Central Venous Catheters
Jason Lee-Llacer
Michael G. Seneff
The art and science of central venous catheter (CVC) insertion, maintenance, and management continues to evolve. Increased emphasis on patient safety and prevention of nosocomial complications has focused attention on the impact of CVCs on patient health. Catheter-related infection (CRI), often with a resistant organism such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcal aureus or vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) remains an important cause of increased patient morbidity and mortality, and it is simply inexcusable for institutions not to fully adapt proven protocols and procedures that have been shown to significantly reduce CRI and other catheter complications [1]. Patient safety is also the main impetus for increased availability of simulation laboratories [2,3] for operator training in the use of portable ultrasound [4,5] to facilitate catheter insertion. Insertion of CVCs is a procedure at the crossroads of the controversy of the need for training versus patient safety.
Training of physicians in the United States has been guided for years by the mantra “see one, do one, teach one,” but this approach can no longer be defended as the best practice. Different institutions have developed different solutions, ranging from specially designated “catheter teams” responsible for all hospital-wide catheter insertions, to well equipped simulation laboratories that provide certification of competence and which have been shown to reduce subsequent clinical complications [2].
Training of physicians in the United States has been guided for years by the mantra “see one, do one, teach one,” but this approach can no longer be defended as the best practice. Different institutions have developed different solutions, ranging from specially designated “catheter teams” responsible for all hospital-wide catheter insertions, to well equipped simulation laboratories that provide certification of competence and which have been shown to reduce subsequent clinical complications [2].
Because of the availability and relatively low cost of portable ultrasound units, many nonradiologists have been performing bedside image-guided central venous cannulation. Ultrasound guidance allows visualization of the vessel showing its precise location and patency in real time. It is especially useful for patients with suboptimal body habitus, volume depletion, shock, anatomic deformity, previous cannulation, underlying coagulopathy, and intravenous drug use. The use of ultrasound guidance has significantly decreased the failure rate, complication rate, and the number of attempts in obtaining central venous access and, as a result, has become routine in many centers [4,6]. Experts all over the world argue that ultrasound guidance should be viewed as standard of care for all CVC insertions, a recommendation met with resistance by many clinicians [6,7].
In 2001, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Report listed bedside ultrasonography during central venous access as one of the “Top 11 Highly Proven” patient safety practices that are not routinely used in patient care, and it recommended all CVC insertions be guided by real-time, dynamic ultrasound [8]. The Third Sonography Outcomes Assessment Program (SOAP-3) trial, a concealed, randomized, controlled multicenter study, had an odds ratio 53.5 times higher for success with ultrasound guidance compared with the landmark technique. It also demonstrated a significantly lower average number of attempts and average time of catheter placement [9].
Given the existing data and recommendations, it appears no longer defensible to lack an active ultrasound training and utilization program in the intensive care unit (ICU). Ultrasound can be used in obtaining central venous access from multiple sites, especially the internal jugular and femoral veins (FV) [6,10]. Ultrasound has been less useful in cannulating the subclavian vein [11]. The subclavian vein is more difficult to access using ultrasound due to its deeper and posterior location to the clavicle which prevents the transmission of ultrasound waves. The subclavian vein may be accessed at the midpoint of the clavicle using a long-axis view or by a supraclavicular approach. Similarly, the infraclavicular axillary vein, which lies a few centimeters lateral to the subclavian vein, can be accessed with the short-axis ultrasound view [12].
Table 2.1 Indications for Central Venous Catheterization (CVC) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Because of the success of ultrasound, some experts have argued for the complete elimination of all nonultrasound-guided CVC insertions. Although we recognize that even very experienced operators will benefit from ultrasound (if nothing else, by detection of anatomic variations and thrombosed vessels), it is not yet feasible to insist on 100% ultrasound availability. We also feel that there are still circumstances where standard subclavian catheterization is warranted and that this access site should not be abandoned. Therefore, it is important that one learns to obtain CVC via landmark techniques.
In this chapter, we review the techniques and complications of the various routes available for central venous catheterization, and present a strategy for catheter management that incorporates all of the recent advances.
Indications and Site Selection
Like any medical procedure, CVC has specific indications and should be reserved for the patient who has potential to benefit from it. After determining that CVC is necessary, physicians often proceed with catheterization at the site they are most experienced with, which might not be the most appropriate route in that particular patient. Table 2.1 lists general priorities in site selection for different indications of CVC; the final choice of site in a particular patient should vary based on individual institutional and operator experiences. In general, we recommend that all internal jugular and femoral vein cannulations
be performed under ultrasound guidance. As noted earlier, we feel the traditional subclavian route offers many advantages for central access and should not be abandoned. However, only experienced operators should use the traditional infraclavicular approach; others should use ultrasound guidance with a modified approach that is described later.
be performed under ultrasound guidance. As noted earlier, we feel the traditional subclavian route offers many advantages for central access and should not be abandoned. However, only experienced operators should use the traditional infraclavicular approach; others should use ultrasound guidance with a modified approach that is described later.
