© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017
Giorgio Capogna (ed.)Anesthesia for Cesarean Section10.1007/978-3-319-42053-0_1010. Complications Due to Regional and General Anaesthesia
Centre Hospitaliere Universitaire de Liège, Liège, Belgium
10.1 Introduction
Caesarean delivery is the most frequently performed inpatient surgical procedure [1]. Compared with vaginal delivery, caesarean delivery is associated with a significantly increased risk of anaesthesia-related adverse events (ARAEs) [2–5]. These obstetric ARAEs are usually preventable because most of them are caused by substandard care [3, 5, 6].The risk of ARAEs increases when caesarean delivery is performed under general anaesthesia (GA) [2, 7]. Hence, unless existing contraindication, neuraxial anaesthesia techniques are recommended for caesarean delivery [8, 9]. The actual incidence of serious complications related to obstetric anaesthesia remains largely unknown but is considered as very rare. Changes in the obstetric anaesthesia practice in recent decades have improved patient safety, and the increased use of neuraxial anaesthesia techniques for caesarean deliveries has contributed to this safety improvement [10].
The Serious Complications Repository project (SCORE project) of the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP), collecting data from 2004 to 2009 on 257,000 parturients in the USA, concluded to an overall incidence of serious complications related to obstetric anaesthesia of 1 in 3000 patients [11]. The serious complications tracked in this database were maternal death, cardiac arrest, epidural abscess, meningitis, epidural hematoma, serious neurologic injury, aspiration, failed intubation, high neuraxial block, anaphylaxis and respiratory arrest. Caesarean deliveries represented 31.3% of all the deliveries, neuraxial anaesthesia was used in 94.4% of the cases and GA was used in 5.6%. Another recent study collecting data from 785,864 caesarean deliveries in the state of New York between 2003 and 2012 reported a global incidence of ARAEs of 0.7%. This incidence increased to 7% in the subgroup of caesarean deliveries under GA. Minor ARAEs represented 94% of all ARAEs and major ARAEs accounted for 6% of the total. In this cohort, no maternal death was related to anaesthesia [12].
10.2 Complications Due to Neuraxial Anaesthesia
10.2.1 Hypotension
Hypotension is a common complication of neuraxial anaesthesia for caesarean delivery.
Its incidence may be as high as 80% after spinal anaesthesia.
The most widely accepted definition for maternal hypotension is a systolic blood pressure (SBP) lower than 100 mmHg or a decrease in SBP of more than 20% to 30% from baseline values [13]. Spinal anaesthesia-induced hypotension is principally related to a decrease in systemic vascular resistances rather than a decrease in cardiac output which is commonly increased [14]. In case of severe hypotension, the uteroplacental perfusion may be impaired, resulting in fetal hypoxia, acidosis and neonatal depression. In the parturient, hypotension may result in nausea and vomiting, altered consciousness, aspiration, apnoea and cardiac arrest. The severity of hypotension is related to the rate and extent of the sympathetic blockade [13]. Therefore, hypotension is less common with epidural anaesthesia than with spinal anaesthesia because of the slower onset of sympathetic blockade and the earlier recognition and treatment [15]. Although some physical methods (leg wrapping, thromboembolic stockings) and prevention of aorto-caval compression by left displacement of the uterus are useful, main prevention relies on two pharmacological methods, vasopressor therapy and intravascular fluid loading generally in combination [16]. Phenylephrine is now the vasopressor of choice since it has been demonstrated that as compared to ephedrine, phenylephrine decreases the risk of fetal acidosis [17]. Crystalloid preloading is ineffective and should be abandoned. Crystalloid coloading is more effective. Preloading or coloading with hydroxyethyl starch is equally effective. Combining phenylephrine infusion with hydroxyethyl starch preloading or with crystalloids coloading is the method of choice to prevent and reduce the severity of spinal hypotension during caesarean delivery [16].
10.2.2 Failure of Neuraxial Blockade
It is not uncommon that a neuraxial blockade does not provide adequate anaesthesia to initiate or to complete a caesarean delivery. This can occur in up to 4% of the cases following spinal anaesthesia and 13% of the cases following epidural anaesthesia [18, 19].
