Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
Description of skin lesions
Macule: flat circumscribed lesion <1 cm in diameter, not palpable and characterized by change in colour of skin; macules can be erythematous, hypopigmented, depigmented, hyperpigmented or any other colour (eg black-purple, yellow)
Patch: flat circumscribed lesion >1 cm in diameter
Papule: raised solid lesion <1 cm in diameter
Nodule: raised solid lesion >1 cm in diameter; greatest mass below skin surface
Plaque: a flat-topped nodule >1 cm in diameter
Vesicle: clear fluid-filled lesion <1 cm in diameter
Pustule: pus or exudate-filled lesion <1 cm in diameter
Bulla: clear fluid-filled lesion >1 cm in diameter
Secondary changes in skin lesions
Exudate: moist serum, blood or pus from an erosion, bulla or pustule
Lichenification: grouped flat-topped papules associated with exaggerated skin markings, diffuse thickening and hyperpigmentation
Excoriations: linear erosions caused by loss of epidermis and superficial dermis due to scratching
Erosions: loss of superficial epidermis causing superficial depression
Fissures: linear wedge shaped cracks in the epidermis extending down to the dermis and narrowing at the base
Ulceration: full thickness loss of epidermis, some dermis and subcutaneous fat
Scaling: dry flaky surface with normal or abnormal keratin from shed epidermal cells
Crusting: dried exudates (serum, blood, pus, damaged epithelial cells)
Scarring: atrophic (thinning or loss of epidemis and/or dermis); hypertrophic
Maceration: appearance of surface softening due to constant moistness
Distribution of lesions
Zosteriform or dermatomal
Peripheral or central
Limbs (extensor; flexural)
Skin rash assessment
Evaluation of general skin appearance: colour; texture; dryness; hydration; odour
Site predilection: sun-exposed; acral; flexures; extensor surfaces
If generalized, whether symmetrical (if so, whether central or peripheral) or not
Shape of skin lesions: round, oval, annular, iris shaped, umbilicated
Arrangement: isolated, grouped (linear, annular, serpiginous)
Involvement of scalp, palms, soles, ears, sub-mammary and interdigital areas, hair-bearing areas (axillae, groins); perianal skin
Involvement of skin appendages: hair; nails
Mucosal involvement: oral cavity; lips; conjunctivae; nasal cavity
Causes of colouring in macules
Red: hyperaemia; telangiectasia; petechiae; purpura; ecchymosis
Blue: haematoma; dermal melanin; cyanosis
Brown: dermal and epidermal melanin; haemosiderin
Yellow: carotenoids; bile
Grey-black: epidermal melanin; foreign bodies; heavy metals; tar
White: depigmentation (loss of melanin)
Causes of fever and skin rash
Solid rash
Diffuse erythema
Scarlet fever: sudden onset of sore throat, headache, high fever and chills, malaise, anorexia and nausea followed 1–2 days later by a generalised erythematous pinhead rash, initially on the neck, chest, axillae and abdomen, with sand-paper like texture (due to tiny papules) and sparing of the palms and soles; flushed cheeks with circumoral pallor and strawberry tongue (glossitis, with dilated papillae); pharyngeal exudate, punctate petechiae of the palate and uvula, cervical lymphadenopathy; streaks of petechiae along the axillary skin folds (Pastia lines)
Drug eruption: morbilliform skin rash, eosinophilia, and systemic symptoms including high fever and organ involvement (DRESS refers to a drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms, associated with a triad of fever, skin rash and internal organ involvement, including hepatitis, nephritis, pneumonitis, myocarditis, thyroiditis; there is a two to three-week period between initial exposure to the drug and onset of the reaction)
Toxic shock syndrome
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (prodrome of fever, malaise and sore throat; skin tenderness and erythema, initially peri-orificial in the face, and in the neck, axillae and groins, with rapid progression over 24–48 h to diffuse erythroderma, accentuated in flexural areas; peri-oral erythema; large flaccid bullae may develop in the flexures and around orifices; diffuse desquamation leads to peri-oral, peri-nasal and peri-ocular crusting; resolution without scarring takes place within 2 weeks); early toxic epidermal necrolysis
Erythroderma (red and scaly) secondary to drugs, eczema, psoriasis or T –cell lymphoma; may be idiopathic
Petechial-purpuric rash
Palpable purpura
Meningococcaemia (onset with prodrome of fever, headache and upper respiratory symptoms; a maculopapular rash may precede petechiae; the non-blanching petechial or purpuric rash may initially be found only in warm areas, such as groins and axillae; in patients with darker skin, the soles of the feet and palms of the hands should be examined; the petechiae may have angular edges and a greyish interior; acrocyanosis of the ears, nose, lips, legs and genitalia; cold hands and feet; leg pain; confluent ecchmyoses with central necrosis can progress to gangrene)
