarean delivery is frequently reserved for true emergencies, these high level stress situations may lead to an inadequate airway assessment, inadequate preparation, or inadequate experience of the anesthesia practitioner to manage the difficult airway in the obstetric patient. These high stress situations, thus, can contribute to the risk of difficult or failed tracheal intubation, leading to the possibility of 200% morbidity and mortality, that is, in mother and baby.

  • Educational Concern: The declining GA experience of anesthesia trainees necessitates academic obstetric anesthesiologists to search for alternative educational modalities to enhance the advanced airway experience.

There have been tremendous advances in airway management in recent years: (1) Introduction and revision of the American Society of Anesthesiologists’ (ASA) Task Force Recommendations for Management of the Difficult Airway (3), (2) vast increase in the body of knowledge in advanced airway management, (3) availability of numerous airway devices as adjuncts to airway management, and (4) exponential increase in publications worldwide in advanced airway management. These improvements have led to a documented decline in the incidence of airway-related perioperative morbidity in the general surgical population (4). In obstetrical patients, because of increased use of regional anesthesia and the experience with the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) in managing the difficult airway, the incidence of brain death and mortality has decreased (5); however, the incidence of difficult tracheal intubation has not declined.

Goals and Steps in Obstetric Anesthesia with Relation to Airway Management

Since the impact of maternal death due to failed tracheal intubation is enormous in terms of its devastating effect on the family and the financial liability in obstetric-related claims, the following goals are important to implement (Table 24-1):

  • Ensuring safe and optimal outcomes for both mother and fetus

  • Establishing oxygenation and ventilation should take a priority requiring the use of alternative rescue airway devices in these emergent situations in an obstetric patient

  • Balancing the urgency of delivering the baby while keeping maternal safety in mind

  • Preventing pulmonary aspiration particularly with the use of supraglottic airways in a patient with full stomach

  • The ultimate goal should be to eliminate entirely the airway-related maternal and neonatal adverse outcomes.

With these goals in mind, it is prudent for the obstetric anesthesia practitioner to follow these steps:

(1) Determine the predictors of the difficult airway; (2) assess risk factors that predispose to airway-related complications; (3) have a pre-formulated airway rescue plan, within the framework of a well thought out algorithm, for managing the difficult airway which should be worked out ahead of time; (4) have airway devices/equipment/difficult airway cart immediately available in the labor and delivery suite and the operating rooms to manage the difficult airway. When tracheal intubation has failed, ventilation with mask and cricoid pressure, or with a supraglottic airway device (e.g., intubating laryngeal mask airway; (Fastrach™) Combitube® should be considered for maintaining an airway and ventilating the lungs; (5) understand balancing the urgency of delivering the baby and also preventing pulmonary aspiration with the use of supraglottic airways for oxygenation and ventilation; (6) acquire and maintain advanced airway management skills, including cricothyroidotomy skills. If it is not possible to ventilate or awaken the patient, an airway should be created surgically.

The ASA task force on obstetric anesthesia published the Practice Guidelines for Obstetric Anesthesia in 2007 (6). The
guidelines clearly state that labor and delivery suites should have personnel and equipment readily available to manage airway emergencies, including a pulse oximeter and qualitative carbon dioxide detector, consistent with the ASA Practice Guidelines for Management of the Difficult Airway (3).

Table 24-1 Goals and Steps for Difficult Airway Management in Obstetric Anesthesia

Goals Steps to Achieve Goals
Ensure safe outcomes for mother and baby Be cognizant of predictors of the difficult airway
Establish oxygenation and ventilation; a priority which may require the use of alternative airway device Assess risk factors that predispose to airway-related complications
Balance urgency of delivering the baby while keeping maternal safety in mind Have an airway rescue plan, within the framework of a well thought out algorithm, for managing the difficult airway
Prevent regurgitation and pulmonary aspiration Have airway devices/equipment/difficult airway cart immediately available in the labor and delivery suite and the operating rooms to manage the difficult airway
Eliminate airway-related maternal and neonatal adverse outcomes entirely Acquire and maintain advanced airway management skills, including cricothyroidotomy skills

Epidemiology of Airway-Related Morbidity and Mortality

Anesthesia-related mortality ranks seventh among the leading causes of maternal deaths in the United States (7) and United Kingdom (8). Even in developing countries, anesthesia is emerging as an additional risk for maternal mortality (9) and remains largely under-reported. The inability to maintain a patent airway and effectively oxygenate after failed intubation and ventilation remains a major concern and a significant source of malpractice claims in obstetric anesthesia (5).

Table 24-2 Case Fatality Rates and Rate Ratios of Anesthesia-related Deaths During Cesarean Delivery by Type of Anesthesia in the United States, 1979–2002

Year of Death Case Fatality Ratesa
General Anesthetic Regional Anesthetic Rate Ratios
1979–1984 20.0 8.6 2.3 (95% CI 1.9–2.9)
1985–1990 32.3 1.9 16.7 (95% CI 12.9–21.8)
1991–1996 16.8 2.5 6.7 (95% CI 3.0–14.9)
1997–2002 6.5 3.8 1.7 (95% C 0.6–4.6)
CI, confidence interval.
aDeaths per million general or regional anesthetics.
Reprinted with permission from: Hawkins JL, Chang J, Palmer SK, et al. Anesthesia-related maternal mortality in the united states: 1979–2002. Obstet Gynecol 2011;117(1):69–74.

Epidemiology of General Anesthesia-related Morbidity and Mortality

United States of America (USA) Data

Overall anesthesia-related complications have progressively declined and currently account for 1.6% of total pregnancy-related deaths in the USA (10). In the last three decades, GA-related complications, specifically airway-related complications leading to maternal deaths, have declined significantly (10). The shift away from GA to regional anesthesia (RA) in obstetrical care was accelerated in 1997, when Hawkins et al. published the first national study in the United States, reporting a 16.7 relative risk increase in mortality in mothers provided GA compared with those who had received RA (1). The majority of the anesthesia-related deaths (82%) took place during CD and these deaths were due to difficult or failed intubation, pulmonary aspiration, and respiratory-related complications. Death rates during CD increased from 20 per million (1979–1984) to 32.3 per million (1985–1990) for GA (Table 24-2). Conversely, the death rate for RA during the same time periods declined from 8.6 to 1.9 per million. The relative risk ratio of GA mortality was 2.3 times that of RA (1).

In a follow-up study, Hawkins et al. examined and estimated the trends in 12 years of anesthesia-related maternal deaths from 1991 to 2002 and compared it to previous data of anesthesia-related maternal mortality from 1979 to 1990 (10). The case fatality risk ratio between the two techniques for 1997–2002 was 1.7 compared with 16.7 for the previous study period from 1985 to 1990. Anesthetic-related maternal mortality decreased nearly 60% when comparing the 1979–1990 epoch with that of 1991–2002. Although the data is encouraging, the follow-up study shows that complications related to anesthesia continue to occur. The results showed that of the 86 pregnancy deaths, with the exclusion of 30 deaths (27 due to early losses—abortion and ectopic pregnancies and 3 deaths whose pregnancy outcome was not known); the remaining 56 maternal deaths were associated with mainly airway-related complications of anesthesia and accounted for 1.6% of total pregnancy-related deaths. Case fatality rates for GA continued to decline from 16.8 per million in 1991–1996 to 6.5 per million in 1997–2002 (Table 24-2). Almost all women who died from complications of anesthesia, between the periods of 1991 and 2002, were undergoing cesarean delivery (86%), similar to the previous report (82%) (1,10). Overall, the leading causes of anesthesia-related maternal mortality in pregnancy, during 1991–2002, were tracheal intubation failure or induction problems (23%), respiratory failure (20%), and high spinal or epidural block (16%) which was also followed by respiratory failure.

Improvements in case fatality rate for GA are especially notable, given the fact that recent reports indicate that GA in obstetrical patients is reserved for high-risk parturients with comorbidities and in cases where there is a perceived lack of time for RA techniques (11). These findings were corroborated by Bloom et al. in 2005, who reported that GA is increasingly reserved for cases when the decision-to-incision interval is less than 15 minutes or when ASA status is greater than 4, that is, for the most emergent cases and the sickest patients (12). These findings are further supported by those of Palanisamy et al. in 2011 who found that GA was used for less than 1% of CD in a major USA center and was administered predominantly for emergency indications where there is perceived lack of time for neuraxial techniques, and in high-risk parturients with associated significant hematologic, neurologic, infectious or cardiac diseases (2).

Data suggests that the anesthetic death rate has stabilized at about 1 per million live births (10). The elements of care which have led to a reduction in maternal mortality associated with GA have not been identified, but changing patterns of anesthesia practice, greater use of protocols and algorithms for the management of difficult airway, and the increased availability and application of alternate airway technologies are likely relevant in this regard (10).

