Approach to the Patient with Hyperthyroidism
David M. Slovik
Hyperthyroidism is the clinical expression of a heterogeneous group of disorders that produce excess of free thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), or both. The condition is relatively common and much more likely to occur in women than in men; community-based prevalence found to be 1.9% in women and 0.16% in men. Approximately 15% of recognized cases of hyperthyroidism occur in persons older than the age of 60 years. An increasingly frequent presentation is subclinical hyperthyroidism, encountered during routine screening or diagnosed during evaluation for a nonthyroid problem such as new onset of atrial fibrillation or osteoporosis. The clinical presentation of hyperthyroidism in the elderly is often atypical.
The primary physician should be able to recognize hyperthyroidism, identify its cause, and design a therapeutic program appropriate to the patient’s underlying pathophysiology, age, clinical condition, and personal preferences. The indications and limitations of surgery, radioiodine therapy, and antithyroid agents must be understood.
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY, CLINICAL PRESENTATION, AND COURSE (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16)
The pathophysiologic common denominator of hyperthyroidism is an excess of circulating thyroid hormone. The mechanisms responsible for this excess include stimulation of thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH) receptors by immunoglobulins, autonomous thyroid hormone production, increased release of stored thyroid hormone without increased production, increased production of TSH, and exposure to extrathyroidal sources of thyroid hormone (e.g., struma ovarii, metastatic differentiated thyroid cancer, exogenous thyroid hormone.)
Thyroid hormone stimulates calorigenesis and catabolism and enhances sensitivity to catecholamines. Excessive amounts of the hormone lead to the classic picture of heat intolerance, nervousness, hyperactivity, tremor, increased appetite, weight loss, excessive sweating, palpitations, lid lag, stare, and muscle weakness. Diarrhea or, more precisely, frequent defecation may also ensue. Muscle weakness and sexual dysfunction are reported in persons with chronic disease. A reversible picture of left ventricular dysfunction may emerge, and the risk of atrial fibrillation/flutter is increased. Elevations in alkaline phosphatase and angiotensin-converting enzyme may accompany thyrotoxicosis and persist even after treatment. In the elderly thyrotoxic patient, the characteristic systemic manifestations of hyperthyroidism may be absent, and the clinical picture, referred to as apathetic
hyperthyroidism of the elderly, is instead dominated by weakness, apathy, weight loss, and otherwise unexplained atrial fibrillation. The condition can mimic depression and occult malignancy.
hyperthyroidism of the elderly, is instead dominated by weakness, apathy, weight loss, and otherwise unexplained atrial fibrillation. The condition can mimic depression and occult malignancy.
Another atypical presentation is that of subclinical hyperthyroidism, characterized by low or undetectable levels of TSH and normal levels of thyroid hormone. Patients may be asymptomatic or manifest subtle symptoms or signs, such as new onset of atrial fibrillation or osteoporosis (see later discussion).
Graves Disease
Graves disease, the most common cause of hyperthyroidism, accounts for 85% to 90% of cases seen in persons younger than age 40. It is an autoimmune disorder in which thyrotropin receptor immunoglobulins (thyroid-stimulating antibodies [TSab]) stimulate the TSH receptors on the surface of thyroid cells and trigger synthesis of excess thyroid hormone. Other thyroid autoimmune responses are also present. Characteristic manifestations include ophthalmopathy and dermopathy.
Graves Ophthalmopathy
This often troubling accompaniment of Graves disease results from antibody-mediated inflammation and infiltration of periorbital tissue, affecting about 40% to 50% of patients. Risk factors include radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism, smoking, and high serum pretreatment thyroid antibody levels. Antibodies to extraocular muscle and orbital fibroblasts capable of inducing the pathologic changes in vitro have been detected; TSab do not appear to be directly involved, even though onset generally parallels that of the hyperthyroidism.
The inflammatory infiltrate produces swelling of retroorbital tissue, which compresses orbital veins and leads to orbital edema and proptosis. Inflammatory changes of the extraocular muscles may cause diplopia. In general, the eye problems develop concurrently with the onset of hyperthyroidism and change little once established, although up to 20% of patients may experience a gradual worsening with treatment (see later discussion). Approximately 10% of patients show similar eye findings in the absence of Graves disease.
Manifestations range from lid retraction (lid lag) and stare, mild periorbital edema, and conjunctival inflammation to diplopia from extraocular muscle dysfunction, corneal injury, and optic nerve damage. Symptoms include pain, diplopia, proptosis, and blurred vision. The cosmetic changes may be among the most disturbing; the lid lag and stare of hyperthyroidism may make the ophthalmopathy look worse than it actually is.
