Clotting and Bleeding Disorders and Anticoagulation Therapy
1 A prothrombin time, an activated partial thromboplastin time, and a platelet count done after a careful detailed history, which includes a review of current medications, can detect essentially all significant acquired bleeding disorders seen in the ICU.
2 Coagulation tests are often indiscriminately performed. The activated partial thromboplastin time is rarely necessary unless a patient is receiving heparin, and the prothrombin time is of essentially no use to monitor heparin’s effects. Neither is informative during low molecular weight heparin treatment.
3 Platelet numbers correlate roughly with the tendency to bleed. At platelet counts greater than 50,000 mm3, the risk of spontaneous bleeding is low, platelet transfusions are rarely necessary, and most procedures can be safely performed provided platelets function normally. By contrast, platelets counts less than 20,000 mm3 are associated with spontaneous hemorrhage and are often treated with platelet transfusions. Platelet counts do not provide information about platelet function.
4 Most bleeding disorders seen in the ICU are the result of acquired deficiencies of multiple clotting factors, whereas most hereditary disorders are rare and stem from a single soluble factor deficiency. Hemophilia A (factor VIII deficiency) and Hemophilia B (factor IX) deficiency constitute 90% or more of clinically significant hereditary bleeding disorders. Because these two conditions can be detected by an activated partial thromboplastin time and are rarely the result of a spontaneous mutation, they can be easily excluded from consideration by family history and a simple blood test.
5 Liver disease, vitamin K deficiency, dilutional coagulopathy, and disseminated intravascular coagulation are the most common soluble factor problems encountered in the ICU. All can produce elevations of the prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time. The presence of high levels of FDPs and a lower platelet count favors disseminated intravascular coagulation. Vitamin K deficiency and liver disease can often be distinguished by searching for additional historical or chemical evidence of a liver disease, especially a problem of synthetic function. Although dilution and disseminated intravascular coagulation can appear similar, dilutional coagulopathy is less likely to exhibit fibrin degradation products.
6 When using unfractionated heparin for thromboembolism, a loading dose followed by a continuous infusion is almost always necessary to achieve the usual target level of anticoagulation of an activated partial thromboplastin time 1.5 to 2 times baseline. Subtherapeutic activated partial thromboplastin times usually require an additional bolus and increases in infusion rate of 20% to 25% for correction. For most patients, low molecular weight heparin are safer, more effective alternatives that do not require in vitro monitoring.
7 Identifying thrombophilia is uncommon. Clues that could trigger a laboratory search for a thrombotic condition are unprovoked clotting, clotting at an early age, repeated episodes of thrombosis, a positive family history of clotting, and a history of repeated spontaneous abortions.
In the intensive care unit (ICU), bleeding disorders are diagnosed substantially more commonly than clotting disorders even though thrombotic diseases (e.g., stroke, myocardial infarction, thromboembolism) are substantially more common and lethal. The disparity in diagnostic rates occurs in part because bleeding is visible, whereas thrombotic conditions have more protean manifestations. This variation is
also partly explained by the fact that the most commonly available in vitro laboratory tests reflect defective clotting, not a thrombotic tendency, and less is known about disorders producing excessive thrombosis. Although no single routine laboratory test is indicative of overall clotting function, nearly all clinically significant bleeding disorders can be screened for by adding an activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and platelet count to the prothrombin time (PT). Unfortunately, no abnormal in vitro clotting test value accurately predicts that bleeding will occur, nor do normal values preclude bleeding.
also partly explained by the fact that the most commonly available in vitro laboratory tests reflect defective clotting, not a thrombotic tendency, and less is known about disorders producing excessive thrombosis. Although no single routine laboratory test is indicative of overall clotting function, nearly all clinically significant bleeding disorders can be screened for by adding an activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and platelet count to the prothrombin time (PT). Unfortunately, no abnormal in vitro clotting test value accurately predicts that bleeding will occur, nor do normal values preclude bleeding.
Vascular endothelium, clotting proteins, and platelets are the components of hemostasis. Only when two or more of these hemostatic pathways are defective, spontaneous or uncontrollable hemorrhage is likely; impairment of any single factor seldom provokes clinical bleeding. However, since many patients are in the ICU because they have conditions that breach vascular integrity (e.g., surgery, trauma, and sepsis), it only requires the addition of a platelet or soluble factor disorder to induce bleeding.
