© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
Davide Chiumello (ed.)Practical Trends in Anesthesia and Intensive Care 2017https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-61325-3_1010. Critical Care Management of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH)
Dipartimento di Scienze e Biotecnologie Medico Chirurgiche, Sapienza University of Rome, Policlinico Umberto I Hospital, 00161 Rome, Italy
Dipartimento di Anestesiologia e Rianimazione, Università di Torino, Ospedale S. Giovanni Battista-Molinette, Torino, Italy
10.1 Introduction
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) represents about 3% of all strokes in the USA. Worldwide the incidence of SAH is 2–16/100,000 people, and it has not undergone changes in the last three decades. Females are more commonly affected than males (F:M = 1.24:1), as are some ethnic groups (African Americans and Hispanics) compared to white Americans [1, 2]. SAH incidence increases with age (onset ≥ 50 years), while the prevalence rate is 3.2% [3]. In about 80% of cases, the cause of SAH is the rupture of a cerebral aneurysm (annual rupture rate 0.95%) [4]; in 15% of SAH, there is no evidence of source of bleeding with neuroimaging studies; and finally the remaining 5% of cases is explained by other causes (arteriovenous malformations, vasculitis). SAH is responsible for significant morbidity and mortality. Mortality rates vary widely between different studies (8–67%), but most of these studies do not take into account prehospital mortality (about 10–15%) [5].
A significant reduction of SAH mortality rates has been observed worldwide (30-day mortality 32–42%) [6], attributable to the improvements in patient care (neurosurgical intensive care, endovascular therapy, microsurgical techniques) which have increased the survival in hospitalized patients. Despite the reduction in fatality rates, about 50% of survivors have significant permanent reduction in health-related quality of life (loss of working capacity, social independence, and personal/family relationships at a 5-year follow-up). This quality of life reduction has multifactorial causes such as impairment of physical functions, cognitive deficits (executive function and memory), mood disorders (anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder), and personality disorders [7, 8].
Several risk factors have been identified, both nonmodifiable (age, female sex, previous aneurysmal SAH, familiarity) and modifiable (hypertension, cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, sympathomimetic drugs use). Other risk factors are some genetic diseases (autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV, Marfan syndrome, neurofibromatosis type I, fibromuscular dysplasia), cerebral aneurysms of the anterior circulation in patients <55 years, cerebral aneurysms of the posterior circulation in male patients, cerebral aneurysms >7 mm in diameter, and finally patients with significant legal or financial problems over the last 30 days. It is unknown whether there are factors playing a predominant role but, if present simultaneously, many of them can interact among themselves with a synergistic effect [9–14]. Antihypertensive treatment is recommended and may reduce the risk of SAH, as well as avoiding tobacco and alcohol use and eating a diet rich in vegetables [2].
10.2 Clinical Features
Most of cerebral aneurysms are not diagnosed during life, or their detection is incidental. Inflammation appears to play an important role in the pathogenesis and growth of intracranial aneurysms [2]. Clinically the aneurysm may present with headache, bitemporal hemianopsia and bilateral hyposthenia of the lower limbs (anterior communicating artery), unilateral third cranial nerve palsy (posterior communicating artery), facial or orbital pain, epistaxis, progressive visual loss and/or ophthalmoplegia (intracavernous internal carotid artery), and with symptoms of brain stem dysfunction (posterior circulation).
SAH is the most common clinical presentation of an aneurysm [6]. A severe, sudden headache (thunderclap headache, often described as the worst headache a patient has ever had) is the typical onset of SAH, and it occurs in about 80% of patients, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, photophobia, neck pain and stiffness, and loss of consciousness [15]. Physical examination should include evaluation of level of consciousness, fundus oculi, meningeal signs, and presence of focal neurological deficits. Focal neurological deficits (including cranial nerve palsies) are present in 10% of SAH patients and are associated with worse prognosis when caused by the presence of thick subarachnoid clots or intraparenchymal hemorrhage.
A transient increase in intracranial pressure (ICP) is responsible for nausea, vomiting, and syncope; coma and even brain death can occur in case of more severe and prolonged increase in ICP values. Terson syndrome (vitreous hemorrhage associated with SAH) occurs in up to 40% of SAH patients [16, 17]. A sudden increase in ICP may cause preretinal hemorrhages associated with more severe SAH and increased mortality.