Thyroid Dermopathy (Pretibial Myxedema)
Thyroid dermopathy is a less common immune-mediated infiltrative process that affects less than 5% of patients with Graves disease. It never occurs alone and almost always occurs in the presence of moderate or severe ophthalmopathy. The condition is characterized by the appearance of nonpitting swelling, indurated nontender plaques with brownish, reddish, dark pink, or purple color and an “orange-skin” appearance primarily limited to the skin of the pretibial area. Rarely, the lower leg can be extensively involved, giving the appearance of elephantiasis. Thyroid acropachy, characterized by clubbing and soft tissue swelling of the distal fingers and toes, is also rare.
Other Manifestations
The thyroid gland in Graves disease is diffusely enlarged, and a bruit may be heard in severe cases. The classic symptoms and signs of thyrotoxicosis are common. The skin is velvety and the hair silky. Onycholysis, vitiligo, and gynecomastia are found in some cases and may suggest the diagnosis. Cardiac complications are infrequent because of the relative youth of the patient population, but a reversible cardiomyopathy has been identified, manifested by a fall in the ejection fraction with exercise. Heart failure is rare, but impaired exercise tolerance is often reported, perhaps caused by the decreased ejection fraction.
Clinical Course
Graves disease usually worsens if it goes untreated, although patients with mild disease may experience remissions of unpredictable duration. After many years, mild hypothyroidism may ensue, especially in patients with small goiters and mild hyperthyroidism at the time of onset.
Toxic Multinodular Goiter (Plummer Disease)
Toxic multinodular goiter (Plummer disease) accounts for an increasing proportion of cases of hyperthyroidism in middleaged and elderly persons. The condition, often associated with a long-standing simple goiter, results from diffuse hyperplasia of thyroid follicular cells whose activity becomes independent of TSH regulation. Mutations of the TSH receptor gene have been found in the nodules of toxic multinodular goiters. The gland is clinically and pathologically indistinguishable from the gland of patients with nontoxic multinodular goiters.
Toxic multinodular goiter tends to be more common in areas of iodine deficiency. Patients may have subclinical hyperthyroidism or the more typical symptoms of hyperthyroidism, but cardiovascular symptoms can dominate the clinical presentation; new onset of heart failure, atrial fibrillation, palpitations, or angina reflects the high prevalence of coexisting organic heart disease in this older population. Some may present with anorexia and constipation. Lid lag may be noted on occasion, but exophthalmos does not occur. Sometimes, apathy and weight loss are the most prominent clinical features and can be so profound as to suggest occult malignancy or severe depression.
Risk of progression to overt hyperthyroidism is about 5% per year. Recent exposure to iodides—for example, iodinated contrast agents and the iodine-containing antiarrhythmic drug amiodarone—may precipitate overt hyperthyroidism or even thyrotoxicosis (see later discussion).
Single Toxic Nodule (“Hot” Nodule, Toxic Adenoma)
The autonomously functioning toxic nodule presents clinically much like the toxic multinodular goiter. The principal difference is the finding of a “hot” nodule surrounded by suppressed gland on radioiodine thyroid scan. The larger the nodule, the greater is its propensity to cause thyrotoxicosis, with the risk quite high once the nodule reaches 3 cm in diameter. Often, the onset of toxicity is first manifested by an isolated increase in serum T3 levels; later, T4 levels rise. Sometimes, hemorrhagic infarction terminates the overproduction of hormone and limits the progression to thyrotoxicosis. As in the nodules of toxic multinodular goiters, mutations have been found in the TSH receptor gene of toxic adenomas.
Triiodothyronine Toxicosis
Triiodothyronine toxicosis is an important entity to consider when patients with clinically apparent hyperthyroidism have
normal T4 levels. The condition has been reported in association with both diffuse and nodular goiters. The clinical presentation is no different from that of hyperthyroidism caused by elevations in T4. Isolated elevations in T3 concentration may also occur in euthyroid patients who have no underlying thyroid disease (see later discussion).
normal T4 levels. The condition has been reported in association with both diffuse and nodular goiters. The clinical presentation is no different from that of hyperthyroidism caused by elevations in T4. Isolated elevations in T3 concentration may also occur in euthyroid patients who have no underlying thyroid disease (see later discussion).
Transient Hyperthyroidism
Transient hyperthyroidism may occur in association with subacute (granulomatous), chronic (lymphocytic) thyroiditis, and postpartum thyroiditis. As noted, the mechanism appears to be uncontrolled release of hormone from an inflamed gland. Iodine uptake is reduced during the period of hyperthyroidism. The clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism are usually mild, and the course is self-limited. Hypothyroidism often follows as intrathyroidal stores of the hormone are depleted, but subsequently, the gland returns to normal function.
