Key Points
- 1.
Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is associated with a number of profound physiologic perturbations. The central nervous system, kidneys, gut, and heart are especially vulnerable to ischemic events associated with extracorporeal circulation.
- 2.
Advanced age is the most important risk factor for stroke and neurocognitive dysfunction after CPB.
- 3.
Acute renal injury from CPB can contribute directly to poor outcomes.
- 4.
Drugs such as dopamine and diuretics do not prevent renal failure after CPB.
- 5.
Myocardial stunning represents injury caused by short periods of myocardial ischemia that can occur during CPB.
- 6.
Gastrointestinal complications after CPB include pancreatitis, gastrointestinal bleeding, bowel infarction, and cholecystitis.
- 7.
Pulmonary complications such as atelectasis and pleural effusions are common after cardiac surgery with CPB.
- 8.
Embolization, hypoperfusion, and inflammatory processes are common central pathophysiologic mechanisms responsible for organ dysfunction after CPB.
- 9.
Controversy regarding the optimal management of blood flow, pressure, and temperature during CPB remains. Perfusion should be adequate to support ongoing oxygen requirements; mean arterial pressures of more than 70 mm Hg may benefit patients with cerebral and/or diffuse atherosclerosis. Arterial blood temperatures should never exceed 37.5°C.
- 10.
Organ dysfunction cannot definitively be prevented during cardiac surgery with off-pump techniques.
The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) states that the absence of anesthesia personnel during the conduct of a general anesthetic violates the first of the ASA Standards for Basic Anesthetic Monitoring. The absence of a member of the anesthesia care team during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is below the accepted standard of care. At a minimum, the anesthesiologist’s role during CPB is to maintain the anesthetic state—a more challenging task than the usual case when the patient’s blood pressure, heart rate, and movement provide information regarding the depth of anesthesia. The complexities of CPB and the necessary integration of risk factors with the nuances of cardiac surgery warrant constant thinking and rethinking of how the conduct of CPB and surgery modulates the risks and what protective strategies need implementation.
Goals and Mechanics of Cardiopulmonary Bypass
The CPB circuit is designed to perform four major functions: oxygenation and carbon dioxide elimination, circulation of blood, systemic cooling and rewarming, and diversion of blood from the heart to provide a bloodless surgical field. Typically, venous blood is drained by gravity from the right side of the heart into a reservoir that serves as a large mixing chamber for all blood return, additional fluids, and drugs. Because (in most instances) negative pressure is not employed, the amount of venous drainage is determined by the central venous pressure (CVP), the column height between the patient and reservoir, and resistance to flow in the venous circuitry. Negative pressure will enhance venous drainage and is used in some bypass approaches, including port-access CPB. Venous return may be decreased deliberately (as is done when restoring the patient’s blood volume before coming off bypass) by application of a venous clamp. From the reservoir, blood is pumped to an oxygenator and heat exchanger unit before passing through an arterial filter and returning to the patient. Additional components of the circuit generally include pumps and tubing for cardiotomy suction, venting, and cardioplegia delivery and recirculation, as well as in-line blood gas monitors, bubble detectors, pressure monitors, and blood sampling ports. A schematic representation of a typical bypass circuit is depicted in Fig. 25.1 .
The cannulation sites and type of CPB circuit used are dependent on the type of operation planned. Most cardiac procedures use full CPB, in which the blood is drained from the right side of the heart and returned to the systemic circulation through the aorta. The CPB circuit performs the function of the heart and lungs. Aorto-atriocaval cannulation is the preferred method of cannulation for CPB, although femoral arteriovenous cannulation may be the technique of choice for emergency access, “redo” sternotomy, and other clinical settings in which aortic or atrial cannulation is not feasible. Procedures involving the thoracic aorta are often performed using partial bypass in which a portion of oxygenated blood is removed from the left side of the heart and returned to the femoral artery. Perfusion of the head and upper extremity vessels is performed by the beating heart, and distal perfusion is provided below the level of the cross-clamp by retrograde flow by the femoral artery. All blood passes through the pulmonary circulation, eliminating the need for an oxygenator.
Goals and Mechanics of Cardiopulmonary Bypass
The CPB circuit is designed to perform four major functions: oxygenation and carbon dioxide elimination, circulation of blood, systemic cooling and rewarming, and diversion of blood from the heart to provide a bloodless surgical field. Typically, venous blood is drained by gravity from the right side of the heart into a reservoir that serves as a large mixing chamber for all blood return, additional fluids, and drugs. Because (in most instances) negative pressure is not employed, the amount of venous drainage is determined by the central venous pressure (CVP), the column height between the patient and reservoir, and resistance to flow in the venous circuitry. Negative pressure will enhance venous drainage and is used in some bypass approaches, including port-access CPB. Venous return may be decreased deliberately (as is done when restoring the patient’s blood volume before coming off bypass) by application of a venous clamp. From the reservoir, blood is pumped to an oxygenator and heat exchanger unit before passing through an arterial filter and returning to the patient. Additional components of the circuit generally include pumps and tubing for cardiotomy suction, venting, and cardioplegia delivery and recirculation, as well as in-line blood gas monitors, bubble detectors, pressure monitors, and blood sampling ports. A schematic representation of a typical bypass circuit is depicted in Fig. 25.1 .
The cannulation sites and type of CPB circuit used are dependent on the type of operation planned. Most cardiac procedures use full CPB, in which the blood is drained from the right side of the heart and returned to the systemic circulation through the aorta. The CPB circuit performs the function of the heart and lungs. Aorto-atriocaval cannulation is the preferred method of cannulation for CPB, although femoral arteriovenous cannulation may be the technique of choice for emergency access, “redo” sternotomy, and other clinical settings in which aortic or atrial cannulation is not feasible. Procedures involving the thoracic aorta are often performed using partial bypass in which a portion of oxygenated blood is removed from the left side of the heart and returned to the femoral artery. Perfusion of the head and upper extremity vessels is performed by the beating heart, and distal perfusion is provided below the level of the cross-clamp by retrograde flow by the femoral artery. All blood passes through the pulmonary circulation, eliminating the need for an oxygenator.
Physiologic Parameters of Cardiopulmonary Bypass
The primary objective of CPB is maintenance of systemic perfusion and respiration. Controversy arises with the question of whether systemic oxygenation and perfusion should be “optimal or maximal” or “adequate or sufficient.” Remarkably, after more than 60 years of CPB, there is continued disagreement regarding many fundamental management issues of extracorporeal circulation. Clinicians and investigators disagree on what the best strategies are for arterial blood pressure goals, pump flow, hematocrit, temperature, blood gas management, or mode of perfusion (pulsatile vs nonpulsatile). Whereas each of these physiologic parameters used to be taken into account individually, the application of each has organ-specific effects.
