13 Decision Making and Perioperative Transesophageal Echocardiography
All too often in medicine, critical decisions are made without the benefit of a thorough consideration of data, evidence, and framework. The paucity of clinical outcomes research in echocardiography, especially in the perioperative period, dampens the prospects for evidence-based decision making. In the absence of evidence-directed practice, decision making typically is based on anecdote, clinical impression, and tradition, with little effort devoted to the process of reaching an intelligent conclusion. The quantity of information is increasingly abundant in medicine, and the operating room is no exception. Its acquisition, interpretation, and application for decision making can be cumbersome, distracting, and misguided. In the era of increasing information, there is an imperative to develop a systematic process of handling data streams, organizing ideas and thoughts, defining and prioritizing problems, and effecting care through a well-thought-out decision. A formalized approach to the acquisition of data and decision making (Figure 13-1) enhances the quality of the intraoperative echocardiogram, its interpretation, and the confidence with which the findings are communicated to other members of the operative and nonoperative teams. Poor decisions are not made by the physician with bad intentions. Poor decisions are more commonly the result of individuals relying on limited medical knowledge (a database typically defined by the narrow bounds of their profession), narrow framing, and false or tenuous anchors. The echocardiographer who is overly confident in the abilities of his or her surgical counterpart may be falsely anchored to the prior performances of the surgeon, with little or no reliance on a formalized decision-making process. The lack of a structured paradigm for decision making is most worrisome when clinicians with lesser ability or experience are making the decisions. The least accomplished clinicians often have the most inflated estimate of their own abilities, thus lending themselves to the vulnerabilities of limited skills plus lack of a decision-making process.1

Figure 13-1 An algorithm for the decision-making process.
CPB, cardiopulmonary bypass; TEE, transesophageal echocardiography.
The intraoperative consultant in echocardiography is confronted with multiple channels of information (Boxes 13-1, 13-2, and 13-3). The broad database that is required to formulate an intelligent decision includes provider- and patient-specific data. Patient-specific data include history and demographics, preoperative diagnostic examinations, admitting diagnosis and comorbidities, the patient’s wishes, recommendations of referring physicians, and intraoperative data. Intraoperative data include hemodynamic data, visual inspection, surgical input, and the transesophageal echocardiographic (TEE) examination. A systematic TEE examination of the heart and great vessels permits the acquisition and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative echocardiographic data applied to intraoperative decision making. The provider-specific data are composed of an accumulated database of knowledge acquired from training, experience, and continuous medical education. Expertise is gained from experience and enhances the repertoire of experiences from which a practitioner can draw but does not alter the cognitive engine and does not immunize the practitioner from errors in decision making. Intuition and experience are not reliable predictors of success. Learning through methods of trial and error and self-education by exploratory problem solving have little role in the arena of cardiac surgery. Heuristic methods of decision making often create a systematic and predictable bias. It is acceptable to be wrong. It is unacceptable to be consistently wrong in the same direction. A structured process of assessing all the data and weighing various alternatives (cognitive engine) will enable the physician to formulate a concise, organized approach to problem solving, communicating the findings and management alternatives.