In the UK, pain is the most common cause of litigation related to regional anaesthesia in obstetrics [20]. In the recent SCORE project of the SOAP, the incidence of failed neuraxial anaesthesia that required an alternate technique for caesarean delivery was 1.7% [11]. Initiation of surgery should be delayed until adequate level of thoracic and sacral sensory blockade has been achieved. Management of breakthrough pain begins with acknowledgement of patient’s discomfort and consideration of fetal, surgical and anaesthetic implications. In case of partial block in an elective procedure, a second neuraxial technique may be performed with caution. A second epidural after a failed epidural caries the risk of local anaesthetics toxicity. A second spinal after a partial but failed spinal or a spinal after a failed epidural is controversial because the intrathecal administration of a standard dose of bupivacaine in those settings may result in a high spinal block. Combined spinal-epidural anaesthesia (CSE) is recommended by many practitioners to allow a cautious titration of the rescue neuraxial anaesthesia [13]. If discomfort arises after the start of surgery and if an epidural catheter is in place, an additional dose of local anaesthetic with an opioid should be administered. Inhalation of nitrous oxide or intravenous administration of an opioid or ketamine in 5–10 mg increments, combined with small doses of midazolam, may be helpful. Care must be taken to avoid deep sedation and loss of consciousness given the risk of aspiration [13]. Finally, conversion to general anaesthesia may be necessary and should be offered to the patient in case of persisting pain or discomfort.
10.2.3 High Neuraxial Blockade
High neuraxial blockade can result from an excessive spread of spinal or epidural drugs or an accidental intrathecal or subdural administration of an “epidural dose”.
When a T2 sensory level is achieved, patient may complain of dyspnoea or the inability to cough. Impaired phonation, impaired ventilation, unconsciousness, bradycardia and hypotension are potential sequelae of high neuraxial blockade. Tracheal intubation and circulatory support are required in this setting [13].
In the SCORE project of the SOAP, high neuraxial block has been reported with an incidence of 1 in 4336 anaesthesia. Forty percent of the cases followed a spinal anaesthesia, 36% an epidural and 24% an unrecognized spinal catheter. Obesity and spinal technique after failed epidural were the most common associated risk factors.
No maternal death was reported as the consequence of high neuraxial block [11].
Similarly, in the last MBBRACE-UK report, no maternal death was related to a high neuraxial block [4]. It is recommended that anaesthetists remain vigilant for a potentially misplaced catheter. Aspiration of an epidural catheter for CSF or blood has a high sensitivity and specificity [21]. The routine use of a test dose in an epidural catheter to detect an inadvertent intrathecal placement is controversial and does not guarantee proper placement as the majority of epidural anaesthesia associated with high neuraxial block and maternal death can occur after an uneventful test dose [6].
10.2.4 Local Anaesthetic Toxicity
Local anaesthetic toxicity (LAST) after epidural anaesthesia is a rare but potentially catastrophic complication with an incidence of 4 in 10,000 epidural procedures [22–24]. Clinical signs of LAST range from prodromal signs such as auditory change, metallic taste, and agitation to seizures, CNS depression and cardiovascular collapse. The incidence of LAST has decreased during the last decades due to the implementation of routine safety procedures such as catheter aspiration, test dose administration and slow injection of divided doses of local anaesthetics [22–24]. No maternal death related to LAST was reported in the SCORE project of the SOAP or in the last MBBRACE-UK report [4, 11]. The American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA) and the Association of Aaesthesiologists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI) have released recommendations for the treatment of LAST. They include prompt and effective airway management in order to prevent hypoxia and acidosis; treatment of seizures with benzodiazepine, propofol or thiopental; consideration of lipid emulsion administration at the first signs of LAST and modified ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) in the setting of cardiac arrest. The suggested modifications to ACLS include avoidance of high-dose epinephrine, vasopressin, calcium-channel and beta-adrenergic blockers and treatment of ventricular dysrhythmias with amiodarone instead of lidocaine. The currently recommended regimen for intravenous 20% lipid emulsion administration for LAST is an initial bolus of 1.5 mL/kg followed by an infusion of 0.25 mL/kg/min with a maximal dose of 10 mL/kg [25, 26].
10.2.5 Neurologic Complications of Neuraxial Anaesthesia
Most of neurologic injuries after childbirth are related to obstetric rather than anaesthetic causes. However, in such circumstances, neuraxial anaesthesia is often wrongly considered as the cause of the neurologic deficit. In the SCORE project of the SOAP, the incidence of serious neurologic injury following obstetric anaesthesia was 1 for 35,923 [11].