End-Organ Effects of Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Modern cardiac surgery continues to be challenged by the risk of organ dysfunction and the morbidity and mortality that accompany it. A number of injurious common pathways may account for the organ dysfunction typically associated with cardiac surgery. CPB itself initiates a whole-body inflammatory response with the release of various injurious inflammatory mediators. Add to this the various preexisting patient comorbidities and the potential for organ ischemic injury caused by embolization and hypoperfusion, and it becomes clear why organ injury can occur. Most cardiac surgery, because of its very nature, causes some degree of myocardial injury. Other body systems can be affected by the perioperative insults associated with cardiac surgery (particularly CPB), including the kidneys, lungs, gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and central nervous system.
The following section describes the various organ dysfunction syndromes that can occur in patients undergoing cardiac surgical procedures, with particular emphasis directed at strategies for reducing these injuries.
Central Nervous System Injury
Incidence and Significance of Injury
Central nervous system dysfunction after CPB represents a spectrum of clinical entities ranging from neurocognitive deficits, occurring in approximately 25% to 80% of patients, to overt stroke, occurring in 1% to 5% of patients. The significant disparity among studies in the incidence of these adverse cerebral outcomes relates in part to their definition and to numerous methodologic differences in the determination of neurologic and neurocognitive outcomes. Retrospective versus prospective assessments of neurologic deficits account for a significant portion of this inconsistency, as do the experience and expertise of the examiner. The timing of postoperative testing also affects determinations of outcome. For example, the rate of cognitive deficits can be as high as 80% for patients at discharge, between 10% and 35% at approximately 6 weeks after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), and 10% to 15% more than a year after surgery. Higher rates of cognitive deficits have been reported 5 years after surgery, when as many as 43% of patients have documented deficits.
Although the incidence of these deficits varies greatly, the significance of these injuries cannot be overemphasized. Cerebral injury is a most disturbing outcome of cardiac surgery. To have a patient’s heart successfully treated by the planned operation but discover that the patient no longer functions as well cognitively or is immobilized from a stroke can be devastating. There are enormous personal, family, and financial consequences of extending a patient’s life with surgery, only to have the quality of the life significantly diminished. Death after CABG, although having reached relatively low levels in the past decade (generally less than 1% overall), is increasingly attributable to cerebral injury.
Risk Factors for Central Nervous System Injury
Successful strategies for perioperative cerebral and other organ protection begin with a thorough understanding of the risk factors and pathophysiology involved. Risk factors for central nervous system injury can be considered from several different perspectives. Most studies outlining risk factors take into account only stroke. Few describe risk factors for neurocognitive dysfunction. Although it is often assumed that their respective risk factors are similar, few studies have consistently reported the preoperative risks of cognitive loss after cardiac surgery. Factors such as a poor baseline (preoperative) cognitive state, years of education (ie, more advanced education is protective), age, diabetes, and CPB time are frequently described.
Stroke is better characterized with respect to risk factors. Although studies differ somewhat as to all the risk factors, certain patient characteristics consistently correlate with an increased risk for cardiac surgery–associated neurologic injury. In a study conducted by the Multicenter Study of Perioperative Ischemia of 2108 patients from 24 centers, incidence of adverse cerebral outcome after CABG surgery was determined, and the risk factors were analyzed. Two types of adverse cerebral outcomes were defined. Type I included nonfatal stroke, transient ischemic attack, stupor or coma at time of discharge, and death caused by stroke or hypoxic encephalopathy. Type II included new deterioration in intellectual function, confusion, agitation, disorientation, and memory deficit without evidence of focal injury. A total of 129 (6.1%) of the 2108 patients had an adverse cerebral outcome in the perioperative period. Type I outcomes occurred in 66 (3.1%) of 2108 patients, with type II outcomes occurring in 63 (3.0%) of 2108 patients. Stepwise logistic regression analysis identified eight independent predictors of type I outcomes and seven independent predictors of type II outcomes ( Table 25.1 ).
Risk Factor | Type I Outcomes | Type II Outcomes |
Proximal aortic atherosclerosis | 4.52 (2.52–8.09) a | |
History of neurologic disease | 3.19 (1.65–6.15) | |
Use of IABP | 2.60 (1.21–5.58) | |
Diabetes mellitus | 2.59 (1.46–4.60) | |
History of hypertension | 2.31 (1.20–4.47) | |
History of pulmonary disease | 2.09 (1.14–3.85) | 2.37 (1.34–4.18) |
History of unstable angina | 1.83 (1.03–3.27) | |
Age (per additional decade) | 1.75 (1.27–2.43) | 2.20 (1.60–3.02) |
Admission systolic BP >180 mm Hg | 3.47 (1.41–8.55) | |
History of excessive alcohol intake | 2.64 (1.27–5.47) | |
History of CABG | 2.18 (1.14–4.17) | |
Arrhythmia on day of surgery | 1.97 (1.12–3.46) | |
Antihypertensive therapy | 1.78 (1.02–3.10) |
a Adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence intervals) for type I and type II cerebral outcomes associated with selected risk factors from the Multicenter Study of Perioperative Ischemia.
In a subsequent analysis of the same study database, a stroke risk index using preoperative factors was developed ( Fig. 25.2 ). This risk index allowed for the preoperative calculation of the stroke risk based on the weighted combination of the preoperative factors, including age, unstable angina, diabetes mellitus, neurologic disease, previous coronary artery or other cardiac surgery, vascular disease, and pulmonary disease. Of all the factors in the Multicenter Study of Perioperative Ischemia analysis and in multiple other analyses, age appears to be the most overwhelmingly robust predictor of stroke and of neurocognitive dysfunction after cardiac surgery. Tuman and colleagues described that age has a greater impact on neurologic outcome than it does on perioperative myocardial infarction (MI) or low cardiac output states (LCOSs) after cardiac surgery ( Fig. 25.3 ).
The influence of gender on adverse perioperative cerebral outcomes after cardiac surgery has been evaluated. Women appear to be at higher risk for stroke after cardiac surgery than men.
Another consistent risk factor for stroke after cardiac surgery is the presence of cerebrovascular disease and atheromatous disease of the aorta. With respect to cerebrovascular disease, patients who have had a prior stroke or transient ischemic attack are more likely to suffer a perioperative stroke. Even in the absence of symptomatic cerebrovascular disease, such as the presence of a carotid bruit, the risk of stroke increases with the severity of the carotid disease.
Although the presence of cerebrovascular disease is a risk factor for perioperative stroke, it does not always correlate well with the presence of significant aortic atherosclerosis. Atheromatous disease of the ascending aorta, aortic arch, and descending thoracic aorta has been consistently implicated as a risk factor for stroke in cardiac surgical patients. The widespread use of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and epiaortic ultrasonography has added new dimensions to the detection of aortic atheromatous disease and the understanding of its relation to stroke risk. These imaging modalities have allowed the diagnosis of atheromatous disease to be made in a more sensitive and detailed manner, contributing greatly to the information regarding potential stroke risk. The risk of cerebral embolism from aortic atheroma was described early in the history of cardiac surgery and has been described repeatedly and in detail since then. Studies have consistently reported higher stroke rates for patients with increasing atheromatous aortic involvement (particularly the ascending and arch segments). This relationship is outlined in Fig. 25.4 .