An intraoperative TEE examination can correct preoperative inaccuracies in diagnosis or detect occult disease. With increasing emphasis on decreasing preoperative testing, avoiding redundant testing, and decreasing costs, accurate diagnoses of disease may not occur until the time of surgery. The increased reliance on the intraoperative TEE is fiscally wise but places greater responsibility and impact on the intraoperative echocardiographer. The detection of occult disease not appreciated during the preoperative evaluation often impacts operative management. It is necessary to reframe a problem when the data acquired reveal new insights. For example, the detection of mobile atheroma in the ascending aorta may influence positioning of an aortic infusion cannula or cross-clamp, hence changing circulatory management and the operation.2–4 A change in clinical management in respect to otherwise asymptomatic and silent findings is often controversial. The change in the operation has typically not been discussed with the patient, as the findings were unanticipated. The intraoperative diagnosis of moderate aortic valve regurgitation (AR) that was not detected before surgery will create a clinical challenge for the surgical team regarding administration of cardioplegia and the decision whether to replace the aortic valve (AV). Hence, the decision to proceed with an unplanned aortic valve replacement (AVR) relies on the ability of the echocardiographer to establish the diagnosis and mechanism of valvular pathology, define the pertinent factors that sway the decision (preoperative symptoms of congestive heart failure [CHF], ventricular size and function, pulmonary hypertension), and communicate with the surgeon and the other pertinent stakeholders. It is important to realize that the decision to recommend AVR to a patient is not often guided by the degree of AR but rather by the degree of corresponding ventricular dilatation and dysfunction. The finding of moderate AR with normal ventricular systolic function and chamber size, normal left atrial pressure, and no preoperative history of CHF may sway the operative team to proceed with the originally planned surgery and to treat the occult finding medically with postoperative afterload reduction and follow-up serial echocardiograms. In contrast, in a patient with otherwise unexplained shortness of breath, pulmonary hypertension, and a dilated left ventricle (LV), the presence of moderate AR typically leads to AVR. The introduction of new findings to the operative team warrants a “time-out” approach to determine the impact of the findings on the intraoperative care.

Decision-Making Process
The process of decision making is, in essence, “deciding how to decide.”5 What is the primary issue that needs to be addressed? What are the pitfalls in the decision? What are the consequences of the decision? What tools and resources does the decision maker require? What information is needed to make an informed decision? Is there evidence to support one decision over another? How much time does the decision-maker need to make the decision? Rarely is there a valid reason for not taking enough time to make a well-thought-out decision, even in the high-productivity, high-throughput environment of the operating room. Does the decision-maker need help? The authors have applied the methods of Russo and Schoemaker5 to decision making in medicine:
The data should include echocardiographic and nonechocardiographic data (see Boxes 13-1 through 13-3). The importance and impact of TEE decisions have been generally recognized and accepted. The ability to make an appropriate decision is predicated on a comprehensive examination. Confirmatory information is useful, as is contradictory information. The process of decision making also includes defining what information “not to collect.” Collecting as much data as possible typically leads to confusion and loss of direction in the reasoning process. A common hazard for the echocardiographer is the performance of an abridged examination because of either increased clinical demands or reliance on a preoperative examination. The conclusions drawn from an intraoperative examination and associated decisions should not be hurried and should be based on all aspects of the examination. Although physical injury from the TEE examination is a serious matter, the greatest risk of TEE is that of errors of omission or misinterpretation, leading to mismanagement and poor outcome.6–11
Performance of the decision maker is judged based on final outcome. However, decision making should be based on the information the decision maker had at the time of the decision. A significant limitation of measuring performance during uncertainty is that it is often judged, not by the decision-making process, but by single case results. If the decision is followed by a good outcome, the decision maker often is applauded with little regard to the ability to reach an intelligent conclusion. A poor outcome does not necessarily imply a poor process or poor decision. High-risk surgery leads to poor outcomes in many cases despite robust decisions. In medicine, this often leads to individuals being reluctant to make any decision at all, knowing that a poor outcome is likely and that it will be linked to their decision making. The reality of performance assessment is that even if the decision to proceed with therapy is substantiated, a poor outcome often will reflect negatively on the abilities of the echocardiographer, anesthesiologist, surgeon, and the operative team. Conversely, a good outcome does not imply a good process or a good decision.5 The surgeon’s decision to perform a posterior sliding mitral valvuloplasty and quadrilateral resection of the posterior leaflet based on a dilated mitral annulus with normal leaflet motion as defined by TEE may result in a technically competent MV repair and good long-term results. The decision to perform a posterior sliding valvuloplasty may or may not have been a wise decision. Equally good results may have occurred with the insertion of an annular ring without leaflet resection. The measure of an outcome by recording a metric is a valid assessment of quality only if the metric is a function of the actions of the provider.12 The outcome cannot be random; otherwise, there is no basis for estimating quality.