Volume resuscitation alone is not an indication for CVC. A 2.5-inch, 16-gauge catheter used to cannulate a peripheral vein can infuse twice the amount of fluid as an 8-inch, 16-gauge CVC [13]. However, peripheral vein cannulation can be impossible in the hypovolemic, shocked individual. Previously, we recommended the subclavian vein (SCV) as the most reliable central site because it remains patent due to its fibrous attachments to the clavicle. But recently, use of real-time ultrasound-guided CVC placement by direct visualization of the internal jugular vein (IJV) has increased success rate and decreased complications in the shocked or hypovolemic patient [5,6].
Long-term total parenteral nutrition is best administered through SCV catheters, which should be inserted by interventional radiology or surgically implanted if appropriate. The IJV is the preferred site for acute hemodialysis, and the SCV should be avoided because of the relatively high incidence of subclavian stenosis following temporary dialysis, which then limits options for an AV fistula should long-term dialysis become necessary [14,15]. The FV is also suitable for acute short-term hemodialysis or plasmapheresis in nonambulatory patients [16].
Emergency trans-venous pacemakers and flow-directed pulmonary artery catheters are best inserted through the right IJV because of the direct path to the right ventricle. This route is associated with the fewest catheter tip malpositions. The SCV is an alternative second choice for pulmonary artery catheterization even in many patients with coagulopathy [17]. The left SCV is preferred to the right SV due to a less torturous route to the heart. The reader is referred to Chapter 4 for additional information on the insertion and care of pulmonary artery catheters.
Preoperative CVC is desirable in a wide variety of clinical situations. One specific indication for preoperative right ventricular catheterization is the patient undergoing a posterior craniotomy or cervical laminectomy in the sitting position. These patients are at risk for air embolism, and the catheter can be used to aspirate air from the right ventricle [18]. Neurosurgery is the only common indication for (but used only rarely) antecubital approach, as IJV catheters are in the operative field and theoretically can obstruct blood return from the cranial vault and increase intracranial pressure. Subclavian catheters are an excellent alternative for preoperative neurosurgical patients if pneumothorax is ruled out prior to induction of general anesthesia.
Venous access during cardiopulmonary resuscitation warrants special comment. Peripheral vein cannulation in circulatory arrest may prove impossible, and circulation times of drugs administered peripherally are prolonged when compared with central injection [19]. Drugs injected through femoral catheters also have a prolonged circulation time unless the catheter tip is advanced beyond the diaphragm, although the clinical significance of this is debated. Effective drug administration is an extremely important element of successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and all physicians should understand the appropriate techniques for establishing venous access. It is logical to establish venous access as quickly as possible, either peripherally or centrally if qualified personnel are present. Prolonged attempts at arm vein cannulation are not warranted, and under these circumstances, the FV is a good alternative. Despite the potential of longer drug circulation times, the FV is recommended for access in a code situation as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is interrupted the least with its placement. If circulation is not restored after administration of appropriate drugs and defibrillation, central access should be obtained by the most experienced operator available with a minimum interruption of CPR. Emergency ultrasound-guided femoral CVC placement has been shown to be slightly faster with fewer complications than the landmark technique [20].
The placement of CVC is now common in patients with severe sepsis, septic shock, or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), to monitor central venous pressure (CVP) and central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2). Rivers showed a 16% absolute reduction of in-hospital mortality with early goal-directed therapy for patients with severe sepsis, which included keeping the ScvO2 greater than 70% [21]. Early goal-directed therapy was subsequently shown to be achievable in “real-world” settings [22]. For these patients, the relationship between superior vena caval and inferior vena caval oxygen saturations has not been definitively elucidated [23]. Likewise, the ARDS network reported that CVP monitoring using a CVC is as effective as a pulmonary artery catheter in managing patients with acute lung injury and ARDS [24]. Because many of these patients are on high levels of positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) and at high risk for complications from pneumothorax, IJV catheterization under ultrasound guidance represents the safest approach.
General Considerations and Complications
General considerations for CVC independent of the site of insertion are the need for signed informed consent, insuring patient comfort and safety, ultrasound preparation, catheter tip location, vascular erosions, catheter-associated thrombosis, air and catheter embolism, and the presence of coagulopathy. Catheter-associated infection is reviewed separately.