Causes of Perioperative Central Nervous System Injury
Because central nervous system dysfunction represents a wide range of injuries, differentiating the individual causes of these various types of injuries becomes somewhat difficult ( Box 25.1 ). They are frequently grouped together and superficially discussed as representing different severities on a continuum of brain injury. This likely misrepresents the different causes of these injuries. The following section addresses stroke and cognitive injury ( Table 25.2 ), and their respective causes are differentiated when appropriate.
Cerebral emboli
Global hypoperfusion
Cerebral hyperthermia
Cerebral edema
Blood-brain barrier dysfunction
Cause | Possible Settings |
Cerebral microemboli | Generated during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB); mobilization of atheromatous material or entrainment of air from the operative field; gas injections into the venous reservoir of the CPB apparatus |
Global cerebral hypoperfusion | Hypotension, occlusion by an atheromatous embolus leading to stroke |
Inflammation (systemic and cerebral) | Injurious effects of CPB, such as blood interacting with the foreign surfaces of pump-oxygenator; upregulation of proinflammatory cyclooxygenase mRNA |
Cerebral hyperthermia | Hypothermia during CPB; hyperthermia during and after cardiac surgery, such as aggressive rewarming |
Cerebral edema | Edema from global cerebral hypoperfusion or increased cerebral venous pressure from cannula misplacement |
Blood-brain barrier dysfunction | Diffuse cerebral inflammation; ischemia from cerebral microembolization |
Genetic influences | Effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms on risk for neurologic injury or impaired recovery from injury |
Cerebral Embolization
Macroemboli (eg, atheromatous plaque) and microemboli (ie, gaseous and particulate) are generated during CPB, and many emboli find their way to the cerebral vasculature. Macroemboli are responsible for stroke, with microemboli being implicated in the development of less severe encephalopathies. Sources for the microemboli are numerous and include those generated de novo from the interactions of blood within the CPB apparatus (eg, platelet-fibrin aggregates) and those generated within the body by the production and mobilization of atheromatous material or entrainment of air from the operative field. Other sources for emboli include lipid-laden debris that can be added by cardiotomy suction. Other gaseous emboli may be generated through injections into the venous reservoir of the CPB apparatus itself.
Global Cerebral Hypoperfusion
The concept that global cerebral hypoperfusion during CPB may lead to neurologic and neurocognitive complications originates from the earliest days of cardiac surgery, when significant (in degree and duration) systemic hypotension was a relatively common event. Although this concept (ie, that hypotension would lead to global cerebral hypoperfusion) makes intuitive sense, studies that have examined the relationship between mean arterial pressure (MAP) and cognitive decline after cardiac surgery have generally failed to show any significant relationship.
This is not the case for stroke, for which a link between hypotension and the presence of a significantly atheromatous aorta with an increased risk of stroke has been demonstrated. This is not a clear relationship, however, and likely represents an interaction between macroembolism and global cerebral hypoperfusion. It is likely, for example, that if an area of the brain that is being perfused by a cerebral vessel becomes occluded by an atheromatous embolus, it may be more susceptible to hypoperfusion if collateral perfusion is compromised by concomitant systemic hypotension.
Temperature-Related Factors
During rewarming from hypothermic CPB, there can be an overshoot in cerebral temperature due to aggressive rewarming generally aimed at decreasing time on CPB and overall operating room time. This cerebral hyperthermia may well be responsible for some of the injury that occurs in the brain. The postoperative period is also a critical time in which hyperthermia can contribute to brain injury. It is not clear whether this hyperthermia causes de novo injury or exacerbates injury that has already occurred (eg, injury that might be induced by cerebral microembolization or global cerebral hypoperfusion). It is assumed that the brain is injured during CPB, and because experimental brain injury is known to cause hyperthermia (resulting from hypothalamic injury), the hyperthermia that is demonstrated in the postoperative period may be caused by the occurrence or extent of brain injury. However, if hyperthermia results from the inflammatory response to CPB, the hyperthermia itself may induce or exacerbate cerebral injury.
Although it is well known that blood interacts with the foreign surfaces of the pump-oxygenator to stimulate a profound inflammatory response, the systemic end-organ effects of this inflammatory response are less clearly defined. In settings other than cardiac surgery, inflammation has been demonstrated to injure the brain directly (eg, sepsis-mediated encephalopathy), but it is also known to result as a response to various cerebral injuries (eg, ischemic stroke). There is no direct evidence that inflammation causes cardiac surgery–associated adverse cerebral outcome; however, there is some supportive indirect evidence. There is increasing genetic evidence linking inflammation to adverse cerebral outcomes, both stroke and cognitive loss.
Cerebral Edema
Cerebral edema after CPB has been reported in several studies. The explanation for why cerebral edema may occur early in the period after bypass is not clear. It may be caused by cytotoxic edema resulting from global cerebral hypoperfusion or possibly by hyponatremia-induced cerebral edema. Generalized cerebral edema due to increases in cerebral venous pressure caused by cannula misplacement, which frequently occurs during CPB, is another reason. Specifically, use of a dual-stage venous cannula can often lead to cerebral venous congestion during the vertical displacement of the heart during access to the lateral and posterior epicardial coronary arteries. It is not clear from these studies whether the edema results because of injury that occurs during CPB, leading to cognitive decline, or whether the edema itself directly causes the injury by consequent increases in intracranial pressure with global or regional decreases in cerebral blood flow (CBF) and resulting ischemia.
Blood-Brain Barrier Dysfunction
The function of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is to aid in maintaining the homeostasis of the extracellular cerebral milieu protecting the brain against fluctuations in various ion concentrations, neurotransmitters, and growth factors that are present in the serum. The impact of CPB on the function and integrity of the BBB is not clearly known.
It is difficult to determine whether the changes in BBB integrity, if present at all, are a primary cause of brain dysfunction or simply a result of other initiating events such as ischemia (ie, from cerebral microembolization) or a diffuse cerebral inflammatory event. Changes in the BBB could cause some of the cerebral edema that has been demonstrated, or could result from cerebral edema if the edema resulted in ischemic injury (from increases in intracranial pressure).
Neuroprotective Strategies
Emboli Reduction
There are multiple sources of particulate and gaseous emboli during cardiac surgery. Within the CPB circuit itself, particulate emboli in the form of platelet-fibrin aggregates and other debris are generated. Gaseous emboli can be created in the circuit or augmented if already present by factors such as turbulence-related cavitation and potentially even by vacuum-assisted venous drainage. Air in the venous return tubing is variably handled by the bypass circuit (ie, reservoir, oxygenator, and arterial filters). The ability of the circuit to prevent the transit of gaseous emboli through the oxygenator varies considerably between manufacturers and remains a significant source of emboli. The impact of perfusionist interventions on cerebral embolic load has also been confirmed.