The increased utilization of neuraxial techniques for providing labor analgesia and anesthesia for CD has been prompted by a number of benefits and concerns, with the most prominent reason being to avoid the potentially difficult airway and the risk of pulmonary aspiration in obstetric patients. Although case fatality rates for GA are falling, there is a new emerging problem, the rate for RA case fatality has increased from 2.5 per million in 1991–1996 to 3.8 per million in 1997–2002 with a slight increase in deaths associated with RA- and airway-related issues (10). The exact causes for RA-related mortality during the latest study period is not substantiated; it could be due to undetected intrathecal catheters during epidural placement, high spinal, followed by respiratory arrest and unavailability of trained personnel and airway equipment for timely intervention (5).

United Kingdom (UK) Data

The Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Death in England and Wales reports are comprehensive and have provided continuous information since 1952. In the United Kingdom, despite the decline in the total number of maternal deaths, from 1968 to 1984, anesthetic deaths consistently accounted for approximately 10% of the total direct deaths. The pregnancy-related mortality ratios from anesthesia are very similar in the United States and in the United Kingdom (Table 24-3) (10). Similar to the United States, the anesthesia-related maternal mortality changes in anesthesia practice in the United Kingdom have been associated with a decline in anesthesia-related maternal mortality (13) from 8.7 in 1979–1981 to 1.4 maternal deaths per million live births in 1997–1999 followed by an increase to 3.0 maternal deaths per million maternities in 2000–2002 (10).

During the triennium, 1982 to 1984, anesthesia was the third leading cause of death resulting in 19 of 243 deaths, of which 15 deaths were due to airway-related difficulties (14).

The confidential enquiry spanning 1994 to 1996 showed that anesthesia was responsible for only one out of 268 maternal deaths. In the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health (CEMACH) 2000–2002 study, there were six direct deaths due to anesthesia; of the six deaths there were two deaths and one direct late death that resulted from esophageal intubation. In two of the cases, anesthesia was being administered for urgent CD by trainees without senior backup. The anesthesia care that was rendered was considered substandard (8). The estimated risk of death due to GA was calculated as one death per 20,000 general anesthetics (8).

Table 24-3 Pregnancy-related Mortality Ratio Due to Anesthesia in the United States and United Kingdom, 1979–2002

Triennium United Statesa United Kingdomb
1979–1981 4.3 8.7
1982–1984 3.3 7.2
1985–1987 2.3 1.9
1988–1990 1.7 1.7
1991–1993 1.4 3.5
1994–1996 1.1 0.5
1997–1999 1.2 1.4
2000–2002 1.0 3.0
aMaternal deaths per million live births.
bMaternal deaths per million maternities (live births, stillbirths, pregnancy terminations, ectopic pregnancies, and abortions).
From: Hawkins JL, Chang J, Palmer SK, et al. Anesthesia-related maternal mortality in the United States: 1979–2002. Obstet Gynecol 2011;117(1):71.

Maternal Deaths and Airway-related Issues Following Emergence

USA Data

Where once airway-attributed maternal death was most likely to be a result of failed ventilation or pulmonary aspiration associated with difficult intubation at the induction of anesthesia, now it seems to be increasingly associated with extubation or respiratory difficulties arising in the early postoperative period. Following a review of records for pregnancy-associated deaths in the state of Michigan between 1985 and 2003, Mhyre et al. reported that 8 of 855 pregnancy-associated deaths (15) that occurred during emergence. Of these eight deaths, five deaths resulted from hypoventilation or airway obstruction during emergence, extubation, or recovery. This study highlighted the importance of airway-related problems, during emergence, particularly in the morbidly obese and Africa-American population, the lack of proper supervision and the importance of vigilance in monitoring and management in the postoperative period so as to prevent airway-related complications. The strategies and recommendations for avoiding hypoventilation or airway obstruction and airway catastrophes in the postoperative are explained later in the chapter.

UK Data

Concurrent with the reduction in the use of GA in obstetrics, there has also been a change in the etiology of anesthesia-attributable maternal deaths when they do occur (16). In the CEMACH study, spanning the period from 2003 to 2005, there were six maternal deaths directly related to anesthesia similar to 2000–2002. Of the six direct deaths attributable to anesthesia care in the 2003–2005 Confidential Enquiries report, one resulted from respiratory distress on extubation and two from postoperative respiratory insufficiency, one occurring immediately postoperatively and the other some hours later (17). No deaths resulted from airway management at the induction of GA. The reasons for the maternal deaths were due to inadequate close supervision of inexperienced trainees by consultants; the two deaths were due
to postoperative hypoventilation and failure to monitor adequately; and failure to adequately manage the airway and ventilation. Morbid obesity was also a contributory factor in four out of six maternal deaths. Further, of the seven anesthesia-attributable deaths detailed in the Eighth Report (2006–2008), accounting for 6.5% of direct maternal deaths, only two were airway related (18). One was due to persistent attempts to intubate the trachea despite adequate ventilation through a laryngeal mask, and the other was the result of pulmonary aspiration following extubation of the trachea after emergency cesarean delivery in a woman recognized to have a full stomach.

Figure 24-1 Comparison of injuries in obstetric anesthesia claims before and after 1990. Reprinted with permission from: Davies JM, Posner KL, Lee LA, et al. Liability Associated with obstetric anesthesia: A closed claims analysis. Anesthesiology 2009;110: 131–139.

Canadian Data

Finally, the only anesthesia-attributed direct maternal death reported in Canada from 1992 to 2000 was attributed to issues arising out of the extubation of the trachea postoperatively (19).

Obstetric Anesthesia Closed Claims Analysis

The practice of obstetrics carries a high medical liability risk; the 2006 American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) on professional liability reported a “continuing negative trend” that professional liability was having on the practice of obstetrics and gynecology. The survey data showed that 89.2% obstetricians who responded had at least one professional liability claim during their career or an average of 2.62 claims per OB/GYN doctor (20). Similarly, obstetric anesthesia also carries high liability (5). The trend continues, similarly in the 2012 ACOG Survey on professional liability also showed that 77.3% OB/GYN practitioners experienced at least one professional liability claim filed against them during their professional careers with an average of 2.69 claims per OB/GYN (21).

The ASA Closed Claims Project is a structured evaluation of adverse events from the closed claim files of 35 United States professional liability insurance companies. Maternal death and newborn death/brain damage were the most common obstetric anesthesia malpractice claims in ASA closed database before 1990 (5). The liability profile changed, as the trends in obstetric anesthesia have changed dramatically in the last three decades. Obstetric anesthesia claims for injuries from 1990 to 2003 were compared to obstetric anesthesia claims for injuries before 1990. Compared to pre-1990 claims, the proportion of obstetric anesthesia claims from 1990 or later associated with cesarean delivery decreased; the claims associated with GA decreased (p < 0.01), the proportion of maternal death/brain damage and newborn death/brain damage decreased (Fig. 24-1). Malpractice claims from 1990 or later related to respiratory causes of injuries decreased from 24% (pre-1990) to 4%; claims (1990 or later claims) related to inadequate oxygenation/ventilation and pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents and esophageal intubation also decreased. However, despite the decrease in claims, the most common anesthetic causes of maternal death/brain damage in claims associated with general anesthesia were difficult intubation and maternal hemorrhage. The seven difficult intubation injuries occurred between 1991 and 1998, mostly upon induction (six of seven cases). The airway-related claims involved multiple attempts at tracheal intubation leading to progressive difficulty with ventilation. In two of the claims, tracheal intubation was assessed to be difficult preoperatively, with a backup plan to awaken the patient and perform fiberoptic intubation. However, progressive airway difficulties occurred while attempting to awaken the patients, thus resulting in adverse outcomes. The claims related to DI after 1990, as compared to claims pre-1990 have not changed (5) (Table 24-4). The overall improvement in the closed claims statistics and decline in anesthesia-related maternal mortality in the past few years and overall risk ratio between GA and RA can be attributed to the practice guidelines introduced by ASA including the ASA Practice Guidelines in Obstetric anesthesia. These initiatives include implementation of minimum standard of care requiring the use of respiratory system monitors (pulse oximetry and capnography) during anesthesia; enhanced awareness of the risk of pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents in the obstetric patient (22); decreased utilization of GA in obstetric practice and the heightened awareness of the ASA difficult airway algorithm (10). During the past two decades, anesthesiologists have focused on improving their management of difficult/failed intubation management and gaining experience with the laryngeal mask airway and other airway devices (10).