The first decision by the echocardiographer is whether TEE is indicated. Application of intraoperative TEE in the care of the patient with mitral disease is widely accepted. Even in this area, however, there is a paucity of data supporting an improved outcome for intraoperative patients cared for with TEE compared with no TEE. The decision to perform TEE during cardiac surgery is substantiated by practice expectations and consensus opinion. In an attempt to develop an evidence-based approach to this expanding technology, the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) and the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists (SCA) cosponsored a task force to develop guidelines for defining the indications for perioperative TEE. Despite the scarcity of outcome data to support the application of TEE in the perioperative period, TEE had rapidly been adopted by cardiac surgeons and cardiac anesthesiologists as a routine monitoring and diagnostic modality during cardiac surgery. In 1996, the task force published their guidelines, designed to establish the scientific merit of TEE and justification of its use in defined patient cohorts.13 The indications were grouped into three categories based on the strength of the supporting evidence/expert opinion that TEE improves outcome (Box 13-5). Category I indications suggested strong evidence/expert opinion that TEE was useful in improving clinical outcome. Category II indications suggested there was weak evidence/expert opinion that TEE improves outcome in these settings. Category III indications suggested there was little or no scientific merit or expert support for the application of TEE in these settings (see Chapters 12 and 41). These guidelines were further updated in 2010 to include virtually all adult cardiac surgery (Box 13-6).14
Modified from the Practice guidelines for perioperative transesophageal echocardiography. A report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists and the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists Task Force on Transesophageal Echocardiography. Anesthesiology 84:986, 1996.
Modified from Practice guidelines for perioperative transesophageal echocardiography: An updated report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists and the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists Task Force on Transesophageal Echocardiography. Anesthesiology 112:1084, 2010.
The ability to render a sound conclusion often is predicated on the performance of a complete and quantitative echocardiographic examination. Incomplete and qualitative assessments may be subject to missed or inaccurate diagnoses. The complete TEE examination has been described through a consensus opinion.15 The exact sequence of the comprehensive examination is less important than is adherence to it. A common practice is to perform a targeted examination, followed by the complete sequenced examination. This method allows for capture of the most important information should the patient become unstable and need rapid initiation of CPB before completion of the sequence of images that constitute the comprehensive TEE. The “soft” interpretation of “mild-to-moderate” is not always avoidable. The ability to “nail down” a diagnosis and establish a quantifiable measure of dysfunction allows for serial follow-up and comparison before and after treatment. The imperative for quantitative measures is directed at producing reproducible conclusions and trackable results.
Aliasing of color-flow Doppler in the LVOT is sensitive for detection of outflow obstruction but lacks specificity. Altered loading conditions, contractility, obstructive myopathy, and systolic anterior mitral motion may produce similar color Doppler findings. Spectral Doppler offers distinct advantages to color Doppler by measuring gradients and analysis of blood-flow velocity profiles, rendering the interpretation of abnormal flow patterns and pressure gradients more reliable and quantifiable. A similar approach is applied to assess abnormal blood-flow velocities across the MV (see Chapter 12).

Cardiac Function and Regional Wall Motion Abnormalities
Data Collection
Regional assessment provides an index of myocardial well-being that can be linked to coronary anatomy and blood flow. Although the measurement of coronary blood flow is not achieved by TEE, the perfusion beds and corresponding myocardium for the left anterior descending, left circumflex, and right coronary arteries are relatively distinct and can be scrutinized by TEE using multiplane imaging. The transgastric and long-axis imaging views of the LV are the most widely used for evaluating wall motion abnormalities. Digital archival systems have gained popularity for their ability to capture a single cardiac cycle that can then be examined more closely as a continuous cine loop. Cine loops also can permit side-by-side display of images obtained under varying conditions (e.g., prebypass and postbypass). Regional myocardial ischemia produces focal changes in the corresponding ventricular walls before changes occur on the ECG.16 Changes progress from normal wall motion to hypokinesis or akinesis. Dyskinesis, thinning, and calcification of the myocardium suggest a nonacute process, likely a prior infarction.