When neurologic symptoms arise after childbirth, an accurate and prompt diagnosis is essential. History, clinical examination and other diagnostic tools such as radiology, electromyography and nerve conduction studies are paramount. They allow to localize the lesion and differentiate mononeuropathy or plexus lesions which are more likely obstetrical complications from radiculopathy or cord lesions, which are more likely related to neuraxial anaesthesia. The reported incidence of peripheral nerve palsy which has an obstetric cause ranges between 0.6 and 92/10,000. The most commonly reported lesions are: (a) compression of the lumbosacral trunks, (b) obturator nerve palsy, (c) femoral nerve palsy, (d) meralgia paresthetica, (e) sciatic nerve palsy, (f) peroneal nerve palsy. The complete description of these obstetric palsies are out of the scope of this chapter, but anaesthesiologists should have an adequate knowledge of segmental and peripheral sensory nerve distributions useful in the diagnosis of central and peripheral nerve lesions [27, 28]. Trauma to Nerve Roots and Spinal Cord
Paraesthesia may occur during insertion of a spinal needle or an epidural catheter. An epidural catheter with a flexible tip is unlikely to produce persisting damage to a nerve root. However, an epidural catheter may ensnare a nerve root if an excessive length is inserted in the epidural space. In case of tethered cord or of undetected spina bifida, attempts to identify the epidural space may result in spinal cord injury.
Insertion of a spinal needle below the conus medullaris may elicit paraesthesia in a dermatome that may persist, suggesting nerve root injury. Symptoms in more than one dermatome suggest a spinal cord lesion. Conus medullaris injuries have been reported after spinal and after CSE blockade [29]. In these cases, the supposed vertebral interspace is L2–L3 and the parturient complains of pain during the spinal needle insertion before any injection. Subsequently, a normal CSF flow and an easy local anaesthetic injection lead to a normal neural blockade. After recovery, numbness is followed by pain; paresthesia in the L5–S1 distribution is observed. Foot drop and urinary symptoms can be observed. MRI may exhibit small syrinx or hematoma within the conus medularis. Sensory symptoms may last for months or years.
Anaesthesia providers must keep in mind that identification of lumbar interspace with anatomical landmarks is far from being accurate. The use of Tuffier’s line, joining the iliac crest, is supposed to identify the L4 spinous process. However, this landmark can lie anywhere between the L3–L4 and L5–S1 interspace. Moreover, this method is particularly inaccurate in obese and pregnant patients. Frequently, the selected interspace is higher by one or two levels. In adults, the spinal cord typically ends at the level of the lower body of L1 or at the L1–L2 interspace. At the L1–L2 interspace, the spinal needle can reach the conus medularis in 27% of men and 43% of women [29].
For all these reasons, the spinal needle should not be inserted above the L3 spinous process. Epidural Hematoma after Neuraxial Blockade
Epidural hematoma after neuraxial blockade is a very rare complication, making the quantification of its probability very difficult. From an analysis of 850,000 epidural blocks and 650,000 spinal blocks, its incidence has been quoted as 1:150,000 after epidural block and 1:220,000 after spinal block [30]. A review of 61 published cases of spinal hematoma between 1906 and 1994 and involving central nervous blocks identified five cases in pregnant women. Among these five cases, three had associated risk factors: pre-eclampsia, thrombocytopenia and epidural ependymoma [31]. A 10-year review (1990–1999) in Sweden collecting 1,260,000 spinal anaesthesia and 450,000 epidural blocks (200,000 during labour) identified 33 spinal hematoma and only two cases in obstetrics. Both cases were associated with a Hellp syndrome and apparent signs of coagulopathy, one case after a spinal anaesthesia and one case after removal of an epidural catheter. The calculated incidence of epidural hematoma following an epidural block in obstetrics was 1:200,000 [32]. More recently, an extensive review of the complications associated with spinal and epidural anaesthesia in Finland between 2000 and 2009, and collecting 1,400,000 neuraxial blocks, identified 13 epidural hematomas of which none was in obstetrics [33]. In the SCORE project of the SOAP, one epidural hematoma has been described among 251,463 parturients [11]. The most common risk factors for this complication are multiple attempts, bloody tap, the use of LMWH (Low Molecular Weight Heparin) and other haemostasis abnormalities more specifically in the context of severe pre-eclampsia.
Even if rare, this complication must be promptly recognized. Signs and symptoms of spinal/epidural hematoma include acute onset of back and radicular lower limbs pain, weakness and numbness of legs and bladder and bowel dysfunction. These complaints should generate prompt neurological evaluation and MRI to allow a surgical decompression within 6 h of the onset of symptoms. Epidural Abscess and Meningitis
Epidural abscess and meningitis are rare but potentially devastating complications of neuraxial blocks. They can lead to permanent disability or even to death.