Informed Consent
It seems intuitively obvious that a signed informed consent is mandatory before CVC insertion, but in clinical practice, it is not that straightforward. CVC insertions in the ICU are extremely common, occur at all hours of the day, and may be crucial for early and appropriate resuscitation and commencement of care. Many critically ill patients, especially in urban settings, have no available family members or legal net of kin. Obtaining informed consent for these patients may inappropriately delay completion of the procedure and impact quality of care. Because of these considerations, there is no uniform clinical or legal opinion regarding the necessity of individual informed consent prior to all CVC insertions or other ICU procedures [25]. Some institutions have dealt with this matter by developing a single general “consent form for critical care” that is signed one time for each individual ICU admission and covers all commonly performed bedside procedures. A recent review reported that 14% of all surveyed ICUs used such a consent form, and overall consent practice varied widely. In general, providers in medical ICUs sought consent for CVC insertion more often than providers in surgical ICUs [25]. Given the lack of agreement on this topic, it seems prudent to make a few recommendations: (1) Written informed consent should be obtained prior to all truly elective CVC insertion or other procedures (2). Whenever possible, competent patients or legal next of kin of incompetent/incapacitated patients should be thoroughly informed of the indications, risks, and benefits of emergency CVC insertion prior to the performance of the procedure. If informed consent is not possible prior to CVC insertion, then consent should be obtained as soon as possible after completion of the procedure. A signed consent form
is always preferable, but sometimes not feasible. Oral consent should be documented in the procedure note by the person obtaining assent. (3) Emergent CVC placement should not be delayed inappropriately by efforts to obtain consent—oral or written. Patients and family should be told as soon as possible after insertion why the CVC was required. (4) A general consent form that is signed one time as close as possible to ICU admission is a reasonable way to try and inform patients of the benefits/risks of procedures without incurring unnecessary delays or consumption of clinical time. This form can also serve as a useful reference for patients and families of all the various common procedures that are performed in the ICU. (5) Finally, it is good practice to document the practice that is used in the ICU “Policies and Procedures” book and the rationale for it.
is always preferable, but sometimes not feasible. Oral consent should be documented in the procedure note by the person obtaining assent. (3) Emergent CVC placement should not be delayed inappropriately by efforts to obtain consent—oral or written. Patients and family should be told as soon as possible after insertion why the CVC was required. (4) A general consent form that is signed one time as close as possible to ICU admission is a reasonable way to try and inform patients of the benefits/risks of procedures without incurring unnecessary delays or consumption of clinical time. This form can also serve as a useful reference for patients and families of all the various common procedures that are performed in the ICU. (5) Finally, it is good practice to document the practice that is used in the ICU “Policies and Procedures” book and the rationale for it.
Patient Comfort and Safety
Many patients requiring CVC have an unstable airway or are hemodynamically unstable. These considerations should impact preparation and choice of site. For example, many patients are claustrophobic and will not tolerate their face being covered; others who are dyspneic will not tolerate lying flat. In our experience, significant physiologic decompensation or even “code blues” may occur during CVC placement because the operator is focused on establishing access and/or interprets the silent patient as one who is having no problems. Every patient should be specifically assessed prior to CVC regarding their positioning, airway, and hemodynamic stability. On more than one occasion, we have placed a femoral catheter because a patient could not lie flat or needed emergency venous access for endotracheal intubation. Once the patient is stabilized, the appropriate site/catheter can then be inserted under less unstable/rigorous conditions.
Ultrasound Preparation
Ultrasound enables immediate identification of anatomic variation, confirmation of vessel patency, and direct visualization of the needle entering the vessel. The difference between vein and artery can be determined by compressibility, shape, Doppler flow, and increasing size with the Valsalva or other maneuvers. Veins are usually ovoid in shape, completely compressible, and have thin walls; in contrast, arteries are circular, difficult to compress, and have thick walls.
When performing ultrasound, the same general technique is followed regardless of the site of puncture [6]. A quick, nonsterile survey should be made with the vascular probe to quickly identify the presence of a suitable vein for catheterization. After sterile preparation of the patient and site, the vascular probe should be used with a sterile probe cover kit. This kit contains a sterile sleeve, sterile jelly, and rubber bands. To apply the sterile sleeve, have an assistant place nonsterile jelly inside the sleeve and then place probe in the sleeve. Extend the sleeve over the cord and fasten the sleeve with rubber bands. One band should be fastened toward the head of the probe to ensure the jelly remains in place for optimal imaging. Sterile jelly is then applied to the tip of probe on the outside of sleeve.