Significant quantities of air can be entrained from the surgical field into the heart itself; flooding the field with carbon dioxide has been proposed as being effective in reducing this embolic source. Its ability to specifically reduce cerebral injury has not been rigorously evaluated, although it has been demonstrated to reduce the amount of TEE-detectable bubbles in the heart after cardiac surgery significantly. Even with the use of carbon dioxide in the surgical field, significant amounts of entrained air can be present. Although the oxygenator-venous reservoir design attempts to purge this air before reaching the inflow cannula, the arterial line filter handles a great deal of what is left. The capacity of the arterial filter to remove all sources of emboli (gaseous or particulate) has significant limitations, and, despite its use, emboli can easily pass through and on into the aortic root.
The aortic cannula may be very important to reduce cerebral emboli production. Placement of the cannula into an area of the aorta with a large atheroma burden may cause the direct generation of emboli from the “sandblasting” of atherosclerotic material in the aorta. The use of a long aortic cannula, where the tip of the cannula lies beyond the origin of the cerebral vessels, has been found to reduce emboli load. The type of cannula itself may be an important factor. Various designs have allowed the reduction of various sandblasting-type jets emanating from the aortic cannula. Blood that is returned from the surgical field though the use of the cardiotomy suction may significantly contribute to the particulate load in the CPB circuit and subsequently in the brain. The use of cell-salvage devices to process shed blood before returning it to the venous reservoir may minimize the amount of particulate- or lipid-laden material that contributes to embolization. Most of this material is small enough or so significantly deformable (because of its high lipid content) that it can pass through standard 20- to 40-µm arterial filters. There are several issues with the cell saver, however. One is the cost that is incurred with its use, and the other is its side effects of reducing platelet and coagulation factors through its intrinsic washing processes. Modest use of cell salvage up to a certain, although as yet undefined, volume of blood is likely prudent. Despite this rationale, the results from studies examining neurologic outcome have shown variable effects of cell-saver use on cognitive outcome.
Management of Aortic Atherosclerosis
The widespread use of TEE and complementary (and preferably routine) epiaortic scanning has contributed greatly to the understanding of the risks involved in managing patients with a severely atheromatous aorta. There is indisputable evidence linking stroke to atheroma. However, the strength of association between atheroma and cognitive decline seen after cardiac surgery is less clear. Regardless of whether atheroma causes cognitive dysfunction, its contribution to cardiac surgery–associated stroke is enough to warrant specific strategies for management.
One of the difficulties in interpreting studies that have evaluated atheroma avoidance strategies is the absence of any form of blinding of the investigators. For the most part, a strategy is chosen based on the presence of known atheroma, and the results of these patients are compared with historic controls. What constitutes the best strategy is unclear. Multiple techniques can be used to minimize atheromatous material liberated from the aortic wall from getting into the cerebral circulation. These range from optimizing placement of the aortic cannula in the aorta to an area relatively devoid of plaque to the use of specialized cannulas that reduce the sandblasting of the aortic wall. The avoidance of partial occlusion clamping for proximal vein graft placement by performing all of the anastomoses in a single application of an aortic cross-clamp has demonstrated a benefit. Specialized cannulas that contain filtering technologies and other means to deflect emboli to more distal sites have been developed and studied. Technology is advancing rapidly, and proximal (and distal) coronary artery anastomotic devices are becoming increasingly available and focus on minimizing manipulation of the ascending aorta. None of these aortic manipulations has yet yielded significant neuroprotective results in large, prospective, randomized trials, but their potential holds promise.
Pulsatile Perfusion
A large body of literature has accumulated comparing the physiology of pulsatile with nonpulsatile perfusion. Nevertheless, it remains uncertain whether pulsatile CPB has shown substantive clinical improvement in any outcome measure compared with standard, nonpulsatile CPB. Claims of advantages to pulsatile flow are effectively offset by conflicting studies of similar design.
Nonpulsatile CPB is the most commonly practiced form of artificial perfusion. As intuitive as it may seem that this type of nonphysiologic, nonpulsatile pump flow could be injurious, there is an overall lack of data to suggest that using pulsatile flow during clinical CPB has a neurologic benefit. A significant limitation to most pulsatility studies is that, because of technical limitations, true “physiologic” pulsatility is almost never accomplished. Instead, variations of sinusoidal pulse waveforms are produced that do not replicate the kinetics and hydrodynamics of normal physiologic pulsation. A fundamental difference between pulsatile and nonpulsatile flow is that additional hydraulic energy is required and applied to move blood when pulsatile flow is used. This extra kinetic energy is known to improve red blood cell transit, capillary perfusion, and lymphatic function. CPB may influence many of the properties of the blood (viscosity) and the vasculature itself (arterial tone, size, and geometry) as a result of hemodilution, hypothermia, alteration of red blood cell deformability, and redistribution of flow. As a result of these changes, generation of what appears to be a normal pulsatile pressure waveform may not result in a normal pulsatile flow waveform. Simply reproducing pulsatile pressure is not sufficient to ensure reproduction of pulsatile flow, nor does it allow quantification of energetics.
Newer pulsatile technologies may better reproduce the normal biologic state of cardiac pulsatility. Computer technologies that allow creating a more physiologic pulsatile perfusion pattern have demonstrated, at least experimentally, preservation of cerebral oxygenation. However, most studies do not present convincing evidence to suggest that routine pulsatile flow during CPB, as can be achieved by widely available technology, is warranted.
Acid-Base Management: Alpha-Stat Versus pH-Stat
Optimal acid-base management during CPB has long been debated. Theoretically, alpha-stat management maintains normal CBF autoregulation with the coupling of cerebral metabolism (CMRO 2 ) to CBF, allowing adequate oxygen delivery while minimizing the potential for emboli. Although early studies were unable to document a difference in neurologic or neuropsychologic outcome between the two techniques, later studies showed reductions in cognitive performance when pH-stat management was used, particularly in cases with prolonged CPB times. pH-Stat management (ie, CO 2 is added to the oxygenator fresh gas flow) results in a higher CBF than is needed for the brain’s metabolic requirements. This luxury perfusion risks excessive delivery of emboli to the brain. Except for congenital heart surgery, for which most outcome data support the use of pH-stat management because of its improvement in homogenous brain cooling before circulatory arrest, adult outcome data support the use of only alpha-stat management.
Temperature and Rewarming Strategies
The use of some hypothermia remains a mainstay of perioperative management in the cardiac surgical patient. Its widespread use relates to its putative, although not definitively proved, global organ protective effects. Although hypothermia has a measurable effect on suppressing cerebral metabolism (approximately 6% to 7% decline per 1°C), it is likely that its other neuroprotective effects may be mediated by nonmetabolic actions. In the ischemic brain, for example, moderate hypothermia has multimodal effects. Although experimental demonstrations of this are abundant, clinical examples of hypothermia neuroprotection have been elusive.