These complications seem to occur less frequently in obstetric patients than in general surgery patients. In a 10-year retrospective study in Sweden (1990–1999) on severe neurological complications after neuraxial block, 29 meningitis cases were identified among 1,260,000 patients receiving spinal anaesthesia. None of the cases was described among the 55,000 patients receiving spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section. Similarly, 12 epidural abscess cases were identified among 460,000 patients who received an epidural in general surgery versus 1 in 200,000 patients who received an epidural for labour analgesia [32].
In a 10-year retrospective study in Finland (2000–2009) on complications associated with 1,400,0000 neuraxial procedures, 4 epidural abscess cases were identified in general surgery and in chronic pain but 0 in obstetric anaesthesia. In the same study, none of the 8 observed meningitis cases was a complication of spinal anaesthesia in obstetrics [33].
A recent review dedicated to neurological infections after neuraxial anaesthesia in obstetrics calculated a risk of meningitis of 1/39,000 spinals and the risk of epidural abscess of 1/303,000 epidurals [34]. Of note, only 16 epidural abscess cases have been reported in the literature until 2005 as a complication of neuraxial blocks in obstetrics.
In the SCORE project of the SOAP, infectious complications (epidural abscess and meningitis) occurred with a frequency of 1 for 62,866 procedures [11].
Most of the time, meningitis is a complication of a dural puncture and an uneventful spinal anaesthesia. The most frequently identified pathogen is a Streptococcus viridans or Streptococcus α-hemolyticus and the source of the pathogen is either the upper airway of the operator or the vagina. This complication is less frequent when a spinal anaesthesia is performed in an operating room and for an elective caesarean section than during labour. The use of an antibiotic prophylaxis, the absence of Streptococcus bacteraemia during elective C-section and a better aseptic technique in an operating room as compared to a delivery room might contribute to the reduced incidence of meningitis in this situation [34–36].
The classical clinical picture of meningitis is of headache, fever, altered consciousness, emesis and meningism. Symptoms appear a few hours or days after anaesthesia. Diagnosis is confirmed by lumbar puncture and CSF analysis. CSF is cloudy and exhibits hyperleucocytosis, decreased glucose (<30 mg/dl) and increased proteins (>150 mg/dl). One third of cultures yield no growth. The initial antibiotic therapy relies on vancomycin and a third-generation cephalosporin pending further information [28]. Delay of a few hours worsens neurologic outcome [34]. The outcome of meningitis ranges from complete recovery to cerebral oedema, coma or death.
Epidural abscess is almost exclusively a complication of an epidural catheter and almost never a complication of single-shot spinal. This complication increases with the prolonged duration of the catheter and patient’s comorbidities. This may explain why epidural abscess is so rare in obstetric anaesthesia. The most commonly identified pathogen is a Staphylococcus aureus, the source being the patient’s skin.
Symptoms appear a few days or even weeks after anaesthesia. The clinical picture of an epidural abscess is of backache, local tenderness, local inflammation and fluid leak at the insertion point, fever, hyperleucocytosis, increased CRP, radiating root pain, weakness of legs, bladder disturbance and cauda equina syndrome. MRI is the most sensitive diagnostic tool. Blood culture may identify the microorganism. Lumbar puncture is contraindicated.
The treatment relies on antibiotic therapy and surgical treatment. Outcome varies according to early diagnosis and treatment and neurologic symptoms at the time of diagnosis. Here again, a delay of a few hours worsens the neurologic outcome [34–36].
Adequate aseptic technique is paramount to prevent infectious complications.
Chlorhexidine in alcohol is preferred for skin disinfection. It is recommended that anaesthesia providers wear cap, mask, gown and sterile gloves [37, 38]. The use of sterile drape is also recommended. Handwashing, removal of watch and jewelry and appropriate catheter dressing are also important components of sterile technique. Ischemic Injury to the Spinal Cord
The blood supply of the spinal cord depends on a single anterior spinal artery and bilateral posterior spinal arteries. Posterior spinal arteries receive reinforcement by radicular arteries but the single anterior artery, which supplies the anterior two third of the spinal cord, receives only sporadic reinforcement mainly from the Adamkiewicz artery. Anterior spinal artery syndrome is characterized by a predominant motor deficit with or without pain and temperature-sensitive loss but with sparing of proprioception.
Ischemic injury of the spinal cord following neuraxial anaesthesia is extremely rare in the obstetric population. Hypotension and epinephrine-containing solutions are associated risk factors [29].

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