Gonococcaemia: haemorrhagic papules and pustules that develop a crust and become necrotic
Henoch Schonlein purpura
Staphylococcal endocarditis
Not palpable
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Overwheming pneumococcal sepsis (in asplenic individuals)
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (purpurafulminans)
Enteroviral infection
Viral haemorrhagic fevers (Ebola, Marburg)
Yellow fever; dengue fever
Toxic shock syndrome
Rat bite fevers: spirillum minus; streptobacillusmoniliformis
Capnophagacanimorsus (DF-2) infection: in asplenic individuals, especially after dog bites
Vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) (peri-follicular purpura; lower limb eccymoses; haemorrhagic gingivitis)
Catastrophic anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome
Maculopapular rash
Viral infections: rubella (mild prodrome; pink macular rash appearing on the face and spreading to the trunk and limbs,becoming confluent; red macules or petechiae on soft palate; post-auricular, posterior cervical and suboccipital lymphadenopathy); measles (prodromal 3 Cs of cough, coryza and conjunctivitis with photophobia; generalised erythematous maculopapular rash, starting on the backs of the ears and spreading to the head and neck and rest of the body, turning brown before disappearance; Koplik spots (1 mm white spots, resembling grains of sand, on an erythematous background, in the buccal mucosa in the lower premolar region)); enteroviruses; acute HIV infection; uncomplicated dengue; aminopenicillin therapy in the presence of Epstein-Barr virus
Rickettsial infections
Mycoplasma and chlamydial infections
Bacterial/spirochaetal infections: secondary syphilis; leptospirosis; meningococcaemia
Acute retroviral syndrome (HIV)
Nodular lesions
Erythema nodosum
Streptococcal infections
Inflammatory bowel disease
Disseminated fungal infection
Disseminated tuberculosis/atypical mycobacteria
Sweet’s syndrome
Pseudomonas aeruginosa-echythmagangrenosum
Lyme disease
Vesiculo-bullous disorders
Varicella (successive crops of erythematous macules, papules, clear vesicles placed eccentrically on an erythematous base-dew drop on rose petal appearance, pustules, followed by central umbilication, erosion and crusting evolving over 12–24 h; lesions are seen in different stages of evolution; usually no prodrome in children, or a prodrome of nausea, anorexia, myalgia and headache in adults; starts on trunk-centripetal distribution-and spreads to face and limbs-centrifugal spread, sparing palms and soles; reinfection or a second clinical attack virtually unheard of)
Toxic epidermal necrolysis
Pemphigus vulgaris
Erythema multiforme major (Stevens-Johnson syndrome: fever, sore throat, flaccid bullae, painful ulcers in the mouth, lips, anal and genital regions, and keratoconjunctivitis)
Bullous pemphigoid
Drug eruptions
Disseminated herpes simplex (eczema herpeticum: in patients with atopic dermatitis and other widespread skin diseases, resulting from auto-inoculation usually from labial HSV or hetero-inoculation from an infected contact; rapidly spreading blistering eruption evolving into large erosions and ulcers, associated with fever)
Bullous erythema multiforme
Staphylococcal infections
Zoster (unilateral painful eruption of grouped vesicles along a dermatome, with hyperaesthesia and occasionally regional lymph node enlargement)
Hand-foot-and mouth disease
Contact dermatitis
Pustular disorders
Bacterial folliculitis
Generalisedpustular psoriasis: small, sterile pruritic non-follicular pustules within large areas of erythema; oedema of the hands and feet (de novo or complicating atypical, acral or flexural disease)
Acute generalized erythematous pustulosis
Risk factors for folliculitis
Shaving, plucking or waxing hair
Occlusion or maceration of skin
Topical steroid therapy
Atopic dermatitis
Diabetes mellitus
Inadequately chlorinated hot tubs, whirlpools and swimming pools
Lynch PJ, Edminster SC. Dermatology for the non-dermatologist: a problem-oriented system. Ann Emerg Med. 1984;13: 603–6
Red flags in skin rash
Systemic symptoms
Altered mental state
Co-morbidity: immunocompromised
Large area of skin involvement
Mucosal or ocular involvement
Causes of maculopapular rash
A maculopapular rash in the absence of fever or systemic illness does not constitute an urgent illness.Symptomatic treatment in the absence of a definitive diagnosis may be required.