Ventricular failure can be caused by diastolic dysfunction: the compromised ability of the ventricle to accommodate diastolic filling. Diastolic dysfunction is assessed echocardiographically by examining volumetric filling of the ventricle at the mitral or tricuspid valves and annular excursion. Normal diastolic filling is biphasic with an early (passive) component that exceeds the late (active) inflow velocities. Abnormalities of ventricular filling (e.g., impaired ventricular relaxation, restriction, constriction) produce characteristic changes in the spectral recordings of Doppler inflow velocities. Abnormalities of diastolic function can lend insight into the mechanisms of circulatory instability (see Chapter 12).
Preexisting ventricular dysfunction suggests increased risk for surgery and poorer long-term outcome. The presence of such ventricular dysfunction may deteriorate intraoperatively, requiring the need for marked pharmacologic or mechanical support. A patient with a preoperative EF of 10% scheduled for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and MV repair is at increased risk for intraoperative ischemia, acute heart failure, and difficulty maintaining hemodynamic stability during the immediate postbypass period. Anticipating such problems, consider placement of an intra-aortic balloon pump or femoral arterial catheter during the prebypass period (Figure 13-2). The same patient is likely to benefit from the administration of inotropic agents (see Chapter 32).
Not all preexisting SWMAs benefit from coronary revascularization. Regions of akinesia and dyskinesia usually are the result of a myocardial infarction and may reflect nonviable myocardium, although “hibernating” myocardium is possible. Hypokinetic segments generally are viable and may represent active ischemia.17 Preoperative positron emission tomographic scanning can detect hibernating myocardium and may be cost-effective to guide CABG.18–20 The detection of hibernating myocardium in an area of chronic ischemia and regional hypokinesis will direct the surgeon to revascularize the corresponding stenosed coronary artery. In contrast, an occluded coronary artery with downstream infarction may not benefit from revascularization because contractile function may be irreversibly lost. However, in this latter scenario, revascularization postinfarction may provide some benefit in decreasing the risk for ventricular aneurysm formation.21
Diastolic dysfunction is associated with significant increases in mortality during long-term follow-up.22 Characterization of abnormalities of diastolic function lends insight into the mechanisms of circulatory instability and hypotension. Severe left ventricular hypertrophy with a noncompliant LV and hyperdynamic systolic function may produce severe heart failure if adequate loading is not achieved. Hemodynamic indices obtained from a pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) may be misleading. The findings of a small left ventricular chamber size, blunted transmitral filling velocities, and an increased FAC demonstrate the cause of the hypotension. The decision to administer volume may be appropriate despite the increased pulmonary artery pressures.
If the intraoperative examination reveals new ventricular dysfunction, the intraoperative team must determine the cause and severity and then plan a treatment. Other causes of SWMAs such as conduction abnormalities (left bundle branch block or ventricular pacing) can be difficult to distinguish. Is the decrement in function potentially reversible with conservative therapy, or should additional intervention be considered? Treatment of myocardial ischemia may include optimizing hemodynamics; administering anticoagulants, nitrates, calcium channel blockers, or β-blockers; inserting an intra-aortic balloon pump; or instituting CPB and coronary revascularization. The presence of new-onset SWMAs after separation from CPB is worrisome for myocardial ischemia. Even the patient without coronary artery disease (CAD) remains at risk because of hypotension, a shower of air or debris into the coronary circulation, or coronary spasm. The patient with CAD undergoing CABG may have all the above risks, technical difficulties at the anastomotic site, injury to the native coronary artery (e.g., stitch caught the back wall or occlusion of the circumflex artery during MV surgery), or occlusion of the coronary graft by thrombosis or aortic dissection. The coronary arteries, grafts, and anastomoses should be carefully inspected for patency and flow. Graft patency in the operating room is difficult to determine. Techniques include manual stripping and refill, measuring coronary flow by handheld Doppler, or administration of echo contrast agents (see Chapter 12). Hybrid operating rooms have been increasing in number with the intent of providing advanced imaging of the coronary circulation at the time of surgery.23 A new SWMA in the distribution of a new coronary graft can prompt the decision-making strategies listed in Table 13-1 (see Chapters 18, 32, and 34).