Approach to the Bleeding Patient
The history provides important clues to the etiology of bleeding. With few exceptions, the rare hereditary disorders produce deficiency or dysfunction of a single clotting factor, whereas the much more common acquired disorders cause multiple factor abnormalities. All congenital bleeding disorders are inherited in an autosomal fashion, except for the sex-linked recessive hemophilias and the very rare Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. The most common inherited bleeding disorder is von Willebrand disease (vWD), an autosomal dominant condition that produces combined platelet-vessel wall dysfunction in up to 1% of the population. Fortunately, despite its prevalence, vWD is usually so mild that it remains undiagnosed. Although much less common, the hemophilias are the most likely genetic disorders to result in clinically significant bleeding. Deficiency of factor VIII (hemophilia A) may be up to ten times more common than the milder factor IX deficiency (hemophilia B). Unlike vWD, which affects men and women with equal frequency, the X-linked recessive inheritance pattern of the hemophilias dictates an almost exclusively male occurrence. (Some female carriers have factor levels as low as 50% and can exhibit mild increased bleeding tendencies.) All other inherited factor deficiencies are very rare autosomal recessive conditions; for these reasons, a thorough negative family history virtually excludes a diagnosis of hereditary coagulopathy. Furthermore, almost all inherited coagulation disorders manifest in childhood, making a new diagnosis in an adult a distinct rarity.
In taking the history, patient reports of “easy bleeding,” excessive bruising, or heavy menses are so common and nonspecific that they are all but useless. Detailed answers to the following questions should be sought: (a) Has there been excessive bleeding during or after surgery (especially oral surgery) or following significant trauma? (b) Has bleeding required transfusion or reoperation? The answers to these two questions can be very telling; an adult who has never experienced significant bleeding spontaneously or following surgery or trauma is extremely unlikely to have a hereditary disorder (at least one of clinical significance). If there is a suggestive history, the following questions help confirm the problem and point to the cause: (a) When did hemorrhage occur in relation to trauma or surgery? (Intraoperative bleeding suggests a platelet or vessel disorder, whereas delayed bleeding is more indicative of a soluble factor problem.) (b) What drugs have been taken? Particular attention should be paid to drugs affecting platelet numbers (e.g., immunosuppressive chemotherapy and alcohol) or function (e.g., aspirin, clopidogrel, glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents) or those impairing synthesis of vitamin K-dependent clotting proteins (e.g., warfarin and antibiotics).
Physical Examination
Petechiae (especially in dependent, high venous pressure areas), purpura, and persistent oozing from skin punctures or mucosal sites are most characteristic of platelet disorders. Palpable purpura is a sign of small artery occlusion usually associated with vasculitis of collagen-vascular disease (i.e., polyarteritis, systemic lupus erythematosus [SLE]), endocarditis, or severe sepsis. Larger vessel occlusions from disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) may cause the extensive ecchymoses of purpura fulminans. By contrast, factor deficiencies (especially the hemophilias) usually cause deep muscle and joint bleeding resulting in ecchymoses, hematomas, and the most characteristic feature, hemarthroses.
Laboratory Tests
Basic screening tests of clotting function are indicated for patients undergoing surgery or invasive procedures and for those with a history that suggests a bleeding disorder. Clotting tests are also useful in patients undergoing massive transfusion, anticoagulation, or thrombolytic therapy. When indicated, a platelet count, PT, and aPTT usually suffice to exclude clinically important bleeding disorders. (Neither the PT nor aPTT will detect factor XIII deficiency, fortunately a rare cause of hemorrhage.) Not all prolongations of the PT and/or aPTT signify an increased risk of hemorrhage. For example, deficiencies of factor XII, high-molecularweight kininogen or prekallikrein or the presence of anticardiolipin antibody, also known as lupus anticoagulant, may prolong in vitro clotting tests without increasing bleeding risk. (In fact, anticardiolipin antibodies are more likely to result in clotting than bleeding.)
It has long been routine to measure PT, aPTT, and platelet count at the time of admission in almost all hospitalized patients. However, in the absence of a history suggesting hemophilia, vWD, or heparin use, measurement of the aPTT is extremely unlikely to yield a true positive abnormality and thus is wasteful of money and blood. Likewise, the common practice of measuring both the PT and aPTT in all patients receiving warfarin or heparin is also uneconomical; aPTT determinations are unnecessary during therapy with only warfarin, and PT measurements rarely add to the care of patients receiving only heparin. PT and aPTT ordering should be unlinked and tailored to the clinical situation.