Occasionally some patients may have atypical SAH presentation with seizures, acute encephalopathy, concomitant subdural hematoma, and traumatic brain injury, making diagnosis more difficult. Some patients (10–43% of cases) experience days or weeks before aneurysmal SAH the so-called “sentinel” headache caused by a small blood loss from the aneurysm [18, 19]. Unfortunately this event often represents only retrospective information since sentinel headache is temporary, and head CT is negative in 50% of cases.
10.3 Diagnosis
10.3.1 Head CT
The initial and more appropriate diagnostic test for patients with suspected SAH is a non-contrast head CT [15]. CT sensitivity was found to be 98–100% in detecting subarachnoid blood within 12 h from symptoms onset, compared to lumbar puncture. CT sensitivity is reduced to 93% at 24 h and to 50% at 7 days after the event [20, 21]. The typical appearance of blood extravasated in the basal subarachnoid cisterns is hyperdense. Other localizations include the sylvian scissure, the interhemispheric scissure, the interpeduncular fossa, and suprasellar, ambient, and quadrigeminal cisterns. CT can also highlight intracerebral hemorrhage, intraventricular hemorrhage, and hydrocephalus. In the first 2 days of SAH presentation, MRI is as sensitive as CT but is rarely performed into this context for logistical reasons [22, 23]. Several days after SAH onset, MRI with hemosiderin-sensitive sequences (gradient echo and susceptibility-weighted imaging) or with FLAIR sequences (fluid-attenuated inversion recovery) is more sensitive than CT.
10.3.2 Lumbar Puncture
Lumbar puncture is recommended in all patients with clinical suspicion of SAH and negative or uncertain head CT. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) should be collected in four consecutive samples, and red blood cell counts should be performed in the first and fourth sample [15, 24]. Elevated opening pressure, elevated number of erythrocytes not significantly reducing in the fourth sample compared to the first one, and especially CSF xanthochromia are all elements that direct toward SAH diagnosis. Xanthochromia demonstrates intraliquoral hemolysis, and it can be detected by visual inspection of the sample or through spectrophotometry. Xanthochromia develops in about 12 h from SAH onset, and spectrophotometry seems to be more sensitive than visual inspection, which remains anyway the most widely used method. There is no clinical study that has determined the false negative rate for xanthochromia in different time intervals after SAH onset [25].
10.3.3 Source of Bleeding
All patients with diagnostic head CT and diagnostic or uncertain lumbar puncture must undergo CT angiography (CTA) or digital subtraction angiography (DSA) [15, 24]. DSA is traditionally considered the “gold standard” diagnostic test to detect the source of bleeding in SAH (especially aneurysmal SAH) and to plan the most suitable treatment. In many centers, CTA is commonly performed as a first-line diagnostic test, given its increasing availability. CTA has a 90–97% sensitivity and a 93–100% specificity (variability depends on technical factors such as the use of 16 or 64 slices, slice thickness, data processing algorithms, and finally the reader’s experience [26, 27]). CTA may be unreliable in detecting small (<4 mm) or distal aneurysms. Finally the choice between performing CTA or DSA depends on the availability of resources and institutional protocols. In SAH patients presenting with loss of consciousness DSA should be performed even if CTA is negative. Patients with negative DSA should repeat it between 7 and 14 days since SAH onset, and if still negative, they should undergo magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) to detect possible cerebral, brainstem, or spinal vascular malformations [28].
10.3.4 Misdiagnosis
SAH may be not diagnosed because typical findings are not well defined or for an atypical clinical scenario. Since it is a medical emergency, a misdiagnosis is associated with a significant increase in mortality and disability (up to four times) in those patients presenting with no neurological deficits. Misdiagnosis has decreased from 60% in the early 1980s to 15% in recent years [29, 30]. It must be stressed how important is having a high index of suspicion in front of each new-onset headache to make a correct differential diagnosis. A recent study found a series of clinical factors assuring a 100% sensitivity in detecting SAH in patients with >40 years, including neck pain or stiffness, loss of consciousness, symptoms onset during physical exercise, thunderclap headache, and neck flexion pain (“The Ottawa SAH Rule”) [31].