Just as hypothermia has some likely protective effects on the brain, hyperthermia, in an opposite and disproportionate fashion, has some injurious effects. Although the studies referred to previously demonstrated no neuroprotective effect, there is emerging evidence that, if some degree of neuroprotection is afforded by hypothermia, it may be negated by the obligatory rewarming period that must ensue. Although there are numerous sites for monitoring temperature during cardiac surgery, several warrant special consideration. One of the lessons learned from the three warm versus cold trials, as well as from other information regarding temperature gradients between the CPB circuit, nasopharynx, and brain, is that it is important to monitor (and use as a target) a temperature site relevant to the organ of interest. If it is the body, a core temperature measured in the bladder, rectum, pulmonary artery, or esophagus is appropriate. However, if the temperature of the brain is desired, it is important to look at surrogates of brain temperature. These include nasopharyngeal temperature and tympanic membrane temperature. Testing these different temperature sites has demonstrated that vast temperature gradients appear across the body and across the brain. It is likely that during periods of rapid flux (eg, during rewarming), these temperature gradients are maximal.
Mean Arterial Pressure Management During Cardiopulmonary Bypass
The relationship between blood pressure during CPB and CBF is pertinent to understanding whether MAP can be optimized to reduce neurologic injury. Clinically, the available data suggest that, in an otherwise normal patient, CBF during nonpulsatile hypothermic CPB using alpha-stat blood gas management is largely independent of MAP as long as that MAP is within or near the autoregulatory range for the patient (ie, 50–100 mm Hg). Underlying essential hypertension as a comorbidity, however, likely includes a rightward shift in the autoregulatory curve. The degree to which this rightward shift occurs is not clear, but it would be reasonable to expect that it is at least 10 mm Hg, suggesting that the lower range of autoregulatory blood flow is more likely to be 60-70 than 50 mm Hg. In addition, diabetes may lead to autoregulatory disturbances that make CBF more pressure passive than in patients without diabetes.
Although the data relating MAP to neurologic and neurocognitive outcome after CABG surgery are inconclusive, most data suggest that MAP during CPB is not the primary predictor of cognitive decline or stroke after cardiac surgery. However, with increasing age, MAP during CPB may play a role in improving cerebral collateral perfusion to regions embolized, improving neurologic and cognitive outcome. Some experimental data in the noncardiac surgical setting suggest that collateral perfusion to penumbral areas of brain suffering from ischemic injury are relatively protected by higher perfusion pressure. Overall, it appears that MAP (in the normal range) has little effect on cognitive outcome, but in those with significant aortic atheroma, it may be prudent to increase blood pressure modestly.
Rather than choosing a specific or fixed (and arguably arbitrary) blood pressure threshold based on the conflicting preceding data, a more prudent approach may be to individualize the blood pressure targets based on the emerging concept of cerebral oximetry–based real-time physiologic feedback. Technologies such as near-infrared spectroscopy-based cerebral oximetry have played an important role in guiding this approach. This may allow for the determination of individual autoregulatory-driven blood pressure targets.
Glucose Management
Hyperglycemia is a common occurrence during the course of cardiac surgery. Administration of cardioplegia containing glucose and stress response–induced alterations in insulin secretion and resistance increase the potential for significant hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia has been repeatedly demonstrated to impair neurologic outcome after experimental focal and global cerebral ischemia. The explanation for this adverse effect likely relates to the effects that hyperglycemia has on anaerobic conversion of glucose to lactate, which ultimately causes intracellular acidosis and impairs intracellular homeostasis and metabolism. A second injurious mechanism relates to an increase in the release of excitotoxic amino acids in response to hyperglycemia in the setting of cerebral ischemia. If hyperglycemia is injurious to the brain, the threshold for making injuries worse appears to be 180 to 200 mg/dL.
The appropriate type of perioperative serum glucose management and whether it adversely affects neurologic outcome in patients undergoing CPB remain unclear. The major difficulty in hyperglycemia treatment is the relative ineffectiveness of insulin therapy. Using excessive amounts of insulin during hypothermic periods may lead to rebound hypoglycemia after CPB. Studies that have attempted to maintain normoglycemia during cardiac surgery with the use of an insulin protocol have shown that, even with aggressive insulin treatment, hyperglycemia is often resistant and may actually predispose patients to postoperative hypoglycemia. This concern over potentially increasing adverse effects by exerting tight glycemic controls has reportedly been supported. Attempting to mediate injury may predispose patients to additional injury.
Off-Pump Cardiac Surgery
Off-pump coronary artery bypass (OPCAB) surgery is frequently used for the operative treatment of coronary artery disease. The impact on adverse cerebral outcomes after cardiac surgery has been variably reported. Although early data suggested less cognitive decline after OPCAB procedures, most studies have not seen it eliminated altogether. The reasons for this are unclear but likely reflect the complex pathophysiology involved. For example, if inflammatory processes play a role in initiating or propagating cerebral injury, OPCAB, with its continued use of sternotomy, heparin administration, and wide hemodynamic swings, all of which may contribute to a stress and inflammatory response, may be a significant reason why cognitive dysfunction is still seen. Ascending aortic manipulation, with its ensuing particulate embolization, is also still commonly used.
Pharmacologic Neuroprotection
No pharmacologic therapies have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration or foreign regulatory agencies for the prevention or treatment of cardiac surgery–associated cerebral injury, despite numerous previous investigations of specific pharmacologic agents in this setting ( Table 25.3 ). The failure to discern any single compound that might protect the brain is not unique to cardiac surgery. With the exception of thrombolysis, there are no other therapies in the general medical field either.
Agent |
Thiopental |
Propofol |
Acadesine |
Aprotinin |
Nimodipine |
GM 1 ganglioside |
Dextromethorphan |
Remacemide |
Lidocaine |
β-Blockers |
Pegorgotein |
C5 complement inhibitor (pexelizumab) |
Lexiphant (platelet-activating factor antagonist) |
Clomethiazole |
Ketamine |
Thiopental was one of the first agents investigated as a potential neuroprotective agent for patients undergoing cardiac surgery. The proposed mechanism related to the suppressive effects of barbiturates on cerebral metabolism. This mechanism, along with experimental data reporting the beneficial effects of the barbiturates, made it a logical choice for cardiac surgery. However, results of additional investigations of the use of thiopental were not as positive. These negative trials and the side effects of prolonged sedation with barbiturates served to quell the optimism for barbiturates. The beneficial effects of the thiopental might not be related to a direct neuroprotective effect but to an indirect effect on reducing emboli. The well-known cerebral vasoconstricting effects of thiopental (matching CBF with a barbiturate-induced reduction in CMRO 2 ) may result in a reduction in embolic load to the brain during CPB and, as a result, a beneficial effect on neurologic outcome. It has subsequently been shown that isoelectricity itself is not necessary to incur a neuroprotective benefit from barbiturates.