Iodine-Induced Hyperthyroidism (Jod-Basedow Phenomenon)
Iodine excess can result in unregulated thyroid hormone production especially in glands that have underlying pathology. It can develop after an iodine load—for example, contrast agents for angiography or computed tomography scanning—or with iodine-containing drugs such as amiodarone (see later discussion). The risk of iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis is greatest in elderly patients with large, nontoxic nodular goiters, which come from areas where iodine intake is low (e.g., Europe). The problem can also occur in nonendemic cases of multinodular goiter and thyroid adenoma, in which the mechanism involves increased release of stored hormone. Characteristic laboratory findings include a low uptake of radioactive iodine and an absence of antithyroid antibodies.
Amiodarone-Induced Thyroiditis
Amiodarone, an iodinated drug with antiarrhythmic and antianginal properties, can precipitate hyperthyroidism. Type 1 amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis, a form of iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis, occurs in patients with underlying thyroid disease (nodular goiter, Graves disease) and results from overproduction of thyroid hormone using iodine as a substrate. Type 2, a destructive thyroiditis, occurs in normal thyroids, and the hyperthyroidism is due to excess release, not synthesis of thyroid hormone. Distinguishing these two types can be difficult. In type 1, the gland is often enlarged because it occurs in patients with nodular goiters; in type 2, a small goiter or a small gland may be present. Color flow Doppler studies have shown that blood flow is increased in type 1 and decreased in type 2.
Subacute Thyroiditis (Granulomatous Thyroiditis/de Quervain Thyroiditis)
The term subacute thyroiditis usually refers to subacute granulomatous thyroiditis (de Quervain thyroiditis). The condition typically follows a viral illness, producing a tender, multinodular gland. The occasional case associated with hyperthyroidism has an abrupt onset characterized by thyrotoxic symptoms. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is high, and a thyroid scan characteristically shows little or no uptake of radioiodine.
Lymphocytic Thyroiditis
Subacute lymphocytic thyroiditis is part of the spectrum of autoimmune thyroid disease. It results in hyperthyroidism, which is believed to be an uncommon variant of Hashimoto disease. In some cases, it may be caused by coexisting Graves disease. High titers of antibodies to microsomes and thyroglobulin are present. The prevalence is highest in middle-aged women and among the elderly, in whom it may go unrecognized. The gland feels rubbery and is enlarged, sometimes asymmetrically. Hypothyroidism eventually develops in a substantial number of cases.
Postpartum (Subacute Lymphocytic) Thyroiditis
Postpartum (subacute lymphocytic) thyroiditis, with an incidence as high as 5% in one series, can precipitate transient mild hyperthyroidism. The onset is within 3 to 6 months of delivery and often mistaken for anxiety associated with the stress of caring for a new baby. The gland is nontender and may resemble that of Hashimoto thyroiditis. A low uptake of radioactive iodine and the detection of antithyroid antibodies suggest an immunologic mechanism. The condition may persist for months before eventually resolving. A period of hypothyroidism may occur before the condition abates. It tends to recur with subsequent pregnancies.
Overproduction of Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone
A small number of pituitary adenomas produce excessive TSH; most have become macroadenomas by the time of diagnosis. They produce a diffusely enlarged thyroid gland simulating that of Graves disease, but ophthalmopathy does not occur. A similar clinical picture may be caused by a tumor (e.g., hydatidiform mole, choriocarcinoma) producing human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The thyroid-stimulating activity of hCG is weak, but when it is produced in massive quantities, it can cause hyperthyroidism.
Ectopic Thyroxine Production and Intake of Exogenous Hormone
When the source of excess thyroid hormone is extrathyroidal, the thyroid gland will appear small because of the absence of TSH stimulation. A dermoid tumor of the ovary, struma ovarii, with elements of thyroid-like tissue, is the only neoplasm regularly capable of synthesizing excessive amounts of thyroid hormone. (Rarely, thyroid cancers can cause hyperthyroidism, but only in the context of a massive tumor burden.) The intake of thyroid hormone in excess of daily requirements may make a person hyperthyroid. Sometimes, the intake is surreptitious. The gland is small, and TSH is absent.