The target vessels may be visualized using a transverse or longitudinal view. The transverse approach is technically easier than the longitudinal approach and is the best approach for beginners. The transverse view allows identification of the target vein in relation to the artery, which helps decrease risk of unintentional puncture of the artery. Once identified, the vein should be centered underneath the probe. An 18-gauge needle should slowly be advanced with the skin puncture site proximal to the probe, so that vessel puncture is directly visualized. With this approach, the needle traverses diagonally across the ultrasound plane and appears as single bright echogenic foci on ultrasound image. Needle position may be better ascertained by slightly moving the needle back and forth displacing the surrounding soft tissue and possible tenting of vessel wall. It is important to note the depth of the vessel on the ultrasound image to be mindful of how far to penetrate safely with the needle. The return of blood flow confirms intravascular placement of the needle tip, and CVC placement may proceed in the usual fashion. It is good practice to confirm guidewire placement within the vein as well. The longitudinal approach gives more information but is more difficult. When using the longitudinal approach, the plane of the ultrasound and of the needle must be perfectly aligned and is best for one operator to be holding both probe and needle. First, the vein artery must be visualized using the transverse view. The probe should then be turned 90 degrees to image just the vein in the long-axis view. Enter the skin just adjacent to the probe at a 45-degree angle. The needle and needle tip can be directly viewed as it is advanced through the vessel. Once in place, advance the guidewire under direct visualization.
Mobile Catheter Cart
Availability of a mobile catheter cart that contains all necessary supplies and that can be wheeled to the patient’s bedside is good practice and likely reduces overall catheter infection rate by decreasing breaks in sterile technique [26]. In our experience, the mobile cart is also an excellent way to standardize all catheter insertions, facilitate communication of procedural tasks (such as use of a time-out), and allow for staff to timely complete mandatory forms.
Catheter Tip Location
Catheter tip location is a very important consideration in CVC placement. The ideal location for the catheter tip is the distal innominate or proximal superior vena cava (SVC), 3 to 5 cm proximal to the caval–atrial junction. Positioning of the catheter tip within the right atrium or right ventricle should be avoided. Cardiac tamponade secondary to catheter tip perforation of the cardiac wall is uncommon, but two thirds of patients suffering this complication die [27]. Perforation likely results from vessel wall damage from infused solutions combined with catheter tip migration that occurs from the motion of the beating heart as well as patient arm and neck movements. Migration of catheter tips can be impressive: 5 to 10 cm with antecubital catheters and 1 to 5 cm with IJV or SCV catheters [28,29]. Other complications from intracardiac catheter tip position include provocation of arrhythmias from mechanical irritation and infusion of caustic medications or unwarmed blood [30].
Correct placement of the catheter tip is relatively simple, beginning with an appreciation of anatomy. The caval–atrial junction is approximately 16 to 18 cm from right-sided skin punctures and 19 to 21 cm from left-sided insertions and is relatively independent of patient gender and body habitus [31,32]. Insertion of a standard 20-cm triple-lumen catheter to its full length frequently places the tip within the heart, especially following right-sided insertions. A chest radiograph should be obtained following every initial CVC insertion to ascertain catheter tip location and to detect complications. The right tracheobronchial angle is the most reliable landmark on plain film chest X-ray for the upper margin of the SVC, and is always at least 2.9 cm above the caval–atrial junction. The catheter tip should lie about 1 cm below this landmark, and above the right upper cardiac silhouette to ensure placement outside of the pericardium [33].
Vascular Erosions
Large-vessel perforations secondary to CVCs are uncommon and often not immediately recognized. Vessel perforation typically occurs 1 to 7 days after catheter insertion. Patients usually present with sudden onset of dyspnea and often with new pleural effusions on chest radiograph [34]. Catheter stiffness, position of the tip within the vessel, and the site of insertion are important factors causing vessel perforation. The relative importance of these variables is unknown. Repeated irritation of the vessel wall by a stiff catheter tip or infusion of hyperosmolar solutions may be the initiating event. Vascular erosions are more common with left IJV and EJV catheters, because for anatomical reasons the catheter tip is more likely to be positioned laterally under tension against the SVC wall [35]. Positioning of the catheter tip within the vein parallel to the vessel wall must be confirmed on chest radiograph. Free aspiration of blood from one of the catheter ports is not always sufficient to rule out a vascular perforation.
Air and Catheter Embolism
Significant air and catheter embolism are rare and preventable complications of CVC. Catheter embolism can occur at the time of insertion when a catheter-through- or over-needle technique is used and the operator withdraws the catheter without simultaneously retracting the needle. It more commonly occurs with antecubital or femoral catheters after insertion, because they are prone to breakage when the agitated patient vigorously bends an arm or leg. Prevention, recognition, and management of catheter embolism are covered in detail elsewhere [36].
