Anesthesia Information

Anesthesia Information

▪Anesthesia Gas Machine Check

Verify that backup equipment is available and functioning.

  • Ambu bag (with mask)

  • Check flashlight (working?)

  • Suction on and ready

  • Transtracheal Jet Ventilator, and 14 ga IV cath, if available

  • Portable oxygen tank available and > 1000 psi

  • Canister absorbent regenerated and locked down

  • Elastic gum bougie available

  • LMAs available

Perform leak test of low pressure system:

Machine and all flowmeters off. Attach suction bulb to common gas outlet; squeeze bulb until fully collapsed and hold end of bulb to maintain suction (bulb should remain collapsed for 10 sec).Open each vaporizer one at a time, squeeze bulb until collapsed, and wait 10 sec. (This check creates a vacuum and if there is a leak the bulb fills quickly.)

Turn AGM on:

Pipeline oxygen pressure should read 45-55 psi; unplug at source.

Make sure O2 cylinder > 1000 psi.

Vaporizers in correct placement—D-E-S-I-H—based on vapor pressure and potency.

Check fill level of volatile agents.

Check scavenging system. Proper connections from APL and ventilator?

Test flowmeters—Attempt to create hypoxic mixture with N2O and O2.

Uninstall O2 sensor, calibrate O2 analyzer to 21% (room air).

Reinstall monitor and flush system with O2; monitor should read ≥ 90 (%).

Negative relief valve check—scavenging system:

Open pop-off fully. Olude Y-piece.

With no O2 flow, allow scavenger bag to collapse—ensure the pressure gauge is 0.

If there is a negative number on the gauge, there is too much suction.

Positive relief valve check—scavenging system:

Activate flush valve to fill scavenger bag and verify that the circle gauge reads ≤ 10 cm H2O.

Perform a leak check of the breathing system:

Set flows to zero. Close pop-off and occlude Y-piece; pressurize to 30 cm using the flush valve. Ensure pressure remains fixed for 10 sec.

To test bellows and unidirectional valves:

Place a breathing bag at Y-piece; select appropriate vent settings for patient. With all flowmeters off, turn vent on and fill bellows using O2 flush; check for proper action of valves.While bellows are filling, compress the bag quickly to check high pressure alarms. Remove breathing bag and wait for “apnea” alarm after several vent breaths.

Final position of AGM:

  • Vaporizers off

  • All flowmeters set at zero or minimum

  • APL (pop-off) open

  • Patient suction adequate

  • Selector switch to “bag.”

AGM and Tanks








660 L

1590 L

625 L

625-700 L 700 L

Psig 20°C





Tank color

green white


yellow b & w




6000-8000 L

15,900 L

6000-8000 L

6000-8000 L

Pin position

2 & 5

3 & 5

1 & 5







Sounds with 20% changes ↑ or ↓; Alarms if < 30 psi

Pipeline pressure readings: 45-55 psi.

O2 flush—(bypasses flowmeters) flushes 25-75 L/m directly into circuit from pipeline or cylinder.

APL: When the pop-off knob is fully open, it only takes 1 cm H2O pressure expired from patient to lift open the valve and allow exhaled gases to go to scavenger. When the APL is fully closed, the valve will not open until pressures of ≥ 60 cm H2O are reached.

Barometric Changes with Vaporizor

Higher altitudes deliver slightly less agent than what is set.

Hyperbaric chambers deliver slightly more than what is set.

▪AGM and Tanks

CO2 Canisters

CO2 Absorption

Chemical reaction: Base (hydroxides) neutralizing an acid (carbonic acid).

Acid + base → salt + H2O + heat.

Exposed to critical pH of 10.3, ethyl violet: white → blue/purple.


Size and shape: 4-8 mesh, spherical, uneven to increase surface area and increase exposure of gas. Void space: -40% to 60% air space.


Sodium hydroxide 4% is the most active component.

Calcium hydroxide ˜95%

Potassium hydroxide 1%

100 grams of soda lime will absorb 26 L of CO2


Barium hydroxide 20% is the most active component.

Calcium hydroxide 80%


Degradation product is Compound A. Degeneration is increased with low fresh gas flows, ↑ sevo concentrations, ↑ temps, and use with Baralyme. Recommend ≥ 2 L/min gas flow.

Carbon Monoxide

Can accumulate if the system has been unused for at least 24 hours.


Capnography is read by infrared light absorption. While there may be some CO2 in the stomach from swallowed expired air, this should be washed out in a few breaths.

Gradient b/w end-tidal and PaCO2 reflects alveolar dead space (2-5 mm Hg).

Figures 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6, 1-7, 1-8, 1-9 and 1-10 compare different sine waves to a diagnosis.

A Inspiration ends

A-B Dead space

B Expiration begins

B-C Ascending slope

C-D Plateau (must have) alveolar equilibrium


D-A Inspiration

I Steady state—inhalation ends, exhalation begins

II Exhalation begins

III Alveolar equilibrium

IV Inspiration

* ETCO2 number

Trace above zero


Exhausted CO2 absorbent

Slanted upstroke

Prolonged expiratory time

Common finding with bronchospasm, wheezing, and COPD

May fuse with the plateau phase

Anything that causes CO2 to rise



Excessive CO2 production—malignant hyperthermia, fever

Absorption of CO2 from body cavity


Tourniquet release

Bicarbonate administration

Re-perfusion during vascular grafting

Anything that causes CO2 to fall

Sudden (close to zero)


Complete ETT disconnection

ETT obstruction/kinked tube (can decrease slowly)

Ventilator malfunction

Esophageal intubation

Pulmonary embolism: blood clot, air embolus, fat embolus, low perfusion states

Capnograph malfunction (consider last)


Exponential decrease in wave size (over 2-3 min)

• Severe hypotension

• Cardiac arrest

• Sudden increase in dead space

• Pulmonary embolism

Sudden (low value—not zero)

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Sep 9, 2016 | Posted by in ANESTHESIA | Comments Off on Anesthesia Information

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