Thrombocytopenia, the most common coagulation disorder among ICU patients, is not only associated with an increased risk of bleeding but serves as an independent predictor of outcome. Normally, platelet counts average 250,000/mm3 and display little day-to-day variability in individuals; therefore, a 50% decline in platelet levels usually represents a significant change. In the absence of bleeding, most physicians do not display concerns until levels dip to 100,000/mm3 (<10 platelets per high-power field on peripheral blood smear). As platelet counts fall below this threshold, bleeding risk increases progressively and even more so if functional platelet abnormalities coexist. A search for the cause of thrombocytopenia and periodic rechecking of platelet counts is prudent when levels decrease by 50% and certainly when they reach 100,000/mm3. Although counts greater than 50,000/mm3 are acceptable for most types of surgery, levels greater than 100,000/mm3 are preferred for cardiac procedures or neurosurgery. Spontaneous bleeding is rare with greater than 20,000/mm3 normally functioning platelets, but at this level bleeding may occur even with minor trauma. When counts fall below 20,000/mm3, spontaneous bleeding is possible. Normally, about 10% of platelets appear “large” on the peripheral smear, reflecting recent production. These young platelets produced by an active marrow are more hemostatically effective. Therefore, at any given count, bleeding is more likely to occur if thrombocytopenia results from impaired platelet production (rather than increased destruction). Common causes of thrombocytopenia are outlined in Table 30-1. Among all causes, idiopathic thrombocytopenia (ITP), acute leukemia, and aplastic crisis are the most likely causes of severe thrombocytopenia (<10,000/mm3).
Mechanistically, thrombocytopenia is usually classified as a problem of production or destruction, but low counts can also result from dilution, splenic sequestration, or artifact. Spurious thrombocytopenia can occur when platelets form large clumps after being exposed to the anticoagulant EDTA. Spurious thrombocytopenia can be detected by automated testing of a heparinized sample or directly examining a bedside peripheral smear. Although there are no reliable rules of thumb, replacement of the entire blood volume within a day, or half within 3 to 4 h is typically required to precipitate a dilutional coagulopathy. The occurrence of dilutional coagulopathy is so variable that a strategy that advocates a fixed recipe of blood product replacement does not make sense. Although one might suspect that mild thrombocytopenia would result from dilution, surprisingly in cases where 20 or more units of blood products are transfused, platelet counts less than 50,000/mm3 are common. Dilutional coagulopathy is also frequently compounded by hypothermia resulting from ambient exposure, infusion of large volumes of cool fluids, and by acidosis resulting from underperfusion and infusion of acidic fluids.
Because up to one third of all platelets are in the spleen at any given time, splenic enlargement, typically from the portal hypertension of cirrhosis, and ITP can lower circulating counts.
Anemia, leukopenia, and a normal or hyperplastic marrow usually accompany thrombocytopenia from hypersplenism.
Anemia, leukopenia, and a normal or hyperplastic marrow usually accompany thrombocytopenia from hypersplenism.
TABLE 30-1 CAUSES OF THROMBOCYTOPENIA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Impaired Production
In the ICU, isolated platelet production defects are uncommon; when inadequate production accounts for thrombocytopenia, anemia and leukopenia usually coexist (i.e., complete marrow failure). In such cases, platelets are small and bone marrow examination shows a decreased number of megakaryocytes. Marrow failure may result from alcohol or radiation; a deficiency of vitamin B12 or folate; infection with hepatitis B, Epstein-Barr virus, parvovirus, or cytomegalovirus; cytotoxic chemotherapy; or marrow infiltration with tumor, fibrosis, or granuloma. Selective failure of platelet production may occur with the use of gold, sulfas, and thiazides.