Similarly, the Doctors Insurance Company reported on 22 anesthesia malpractice closed claims between 1998 and 2006, filed after maternal cardiac arrests in the labor and delivery suites (23). Adverse events resulted in 10 maternal deaths; 11 had anoxic brain damage with only one patient surviving neurologically intact. Of the 22 malpractice claims, only one case involved GA and failed intubation. Thirteen cases were regional anesthesia-related respiratory arrests after epidurals
with unintentional intrathecal injections and five high spinals during cesarean delivery. Seven patients were moved to the operating room for resuscitation due to lack of airway equipment in the labor and delivery suite. Five arrests occurred during spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery in the operating room. However, none of the operating rooms had audible alarms on the monitors at the time of arrest (23). The details of airway management were not outlined.

Table 24-4 Comparison of Injuries in Obstetric Anesthesia Claims Before and After 1990

  Pre-1990* 1990 or Later P Value
Respiratory damaging event 46 (24%) 17 (4%) <0.001
Aspiration of gastric contents 8 (4%) 2 (<1%) 0.012
Difficult intubation 10 (5%) 11 (3%) NS
Esophageal intubation 7 (4%) 0 (0%) 0.007
Inadequate oxygenation/ventilation 10 (5%) 3 (1%) 0.006
Standard of care      
Substandard care 74 (39%) 92 (22%) <0.001
Appropriate 87 (46%) 293 (69%) <0.001
*Data from pre-1990 previously published and used with permission of author and publisher.
NS, not statistically significant (p > 0.05); SD, standard deviation.
Modified with permission from: Davies JM, Posner KL, Lee LA, et al. Liability associated with obstetric anesthesia: A closed claims analysis. Anesthesiology 2009;110: 131–139.

Definitions of Difficult Airway

One of the difficulties with a review of the literature evaluating the incidence and epidemiology of the difficult airway in obstetrics is that there are no consistent and agreed upon definitions for the difficult maternal airway. For the purpose of this chapter, the definitions used by the ASA Task Force on Difficult Airway Management will be assumed (3):

  • Difficult Airway: It is defined as the clinical situation in which the anesthesia practitioner experiences difficulty with facemask ventilation, difficulty with tracheal intubation, or both leading to hypoxemia or soiling of the tracheobronchial tree.

  • Difficult Tracheal Intubation (DI): DI is defined as when intubation requires multiple attempts.

    • Time taken to achieve intubation: The original ASA description of DI included a time limit of 10 minutes or requiring multiple attempts. The wisdom of this definition must be questioned in obstetrics, especially, given the fact that GA is generally reserved for emergency CD where delivery of the baby is of the utmost urgency. One definition of difficult or failed intubation, which may be used in obstetrics, incorporates a differently defined time limit. The common practice in obstetrical anesthesia is to accomplish the intubation using a single dose of succinylcholine when anesthetizing for cesarean delivery under GA. In the obstetrical situation, difficult intubation could be defined as the inability of an experienced anesthesia practitioner to intubate within the time provided by one dose of succinylcholine (24).

  • Failed Intubation: In surgical patients, it is defined as when placement of the tracheal tube fails even after multiple attempts. However, in obstetrical patients, failed intubation should be considered as the inability to secure the airway with two attempts (25), which includes the best attempt at intubation using the conventional laryngoscope or the use of an alternative airway device to assist with tracheal intubation.

  • Difficult Laryngoscopy: There is probably the least agreement in the literature regarding the definition of difficult laryngoscopy with many authors defining it as a poor view (grade 3 or 4) of the glottis. The ASA Practice Guidelines in 2003 described it as when it is not possible to visualize any portion of the vocal cords even after multiple attempts at conventional laryngoscopy (3). Considering the four grades of laryngeal exposure as described by Cormack and Lehane (26), a Grade 3 (view of epiglottis only) or Grade 4 (no view of the larynx) view at laryngoscopy indicates difficult direct laryngoscopy.

  • Difficult Facemask Ventilation (MV): It is defined as the inability to maintain oxygen saturation >90%, with 100% oxygen via face mask, or to reverse the signs of inadequate ventilation.

  • Difficult Laryngeal Mask Ventilation: It has not been defined by the ASA or any other major difficult airway society guidelines. However, the definition of difficult laryngeal mask ventilation utilized in research studies is the inability to place the LMA in a satisfactory position to allow clinically adequate ventilation and airway patency. Indices of clinically adequate ventilation are expired tidal volume >7 mL/kg and leak pressure >15–20 cm H2O. In a study of more than 11,000 patients using this definition, the failure rate was 0.16% (27).

Incidence of Difficult Airway, Failed Intubation, and Cannot Intubate Cannot Ventilate in Obstetrics

The incidence of difficult laryngoscopy or tracheal intubation in the nonobstetric population is reported as 0.1% to 13% (28). In the obstetric population, the incidence of difficult tracheal intubation is typically reported as between 1:249 and 1:300 (29,30,31,32). It is worth noting that countries that have a high rate of general anesthetic usage, such as South Africa, report a low failed intubation rate at 1:750 (33). Furthermore, in the United States, where obstetric anesthesia is supervised by attending anesthesiologists in teaching hospitals, the rate of failed tracheal intubation is also low (2,34,35). A number of authors have compared the incidence of difficult or failed intubation in obstetric and nonobstetric airways, and although the definitions have varied somewhat from study to study, similar incidences were reported across the studies (36,37,38,39). These authors concluded that the
incidence of DI ranged from 1% to 6% and the incidence of failed tracheal intubation ranged from 0.1% to 0.6%. Others have described the occurrence of difficult or failed intubation in series of obstetrical patients in a noncomparative fashion (29,33,34,40). Again, these studies reported incidences of DI ranging from 1.5% to 8.5% and an incidence of failed tracheal intubation ranging from 0.13% to 0.3%; these incidences are consistent with the ranges reported for general surgical patients (41,42,43,44).

A review of general anesthesia for cesarean deliveries at an academic practice in a tertiary hospital from 1990 to 1995 showed the incidence of DI ranged from as high as 16.3% (1994) to as low as 1.3% (1992) with only one failed intubation (34). There was one sentinel incident of cannot intubate cannot ventilate (CICV) situation for an overall incidence of one CICV per 536 general anesthetics. In this case, there were multiple attempts at intubation, unsuccessful mask ventilation, failed Combitube™ placement and an unsuccessful cricothyroidotomy, resulting in cardiopulmonary arrest, followed by surgical tracheostomy. Resuscitation was accomplished, however, mother remained in coma until death and the baby suffered significant neurologic injury (34). In a follow-up review of GA for cesarean deliveries covering the period 2000–2005, the same authors reported an even lower rate of GA and again one failed intubation, resulting in an incidence of CICV of 1:98 (2). Since a difficult airway was suspected in this emergent cesarean delivery, a surgeon was immediately available on standby. The CICV incident occurred following failed tracheal intubation, unsuccessful LMA placement, and hypoxemia followed by a successful cricothyroidotomy by the surgeon, resulting in a good outcome for both mother and baby (2). The excellent reporting system of details in the two studies helps the anesthesia practitioner in formulating the rescue plan, thus averting maternal mortality.

Recently, McDonnell et al. conducted a prospective observational study in 13 Australian maternity hospitals (49,500 deliveries per annum) during 2005–2006 and obtained data from 1,095 women receiving general anesthesia for CD (45). DI occurred in 3.3% of patients and there were four failed tracheal intubations (0.4%).

Similarly, McKeen et al., after reviewing the data extracted from a provincial database, from 1984 to 2003, on 102,587 pregnant and immediate postpartum (within 3 days of delivery) women who were administered GA at a regional tertiary Canadian center, concluded that DI was encountered in 60 of 1,052 (5.7%) women who had CD and failed intubation occurred in none (46). The rate of DI remained stable over the 20 years of the review. These findings are consistent with other reports that have concluded that the incidence of difficult maternal airway is low, albeit variable, and has remained relatively unchanged over the last several decades and is similar in magnitude to that seen in the general surgical population. A composite of the incidence of difficult airway and CICV in obstetrical patients is outlined in Table 24-5.

Factors Contributing to the Difficult Maternal Airway

Anatomical and physiologic factors alter the airway during pregnancy, placing the parturient at risk for difficult laryngoscopy, difficult tracheal intubation, and difficult mask ventilation. There is no single factor for the high incidence of failed tracheal intubation and respiratory-related injury in obstetrics. The following factors have been incriminated: Difficult laryngoscopy or difficult mask ventilation due to excessive weight gain, upper airway edema during pregnancy compounded by additional changes in preeclampsia, and breast enlargement. Rapid onset of hypoxemia associated with difficult airway occurs due to respiratory changes of pregnancy, cardiovascular impairment from aorto-caval compression, gastrointestinal changes placing the parturient at risk for pulmonary aspiration and respiratory-related complications.