Air embolism is of greater clinical importance, often goes undiagnosed, and may prove fatal. This complication is totally preventable with compulsive attention to proper catheter insertion and maintenance. Factors resulting in air embolism during insertion are well known, and methods to increase venous pressure, such as use of the Trendelenburg position, should not be forgotten. Catheter disconnection and passage of air through a patent tract after catheter removal are more common causes of catheter-associated air embolism. An air embolus should be suspected in any patient with an indwelling or recently discontinued CVC who develops sudden unexplained hypoxemia or cardiovascular collapse, often after being moved or transferred out of bed. A characteristic mill wheel sound may be auscultated over the precordium. Treatment involves placing the patient in the left lateral decubitus position and using the catheter to aspirate air from the right ventricle. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy to reduce bubble size has a controversial role in treatment [37]. The best treatment is prevention which can be effectively achieved through comprehensive nursing and physician-in-training educational modules and proper supervision of inexperienced operators [38].
Central venous access in the patient with a bleeding diathesis can be problematic. The SCV and IJV routes have increased risks in the presence of coagulopathy, but the true risk is frequently overestimated and it is not known at what degree of abnormality it becomes unacceptable. A coagulopathy is generally defined as an international normalized ratio (INR) greater than 1.5 or platelet count less than 50,000. Although it is clear that safe venipuncture is possible (even with the subclavian approach) with greater degrees of coagulopathy [39], the literature is also fraught with case reports of serious hemorrhagic complications. In patients with severe coagulopathy, IJV cannulation under ultrasound guidance has proven to be very safe, while the FV offers a viable alternative for general-purpose venous access. In nonemergent patients, peripherally inserted central venous catheters (PICC) can be used.
Catheter-related thrombosis is very common but usually of little clinical significance. The spectrum of thrombotic complications includes a fibrin sleeve surrounding the catheter from its point of entry into the vein distal to the tip, mural thrombus, a clot that forms on the wall of the vein secondary to mechanical or chemical irritation, or occlusive thrombus, which blocks flow and may result in collateral formation. All of these lesions are usually clinically silent; therefore, studies that do not use venography or color flow Doppler imaging to confirm the diagnosis underestimate its incidence. Using venography, fibrin sleeve formation can be documented in a majority of catheters, mural thrombi in 10% to 30%, and occlusive thrombi in 0% to 10% [40,41,42,43,44,45]. In contrast, clinical symptoms of thrombosis occur in only 0% to 3% of patients. The incidence of thrombosis probably increases with duration of catheterization but does not appear reliably related to the site of insertion. However, the clinical importance of femoral vein catheter-associated thrombosis compared to upper extremity thrombosis caused by IJ and SCV catheters is unknown [46]. The presence of catheter-associated thrombosis is also associated with a higher incidence of infection [47].
Routes of Central Venous Cannulation
Antecubital Approach
The antecubital veins are used in the ICU for CVC with PICC and midline catheters. Use of PICCs in critically ill adults is becoming increasingly important. Specialized nursing teams are now able to insert PICCs at beside with use of real-time ultrasonography and sterile technique thereby increasing safety and reducing the potential for infection. There are now triple lumen catheters that may be inserted with this approach. PICCs may be useful in ICU patients undergoing neurosurgery, with coagulopathy, or in the rehabilitative phase of critical illness for which general purpose central venous access is required for parenteral nutrition or long-term medication access (Table 2.1) [48,49]. Although many hospitals have a designated “PICC” insertion team, they may have significant work hour limitations that delay insertion of catheters and result in significant delays in delivery of care or throughput. For that reason, we believe intensivists should be familiar with the antecubital route, and as a result, the technique of percutaneous insertion of catheters using the basilic vein is described later.
The basilic vein is preferred for CVC because it is almost always of substantial size and the anatomy is predictable. The basilic vein provides an unimpeded path to the central venous circulation via the axillary vein [50,51]. The basilic vein is formed at the ulnar aspect of the dorsal venous network of the hand. It may be found in the medial part of the antecubital fossa, where it is usually joined by the median basilic vein. It then ascends in the groove between the biceps brachii and pronator teres on the medial aspect of the arm to perforate the deep fascia distal to the midportion of the arm, where it joins the brachial vein to become the axillary vein.
Technique of Cannulation
Several kits are available for antecubital CVC. The PICC and midline catheters are made of silicone or polyurethane and, depending on catheter stiffness and size, are usually placed through an introducer. The method described below is for a PICC inserted through a tear-away introducer.