Central distribution: drug eruption; pityriasisrosea; viral infection
Peripheral distribution: scabies; atopic dermatitis
Central distribution: viral exanthema (measles, rubella, rubeola, roseola- circular to elliptical rose-red macules or papules involving trunk, occasionally surrounded by a white halo, erythema infectiosum-slapped cheeks, with bright red erythema, infectious mononucleosis, enteroviral, adenoviral and arboviral infections); drug reaction; Kawasaki disease
Peripheral distribution: Stevens-Johnson syndrome; erythema multiforme; early meningococcaemia; early toxic shock syndrome; secondary syphilis; Lyme disease
Causes of STAR complex
(sore throat, arthropathy, and skin rash)
Parvovirus B19 (slapped cheek syndrome; viral prodrome, slapped cheeks, peri-oral pallor, sparing of palms and soles)
Hepatitis B
Epstein-Barr virus
Causes of purpura
Loss of dermal vascular connective tissue
Senile purpura
Steroid therapy
Vitamin C deficiency
Hereditary connective tissue diseases: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome; Marfan syndrome
Vessel wall damage
Mechanical: trauma, suction to skin, stasis, factitious
Anoxic-microvascular obstruction: consumption coagulopathies: DIC, TTP, haemolyticuraemic syndrome; purpurafulminans; fat embolism; myeloproliferative disease
Inflammatory vasculitis (Palpable purpura)
Hypersensitivity vasculitis: Henoch-Schonleinpurpura (tetrad of purpura, abdominal pain, renal disease and arthritis or arthralgia); collagen vascular disease
Infective vasculitis: meningoccal, streptococcal, gonococcal
Rickettsial infections
Non-vasculitic (pseudo-purpura)
Pyogenic granuloma
Kaposi’s sarcoma
Intravascular (haematological)
Functional platelet disorders
Causes of generalised itching
Dry skin (xerosis)
Atopic dermatitis (itchy, dry erythematous scaly patches with vesicles and exudation; flexural dermatitis with lichenification, egantecubital and popliteal fossae; involvement of eyelids; cheilitis; white dermographism; recurrent conjunctivitis, keratoconus, anterior and/or posterior subcapsular cataracts; personal/family history of atopic disease; increased susceptibility to viral infections; enhanced sensivity to irritation by detergents, wool and certain chemicals)
Contact dermatitis
Drugs: statins, ACE inhibitors, opiates, barbiturates, recreational drugs, antidepressants, oral retinoids
Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia (cholestasis)
Scabies: linear burrows, erythematous papules, vesicles, excoriations, crusts and pustules which are symmetrical in distribution and typically involve the inter-digital web spaces, flexor aspects of the wrists, axillae and the waist, showing a predilection for warm moist areas. Thick scaly plaques characterize Norwegian or crusted scabies.
Chronic kidney disease
Biliary obstruction
Animal mites
Flea bites
Lice infestations (Pediculosis)
Iron deficiency anaemiaStay updated, free articles. Join our Telegram channel
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