Table 24-5 Difficult Airway Incidence

Surgical Patients Obstetrical Patients
Difficult intubation occurs relatively commonly in association with GA
Estimated incidence 1–3%
Cormack et al.
Difficult laryngoscopy Grade III view 1:2,000
Difficult mask ventilation
Estimated incidence 0.9–5% in general surgery patients
Hawthorne et al.
Failed intubation 1:250
Cannot intubate cannot ventilate (CICV)
Estimated incidence CICV—0.01% to 2 per 10,000
Failed intubation 1:300
Samsoon & Young
Failed intubation 1:283
Rocke et al.
Failed intubation 1:750
Tsen et al.
*CICV 1:536
Palanisamy et al.
*CICV 1:98
*CICV, Cannot intubate cannot ventilate.
Cormack RS, Lehane GR, Adams AP, et al. Laryngoscopy grades and percentage glottic opening. Anesthesia 2000;55(2):184; Hawthorne L, Wilson R, Lyons G, et al. Failed intubation revisited: 17-yr experience in a teaching maternity unit. Brit J Anaesth 1996;76(5):680–684. Lyons G. Failed intubation. six years’ experience in a teaching maternity unit. Anaesthesia 1985;40(8):759–762. Samsoon GL, Young JR. Difficult tracheal intubation: A retrospective study. Anaesthesia 1987;42(5):487–490. Rocke DA, Murray WB, Rout CC, et al. Relative risk analysis of factors associated with difficult intubation in obstetric anesthesia. Anesthesiology 1992;77(1):67–73. Tsen LC, Pitner R, Camann WR. General anesthesia for cesarean section at a tertiary care hospital 1990–1995: Indications and implications. Int J Obstet Anesth 1998;7(3):147–152. Palanisamy A, Mitani AA, Tsen LC. General anesthesia for cesarean delivery at a tertiary care hospital from 2000 to 2005: A retrospective analysis and 10-year update. Int J Obstet Anesth 2011;20(1):10–16.

Airway Changes

The hormonal influences of pregnancy and, in particular, the effects of estrogen resulting in an increase in the ground substance of the airway connective tissue, increased blood volume, an increase in total body water, and an increase in interstitial fluid, result in hypervascularity and edema of oropharynx, nasopharynx, and respiratory tract thus contributing to soft tissue airway edema. Airway changes with an increase in the Mallampati (MP) scores have been shown to occur during pregnancy, labor, and delivery (47). Further, the incidence of MP classes III and IV increases during labor compared to the prelabor period, and these changes are not reversed by 48 hours after delivery (48). Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to examine the airway of a parturient in labor prior to administering anesthesia for a CD (48). Excessive weight gain during pregnancy, preeclampsia,
iatrogenic fluid overload, bearing-down efforts during labor with increases in venous pressure, all may lead to an increase in upper airway mucosal edema. Additional upper airway change includes tongue engorgement during pregnancy leading to decreased mobility of the floor of the mouth (49) and changes in the MP score (50). Several published reports describe difficulties in intubation secondary to development of airway edema during labor and delivery, preeclampsia, and status-post massive fluid and blood transfusion resuscitation following postpartum hemorrhage all resulting in higher MP scores (51).

Difficulties with tracheal intubation due to facial and laryngeal edema in patients with preeclampsia and eclampsia have also been described, including instances of rapid development of airway edema (52). Due to the increased vascularity, engorgement of the mucosa and swelling of the airway, the parturient is not only at increased risk for epistaxis following manipulation of nasopharynx with nasotracheal intubation, but also vulnerable to increased trauma with repeated attempts at intubation (53). Avoiding manipulation of nasopharynx, using smaller-sized tracheal tube, and strict adherence to no more than two attempts at orotracheal intubation, are important to avoid airway management–related trauma, bleeding, edema and further complications, and catastrophes (53).

Respiratory Changes

The gravid uterus displaces the diaphragm cephalad with progression of the pregnancy and leads to a 20% decrease in functional residual capacity (FRC); this decrease will be exacerbated to a significant degree in the supine position. In the supine position, the FRC is 70% of its normal capacity measured in the upright position. In an obese parturient, the supine position can result in airway closure and an increase in alveolar–arterial gradient during normal tidal respiration, predisposing the parturient to lower partial pressure of oxygen (54). At the same time, oxygen consumption is increased by 20% secondary to the metabolic needs of the growing fetus, uterus, and placenta. Chest wall compliance is decreased and the effect of the anatomical changes imposed by the pregnancy is a 50% increase in the oxygen cost of breathing. Ventilatory drive is increased by progesterone during pregnancy, giving rise to hyperventilation to meet the increased oxygen demands of the pregnant mother. Both the oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production are increased by 20% to 40% at term. The decrease in FRC coupled with increased oxygen utilization shortens the safe apnea time after induction of anesthesia (55). The time to desaturation and hypoxemia is much faster, than the recovery from the time needed to recover from the apnea produced by the succinylcholine (56).

Preoxygenation also plays a critical role in maximizing the safe duration of apnea. The purpose of preoxygenating a patient before induction of general anesthesia is to provide the maximum duration that a patient can safely tolerate apnea so that airway interventions may be undertaken at the lowest threat to the patient, even in situations where unanticipated difficulties arise. This issue on preoxygenation is discussed in the section on preoxygenation.

Cardiovascular Changes and Resuscitation Implications

The gravid uterus compresses the inferior vena cava in the supine position resulting in a decrease in venous return and cardiac output. The reduction in cardiac output and elevated oxygen consumption can further decrease the oxygen saturation. The decrease in cardiac output, and the ensuing hypoxemia, during a difficult intubation, failed intubation, or CICV situation predisposes the mother to the risk for myocardial hypoxemia, cardiovascular arrest, and compromised uteroplacental perfusion, which can also place the fetus’ well-being at risk. Maintaining left uterine tilt, establishing an airway with adequate ventilation and oxygenation in a timely manner, maintaining adequate perfusion in mother and baby, and cardiovascular stability become extremely important in order to ensure safe outcome for both.

Gastrointestinal Changes

Gastrointestinal changes which include hormonal, anatomical, and physiologic changes during pregnancy are recognized risk factors for gastric regurgitation and pulmonary aspiration during a general anesthetic. The decrease in gastric pH and an increase in intragastric pressure associated with an increasingly incompetent gastroesophageal sphincter raise a concern about a “full stomach” in obstetrical patients; further, with the onset of labor there is also a delay in gastric emptying. Aspiration-related deaths during pregnancy occur from complications associated with induction problems such as difficult intubation, esophageal intubation, and inadequate attempts at ventilation (1,8,57).


During the last two decades, obesity has become a global epidemic with more than one billion overweight adults worldwide (58). In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) trends by states, from 1985 to 2009, show that during the past 20 years, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity with 33 states, having a prevalence equal to or greater than 25%, and in 9 states with a prevalence of obesity greater than 30% (59). Obesity in pregnancy has increased in accordance with the increased prevalence of obesity in the general population, with the prevalence of obesity during pregnancy varying from 6% to 28% (60).

A body mass index (BMI) greater than 25 kg/m2 is considered overweight and a BMI greater than 30 kg/m2 is considered obese. In the nonobstetric population, a BMI greater than 26 kg/m2 results in a three-fold increase in the incidence of difficult mask ventilation (61). Several review articles support an association between obesity and DI in the obstetric and nonobstetric patients (62).

On the basis of an analysis of 20 years of data from a large tertiary Canadian maternity center, McKeen has recently reported that maternal age >35 years, weight 90 to 99 kg, and the absence of active labor were associated with an increased risk for DI (46). Although these findings are concerning, due to the increasing prevalence of obesity in the maternal population and the larger number of women delaying conception, they are also difficult to apply clinically.

Both prepregnancy obesity and excessive weight gain during pregnancy are associated with comorbidities such as hypertension or preeclampsia with intrauterine growth retardation, diabetes and macrosomia, and dysfunctional labor, thus increasing the incidence of operative CD. The incidence of postpartum hemorrhage is also higher in these obese patients leading to an increased likelihood of a general anesthetic intervention.