The success rates from either arm are comparable, though the catheter must traverse a greater distance from the left. With the patient’s arm at his or her side, the antecubital fossa is prepared with chlorhexidine and draped using maximum barrier precautions (mask, cap and sterile gown, gloves and large drape covering the patient). A tourniquet is placed proximally by an assistant and a portable ultrasound device used to identify the basilic or its main branches. A vein can be distinguished from an artery by visualizing compressibility, color flow, and Doppler flow (Fig. 2.1). After a time-out and administration of local anesthesia subcutaneously, venipuncture is performed with the thin wall entry needle a few centimeters proximal to the antecubital crease to avoid catheter breakage and embolism. When free backflow of venous blood is confirmed, the tourniquet is released and the guidewire carefully threaded into the vein for a distance of 15 to 20 cm. Leaving the guidewire in place, the thin-wall needle is withdrawn and the puncture site enlarged with a scalpel blade. The sheath-introducer assembly is threaded over the guidewire with a twisting motion, and the guidewire removed. Next, leaving the sheath in place, the dilator is removed, and the introducer is now ready for PICC insertion. The length of insertion is estimated by measuring the distance along the predicted vein path from the venipuncture site to the manubriosternal junction, using the measuring tape provided in the kit. The PICC is typically supplied with an inner obturator that provides stiffness for insertion. The PICC is trimmed to the desired length and flushed with saline and the obturator is inserted into the PICC up to the tip. The PICC/obturator assembly is inserted through the introducer to the appropriate distance, the introducer peeled away, and the obturator removed. The PICC is secured in place and a chest X-ray obtained to determine tip position.
If resistance to advancing the PICC is met, options are limited. Techniques such as abducting the arm are of limited value. If a catheter-through- or over-needle device has been used, the catheter must never be withdrawn without simultaneously retracting the needle to avoid catheter shearing and embolism. If the catheter cannot be advanced easily, another site should be chosen.
Success Rate and Complications
Using the above-mentioned technique, PICC catheters have a 75% to 95% successful placement rate. Overall, PICCs appear to be at least as safe as CVCs, but important complications include sterile phlebitis, thrombosis (especially of the SCV and IJV), infection, limb edema, and pericardial tamponade. Phlebitis may be more common with antecubital CVCs, probably due to less blood flow in these veins as well as the proximity of the venipuncture site to the skin [52,53]. The risk of pericardial tamponade may also be increased if the catheter tip is inserted too deep because of greater catheter tip migration occurring with arm movements [54]. Complications are minimized by strict adherence to recommended techniques for catheter placement and care.
Internal Jugular Approach
The IJV has been used for venous access in pediatric and adult patients for many years but its use in some circumstances has been limited by a relatively lower rate of success due to its compressibility and propensity to collapse in hypovolemic conditions. In our opinion, ultrasound has had its greatest impact by improving the efficiency of IJV cannulation, since real-time direct visualization of the vein is easily obtained. This minimizes the impact of hypovolemia or anatomical variations on overall success, and has rendered the need for EJV catheterization almost extinct. Furthermore, under ultrasound guidance, the central approach is almost always used, and as a result, we will no longer review the anterior or posterior approaches. In general, these techniques will differ only in the point of skin puncture (Fig. 2.2), and readers are referred to previous editions of this text for a thorough description of these approaches.
The IJV emerges from the base of the skull through the jugular foramen and enters the carotid sheath dorsally with the internal carotid artery (ICA). It then courses posterolaterally to the artery and runs beneath the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle. The vein lies medial to the anterior portion of the SCM muscle superiorly and then runs beneath the triangle formed by the two heads of the muscle in its medial portion before entering the SCV near the medial border of the anterior scalene muscle at the sternal border of the clavicle. The junction of the right IJV (which averages 2 to 3 cm in diameter) with the right SCV forming the innominate vein follows a straight path to the SVC. As a result, catheter malposition and looping of the catheter inserted through the right IJV are unusual. In contrast, a catheter passed through the left IJV must negotiate a sharp turn at the left jugulosubclavian junction, which results in a greater percentage of catheter malpositions [55]. This sharp turn may also produce tension and torque at the catheter tip, resulting in a higher incidence of vessel erosion.