Increased Consumption
Excessive platelet consumption is the most common cause of thrombocytopenia and may be due to immunologic or nonimmunologic mechanisms. Laboratory clues to excessive platelet consumption include disproportionate numbers of large (young) platelets on peripheral smear and an increased number of marrow megakaryocytes. Nonimmunologic platelet consumption occurs in DIC, severe sepsis, some malignancies, microangiopathic hemolysis, and following cardiopulmonary bypass and splenic sequestration. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) are other nonimmunologic cause of thrombocytopenia in which platelets aggregate with abnormally large von Willebrand factor (vWF) multimers that result from a deficiency in a vWFcleaving protease. The often profound thrombocytopenia is accompanied by elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels and the presence of schistocytes on the peripheral smear representing mechanical erythrocyte destruction. Only microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia are required for the diagnosis, despite the description of a classic “pentad,” which also includes renal dysfunction, neurologic abnormalities, and low grade fever. Numerous conditions, including cancer, pregnancy, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, and pneumococcal infection can be associated with “TTP-like” syndromes as can medications, such as cyclosporine, clopidogrel, and some chemotherapeutic agents. The absence of significant fever and normal aPTT and PT seen with TTP-HUS can sometimes help differentiate it from DIC, which also can exhibit schistocytes on the peripheral smear. Unfortunately, increased coagulation parameters are not universally present in DIC, making the distinction difficult at times. HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets) of pregnancy represents another condition with hemolysis and thrombocytopenia that may be difficult to discriminate from TTP-HUS. Elevated liver enzymes may be
helpful in differentiating the two, but pregnancy itself is not distinguishing since it is also a risk factor for TTP. Since HELLP syndrome usually resolves within 72 h of delivery, continued worsening of thrombocytopenia beyond this time should prompt strong consideration of TTP-HUS.
helpful in differentiating the two, but pregnancy itself is not distinguishing since it is also a risk factor for TTP. Since HELLP syndrome usually resolves within 72 h of delivery, continued worsening of thrombocytopenia beyond this time should prompt strong consideration of TTP-HUS.
Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia occurs via production of platelet antibodies with subsequent destruction. The antibodies can be idiopathic, or induced by drugs, infections (e.g., cytomegalovirus, human immunodeficiency virus, Epstein-Barr virus, parvovirus), or alloimmune following transfusion or transplantation. Many drugs have been implicated as causes of thrombocytopenia. An extensive current list can be found at Drug-induced destruction of platelets usually occurs via the formation of antiplatelet antibodies, which bind normal platelets in the presence of the sensitizing drug but a few drugs, such as procainamide, induce autoantibodies that react with platelets even in the absence of the drug. A third mechanism of drug-induced thrombocytopenia involves a direct interaction between drug and platelets resulting in immune destruction. Tirofiban, for example, interacts with the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor on platelets, changing their shape and thereby facilitating antibody recognition. Heparin, one of the most common drugs associated with thrombocytopenia, similarly binds platelet factor 4 (PF4) forming an immune complex which is recognized and destroyed.
Drug-induced thrombocytopenia can be overlooked because its onset is often a week or more after beginning the medication and there are no distinguishing clinical features. Nonetheless, recognition is important because the problem may sometimes be reversed by simply discontinuing the offending agent. After drug discontinuation, platelet counts often rise substantially within 5 days but full recovery may take 3 to 4 weeks. Platelet transfusions and corticosteroids may help restore platelet counts rapidly once the inciting drug is removed.
In acute ITP, immunologic platelet destruction usually follows a childhood viral illness. Steroids are frequently helpful if thrombocytopenia persists more than several weeks. In adults, ITP usually presents as a chronic disease, with counts ranging from 20,000 to 80,000/mm3. The spleen is the major site of platelet destruction of the IgG coated platelets. Splenectomy is indicated in the 10% to 20% of patients who fail to respond to steroids, or immune globulin. Anemia in ITP is secondary to blood loss, not immune hemolysis. Interestingly, despite sometimes profound reductions in platelet count, life-threatening bleeding is rare.
Platelet Dysfunction
By impairing platelet function, drug effects, uremia, DIC, leukemia, vWD, and paraproteinemia can cause bleeding despite normal platelet counts. If performed, the bleeding time is abnormal. The most common drugs to impair platelet function are listed in Table 30-2. Function may be impaired by drug combinations even when any single drug acting alone would be well tolerated. (The most common combinations causing platelet dysfunction are aspirin and alcohol and aspirin and clopidogrel.) Aspirin impairs platelet function irreversibly, so hemostasis is restored only by transfusion or formation of new platelets over a period of days. (Platelets can be generated at a rate sufficient to restore functioning levels by 10% to 30% each day.) The glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors alone or in combination with aspirin are commonly used to deter thrombosis after coronary interventions, and while all of these agents impair platelet function, the effects of abciximab persist until new platelets are produced. Similarly, clopidogrel impairs coagulation for days by inhibiting adenosine diphosphate induced-platelet aggregation preventing activation of the IIb/IIIa mechanism. In bleeding patients exposed to these medications, discontinuation of the drug may not be sufficient to return platelet function to normal and platelet transfusion may be needed. Alcohol inhibits platelet production and action in several ways. Heavy alcohol usage predisposes to trauma, encourages nutritional deficiencies, and directly injures the marrow. Given in high doses, most penicillins bind to the platelet surface, preventing interaction with vWF. (This does not occur with methicillin or cephalosporins.)