Weight gain during pregnancy results from the increasing size of the uterus and fetus, increased blood and interstitial fluid volumes, and deposition of new fat. There is a correlation between weight gain and an increase in the Mallampati score (63). The weight gain and obesity are associated with an increase in the Mallampati score; the incidence of partially obliterated oropharyngeal space in an obese parturient is doubled
compared to nonpregnant patients (64). Obesity compounds the effects of pregnancy on the increase in breast size and engorgement. In the supine position, the enlarged breasts can encroach into the neck area impeding effective application of cricoid pressure and cause difficulty with laryngoscope blade insertion. An increase in neck circumference is an added risk factor for DI and difficult MV (65). These aforementioned changes, the breast engorgement, along with anthropometrical difference between patients, create a risk for difficult laryngoscopy, difficult tracheal intubation, and difficult mask ventilation (33). DI is encountered more frequently in morbidly obese parturients weighing more than 130 kg (62). In obesity, the respiratory-related changes of pregnancy are even more significant, with marked decrease in FRC such that the closing capacity exceeds FRC during tidal breathing, thus leading to a decrease in arterial oxygen tension and predisposing the parturient to a much higher risk of hypoxemia during a difficult tracheal intubation or difficult mask ventilation encounter (66).

In the obese parturient, a thorough preoperative assessment, review of comorbidities, and previous anesthetic history for difficulty with tracheal intubation is essential so as to allow for proper preparation and appropriate interventions. The “ramped position” in obese parturients prior to induction of general anesthesia becomes critical so as to facilitate ventilation and improve the laryngoscopic visualization of the glottis for tracheal intubation. The aim is to achieve the “best alignment” of the three axes, (oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal) in the obese patient.

Prediction of Difficult Airway

Strategies for prevention of airway problems in the obstetrical patient require adequate preoperative airway assessment, proper planning, and implementation of safe, best anesthesia practices, in order to ensure safe outcomes for both mother and baby.

The ASA Difficult Airway Task Force guidelines recommend an airway-related history to detect medical, surgical, and anesthetic factors that might indicate the presence of difficult airway. Similarly, the Practice Guidelines in Obstetric Anesthesia (2007) also recommend a focused history and physical examination, including an airway examination (6). The ASA Closed Claims analysis (2005) showed that 8% of patients did not have a preoperative history or airway physical examination (67). An audit for failed tracheal intubation in obstetrics, a 6-year review, showed that of the 36 failed tracheal intubations in 8,970 obstetric general anesthetics (incidence 1/249) only 26 records were available for examination. Examination of data on the 26 patients showed that preoperative airway assessment was found in less than half the cases (39). Lack of preoperative airway assessment is a contributory factor in anesthesia-related mortality (68). In a retrospective audit of 5,802 cesarean deliveries, done under GA, there were 23 failed intubations, an incidence of 1:250; although all patients had a preoperative assessment, difficulty in tracheal intubation was anticipated in only one-third of the cases, and two had documented records of prior difficulties (29). A follow-up postoperative examination showed the commonest findings to be; receding jaw, limited mouth opening, prominent or awkward teeth, and limited neck mobility (29). A multivariate analysis of risk factors for difficult tracheal intubation in obstetrics demonstrates that the risk dramatically increases as the number of abnormal airway findings increases (33). A meta-analysis of the diagnostic accuracy of bedside tests for predicting difficult tracheal intubation in nonobstetric and obstetric patients shows that a combination of tests add incremental diagnostic value to predicting difficult tracheal intubation rather than the value of each test alone (69).

Importance of Assessment and Prediction of Difficult Airway in Obstetrical Patients

The cornerstone in prevention of airway catastrophes in obstetric patients is firstly, to attempt to predict which obstetric patients are at risk for difficult laryngoscopy, DI, and difficult mask ventilation.

Numerous investigators have attempted to predict the difficult airway by using simple bedside physical examination. There are numerous publications using univariate or multivariate predictors of difficult intubation in the nonobstetric patients and a handful of publications utilizing multivariate predictors in predicting the difficult airway in obstetric patients (70). Yentis (70) describes the problems with many studies examining the prediction of difficult airway; therefore, it is appropriate to delineate the terms used to describe the accuracy or predictive power of the tests. The various tests used to predict a difficult airway in the general population as well as the obstetric population will also be described in this section.

Descriptive Terms Analyzing Predictive Tests

A test to predict difficult intubation should have high sensitivity, so that it will identify most patients in whom intubation will be truly difficult. It should also have a high positive predictability value, so that only few patients with airways actually easy to intubate are subjected to the protocol for difficult airway management (64).

Preoperative Assessment

History and Evaluation

Assessment of difficult airway begins with a comprehensive history and physical examination. The ASA Task Force on Difficult Airway Management Guidelines and the ASA Practice Guidelines on Obstetric Anesthesia (6) recommend that an airway history should be conducted, whenever feasible, prior to the initiation of anesthetic care and airway management in all patients. There is suggestive evidence that some features of a patient’s medical history or prior medical records may be related to the likelihood of encountering a difficult airway. The evidence is based on association between a difficult airway and a variety of congenital, acquired, or traumatic disease conditions. Examination of previous medical, surgical, and anesthetic records, if available (particularly in patients with high airway risk) in a timely manner, may yield useful information on airway management. A history of difficult airway management should be considered a strong predictor of problems unless the history was related to a specific reversible disease process. The history may be available from verbal recollections from the patient, previous anesthetic records, hospital notes, and a letter of difficult airway management, or a Medic-Alert bracelet. The introduction of anesthesia information management systems along with the introduction of mandatory electronic medical records will be tremendously helpful in readily accessing critical information.

Physical Examination

The guidelines also recommend an airway physical examination using multiple airway features assessment (3) and 6D method of airway assessment (71) prior to initiation of anesthetic care and airway management in all patients (Table 24-6).

Table 24-6 Preoperative Tests for Predicting DI in Obstetrical Patients

Sign of Difficulty Description Acceptable Findings not Usually Associated with Difficulty Quantitative or Qualitative Findings Reported to be Associated with Difficulty
Disproportion Increased size of tongue in relation to pharyngeal size Mallampati class I or II Mallampati class III or IV
Distortion Airway swelling (preeclampsia)
Airway trauma (blunt or penetrating)
Neck mass (Thyroid enlargement)
Midline trachea
Mobile laryngeal anatomy
Easily palpated thyroid cartilage
Easily palpated cricoid cartilage
Possibly difficult to assess
Blunt or penetrating airway trauma
Tracheal deviation
Neck asymmetry
Voice changes
Laryngeal immobility
Nonpalpable thyroid cartilage
Nonpalpable cricoid cartilage
Decreased thyromental distance Anterior larynx and decreased mandibular space Thyromental distance ≥6.5 (3 fb)
No receding chin
Thyromental distance <6.5 cm (<3 fb) measured from the superior aspect of the thyroid cartilage to the tip of the chin
Receding chin
Decreased interincisor gap Reduced mouth opening Interincisor gap >3 cm (2 fb) Distance between upper and lower incisors (i.e., interincisor gap) <3 cm (<2 fb)
Decreased range of motion in any or all of the joints of the airway (i.e., atlanto-occipital joint, temporomandibular joints, cervical spine); atlanto-occipital range of motion is critical for assuming the sniffing position Limited head extension secondary to arthritis, diabetes, or other diseases
Neck contractures secondary to burns or trauma
Head extension ≥35-degree atlanto-occipital extension
Cervical spine flexion ≥35 degrees
Long, thin neck
Head extension <35 degrees
Neck flexion <35 degrees
Long, thin neck
Dental overbite (upper lip bite test) Protruding incisors disrupting the alignment of the airway axes and possibly decreasing the interincisor gap No dental overbite Dental overbite
The 6-D method of airway assessment helps practitioners remember to assess for each of the six signs that can be associated with a difficult intubation. Each sign begins with the letter D like the word difficult. The potential for difficult intubation is generally proportional to the number of signs observed.
Modified with permission from: Rich JM. Recognition and management of the difficult airway with special emphasis on the intubating LMA-Fastrach/whistle technique: A brief review with case reports. Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent) 2005;18(3):220–227.

Predictors for Difficult Mask Ventilation

It is also of paramount importance to recognize the predictors for “difficult to mask ventilate” in obstetric patients. Successful mask ventilation (MV) provides anesthesia practitioner with a rescue technique during unsuccessful attempts at laryngoscopy and unanticipated difficult airway management situations. Pregnant women become hypoxemic more rapidly during episodes of apnea as detailed in the section on respiratory changes during pregnancy. Computer modeling of the rate of arterial oxyhemoglobin desaturation in fully oxygenated patients suggests that this process occurs significantly more rapidly in moderately ill and obese patients compared to healthy individuals (56) (Fig. 24-2). Similarly, utilizing a computer model, it is observed that there is reduced tolerance for apnea in pregnant patients particularly in the Trendelenberg position (54). These studies emphasize the importance of recognizing early that one is in a difficult intubation scenario, and strategizing how to oxygenate and ventilate the mother.