10.3.5 Perimesencephalic SAH
Imaging studies fail to demonstrate the source of bleeding in approximately 15% of SAH patients. It is estimated that 38% of these patients have a non-aneurysmal perimesencephalic SAH [32]. Fifty-four percent of patients with non-aneurysmal perimesencephalic SAH are male and have a lower risk of complications with better outcome than aneurysmal SAH patients. A correct diagnosis is important given the catastrophic consequences of not identifying a ruptured cerebral aneurysm. Non-aneurysmal perimesencephalic SAH occurs with negative CTA or DSA but with a characteristic head CT scan [33]. The hemorrhage origin is localized anterior to the midbrain, with or without blood spreading to the front portion of ambient cistern or to the basal part of sylvian scissure. Interhemispheric scissure is not completely occupied by the hemorrhage, and there is no intraventricular blood.
10.4 Initial Assessment
Initial assessment and management of SAH patients with impaired consciousness must focus on stabilizing airway, breathing, and circulation [2, 15, 22–24]. Once stabilized, patients should undergo head CT and, if the patient is unable to protect airway, must be immediately intubated. The most common indications for endotracheal intubation include coma, hydrocephalus, seizures, and the need for sedation. We must also avoid extreme values of blood pressure that could trigger rebleeding; therefore, controlling hypertension is critical [34]. On the basis of randomized controlled clinical trials, it is recommended to maintain mean arterial pressure (MAP) <110 mmHg or systolic blood pressure < 160 mmHg until ruptured aneurysm treatment, avoiding hypotension not to compromise cerebral perfusion [35, 36]. Usually blood pressure control is achieved by treating patient’s pain, otherwise administering labetalol IV (5–20 mg), hydralazine (5–20 mg), or continuous nicardipine infusion (5–15 mg/h). To treat patient’s pain, short-acting opioids are used.
10.4.1 Severity Assessment
The severity of neurological impairment and the amount of subarachnoid bleeding at patient’s admission are the strongest predictors of neurological complications and outcome [15, 23]. It is therefore essential to assess the patient, after stabilization, using a scoring system. There are several scoring systems available such as the Hunt and Hess classification or the WFNS (World Federation of Neurosurgical Surgeons) grading system. The prognostic advantage of the one or the other scale is uncertain and both have limitations [37]. The WFNS scale has the advantage to have identified as a prognostic factor focal neurological deficit only in a patient with preserved consciousness. The modified Fisher scale categorizes SAH imaging findings on head CT, and the amount of subarachnoid bleeding is a predictor of cerebral vasospasm, delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI), and overall patient outcomes [38–40]. Currently WFNS scale is used for clinical grading (the score is derived from Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and neurological examination), and modified Fisher scale is used for radiological grading (the score is obtained by evaluating the amount of blood on head CT) [41, 42]. Elevated WFNS and modified Fisher scores are associated with poorer clinical outcome and a higher rate of neurological complications.
10.4.2 Admission in High-Volume Centers
SAH patients should be admitted in high-volume center, hospitalized in neurosurgical intensive care unit, and assessed by a multidisciplinary team for a correct cerebral aneurysm management [2, 43]. It has been demonstrated that admission of SAH patients in low-volume centers is associated with increased 30-day mortality compared to admission in high-volume centers. Furthermore, hospitalization in neurosurgical intensive care unit managed by neurointensivists is associated with a reduced in-hospital mortality [44].
10.5 Aneurysm Treatment
In the management of cerebral aneurysms, there are two effective treatments: surgical clipping and endovascular coiling. The goal is to completely obliterate the aneurysm and exclude it from circulation whenever possible. Clipping consists in excluding the aneurysm sac from circulation by positioning a vascular clip at the aneurysm neck with microsurgical technique. Coiling is an endovascular treatment and consists in bringing an endovascular microcatheter to the aneurysm sac and releasing through these very thin metallic coils until complete aneurysm occlusion. The choice between this two treatment options depends on several factors including patient age, aneurysm localization and morphology, and the relationship with adjacent vessels. Since deciding on the most appropriate treatment for each patient is complex, it is important that the assessment is performed by a multidisciplinary team consisting of cerebrovascular neurosurgeons, endovascular-trained physicians, and neurointensivists to reach a consensus on therapy [2, 15, 22, 23, 30, 43]. A prospective randomized controlled clinical trial—ISAT (International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial)—was performed to evaluate patients with treatable aneurysms and candidates for both endovascular coiling and surgical clipping [45, 46]. Patients assigned to the coiling group showed a significantly better outcome (in terms of disability-free survival at a 1-year follow-up, evaluated with modified Rankin scale) and a lower risk of epilepsy compared to the clipping group. On the other hand, the risk of rebleeding and only partial aneurysm occlusion was lower in the clipping group. Overall, endovascular coiling should be preferred compared to surgical clipping whenever possible. Many aneurysms are not equally eligible for clipping or coiling. Characteristics such as advanced age, poor clinical grading, underlying multiple systemic comorbidities, aneurysms of basilar artery tip and vertebrobasilar circulation, aneurysms of intracavernous internal carotid artery, and high surgical risk make endovascular coiling preferable. Other features such as giant, fusiform aneurysms, with an elevated neck/body ratio (>0.5), localized at arterial bifurcations and middle cerebral artery aneurysms or associated with large parenchymal hematomas make surgical clipping more suitable. In young patients, surgical clipping is preferable as it provides better protection against SAH recurrence. After every aneurysm repair surgery, it is recommended to perform an immediate cerebrovascular imaging examination to identify promptly any residues or recurrences of aneurysmal pathology requiring further treatment [2]. Regardless of the chosen treatment, aneurysms should be treated as early as possible to prevent rebleeding and to safely and effectively treat vasospasm [6].