TABLE 13-1 Management Strategies for New-Onset Myocardial Ischemia after Bypass
Diagnosis | Plausible Treatment |
Coronary graft occlusion | Revise coronary graft |
Coronary air emboli | Increase coronary perfusion pressure, administer coronary dilators |
Coronary calcium/atheroma emboli | Support circulation |
Dissection of the aortic root | Repair dissection |
Coronary spasm | Administer coronary dilators |

Transesophageal Echocardiography as a Rescue Device: Management of Marked Hemodynamic Instability
The common causes of intraoperative or perioperative hypotension include intravascular hypovolemia, myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction, and systemic vasodilatation, either pathologic from infection or inflammation, or iatrogenic from drug administration (e.g., vancomycin). Mechanical causes of hypotension typically are related to compressive forces impairing the heart’s ability to fill or eject (e.g., pericardial fluid, tension pneumothorax). The MV is inspected for incompetence. Acute mitral regurgitation is rare in the absence of myocardial ischemia or infarction. A diagnosis of dynamic LVOT obstruction, an uncommon cause during the perioperative period, is difficult to establish in the absence of more invasive monitoring such as TEE (Figure 13-3). Systemic hypotension with a dilated RV and a small, underfilled LV implies either primary right ventricular failure (e.g., myocardial ischemia or infarction in the distribution of the right coronary artery) or secondary right ventricular failure from acute increases in pulmonary vascular resistance (e.g., pulmonary embolus [Figure 13-4], pneumothorax, or protamine reaction).
The distribution of the right coronary arterial system of most patients (right dominant system) includes the RV and the posterior descending coronary artery, which provides blood supply to the inferior and inferoseptal walls of the LV. Acute right ventricular dysfunction is not uncommon after the release of the aortic cross-clamp. Preservation of the RV is less reliable compared with the LV because of its exposure to ambient room temperature and variability in its coronary circulation. Open-chamber procedures increase the risk for right ventricular dysfunction because of retained intracardiac air. In the supine patient, the right coronary ostium is located in the least-dependent portion of the aortic root, predisposing it for the embolization of air bubbles. Air embolization to the right coronary artery produces acute ST-segment changes, marked global right ventricular dysfunction, and SWMAs of the inferior wall of the LV (Figure 13-5). Conservative treatment includes increasing the blood pressure to promote coronary perfusion while continuing CPB.

Pericardial Effusion and Tamponade
Not all pericardial effusions require immediate intervention. Development of cardiac tamponade is related to the rate of accumulation of pericardial fluid and the capacity for the pericardium to stretch and accommodate fluid. Chronic pericardial effusions, which occur in cases of malignancy, uremia, connective tissue disease, Dressler syndrome, and postinfection pericarditis, uncommonly require emergent intervention. Acute pericardial effusions that occur postcardiotomy are usually more ominous and often result in hemodynamic compromise, requiring treatment (see Chapters 22 and 34).

Management of Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation
Ischemic heart disease is the most common cause of mitral insufficiency in the United States. Mechanisms of valve incompetence are varied and include annular dilatation, papillary muscle dysfunction from active ischemia or infarction, papillary muscle rupture, or ventricular remodeling from scar, often leading to a tethering effect of the subvalvular apparatus. Mitral regurgitation leads to pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary vascular congestion, and pulmonary edema with functional disability. Ventricular function deteriorates as the LV becomes volume overloaded with corresponding chamber dilatation. Left untreated, severe mitral regurgitation from ischemic heart disease has a poor prognosis, hence the imperative for diagnosis and treatment.24–26 Less certain is the impact of lesser degrees of mitral insufficiency on functional status and long-term morbidity and mortality. Patients presenting for CABG often have concomitant mitral regurgitation of a mild or moderate degree. The intraoperative team is confronted with the decision whether to surgically address the MV during the coronary operation.
