
CHAPTER 10 Miscellaneous blocks

Intercostal nerve block

This technique may be used to ease the pain of rib fractures, to allow the insertion of an intercostal drain or for other thoracic procedures. It can be a very easy procedure in relatively thin patients, but in patients with a muscular chest well and obese patients it can be challenging with a high risk of pneumothorax. It should be avoided in patients with poor underlying respiratory function and those with coagulopathies.


Ultrasound technique


This block should only be performed using the in-plane approach so that the movement of the needle can be visualised in real time in order to avoid accidental pleural puncture.

In-plane approach

Visualise the movement of the needle as it is advanced superiorly towards the intercostal groove (the nerve itself is not visible) (Fig. 10.4A&B). Ensure that the tip of the needle is visible at all times in order to avoid penetrating the pleura.

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Jul 4, 2016 | Posted by in ANESTHESIA | Comments Off on blocks

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