Knowledge of the structures neighboring the IJV is essential as they may be compromised by a misdirected needle. The ICA runs medial to the IJV but, rarely, may lie directly posterior or, rarely, anterior. Behind the ICA, just outside the sheath, lie the stellate ganglion and the cervical sympathetic trunk. The dome of the pleura, which is higher on the left, lies caudal to the junction of the IJV and SCV. Posteriorly, at the root of the neck, course the phrenic and vagus nerves. The thoracic duct lies posterior to the left IJV and enters the superior margin of the SCV near the jugulosubclavian junction. The right lymphatic duct has the same anatomical relationship but is much smaller,
and chylous effusions typically occur only with left-sided IJV cannulations.
and chylous effusions typically occur only with left-sided IJV cannulations.
Technique of Cannulation
With careful preparation of equipment and attention to patient comfort and safety as described earlier, the patient is placed in a 15-degree Trendelenburg position to distend the vein and minimize the risk of air embolism. The head is turned gently to the contralateral side. The surface anatomy is identified, especially the angle of the mandible, the two heads of the SCM, the clavicle, the EJV, and the trachea (Fig. 2.2). We recommend preliminary ultrasound examination of the IJV before skin preparation to quickly identify anatomical variations and suitability for catheterization. The probe should initially be placed in the center of the triangle formed by the clavicle and two heads of the SCM. If on the ultrasound the IJV is very small, thrombosed, or there is a significant anatomical variant, it is best to choose another site since successful cannulation is directly dependent on cross-sectional luminal size of the vessel. The neck is then prepared with chlorhexidine and fully draped, using maximum barrier precautions. Before the procedure is begun, a time-out is performed.
The IJV is usually readily identified by ultrasound (Fig. 2.3), and if the anatomy is normal and the IJV of substantial size, use of a finder needle is not required. The operator can directly visualize the needle entering the vein, and then proceed with insertion of the guidewire and catheter as described later. It is important not to be “mesmerized” or to have a false sense of confidence because ultrasound is being used. Always follow standard catheterization technique and always confirm (using multiple techniques) venous puncture. For example, it is good practice to document that the needle or short cannula is in the IJV through the use of manometry or to visualize the guidewire within the vein by using ultrasound before proceeding with catheter insertion.
If ultrasound is unavailable, skin puncture is at the apex of the triangle formed by the two muscle bellies of the SCM and the clavicle. The ICA pulsation is usually felt 1 to 2 cm medial to this point, beneath or just medial to the sternal head of the SCM. The skin at the apex of the triangle is infiltrated with 1% lidocaine using the smallest needle available. Use of a small-bore finder needle to locate the IJV should prevent unintentional ICA puncture and unnecessary probing with a larger bore needle. To avoid collapsing the IJV, the operator should maintain minimal to no pressure on the ICA with the left hand
and insert the finder needle with the right hand at the apex of the triangle at a 45-degree angle with the frontal plane, directed at the ipsilateral nipple. The needle is advanced steadily with constant negative pressure in the syringe, and venipuncture occurs within 1 to 5 cm. If venipuncture does not occur on the initial attempt, negative pressure should be maintained and the needle slowly withdrawn, as often, the needle will compress the vein on advancement and penetrate the back wall without blood return. Once the needle is pulled back past the posterior wall of the vessel, it achieves free flow of blood from the vessel. If the first attempt is unsuccessful, the operator should reassess patient position, landmarks, and techniques to ensure that he or she is not doing anything to decrease IJV lumen size (see later). Subsequent attempts may be directed slightly laterally or medially to the initial direction, as long as the ICA is not entered. If venipuncture does not occur after three to five attempts, further attempts are unlikely to be successful and only increase complications [56,57,58].
and insert the finder needle with the right hand at the apex of the triangle at a 45-degree angle with the frontal plane, directed at the ipsilateral nipple. The needle is advanced steadily with constant negative pressure in the syringe, and venipuncture occurs within 1 to 5 cm. If venipuncture does not occur on the initial attempt, negative pressure should be maintained and the needle slowly withdrawn, as often, the needle will compress the vein on advancement and penetrate the back wall without blood return. Once the needle is pulled back past the posterior wall of the vessel, it achieves free flow of blood from the vessel. If the first attempt is unsuccessful, the operator should reassess patient position, landmarks, and techniques to ensure that he or she is not doing anything to decrease IJV lumen size (see later). Subsequent attempts may be directed slightly laterally or medially to the initial direction, as long as the ICA is not entered. If venipuncture does not occur after three to five attempts, further attempts are unlikely to be successful and only increase complications [56,57,58].