Although there is an extensive body of literature addressing predictive factors for difficult laryngoscopy and grading its view, investigations that focus on difficult MV are limited (69). A four-point scale to grade difficulty in MV has been identified (Table 24-7). Encountering a clinical situation with either a grade 3 MV (inadequate, unstable, or requiring two providers) or a grade 4 MV (impossible to ventilate) with a difficult intubation (DI) represents the most feared airway outcomes; a patient in whom establishing tracheal intubation is difficult and the primary rescue technique of conventional
MV is also challenging. Therefore, it is important to predict this situation thus allowing the practitioner to be prepared with alternative tools, that is, laryngeal mask airway, video laryngoscopes, and so forth.

Figure 24-2 Oxyhemoglobin desaturation during apnea. Reprinted with permission from: Benumof JL, Dagg R, Benumof R. Critical hemoglobin desaturation will occur before return to an unparalyzed state following 1 mg/kg intravenous succinylcholine. Anesthesiology 1997;87(4):979–982.

In an observational study of 22,660 attempts at MV in nonobstetric patients, the criteria that correlated with grade 3 or 4 MV and DI may be applicable to the obstetric population, include independent risk factors, such as (1) limited or severely limited mandibular protrusion, thick or obese neck anatomy, (2) a history of sleep apnea, (3) a history of snoring, and BMI of 30 kg/m2 or greater (72). This study supported and was able to demonstrate the value of the mandibular protrusion test in predicting difficult MV and DI as suggested by Takenaka et al. (73).

Specific Individual Tests for Assessment of Difficult Tracheal Intubation

  • Interincisor distance (limited mouth opening): The interincisor distance (IID) is the distance between the upper and lower incisors. The normal IID is >4.6 cm; while an IID <3 cm or <2 fingerbreadths (fb) is nonreassuring and may predict difficult laryngoscopy and <1 fb will impair insertion of a laryngeal mask. An IID of less than 5 cm or 2 to 3 fb may be indicative of difficult laryngoscopy, and less than 1 fb or 1.5 cm will impair insertion of an LMA and laryngoscope. A distance of 2 cm is required to insert an intubating LMA. Maximal mouth opening is influenced by atlanto-occipital joint extension and is not a reliable predictor of difficult tracheal intubation in either general or obstetric patents.

Table 24-7 Mask Ventilation Difficulty Scale

Grade Description
1 Ventilated by mask
2 Ventilated by mask with oral airway/adjuvant with or without muscle relaxant
3 Difficult ventilation (inadequate, unstable, or requiring two providers) with or without muscle relaxant
4 Unable to mask ventilate with or without muscle relaxant
Reprinted with permission from: Kheterpal S, Han R, Tremper KK, et al. Incidence and predictors of difficult and impossible mask ventilation. Anesthesiology 2006;105(5):885–891.

The IID by itself is not a reliable predictor of difficult tracheal intubation in either general or obstetric patents (74). The maximal mouth opening is influenced by the degree of atlanto-occipiatl joint extension (75). Even though Savva et al. found that the IID was not a useful independent test in identifying difficult tracheal intubation (74), in the Australian Critical Incident Monitoring Study (76), the four variables associated with difficult intubation were limited mouth opening, obesity, limited neck extension, and lack of a trained assistant. Limited mouth opening along with limited jaw protrusion often ranks high in composite scores such as the Wilson Risk Sum (77) (weight, head and neck movement, interincisor gap, mandibular jaw protrusion, receding mandible, buck teeth), and the Arne Risk Index scores (28) (history of DI, pathologies associated with DI, clinical symptoms, TMD <6.5 cm, restricted head and neck movement, Mallampati scores 2 to 4, IID <5 cm, jaw protrusion class B or C) are used to predict difficult tracheal intubation.

  • Jaw Protrusion or Mandibular Protrusion test: The ability to slide the lower incisors in front of the upper ones may be classified as A, B, or C (Fig. 24-3) (73). Based on the classification, Class C protrusion is associated with difficult laryngoscopy and difficult mask ventilation, whereas Class A protrusion rarely produced any difficulty (78). In obstetric patients using the Wilson risk sum along with the Mallampati score showed high sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value (79).

  • Upper lip bite test (ULBT): The ULBT assesses the degree to which the lower incisors can advance over the upper lip and includes three classes (Fig. 24-4). This test has the ability to assess jaw protrusion movement and protruding incisors simultaneously. A recent study, in nonobstetric patients, showed that Class III ULBT along with IID <4.5 cm,
    thyromental distance (TMD) <6.5 cm and sternomental distance (SMD) <13 cm were defined as predictors of difficult tracheal intubation. Specificity and accuracy of the ULBT were significantly higher than TMD, SMD, or IID individually (specificity was 91.69%, 82.27%, and 82.27%, respectively). The combination of the ULBT with SMD tests provided the highest sensitivity. The recommendation is to use ULBT in conjunction with other tests to more reliably predict ease of laryngoscopy or tracheal intubation (80).

Figure 24-3 Mandibular protrusion test for prediction of difficult mask ventilation. Reprinted with permission from: Takenaka I, Aoyama K, Kadoya T. Mandibular protrusion test for prediction of difficult mask ventilation. Anesthesiology 2001;94(5):935.

Modified Mallampati Test

In 1985, Mallampati et al. first described the relationship of the base of the tongue to the oropharyngeal structures—uvula, tonsillar pillars, and faucial pillars (50). Mallampati hypothesized that when the base of the tongue is disproportionately large in relation to the oropharyngeal cavity, the enlarged base of the tongue can obscure the visibility of the tonsillar pillars and uvula resulting in difficult laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation. Originally, Mallampati described three classes; Samsoon and Young later modified the classification and added a fourth class (30). Classification is assigned according to the extent the base of the tongue is able to mask the visibility of the pharyngeal structures (Fig. 24-5). The test is performed with the patient in the sitting position, head in the neutral position, the mouth wide open, and the tongue protruding to its maximum. Patient should not be encouraged to actively phonate as it can cause contraction of the soft palate leading to false positive results. To avoid false positive or false negative, this test should be repeated twice.

Figure 24-4 Upper lip bite test. Reprinted with permission from: Khan ZH, Mohammadi M, Rasouli MR, et al. The diagnostic value of the upper lip bite test combined with SMD, TMD, and interincisor distance for prediction of easy laryngoscopy and intubation: A prospective study. Anesth Analg 2009;109(3):822–824. SMD, Sternomental distance; TMD, Thyromental distance.

The Mallampati classification has been used either as a single univariate predictor or as a part of multivariate analysis to predict difficult tracheal intubation. In obstetrical patients, the MP classification test has been used as a single parameter to illustrate the dramatic airway changes in pregnancy and to highlight the importance of preoperative assessment of the airway. Pilkington et al. evaluated the MP class at 12 weeks and 38 weeks gestation by photographs taken at the two time periods and demonstrated that the increase in MP class in the same patient. As gestation advanced, it correlated with an increase in body weight and increase in airway connective tissue and vascularity resulting in the oropharyngeal edema and was responsible for the increase in the MP scores (63).

More recently, Kodali et al. performed a two-part study to evaluate the changes during labor and delivery (47). In part 1 of the study, they used conventional Samsoon modification of the MP airway classification. The airway was photographed at the onset and at end of labor. Pregnant women with MP class IV airways were excluded from the initial part 1 study. In part 2 of the study, upper airway volumes were measured using acoustic reflectometry at the onset and conclusion of labor. In part 1 (n = 61), there was a significant increase in the MP class from prelabor to postlabor (p < 0.0001). The airway increased one MP class higher in 20 (33%) and two grades higher in 3 (5%) patients after labor. At the end of labor, there were eight parturients with MP class IV (p < 0.01) and 30 parturients with MP class III or IV (p < 0.0001). In part 2 (n = 21), there were significant decreases in oral volume (p < 0.05) and pharyngeal volume area (p < 0.05), and volume (p < 0.001) after labor and delivery.

Boutonnet et al. methodically evaluated the changes in MP class at four time intervals in 87 pregnant patients, during the 8th month of pregnancy (T1), placement of epidural catheter (T2), 20 minutes after delivery (T3), and 48 hours after delivery (T4) (48). MP class did not change for 37% of patients. The proportions of patients falling into MP III and IV at various times of assessment were as follows: T1 10.3%, T2 36.8%, T3 51%, and T4 20.7%. The differences in the percentages were all significant (p < 0.01). The incidence of MP class III and IV increased during labor compared with prelabor period and these changes were not reversed by 48 hours after delivery.