Propofol has effects similar to those of thiopental on CMRO 2 and CBF and has some antioxidant and calcium channel antagonist properties. Along with supportive data from experimental cerebral ischemia studies, propofol has been evaluated as a neuroprotectant in the setting of cardiac surgery. In a randomized trial ( N = 215) of burst-suppression doses of propofol, there was no beneficial effect on cognitive outcome at 2 months. The investigators concluded that electroencephalogram (EEG) burst-suppression doses of propofol provided no neuroprotection during valvular cardiac surgery. No other studies in nonvalve cardiac surgery have assessed the effects of propofol on the brain.
In a large, multicenter trial of aprotinin for primary or redo CABG and valvular surgery evaluating its blood loss–reducing effects, the high-dose aprotinin group also had a lower stroke rate compared with placebo ( P = .032). There has been considerable investigation of the potential mechanism for aprotinin-derived neuroprotection. Initial enthusiasm focused on its antiinflammatory effects potentially preventing some of the adverse inflammatory sequelae of cerebral ischemia. However, aprotinin may have beneficial effects independent of any direct neuroprotective effect through an indirect effect of modulating cerebral emboli. If a drug reduces the amount of particulate-containing blood returning from the operative field to the cardiotomy reservoir (by decreasing overall blood loss), cerebral emboli and the resulting neurologic consequences may also be decreased.
More recently, the potential adverse effects of aprotinin were reported by Mangano and coworkers in their observational study of 4374 patients. In that study, patients having received aprotinin had a significantly higher rate of cerebrovascular complications ( P < .001). The Blood Conservation Using Antifibrinolytics: A Randomized Trial (BART) reported a significant reduction in bleeding but an overall mortality risk with aprotinin compared with other antifibrinolytics. Although the Mangano study and the BART trial contributed to the market withdrawal of aprotinin, the relevance of the potential neurologic effects of kallikrein inhibition remains.
Calcium plays a central role in propagating cerebral ischemic injury. For this reason, as well as a demonstrated beneficial effect of the calcium channel blocker nimodipine in subarachnoid hemorrhage and experimental cerebral ischemia, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single-center trial was undertaken to assess the effect of nimodipine on outcomes after valvular surgery. The trial was not completed after safety concerns regarding an increased bleeding and death rate in the nimodipine group prompted an external review board to suspend the study. There was also no neuropsychologic deficit difference between the placebo or nimodipine groups at this interim review. As a result, the true effect of this drug or similar calcium trial blockers may never be fully known in this setting.
Intravenous lidocaine, because of its properties as a sodium channel blocking agent and potential antiinflammatory effects, has been investigated as a neuroprotectant in cardiac surgery. Lidocaine cannot be recommended at this time as a clinical neuroprotective agent in cardiac surgery, but it continues to be investigated.
Although the use of β-blockers in patients with cardiac disease has been predominantly directed toward the prevention of adverse myocardial events, in a study of neurologic outcomes after cardiac surgery, β-blockers have been demonstrated to have mixed effects in neurologic outcomes. Support for a potential neuroprotective effect from β-blockers has come from a study of carvedilol, which is known to have mixed adrenergic antagonist effects, as well as acting as an antioxidant and inhibitor of apoptosis. Any potential benefit to β-blocker therapy needs to be tempered by recent data in the non–cardiac surgery population that demonstrated neurologic harm. The POISE trial, although demonstrating a reduction in MI, demonstrated an increase in stroke rate in patients randomized to receive metoprolol perioperatively. It is unclear how this information pertains to the cardiac surgical population.
Corticosteroids have long been considered as potential cerebroprotective agents, in part because of their ability to reduce the inflammatory response. Inflammation is considered an important factor in propagating ischemia-mediated brain injury. However, with the exception of spinal cord injury, steroids have never been demonstrated to possess any significant clinical neuroprotective properties. Part of their lack of effect may result from the hyperglycemia that generally follows their administration. Hyperglycemia in animal models and several human studies of cerebral injury has been associated with worsened neurologic outcome. In the largest-ever trial of a potentially neuroprotective agent in cardiac surgery, they were unable to show any beneficial effort in stroke, cognitive outcome, or delirium. The administration of steroids with the intent of conferring some degree of neuroprotection during cardiac surgery cannot be recommended.
The neuroprotective effects of S(+D)-ketamine, a frequently used anesthetic that is also an N-methyl- d -aspartate (NMDA)-receptor antagonist, was evaluated in a small ( N = 106) study enrolling cardiac surgery patients. The incidence of neurocognitive dysfunction 10 weeks after surgery trended toward being lower in the ketamine group (20% for ketamine vs 25% for controls; P = .54), but, because the study was underpowered, it was not a significant change. There has been renewed interest in ketamine for its potential to reduce the incidence of delirium. This drug awaits further large trials to determine its potential benefit. Although there is some experimental evidence supporting its role as a neuroprotectant, there is insufficient clinical evidence to support its use for this specific indication.
Acute Kidney Injury
Despite concern for almost half a century over the seriousness of renal dysfunction as a complication after cardiac surgery, acute kidney injury (AKI) persists as a prevalent and important predictor of early death. Even during procedures where there is no evidence of AKI based on serum creatinine levels, more subtle markers often demonstrate renal tubular injury. Increasing degrees of AKI after cardiac surgery are associated with poorer outcome, greater costs, and more short- and long-term resource utilization. The degree of AKI also predicts poorer long-term survival in patients returning home. While some of the harm associated with AKI simply reflects its accompaniment of other serious complications as an “epiphenomenon” (eg, sepsis), there is also compelling evidence that AKI itself contributes to adverse outcome. Accumulation of “uremic toxins” beyond creatinine has widespread adverse effects on most organ systems, and, where it is best studied in chronic renal disease, inadequate clearance of uremic toxins adversely affects survival.
Even when postoperative dialysis is avoided, the strong relationship of AKI with adverse outcome continues to fuel the search for therapies to protect the kidney. Although practicing avoidance of the numerous recognized renal insults is a well-established approach to reducing AKI rates, the search for renoprotective strategies has otherwise been extremely disappointing.
Clinical Course, Incidence, and Significance
The specific surgical procedure is important when considering postoperative AKI. The incidence varies widely by operation, each cardiac surgery having its own characteristic renal insult and pattern of serum creatinine change. For example, creatinine often drops immediately after CABG surgery (presumably as a result of hemodilution), but then rises, typically peaking on postoperative day 2, then returning toward or even below baseline values in subsequent days. Up to 30% of patients having CABG sustain sufficient insult to meet threshold AKI criteria (eg, RIFLE–injury/AKIN criteria: a creatinine rise >0.3 mg/dL or 50% within the first 48 hours). The reported incidence thus varies according to the definition of kidney injury, as well as by the institution reporting their results.
Of the 1% to 3% of patients sustaining AKI severe enough to require dialysis following CABG, up to 60% will die before being discharged from the hospital, and many of the survivors will require continuing dialysis or be left with chronic kidney disease. The rate of “renal recovery” after AKI is also difficult to predict, but emerging evidence suggests it is highly associated with outcome and apparently independent of AKI.