Subclinical Hyperthyroidism
Subclinical hyperthyroidism is characterized by low or undetectable levels of TSH in the setting of normal (often high-normal) levels of free T4 and T3. The most common cause is the excess intake of thyroid hormone, either for the treatment of hypothyroidism or for suppressing the growth of a goiter. Other causes include an autonomously functioning goiter and mild Graves disease. Subtle symptoms or signs of thyrotoxicosis may be present. Risks associated with this state include a moderately increased
frequency of atrial fibrillation in the elderly and osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
frequency of atrial fibrillation in the elderly and osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
The differential diagnosis of hyperthyroidism can be organized according to pathophysiology (Table 103-1). The most common cause is Graves disease, followed by multinodular goiter, toxic adenoma, thyroiditis, and exogenous thyroid hormone. Graves disease is seen more often in younger people, while toxic nodular goiter is more common in older individuals. Pituitary adenoma, struma ovarii, and chorionic cancers are very rare causes. Well-recognized causes of hyperthyroidism include diffuse toxic goiter (Graves disease), toxic multinodular goiter (Plummer disease), toxic adenoma (toxic nodule), excessive ingestion of thyroid hormone, and iodine excess (Jod-Basedow phenomenon). Transient hyperthyroidism has been noted in the settings of chronic lymphocytic (Hashimoto) thyroiditis, subacute (granulomatous) thyroiditis, and postpartum thyroiditis.
Diagnosing Hyperthyroidism
Clinical recognition of hyperthyroidism can sometimes be difficult, especially when the classic symptoms noted earlier are mild or when the condition occurs in an elderly or a pregnant patient. Moreover, the correlation between symptoms and thyroid hormone levels is often poor, so that careful laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis and the severity of the condition are necessary.
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Determination
Determination of the serum TSH is the most sensitive way to screen for hyperthyroidism. A marked improvement in the sensitivity of the TSH assay makes it possible to diagnose hyperthyroidism solely on the basis of an absence of detectable TSH. Most patients with overt hyperthyroidism have TSH levels of less than 0.05 µU/mL. As long as the hypothalamic-pituitary axis is intact, an absence of detectible TSH represents the appropriate response to too much circulating thyroid hormone. Undetectable TSH by second- or third-generation assay is diagnostic of hyperthyroidism. A normal TSH level by radioimmunoassay virtually rules out hyperthyroidism, unless a rare TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma is present.
TABLE 103-1 Causes of Hyperthyroidism | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A very low TSH level may result from severe nonthyroidal illness and from the use of drugs that suppress TSH response to thyroid hormone (e.g., glucocorticosteroids). In such circumstances, thyroid hormone levels are usually abnormal. Subclinical hyperthyroidism is suggested by a very low or undetectable TSH and thyroid hormone levels that are normal, often at the upper end of the normal range.
Thyroid Hormone Levels
The sensitivity of second- and third-generation TSH assays has markedly reduced the need for thyroid hormone determinations in screening for hyperthyroidism. They can, however, help to confirm the diagnosis and determine the severity of disease and should be obtained when the TSH level is low or undetectable. The free T4 or free T4 index (an excellent proxy for the free T4, calculated by multiplying the serum T4 by the T3 resin uptake) is the most useful and consequently the preferred determination of circulating thyroid hormone. The serum total T3 concentration is elevated along with T4 in most hyperthyroid states. In the uncommon case of T3 toxicosis, T3 is elevated when T4 levels are normal. Most patients with overt hyperthyroidism caused by Graves disease or nodular goiter have a disproportionate increase in serum T3 relative to T4.
As useful as thyroid hormone levels are for diagnosis, overreliance on them and failure to use the TSH assay can be misleading. Euthyroid hyperthyroxinemia occurs when an increase in thyroidbinding globulin (e.g., pregnancy, estrogen use, liver disease) produces an increase in total T4, whereas the free T4 remains normal. More confusing are euthyroid states with increases in both free and total T4. Patients with autoantibodies against thyroid hormones may manifest surprisingly high levels of free hormone because of interference by these immunoglobulins with the standard radioimmune assays for thyroid hormones. Acute medical, surgical, and psychiatric illnesses, in addition to intake of high doses of propranolol, amiodarone, and gallbladder dyes, can impair the peripheral conversion of T4 to active T3 and lead to a rise in free T4 concentration in conjunction with a reduction in T3 and an increase in reverse T3. An unexpectedly normal or low T3 level in a patient who is clinically euthyroid but has elevated T4 and free T4 levels should suggest the possibility of euthyroid hyperthyroxinemia. The T3 concentration helps in the differentiation.
Antithyroid Antibodies
Antithyroid antibodies (particularly those directed against microsomal peroxidase) are increased in both Graves disease and lymphocytic (Hashimoto) thyroiditis, so their diagnostic utility is limited. Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin G antibody (also referred to as thyrotropin receptor antibody and thyroid-stimulating antibody—TSab) can be measured to help in identifying persons with Graves disease and in following disease activity.
Thyroglobulin Levels
Determination serves as an elegant yet simple means of detecting a patient who is surreptitiously taking thyroid hormone—exogenous hormone use results in the suppression of thyroglobulin synthesis. Its other clinical use is in monitoring patients with thyroid cancer.
Radionuclide Thyroid Scan

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