10.6 Anesthetic Management
The general goals of anesthesiologic management include hemodynamic control to minimize the risk of aneurysm re-rupture and strategies to protect the brain from ischemic injury. Depending on SAH severity, patients will exhibit a different degree of cerebrovascular reactivity impairment and of cerebral autoregulation impairment, making brain perfusion strictly dependent on MAP value. Therefore the patient should not be exposed to hypotension, with associated risk of DCI, or hypertension, with risk of rebleeding [47, 48]. The goal is to maintain the transmural pressure gradient through the aneurysm wall and to maintain the cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), given by the subtraction MAP-ICP. A sudden increase in blood pressure along with a rapid reduction in ICP can alter the gradient and increase the risk of aneurysm rupture. It is therefore important to avoid hypotension or hypertension during induction of anesthesia, intubation, surgical incision, and opening of dura. Prior to induction of anesthesia, a central venous access and also an arterial access with intra-arterial blood pressure monitoring must be obtained to be able to continuously calculate CPP and the transmural pressure gradient through the aneurysm wall [49]. Many pharmacological agents have been used for neuroprotective purpose during aneurysm surgery, but no one has shown a significant improvement in outcome.
10.6.1 Anesthesia
The maintenance of anesthesia can be handled with inhaled agents, used with a minimum alveolar concentration ≤ 1 (MAC), along with the use of analgesics such as fentanyl, sufentanil, or remifentanil, and with an appropriate neuromuscular blockade obtained with non-depolarizing agents. The cerebral vasodilator effect of modern inhaled agents such as desflurane, isoflurane, and sevoflurane, used at MAC ≤ 1, is not clinically relevant as it depends on dosage and solubility coefficient of the gas in the blood [50, 51]. Alternatively maintenance of anesthesia can be achieved by total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA), based on propofol use. This technique may be preferable in patients with elevated ICP, as it reduces cerebral blood flow (CBF) and ICP, and also in patients monitored with evoked potentials, thus avoiding interferences with inhaled agents [52, 53]. It has not been demonstrated any superiority of TIVA compared to inhaled agents, in terms of anesthetic efficacy and neurological healing, and it is possible to use the two techniques in combination [54–56].
10.6.2 Neurophysiological Monitoring
Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP) and brain stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) can be used to monitor cerebral function. SSEP are used during aneurysm surgery in the area of both anterior and posterior cerebral circulation. BAEP are used during surgical interventions in the area of vertebrobasilar circulation. Monitoring through evoked potentials serves to guide the surgical procedure (removing or repositioning a vascular clip) and hemodynamic management (arterial blood pressure). Unfortunately this type of monitoring is not specific, and there are no studies that document an improvement in outcome [49].
10.6.3 ICP
ICP monitoring is particularly useful in the management of blood pressure during induction of anesthesia and in the postoperative period, especially in the patient who remains unconscious after surgery [49]. Elevated ICP management involves simple therapeutic measures such as lifting the headboard of the patient bed and preventing jugular venous compression. It is important to maintain PaCO2 level around 35 mmHg ensuring a proper depth of anesthesia. To further reduce ICP, intravenous mannitol or hypertonic saline can be administered. Intravenous mannitol 20% is infused during 10–15 min at a dosage of 0.5 g/kg. The hypertonic saline should be administered via central venous access in order to avoid the risk of thrombophlebitis. There are no definitive data on the superiority of the one or the other solution. When all these therapeutic measures fail to control ICP, hyperventilation can be used, but it should be suspended as soon as the indication is ended [57]. Elevated ICP is a common complication in the first week after severe SAH in intensive care patients and is associated with the severity of initial brain injury and with mortality [58].