Risk Factors and Surgery-Related Acute Kidney Injury Pathophysiology
Numerous studies have characterized risk factors for nephropathy after cardiac surgery ( Fig. 25.5 ). Despite an increasing understanding of perioperative renal dysfunction, known risk factors account for only one-third of the observed variability in creatinine rise after cardiac surgery. Procedure-related risk factors include emergent and redo operations, valvular procedures, and operations requiring a period of circulatory arrest or extended durations of CPB. Infection and sepsis, atrial fibrillation, and indicators of LCOS, including need for inotropic agents and insertion of an intraaortic balloon pump (IABP) during surgery, also have been associated with renal impairment.
Preoperative demographic risk factors identified include advanced age, increased body weight, African American ethnicity, hypertension and wide pulse pressure, baseline anemia, peripheral or carotid atherosclerotic disease, diabetes, preoperative hyperglycemia, and/or elevated hemoglobin A1c in nondiabetics, reduced left ventricular (LV) function, and obstructive pulmonary disease. Interestingly, baseline chronic kidney disease is not a risk factor for AKI, but since even small amounts of additional renal impairment may lead to dialysis when severe renal disease is present at baseline, these individuals are at greatest risk for dialysis. A genetic predisposition to AKI exists and explains more variation in AKI after cardiac surgery than conventional clinical risk factors alone.
Using intraoperative epiaortic scanning, ascending aortic atheroma burden has been shown to correlate with AKI. Similarly, postoperative AKI has been correlated with arterial emboli load. Other emboli sources may be relevant to AKI in some circumstances. Fat droplets, particulates, and bubbles are common during cardiac surgery. Renal embolic infarcts from any source are wedge-shaped and involve adjacent cortex and medulla, highlighting the vascular arrangement and lack of redundancy of kidney perfusion.
Many elements of cardiac surgery contribute to the risk of hypoperfusion and ischemia-reperfusion–mediated AKI. Embolism, LCOS, and exogenous catecholamines can all contribute, leading to cellular high-energy phosphate depletion, calcium accumulation, oxygen free radical generation, local leukocyte activation, and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) activation. Femoral artery cannulation can be complicated by leg ischemia and has been blamed for myoglobinuric AKI. Myoglobin and hemoglobin avidly bind nitric oxide and are believed to cause AKI through vasoconstrictor effects but also direct cytotoxicity and frank tubular obstruction.
Withdrawal of the antifibrinolytic agent aprotinin from the market eliminatesone concern of perioperative renal toxicity for cardiac surgery patients. In contrast, the lysine analogue antifibrinolytics, ε-aminocaproic acid and tranexamic acid, can raise concern because of their renal effects of small protein spillage into the urine (tubular proteinuria). While tubular proteinuria often heralds tubular injury, with lysine analogue antifibrinolytics this is completely resolved within 15 minutes after the agent is discontinued. Other perioperative nephrotoxins include some antibiotics, α-adrenergic agonist agents, cyclosporine, and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents. However, the net effect on post–cardiac surgery AKI of α 1 -mediated vasoconstriction and dopaminergic and α 2 -mediated renal vasodilation with hemodynamic compromise is unknown.
Considerable evidence has emerged with respect to the potential for colloid solutions, particularly hydroxyethyl starches, to contribute to AKI in a number of settings ( Box 25.2 ). Cardiac surgery is no different, and several studies have provided evidence suggesting that hydroxyethyl starches are one of the factors associated with renal dysfunction. As a result of these cardiac surgery studies, as well as the mounting evidence against the use of starches in other critical care settings, the avoidance of hydroxyethyl starch solutions is recommended.
Renal ischemia
Reperfusion injury
Contrast agents
Hydroxyethyl starches
Strategies for Renal Protection
The sluggish serum creatinine rise consequent to sudden drops in glomerular filtration is now considered inadequate to be the signal for acute renoprotection, much as Q waves are too late to be useful for cardioprotection. When serum creatinine is employed, the obligatory delay in AKI recognition has even been suggested to explain some of the disappointing results from past renoprotection studies. Developing and validating tools for more prompt AKI diagnosis has become a priority. The hope is that early AKI biomarkers can be identified that can play a role in renal protection, much like myocardial creatine kinase isoenzyme (CK-MB) and troponin currently serve for myocardial protection.
Nonetheless, despite its limitations as an early biomarker, serum creatinine remains an important clinical tool because of its many other uses. Indisputably, creatinine accumulation serves as a prognostic gold standard heralding AKI that is highly predictive of other major adverse outcomes, including death. Validation for even the most promising of newer early AKI biomarkers is very limited or lacking in comparison. In addition to injury, serum creatinine characterizes renal recovery, unlike most AKI biomarkers. Renal recovery as reflected by declining creatinine levels is highly predictive of short- and long-term outcomes beyond the magnitude of kidney insult. Finally, the generalizability across studies and settings of creatinine-based consensus definitions for AKI, such as RIFLE and AKIN, are gaining popularity.
Early Acute Kidney Injury Biomarkers
Beyond serum creatinine, the race is on to identify one or more “early biomarkers” for AKI. As a condition whose treatment paradigm demands prompt intervention, AKI currently has no equivalents to CK-MB, troponin, and the ST segment for the heart.
While only a few new early biomarker candidates involve a substitute “ideal” creatinine, most involve one of three other early consequences of AKI: tubular cell damage, tubular cell dysfunction, and the adaptive stress response of the kidney. For example, damaged renal cells leak contents directly into urine; this strategy underpins tubular enzymuria AKI biomarkers, including β- N -acetyl-β- d -glucosaminidase and at least eight other candidates. Monitoring markers of the kidney’s stress response provides another strategy for AKI recognition, including some frontrunners; these include neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalcin, urinary IL-18, and at least three other candidates. Simple urinary partial pressure of oxygen (P o 2 ) monitoring correlates with changes in renal medullary oxygen levels and predicts subsequent AKI in cardiac surgery patients.
Several large prospective observational studies are currently under way that may help identify the winner(s) of the early AKI biomarker race. It will be important for surgical and anesthesia advocates to highlight AKI biomarker issues unique to cardiac surgery lest these be overlooked in the broader pursuit of consensus AKI definitions.
Cardiopulmonary Bypass Management and the Kidney
Basic issues in the management of CPB that relate to the kidney involve the balance between oxygen supply and oxygen demand, particularly to the renal medulla. Perfusion pressure (ie, MAP during CPB) and oxygen-carrying capacity (as related to hemodilution and transfusion) address the supply issues, with the use of hypothermia being directed at modulating renal oxygen demand.
Profound hypothermia is a highly effective component of the protective strategy used during renal transplantation. Mild hypothermia during CPB would, therefore, seem to be a logical component of a perioperative renal protective strategy. However, threeseparate studies have not found any protective benefit of mild hypothermia duringCPB.