Figure 24-5 Difficulty of intubation. Modified from: Mallampati Classification. Samsoon GL, Young Jr. Difficult tracheal intubation: A retrospective study. Anaesthesia 1987;42:487–90; Mallampati SR, Gatt SP, Gugino LD, et al. A clinical sign to predict difficult tracheal intubation: A prospective study. Can Anaesth Soc J 1985;32 (4):429–434.

These studies confirm the frequent increase in MP scores during pregnancy and particularly during the course of labor. These findings suggest that it is imperative to evaluate the airway in early labor and to re-evaluate before the anesthetic management for operative delivery for prediction of possible difficult mask ventilation and difficult tracheal intubation.

Atlanto-occipital (AO) joint extension: The sniffing or Magill position is considered the optimal “classical” position of the head and neck for facilitating tracheal intubation. The patient is asked to hold the head erect, face directly to the front, is asked to extend the head maximally, and the examiner estimates the angle traversed by the occlusal surface of the upper teeth. Measurement can be by simple visual estimate or more accurately with a goniometer. Normal AO joint extension is a 35-degree extension of the head over the neck (Fig. 24-6) (81). The extension of the AO joint on the upper cervical spine allows the alignment of the three axes (oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal) into a straight line during laryngoscopy, thus enhancing the ease of laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation (Fig. 24-7).

Figure 24-6 Clinical method for quantitating atlanto-occipital joint extension. Reprinted with permission from: Bellhouse CP, Dore C. Criteria for estimating likelihood of difficulty of endotracheal intubation with the Macintosh laryngoscope. Anaesth Intensive Care 1988;16(3):329–337.

Any reduction in extension is expressed in grades:

  • Grade I: >35 degrees

  • Grade II: 22 to 34 degrees

  • Grade III: 12 to 21 degrees

  • Grade IV: <12 degrees

A reduction in the extension of the joint can cause difficulty with laryngoscopic view and intubation. Complete AO joint immobility can compromise the view of the glottis during laryngoscopy (75). Mouth opening and cranio-cervical mobility, which is synonymous with AO joint extension; have long been identified as crucial to successful airway management. Extension at the cranio-cervical junction is integral to basic airway maintenance maneuvers and direct laryngoscopy (82). Calder et al. hypothesized, in an observational study in volunteers, that cranio-cervical extension occurs during normal
mouth opening (75). The investigators demonstrated that maximal mouth opening was achieved with 26 degrees of cervical extension from neutral; and that mandibular movement, mouth opening, and cranio-cervical flexion/extension are all interrelated. Patients with restricted cranio-cervical movement may have reduced mouth opening ability. This phenomenon may contribute to the difficulties with airway management that can occur in patients with reduced cranio-cervical extension (75).

Figure 24-7 Visualizing the vocal cords. Reprinted with permission from: Cormack RS, Lehane J. Difficult tracheal intubation in obstetrics. Anaesthesia 1984;39:1105–1111.

Thyromental distance (TMD) (Patil’s Test): TMD is defined as the distance from the chin (mentum) to the top of the notch of the thyroid cartilage with the head fully extended and can be measured with a ruler for accuracy. The TMD gives an estimate of the mandibular space and helps in determining how readily the laryngeal axis will align with the pharyngeal axis when the atlanto-occipital joint is extended (Fig. 24-8).

  • TMD measurement of > 6.5 cm: With no other abnormalities, indicates the likelihood of easy intubation.

  • TMD measurement of 6.0 to 6.5 cm: This indicates that the alignment of the pharyngeal and laryngeal axes is difficult, thus resulting in difficulty with laryngoscopy and intubation. However, intubation is possible with the use of adjuncts to intubation such as gum elastic bougie or optical stylet.

  • TMD measurement of <6cm: This indicates laryngoscopy and specifically, tracheal intubation may be impossible (83). TMD, in conjunction with other parameters like Mallampati classification, has been used to predict difficult tracheal intubation; a patient with an MP class III or IV and a decreased TMD is likely to prove difficult to intubate (84).

Figure 24-8 Mandibular space. Based on Patil Vijayalakshmi U, Stehling Linda C, Zauder Howard L. Fiberoptic endoscopy in anaesthesia. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers; 1983; Bellhouse CP, Dore C. Criteria for estimating likelihood of difficulty of endotracheal intubation with the macintosh laryngoscope. Anaesth Intensive Care 1988;16(3):329–337; Frerk CM. Predicting difficult intubation. Anaesthesia 1991;46(12):1005–1008.

Sternomental distance (SMD): SMD is measured from the sternum to the tip of the mandible with the head fully extended and the mouth closed. The normal SMD measurement is 13.5 cm. Savva et al. evaluated 355 consecutive patients (322 nonobstetric and 28 obstetric; 185 female) using the following parameters to assess for difficult intubation: TMD, SMD, protrusion of mandible, and IID (74). Tracheal intubation was difficult in 17 (4.9%), of whom four had Cormack–Lehane grade 3 or 4 laryngoscopic view. Savva et al. did not indicate how many of the four were obstetric patients and it is possible that increased weight gain associated with pregnancy resulted in reduced ability to see the larynx (40). An SMD of 12.5 cm or less with the head fully extended on the neck and the mouth closed predicted 14 of the 17 patients in whom tracheal intubation was difficult (74). The results of this study showed that SMD had a sensitivity of 82.4% and a specificity of 88.6% and was the best predictor for difficult tracheal intubation amongst all the tests including SMD, TMD, modified MP, jaw protrusion test, and IID.

SMD and view on laryngoscopy were documented in 523 parturients undergoing elective or emergency cesarean delivery under general anesthesia (40). An SMD of 13.5 cm or less had a sensitivity of 66.7%, specificity of 71%, and PPV of only 7.6%. Eighteen (3.5%) had a Cormack–Lehane grade 3 or 4 laryngoscopic view and were classified as potential difficult tracheal intubations. The SMD, while on its own was not useful as a sole predictor of difficult laryngoscopy or difficult tracheal intubation in obstetric patients; it could be part of the preoperative airway examination along with other quick simple tests (40).

Mandibulo-hyoid distance: Measurement of the mandibular length from the chin (mentum) to hyoid should be at least 4 cm or 3 fb (85). If the vertical distance between the mandible and the hyoid bone is increased, it might pose a problem with difficult laryngoscopy. A relatively short mandibular ramus or a relatively caudal larynx may be unfavorable anatomic factors in difficult laryngoscopy (85).

Predictors of the Difficult Airway in Obstetrics

The decreasing use of GA makes the study of difficult laryngoscopy and difficult tracheal intubation in the obstetrical population difficult. However, GA is still required in many cases and therefore, makes it imperative for the anesthesia practitioner to methodically assess the patient preoperatively
and make an informed decision of the potential risk for difficult tracheal intubation.

Figure 24-9 Cormack and Lehane’s laryngeal grades of the airway. Reprinted with permission from: Cormack RS, Lehane JR, Adams AP, et al. Laryngoscopy grades and percentage glottic opening. Anaesthesia 2000;55(2):184.

Rocke et al. were the first to use multivariate analysis to predict difficult tracheal intubation. Preoperative airway assessment and potential risk factors were evaluated and recorded in 1,500 patients undergoing emergency and elective CD (33). Airway assessment, using the MP test, evaluated the oropharyngeal structures visible on maximal mouth opening. Other potential risk factors evaluated included obesity, short neck, and missing, protruding, or single maxillary incisors. Short neck equates with decreased atlanto-occipital joint extension, receding mandible equates with decreased TMD; protruding maxillary incisors equate with a significant overbite or Class III ULBT. Subsequent to induction of GA, the Cormack–Lehane laryngoscopic view and difficulty in tracheal intubation were graded.

The ease or difficulty of tracheal intubation was made according to the following scale (Fig. 24-9):

  • Grade 1: Easy, intubation at first attempt, no difficulty;

  • Grade 2: Some difficulty, insertion of tracheal tube not achieved at first attempt, no difficulty but successful after adjustment of laryngoscope blade and/or adjustment of head position, but not requiring additional equipment, removal and reinsertion of the laryngoscope or senior assistance;

  • Grade 3: Very difficult, requiring removal of the laryngoscope, further oxygenation by mask ventilation and subsequent intubation with or without the use of airway adjuncts. Grade 3 is further divided into 3A and 3B.

    • 3A Epiglottis is only visualized (epiglottis can be lifted using a straight laryngoscope blade). Intubation is difficult but possible using a bougie introducer or flexible fiberoptic scope.

    • 3B Epiglottis is only visualized (but epiglottis cannot be lifted from the posterior pharynx using a laryngoscope blade). Successful intubation is accomplished using optical stylet or flexible fiberoptic scope.