Although patients with end-stage renal disease may have mild thrombocytopenia, more often they have a normal number of, but dysfunctional, platelets. The pathophysiology of “uremic coagulopathy” is uncertain but likely multifactorial. One factor is anemia causing platelets to travel in a more midstream position within vessels, rendering them further away and less likely to react to endothelial damage. In addition, uremic toxins result in dysfunctional vWF and vWF-factor VIII complex and impaired platelet aggregation.
Therapy of Platelet Dysfunction
Bleeding rarely occurs in patients with platelet dysfunction alone. As a first step, potentially offending medications should be discontinued. Unless sequestered or destroyed, transfused platelets quickly restore coagulation competency. Platelet transfusions will effectively correct dysfunction induced by aspirin, clopidogrel, or the cardiac bypass pump. Platelet transfusion is also transiently useful when the platelet environment is abnormal, as in uremia, paraproteinemia, or after treatment with high-dose penicillin or dextran. However, it is better to correct the underlying defect using dialysis, plasmapheresis, or by discontinuing the offending drug.
Treatment of chronic dialysis in patients who are bleeding requires a multifaceted approach, including adequate dialysis to remove uremic toxins. Functional defects caused by uremia and vWD may at least temporarily be corrected with fresh frozen plasma (FFP), arginine vasopressin also known as desmopressin (DDAVP), or cryoprecipitate. By releasing factor VIII/vWF multimers, DDAVP in doses of 0.3 μg/kg IV or 3 μg/kg intranasally correct clotting abnormalities in at least half of all patients within 1 h. Unfortunately, effectiveness is limited by tachyphylaxis, which occurs usually by the second dose. By increasing the levels of functional factor VIII, vWF, and fibrinogen, cryoprecipitate is also useful in uremic coagulopathy. For long-term therapy, estrogens may be helpful. Although their mechanism of action is not entirely understood, estradiol working through estrogen receptors can increase clotting within a day of starting therapy.
Surprisingly, the most common cause of an abnormal clotting assay is not a physiological problem or even laboratory error but rather an improperly obtained sample. There are several common causes of this so-called preanalytical error. Accurate results from aPTT and PT testing require a specific ratio (9:1) of plasma to anticoagulant (typically sodium citrate in a “blue top” tube). If the tube is underfilled both values will be prolonged. Conversely, if the tube is forcefully overfilled, clotting times will be shortened. Another potential source of error occurs if blood is contaminated with a second anticoagulant. This error typically occurs in one of two ways: blood is drawn from a heparin-containing catheter; or blood is placed into the wrong tube then transferred to the correct tube. For example, blood initially drawn into an EDTA or heparin containing tube which is then transferred to a citrate tube will yield prolonged PT and aPTT values. Another problem results when blood is not promptly and gently mixed with anticoagulant. For example, initial collection of blood into a tube not containing anticoagulant; delay in transferring blood from a syringe to an anticoagulant containing tube; and failure to mix blood in with the anticoagulant —all can artificially prolong the PT and aPTT. Conversely, hemolysis or excessively vigorous agitation of blood with citrate will artificially shorten the PT and aPTT. Excessive tourniquet time elevates vWF and factor VIII levels also resulting in falsely shortened PT and aPTT. Since both the aPTT and PT are performed on platelet-depleted plasma, thrombocytopenia does not alter their in vitro value.
In general, an isolated PT prolongation of 2 or 3 s or an aPTT prolonged by as much as 5 s should not raise concern in the absence of bleeding. In fact, aPTT abnormalities of such a magnitude usually do not warrant further investigation because very few disorders occurring in the ICU cause an isolated progressive prolongation of the aPTT (exception: unfractionated heparin [UFH] therapy), and the history will dictate further evaluation for hemophilia or vWD. On the other hand, it is often prudent to recheck a prolonged PT of even a few seconds because many diseases or interventions occurring in the ICU can progressively extend the PT (e.g., antibiotic therapy, starvation, progressive hepatic failure).
The PT or aPTT may be prolonged individually or together. Each potential combination of abnormalities suggests a limited specific set of diagnostic possibilities and an optimal plan for evaluation. Potential diagnoses and their evaluation are summarized in Table 30-3 and discussed below.

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