10.6.4 Hypothermia
The role of hypothermia in patients with surgically treated intracranial aneurysm has been studied in the IHAST II trial, whose results have shown that inducing mild hypothermia (33 °C), despite being relatively safe, is not associated with an improvement in neurological outcome and mortality. Since IHAST II has some limitations, the role of hypothermia cannot be completely denied and should be further evaluated [59].
10.7 Critical Care Management
In the early stage, SAH is often associated with severe systemic and intracranial consequences rather than further brain damage [60–63]. More than 75% of SAH patients experience a systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), probably due to high levels of inflammatory cytokines, associated with permanent neurocognitive dysfunction. SAH patients have an increased risk of developing several neurological complications, including hydrocephalus, cerebral edema, delayed cerebral ischemia, rebleeding, seizures, and neuroendocrine disorders leading to alteration of sodium, water, and glucose homeostasis. SAH also triggers alterations mediated by the hypothalamus increasing the orthosympathetic and parasympathetic tone, responsible for cardiac and pulmonary complications. Increased levels of circulating catecholamines are thought to be the basis of several cardiac manifestations including ECG alterations, arrhythmias, contractility disorder (Takotsubo cardiomyopathy), troponinemia, and myocardial necrosis. A similar pathophysiologic mechanism is probably the basis of pulmonary complications such as neurogenic pulmonary edema. It is important to recognize and treat all these systemic complications since they are associated with an increased risk of delayed cerebral ischemia and poor neurological outcome after SAH.
10.8 Neurological Complications
10.8.1 Rebleeding
Rebleeding is a major disabling complication of SAH, which involves high rates of mortality and morbidity. Four to fifteen percent of SAH patients rebleed within the first 24 h, but the risk is more elevated within the first 6 h after symptoms onset. The risk of rebleeding decreases over the next 2 weeks. The main associated risk factors include elevated systolic blood pressure (>160 mmHg), poor neurological grading, intracerebral or intraventricular hematomas, posterior circulation ruptured aneurysms and aneurysms >10 mm in diameter [34]. The best therapeutic measure to reduce rebleeding risk is the early treatment of the aneurysm [43]. When there is delay in treatment (clipping or coiling), tranexamic acid or aminocaproic acid should be given to the patient within 72 h and if there are no contraindications. The use of antifibrinolytic agents is justified by the fact that early risk of rebleeding is a consequence of activated fibrinolysis and therefore reduced clot stability in the first 6 h. It is also very important in the prevention of rebleeding blood pressure control before aneurysm repair. Nicardipine seems to provide better blood pressure control over labetalol and sodium nitroprusside, although there are no demonstrated differences in clinical outcome [64]. Since systemic hypertension following SAH is mediated by V1a receptors of vasopressin, it has been supposed that treatment with inhibitors of these receptors could reduce hemorrhage severity and prevent rebleeding, improving outcome [65]. Patients with suspected rebleeding should be immediately evaluated, performing head CT and DSA, and the aneurysm should be treated immediately. As far as endovascular treatment is concerned, it should only involve coiling of ruptured aneurysm. Stenting of cerebral aneurysm in the context of SAH should be avoided as it is associated with more hemorrhagic complications and poor outcome [2].
10.8.2 Hydrocephalus
Acute symptomatic hydrocephalus occurs in about 20% of SAH patients, usually within the first days after symptoms onset [2, 15, 22]. Patient’s presentation is with a reduced level of consciousness and other signs of increased ICP, such as impaired upward movement of the eyes and hypertension. It is recommended to perform a control head CT in any suspected symptomatic hydrocephalus patient, followed by external ventricular drainage (EVD) placement. In patients with SAH complicated by communicating hydrocephalus, a lumbar drainage may be positioned, in some cases, instead of EVD. About 60% of SAH patients treated with EVD are successfully weaned, while the remaining is treated with the placement of a permanent ventriculoperitoneal shunt. The weaning of the patient from EVD should begin immediately after the treatment of the aneurysm or <48 h from the EVD positioning if the patient is neurologically stable. A fast weaning protocol is preferable as it has been shown that a gradual weaning (>24 h) is not effective in reducing the need for ventricular shunt.