Low CPB blood pressure is typically not associated with the hypoperfusion characteristic of hypovolemic shock and LCOS, conditions that are highly associated with AKI. Studies addressing the role of perfusion pressure have not shown an association with AKI. Interestingly, some data are emerging on the interrelationship between cerebral autoregulatory limits (ie, defining individual blood pressure targets) and AKI after cardiac surgery.
Moderate hemodilution is thought to reduce the risk of kidney injury during cardiac surgery through blood viscosity–related improvement in regional blood flow. However, the practice of extreme hemodilution (hematocrit <20%) during CPB has been linked to adverse renal outcome after cardiac surgery. Studies suggest that profound hematocrit change (eg, >50% drop) may be even less well tolerated, highlighting the importance of a clinical strategy including transfusion only after all measures of hemodilution avoidance have been taken.
Glycemic control during CPB has been identified as a potential opportunity to attenuate AKI. Despite widespread adoption of intensive insulin protocols, numerous subsequent studies have failed to reproduce Van den Berghe’s findings of benefit. In a study combining Van den Berghe–like postoperative management of 400 cardiac surgery patients randomized to intensive intraoperative insulin therapy (target 80–100 mg/dL) versus usual management, Gandhi and associates found no benefit and similar dialysis rates (6/199 vs 4/201; P = .54), even noting an unexpected increase in 30-day mortality and stroke with tight control.
Pharmacologic Intervention
There is very little in terms of interventions available to the clinician to prevent or treat established perioperative AKI pharmacologically. Proposed changes to improve the likelihood of success in finding renoprotective strategies have included increasing the size of studies designed to see benefit should it be present and, as outlined earlier, improving timely AKI detection to allow earlier intervention.
Unfortunately, because of the limitations of current research tools, most potential renoprotective therapies have not been subjected to the rigor of a large randomized trial or even meta-analysis, and none has been given the opportunity to be used immediately after the onset of AKI. Additional data, including rationale and existing studies for a number of these therapies, is outlined next.
Mesenteric dopamine 1 (D 1 ) receptor agonists increase renal blood flow, decrease renal vascular resistance, and enhance natriuresis and diuresis. Despite the absence of clinical evidence of renoprotection, this rationale has been used to justify the use of low-dose (“renal-dose”) dopamine (<5 µg/kg per min) for decades. However, numerous double-blind, randomized studies in several surgical and nonsurgical settings have failed to demonstrate any renal benefits. Despite the lack of benefit and accumulating concerns regarding the use of low-dose dopamine, many centers continue to use this agent for renoprotection.
Fenoldopam mesylate, a derivative of benzazepine, is a selective D 1 -receptor agonist. Although first approved as an antihypertensive agent, fenoldopam has shown promise in the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy. There is, however, very little in the way of randomized, controlled studies to evaluate the agent as a therapy for postoperative renal dysfunction.
Diuretic Agents
Diuretics increase urine generation by reducing reuptake of tubular contents. This can be achieved by numerous mechanisms, including inhibiting active mechanisms that lead to solute reuptake (eg, loop diuretics), altering the osmotic gradient in the tubular contents to favor solute remaining in the tubule (eg, mannitol), or hormonal influences that affect the balance of activities of the tubule to increase urine generation (eg, atrial natriuretic peptide). The general renoprotective principle of diuretic agents is that increasing tubular solute flow through injured renal tubules will maintain tubular patency, avoiding some of the adverse consequences of tubular obstruction, including oliguria or anuria and possibly the need for dialysis. Other agent-specific properties (eg, antioxidant effects, reduced active transport) have also been proposed to have beneficial effects in the setting of ischemic renal injury.
Loop diuretics, such as furosemide, produce renal cortical vasodilation and inhibit reabsorptive transport in the medullary thick ascending limb, causing more solute to remain in the renal tubule and increasing urine generation. In contrast to evidence from animal experiments, several clinical studies have shown no benefit and possibly even harm from perioperative diuretic therapy in cardiac surgery patients. Although they may facilitate avoidance of dialysis in responsive patients by maintaining fluid balance, there is insufficient evidence to support the routine use of loop diuretics as specific renoprotective agents. However, in situations of severe hemoglobinuria, they may facilitate urine production and tubular clearance of this nephrotoxin.
Mannitol, an osmotic diuretic, has been evaluated in several studies of cardiac surgical patients. Although an increased diuresis has been documented, very few studies have carefully assessed postoperative renal dysfunction in these patients. In addition to the lack of beneficial effect on the kidney, several studies have identified a nephrotoxic potential of high-dose mannitol, especially in patients with preexisting renal insufficiency.
N -Acetylcysteine
N -Acetylcysteine is an antioxidant that enhances the endogenous glutathione scavenging system and has shown promise as a renoprotective agent by attenuating intravenous contrast-induced nephropathy. The weight of evidence, including four meta-analyses, suggests that potential benefits that may exist with contrast nephropathy are not pertinent to perioperative patients.
Adrenergic Agonists
The α 1 – and α 2 -adrenergic receptors in the kidney modulate vasoconstrictor and vasodilatory effects, respectively. Agents that attenuate renal vasoconstriction may have potential as renoprotective drugs because vasoconstriction most likely contributes to the pathophysiology of AKI. Clonidine, an α 2 -agonist, has been shown experimentally to inhibit renin release and cause diuresis, and it has been evaluated in an experimental AKI model confirming its potential as a renoprotective agent. Despite being positively supported, clonidine has not gained popular acceptance as a renoprotective agent. Notably, decreased afferent α 1 -adrenergic receptor–mediated vasoconstriction has been suggested as an explanation for the renal protective benefit of thoracic epidural blockade in cardiac surgery patients.
Calcium Channel Blockers
Diltiazem is the calcium channel blocker that has been most evaluated as a renoprotective agent in cardiac surgery, with its ability to antagonize vasoconstricting signals and reports of beneficial effects in experimental models of toxic and ischemic acute renal failure. However, in humans, numerous small randomized trials and a retrospective study combine to provide a confusing picture, including evidence suggesting diltiazem therapy in cardiac surgery patients may have minor renal benefits, no benefit, or even potential harm.
Sodium Bicarbonate
The perioperative infusion of sodium bicarbonate has recently attracted attention because of reduced AKI compared to a placebo saline infusion in 100 post–cardiac surgery patients. Despite evidence that sodium bicarbonate–based hydration appears to be of benefit in other settings such as contrast-induced nephropathy, the considerable additional fluid and sodium load required with this therapy has raised concern with some clinicians.
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor and Angiotensin I Receptor Blockers
The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system mediates vasoconstriction and is important in the paracrine regulation of the renal microcirculation. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and angiotensin I receptor blocker agents act by inhibiting steps in activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Although ACE inhibitor and angiotensin receptor blocker agents have demonstrated effects at slowing the progression of most chronic renal diseases, their role in AKI has not been well studied.

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