![]() Figure 2.3. Ultrasound appearance of the right internal jugular vein and normal relationship with the internal carotid artery. |
When venipuncture has occurred with the finder needle, the operator can either withdraw the finder needle and introduce the large-bore needle in the identical plane or leave the finder needle in place and introduce the larger needle directly superior to it. Leaving the finder needle in place has been shown to facilitate successful puncture with the introducer needle [59]. Many kits provide both an 18-gauge thin-wall needle through which a guidewire can be directly introduced and a 16-gauge catheter-over-needle device. With the latter apparatus, the catheter is threaded over the needle into the vein, the needle withdrawn, and the guidewire inserted through the catheter. Both techniques are effective; the choice is strictly a matter of operator preference. Regardless of which large-bore needle is used, once venipuncture has occurred the syringe is removed after ensuring that the backflow of blood is not pulsatile and the hub is then occluded with a finger to prevent air embolism or excessive bleeding. The guidewire, with the J-tip oriented appropriately, is then inserted and should pass freely up to 20 cm, at which point the thin-wall needle or catheter is withdrawn. The tendency to insert the guidewire deeper than 15 to 20 cm should be avoided, as it is the most common cause of ventricular arrhythmias during insertion and also poses a risk for cardiac perforation. Furthermore, if the patient has an IVC filter in place, the guidewire can become entangled in the filter. Occasionally, the guidewire does not pass easily beyond the tip of the thin-wall needle. The guidewire should then be withdrawn, the syringe attached, and free backflow of blood reestablished and maintained while the syringe and needle are brought to a more parallel plane with the vein. The guidewire should then pass easily. If resistance is still encountered, rotation of the guidewire during insertion often allows passage, but extensive manipulation and force lead only to complications.
With the guidewire in place, a scalpel is used to make two 90-degree stab incisions at the skin entry site to facilitate passage of the 7-Fr vessel dilator. The dilator is inserted down the wire to the hub, ensuring that control and sterility of the guidewire is not compromised. The dilator is then withdrawn and pressure used at the puncture site to control oozing and prevent air embolism down the needle tract. The proximal and middle lumens of a triple-lumen catheter are flushed with saline and capped. The catheter is then inserted over the guidewire, ensuring that the operator has control of the guidewire, either proximal or distal to the catheter, at all times to avoid intravascular loss of the wire. The catheter is then advanced 15 to 17 cm (17 to 19 cm for left IJV) into the vein, the guidewire withdrawn, and the distal lumen capped. The catheter is sutured securely to limit tip migration and bandaged in a standard manner. A chest radiograph should be obtained to detect complications and tip location.
Success Rates and Complications
Non–ultrasound-guided IJV catheterization is associated with a high rate of successful catheter placement. Elective procedures are successful more than 90% of the time, generally within the first three attempts, and catheter malposition is rare. Use of ultrasound clearly improves the success rate, decreases the number of attempts and complications, avoids unnecessary procedures by identifying unsuitable anatomy, and minimally impacts insertion time. Emergent IJV catheterization is less successful and is not the preferred technique during airway emergencies or other situations that may make it difficult to identify landmarks in the neck.
The incidence and types of complications are similar regardless of the approach. Operator inexperience appears to increase the number of complications, but to an undefined extent, and probably does not have as great an impact as it does on the incidence of pneumothorax in subclavian venipuncture [60].
The overall incidence of complications in IJV catheterization (without ultrasound guidance) is 0.1% to 4.2%. Important complications include ICA puncture, pneumothorax, vessel erosion, thrombosis, and infection. Although the impact of ultrasound use on other complications has not been conclusively demonstrated, it has been shown to significantly reduce the number of attempts and the incidence of arterial puncture, which is by far the most common complication [6]. In the absence of a bleeding diathesis, arterial punctures are usually benign and are managed conservatively by applying local pressure for 10 minutes. Even in the absence of clotting abnormalities, a sizable hematoma may form, frequently preventing further catheterization attempts or, rarely, exerting pressure on vital neck structures [61,62]. Unrecognized arterial puncture can lead to catheterization of the ICA with a large-bore catheter or introducer and can have disastrous consequences, especially if heparin is subsequently administered [63]. Management of carotid cannulation with a large-bore catheter, such as a 7-Fr introducer, is controversial. Options include pulling the catheter and applying pressure, percutaneous closure devices, internal stent grafting, or surgical repair [64,65]. Some experts advise administration of anticoagulants to prevent thromboembolic complications, whereas others advise the opposite. Our
approach is to remove small bore catheters and avoid heparinization if possible, as hemorrhage appears to be a greater risk than thromboembolism. For larger bore catheters and complicated cases, we involve interventional radiology and vascular surgery before removal, and individualize the management based on the circumstances.
approach is to remove small bore catheters and avoid heparinization if possible, as hemorrhage appears to be a greater risk than thromboembolism. For larger bore catheters and complicated cases, we involve interventional radiology and vascular surgery before removal, and individualize the management based on the circumstances.

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