  • Grade 4: Failed intubation, several attempts at tracheal intubation or unrecognized esophageal intubation by resident, followed by subsequent tube placement by senior anesthesiologist.

The relative risk of experiencing difficult tracheal intubation in comparison to an uncomplicated MP class I airway assessment was as follows: MP class II 3.23; class III 7.58; class IV, 11.3: short neck, 5.01; receding mandible, 9.71; and protruding incisors, 8.0. Using the univariate analysis of individual risk factors, a probability index/or relative risk parameters for various combinations of the risk factors showed that a patient with MP class III or IV, plus protruding incisors, short neck, and receding mandible, the probability of difficult laryngoscopy was greater than 90% (52) as shown in Figure 24-10.

Rocke et al.’s study highlights the importance of preoperative airway assessment and the importance of prospectively preparing for airway interventions in the true obstetric emergency CD under general anesthesia (33).

Combining Tests to Better Predict Difficult Intubation in Obstetrics

  • Using MP classification and Wilson Risk Sum

    Gupta et al. (79) used a combination of MP classification and the Wilson risk sum (77) to predict difficult intubation in 372 obstetric patients undergoing elective and emergency cesarean delivery (79). The Wilson risk sum score is calculated by adding scores of five factors,
    three objective and two subjective criteria (weight, head and neck movement, jaw movement/jaw protrusion along with IDD, receding mandible, and buck teeth). Combining the MP classification and Wilson risk sum has been shown to improve the sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value for prediction of difficult airway in obstetric patients (79). The subjective assessment of ease or difficulty in tracheal intubation was documented as described by Rocke et al. (33). In this study, 25 patients (6.7%) out of 372 patients had difficult laryngoscopy. Even though MP was found to be more sensitive test for prediction of difficult laryngoscopy in comparison to the Wilson risk sum, either test when used alone showed the sensitivity of the tests to be low and yielded many false negatives and false positive results. However, the combination of the MP and Wilson risk sum improved sensitivity to 100% while specificity was 96.2%. The study concluded that the two tests should be routinely performed during preoperative assessment of the obstetric patients. If these two tests are positive, difficult laryngoscopy/tracheal intubation can be predicted and adequate measures can be taken to plan the anesthetic so as to avoid airway-related catastrophes.

    Figure 24-10 Probability of experiencing difficult intubation for varying combinations of risk factors. Modified with permission from: Rocke DA, Murray WB, Rout CC, et al. Relative risk analysis of factors associated with difficult intubation in obstetric anesthesia. Anesthesiology 1992;77(1): 67–73.

  • Using MP classification, TMD, SMD, Mandibulo-hyoid distance and IID

    Merah et al. evaluated 80 consecutive obstetric patients, over a 1-year period who required GA for CD (64). The investigators studied the potential of five airway measurements to predict a difficult direct laryngoscopy in these 80 obstetric patients of West African descent which included the MP score, TMD, SMD, horizontal length of mandible, and IID. Out of the 80 patients, eight patients (10%) had difficult laryngoscopy. The investigators calculated the sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value of the test parameters. The MP test (MPT) had the highest values: Sensitivity 87.5%, specificity 95.8%, and positive predictive value 70%. The combined sensitivity of all tests was 100%, the specificity 36.1%, and the positive predictive value 14.8%. However, when the MP and TMD were combined 100% sensitivity was achieved but the specificity dropped to 93.1% and the positive predictive value dropped to 61.5% from 70% as compared to using MP alone. Perhaps a larger sample would have made a difference in the results obtained. The investigators concluded that there was a strong correlation between modified MPT and prediction of difficult laryngoscopy.

  • Meta-analysis of Bedside Screening Test Performance

    Shiga et al. performed a meta-analysis of studies on the diagnostic accuracy of bedside tests for predicting difficult tracheal intubation in patients with no airway pathology (69). Thirty five studies (50,760 patients) including both surgical and obstetrical patients were selected from an electronic database; details are shown in Table 24-8. The overall incidence of difficult tracheal intubation was 5.8% (95% confidence interval (CI), 4.5% to 7.5%). Screening tests included the MP classification, TMD, SMD, mouth opening, and Wilson risk score. Each test yielded poor to moderate sensitivity (20% to 62%) and moderate to fair specificity (2% to 97%). The meta-analysis found that the most useful bedside test for prediction was found to be a combination of the MP classification and TMD (positive likelihood ratio, 9.9; 95% CI, 3.1 to 31.9). The study concluded that in the surgical patients, a combination of tests adds some incremental diagnostic value in comparison to the value of each test alone.

    In the obstetric cases (2,155 patients), the prevalence of difficult tracheal intubation was 3.1% (95% CI, 1.7–5.5). The result of the meta-analysis was that the diagnostic performance of the Mallampati classification in obstetric and obese populations is similar to that in the overall surgical population. The diagnostic odd ratios in these populations are similar, and the trend toward poor sensitivity and fair specificity remained. In the obstetric patients, the MP classification score yielded a sensitivity of 56%, specificity of 81%, and likelihood ratio of 0.6%. However, for obstetrical patients the meta-analysis remains inconclusive because of the small number of studies and issues with heterogeneity.

    In obese patients (BMI >30 kg/m2), the incidence of difficult tracheal intubation was 15.8% or three times higher than normal patients. Obese patients with a 15% pretest probability of difficult tracheal intubation had a 34% risk of difficult intubation with higher MP scores, which is twice the risk of the normal population with a 5% pretest probability. Excessive soft tissue in the velopalate, retropharynx, and submandibular regions in obese patients may cause difficulty in laryngoscopy. Similarly, obese pregnant patients also had a higher incidence of difficult intubation. Because of the higher incidence of difficult tracheal intubation, the MP classification score may yield

    higher posttest probability of difficult tracheal intubation in obese patients than in normal patients (69).

    Table 24-8 Pooled Estimates of Bayesian Statistics of Six Different Bedside Tests for Difficult Intubation

    Diagnostic Test No. of Studies Included No. of Patients Prevalence of Difficult Intubation (95% CI), % Pooled Sensitivity (95% CI), % Pooled Specificity (95% CI), % Pooled Likelihood Ratio Pooled Log Diagnostic Odds Ratio (95% CI)
    Pos. Neg.
    Overall Population                
    Mallampati classification 31 41,193 5.7 (4.4–7.3)a 49 (41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57)a 86 (81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90)* 3.7 (3.0–4.6)* 0.5 (0.5–0.6)* 2.0 (1.7–2.3)*
    Thyromental distance 17 29,132 6.5 (4.6–9.1)a 20 (11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29)a 94 (89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99)* 3.4 (2.3–4.9)* 0.8 (0.8–0.9)* 1.7 (1.2–2.1)*
    Sternomental distance 3 1,085 5.4 (3.1–9.2)a 62 (37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86)a 82 (67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97)* 5.7 (2.1–15.1)* 0.5 (0.3–0.8) 2.7 (1.4–3.9)*
    Mouth opening 3 20,614 5.6 (2.2–14.5)a 22 (9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35)a 97 (93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100)* 4.0 (2.0–8.2)* 0.8 (0.7–1.0)* 1.7 (1.2–2.3)*
    Wilson risk score 5 6,076 4.0 (1.8–9.0)a 46 (36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56) 89 (85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92) 5.8 (3.9–8.6)* 0.6 (0.5–0.9) 2.3 (1.8–2.8)*
    Combination of Mallampati classification and thyromental distance 5 1,498 6.6 (2.8–15.6)a 36 (14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59)a 87 (74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100)* 9.9 (3.1–31.9)* 0.6 (0.5–0.9)* 3.3 (1.5–5.0)*
    Obstetric Subgroup                
    Mallampati classification 3 2,155 3.1 (1.7–5.5)a* 56 (41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72) 81 (67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95)* 6.4 (1.1–36.5)* 0.6 (0.4–0.8) 2.5 (0.6–4.4)*
    Obese Subgroup (BMI >30)
    Mallampati classification 4 378 15.8 (14.3–17.5) 74 (51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97)* 74 (62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87)* 2.9 (1.6–5.3)* 0.4 (0.2–0.8) 2.1 (0.8–3.3)*
    Posttest probability = [(pretest odds) *likelihood ratio]/[1 + (pretest odds) *likelihood ratio], where pretest odds = pretest probability/(1 – pretest probability).
    DerSimonian–Laird random effects model was used throughout.
    aSignificant heterogeneity (p < 0.1) was found.
    BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; Neg., negative; Pos., positive; ROC, receiver operating characteristic curve.
    Reprinted with permission from: Shiga T, Wajima Z, Inoue T, et al. Predicting difficult intubation in apparently normal patients: A meta-analysis of bedside screening test performance. Anesthesiology 2005;103(2):429–437.

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