10.8.3 Seizures
Defining the exact incidence of seizures in SAH patients is difficult and controversial since many patients (20–26%) experience seizure-like episodes that are unlikely to be correctly assessed as they occur at symptoms onset [15, 45, 46]. Generally, patients with middle cerebral artery aneurysms, thick subarachnoid clots, rebleeding, cerebral infarction, history of hypertension, concomitant intraparenchymal hematomas, and poor clinical grading are at higher risk of seizures, while patients treated with endovascular coiling have lower seizure rates. The long-term risk of developing epilepsy is low. A nonconvulsive status epilepticus is a strong predictor of poor outcome. Administering prophylactic antiepileptic drugs in SAH patients was common practice, but treatment, especially with phenytoin, was associated with worse clinical outcome and elevated incidence of drug-related complications [2]. It is therefore recommended to avoid phenytoin and, if treatment is needed, short-term administration of the antiepileptic drug, for 3–7 days. Prophylactic therapy is reasonable in patients in the acute stage of SAH to prevent further brain injury or rebleeding. In SAH patients with poor grading subclinical seizures may occur even with high frequency, so in this context, continuous EEG monitoring is recommended [43].
10.8.4 Delayed Cerebral Ischemia
Delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) is one of the most feared complications after SAH and is the event with the greatest impact on functional outcome [62, 63]. It occurs in about 30% of SAH patients, usually between days 4 and 14 after symptoms onset. It is defined as any sign of neurological deterioration (focal or global) which is presumed to be secondary to cerebral ischemia, persistent for more than 1 h, and not explained by another neurological or systemic condition. This fact implies that DCI is a diagnosis of exclusion; therefore, there must be no hydrocephalus, sedation, hypoxemia, seizures, electrolytic alterations, and renal or hepatic dysfunction. Factors involved in DCI pathogenesis are different, including cerebral vasospasm, microcirculatory constriction, microthrombosis, cortical spreading depression (CSD), delayed cell apoptosis, loss of blood-brain barrier integrity, cerebral edema, and loss of cerebral autoregulation [66, 67]. Most likely, the principal factor triggering all these processes is the release of oxyhemoglobin and other erythrocyte components through hemolysis, which activates a number of inflammatory and proapoptotic factors. CSD is a depolarizing wave spreading through cerebral gray matter at a speed of 2–5 mm/min, and it depresses spontaneous and evoked EEG activity. Cluster diffusion of these slow waves causes severe vasoconstriction, impaired cerebral electrolyte homeostasis, and recurrent tissue ischemia [68–70]. Microthrombosis is a consequence of coagulation cascade activation following initial hemorrhage.
Vasospasm of cerebral arteries occurs more frequently 7–10 days after aneurysm rupture, and it resolves spontaneously after 21 days. It affects both arterial and arteriolar circulation, and 50% of the angiographically detectable cases cause ischemic neurological symptoms. The risk of cerebral vasospasm increases on the basis of thickness, density, localization and persistence of subarachnoid blood, onset of neurological condition, transcranial Doppler (TCD) flow velocity, Lindegaard ratio (ratio between mean CBF velocity in middle cerebral artery and mean CBF velocity in extracranial internal carotid artery), and ratio between TCD flow velocity and CBF (spasm index) [71]. Also poor clinical grading, loss of consciousness at event onset, cigarette smoking, cocaine use, systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), hyperglycemia, and hydrocephalus are factors increasing the risk of DCI and poor neurological outcome [72]. Predicting which patients may develop DCI is very difficult but would have important consequences such as a reduction in the level of monitoring in SAH patients with low risk of DCI, thus avoiding potential adverse effects of aggressive management and reducing resource utilization. The best predictors for reducing the level of monitoring include older age (> 65 years), WFNS scale grades I–III, and a modified Fisher scale score < 3.
The best studied interventions to prevent DCI are calcium channel blockers use and monitoring of intravascular volume status. The use of nimodipine is recommended to reduce the risk of DCI and poor functional outcome [23, 62]. It is enterally administered at a dose of 60 mg every 4 h for a period of 21 days. Nimodipine provides neuroprotection without reducing angiographic vasospasm incidence. The most common adverse effects include constipation and hypotension, and the latter may be problematic since it can lead to hypoperfusion given by a CPP reduction. For this reason, during nimodipine administration, systolic blood pressure of the patient should not be altered.

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