Data Collection
Pertinent data, including preoperative functional status and evaluation, need to be considered to appropriately interpret and place the intraoperative data in context. The preoperative echocardiogram and ventriculogram need to be reviewed. The intraoperative hemodynamic data are coupled with TEE information to complete the dataset needed to move forward with the decision-making process. The severity of mitral regurgitation on TEE is measured by the vena contracta, maximum area of the regurgitant jet, regurgitant orifice area, and pulmonary vein blood-flow velocities. Valvular disease causes changes in other cardiac structures. Chronic mitral regurgitation may be associated with a dilated LA, pulmonary hypertension, and right ventricular dysfunction. Wall motion assessment and the ECG are used for detecting reversible myocardial dysfunction that may benefit from revascularization. The hemodynamic and TEE data are coupled with provocative testing of the MV in an attempt to emulate the working conditions of the MV in an awake, unanesthetized state. It is not uncommon that preoperative mild-to-moderate mitral regurgitation with a structurally normal valve totally resolves under the unloading conditions of general anesthesia.27–29
Most cases of ischemic mitral regurgitation are categorized as “functional” rather than structural. In a study of 482 patients with ischemic mitral regurgitation, 76% had functional ischemic mitral regurgitation, compared with 24% having significant papillary muscle dysfunction.30 The mechanism of ischemic mitral regurgitation is attributed to annular dilatation, secondary to left ventricular enlargement and regional left ventricular remodeling with papillary muscle displacement, causing apical tethering and restricted systolic leaflet motion.31 The importance of local left ventricular remodeling with papillary muscle displacement as a mechanism for ischemic mitral regurgitation has been reproduced in an animal model.32
The mitral regurgitation is prioritized in accordance with the principal diagnosis (e.g., CAD), comorbidities, functional disability, and short- and long-term outcome. Ischemic mitral regurgitation is quantified and the mechanism of valve dysfunction is defined. Intraoperative mitral regurgitation is compared with preoperative findings. Discrepancies between the preoperative and intraoperative assessment of the valve may reflect the pressure and volume unloading effects of general anesthesia. In patients with functional ischemic 1 to 2+ mitral regurgitation, the MV often is not repaired or replaced. However, the need for surgical intervention in patients with 2+ mitral regurgitation under anesthesia remains a point of debate and has not been definitively answered by prospective studies. MV surgery typically is recommended to improve functional status and long-term outcome for patients with 3+ ischemic mitral regurgitation or greater.30 Ignoring significant ischemic mitral regurgitation at the time of CABG can limit the functional benefit derived from surgery.
The risks to the patient of not surgically altering the MV and anticipated residual regurgitation are weighted against the risk for atriotomy, mitral surgery, extending CPB and aortic cross-clamp times, and the likelihood that the CABG surgery will be successful at decreasing the severity of mitral regurgitation. Added risk includes commitment to a mechanical prosthesis should a reparative procedure prove unsuccessful. Mitral regurgitation caused by acute ischemia may resolve after restoration of coronary blood flow (Figure 13-6). The reversibility of the regurgitation is difficult to predict: Factors supporting reversibility (and, hence, no immediate need to surgically address the valve) include a structurally normal MV, normal left atrial and left ventricular dimensions, including the mitral annulus, and SWMAs associated with transient regurgitation and pulmonary edema. Revascularization of the culprit myocardium with improvement in regional function may be all that is necessary to restore normal mitral coaptation.33,34 Myocardial infarction with a fixed wall-motion defect or aneurysm, chronically dilated left-sided heart chambers, dilated annulus, or other structural abnormalities that are not reversible (ruptured papillary muscle or chordae, leaflet prolapse, leaflet perforation) suggest myocardial revascularization is unlikely to correct the valvular incompetence.