Anesthesia for Nondelivery Obstetric Procedures

Anesthesia for Nondelivery Obstetric Procedures

Christopher R. Cambic

Feyce M. Peralta

Anesthesia providers occasionally provide care for women undergoing obstetric-related procedures not directly connected to labor and delivery. These procedures include cerclage for cervical insufficiency, external cephalic version (ECV) for nonvertex presentation, postpartum tubal sterilization, and assisted reproductive technologies, which is covered in Chapter 48. Despite each procedure presenting a unique set of anesthetic issues, the impact of pregnancy-induced physiologic changes on maternal and fetal well-being still remains a priority in the management of these patients.


Cervical insufficiency is the inability to sustain a pregnancy to term due to dysfunction of the uterine cervix. It is characterized by painless dilation and/or shortening of the cervix during the second trimester of pregnancy, resulting in preterm delivery and recurring pregnancy loss. The incidence of cervical insufficiency is difficult to determine due to poorly defined clinical criteria for the diagnosis. Instead, the frequency of cervical cerclage is used as a surrogate to estimate the incidence of cervical insufficiency. Martin et al. reported that the rate of cervical cerclage is of 4.4/1,000 live births in the United States (1). Risk factors for the development of cervical insufficiency include familial inheritance (e.g., connective tissue disorders such as Ehlers–Danlos and Marfan syndromes), African-American race, intrauterine infections, hormonal abnormalities, congenital uterine abnormalities (e.g., in utero maternal exposure to diethylstilbestrol), and diagnostic or therapeutic surgical interventions (2,3,4,5,6). Structural damage to the uterine cervix from biopsies, cauterization, conization, and mechanical dilation and curettage are also associated with cervical insufficiency.

Diagnosis of cervical insufficiency is one of exclusion, based on medical history and clinical assessment. History of previous pregnancy losses during the second trimester, cervical shortening, painless cervical dilation, and the presence of known risk factors should point toward this diagnosis. The patient may report vaginal pressure, caused by the protruding membranes, urinary frequency, and increased mucoid vaginal discharge. If left untreated, eventual rupture of fetal membrane may occur, which will likely proceed to the delivery of a premature and/or nonviable neonate (7).

Ultrasound can aid in assessing cervical length, as the risk of spontaneous preterm labor/delivery is higher with shorter sonographic cervical length in the mid-second trimester (8). Since only a small fraction of all patients who will have a spontaneous preterm birth have a shortened cervix in the mid-second trimester, surveillance of the cervical length by ultrasound should only be considered in patients at high risk for cervical insufficiency (7,9).

Although controversial, management of cervical insufficiency is centered on cerclage placement. Current evidence suggests that the subgroups of patients that may benefit from cerclage placement are those with clinical presentation of acute cervical insufficiency, or those with a previous history of cervical insufficiency and progressive shortening of the cervix as demonstrated by ultrasound (7,10,11). Other therapies that have been used in combination with cervical cerclage for the management of cervical insufficiency include administration of progesterone, tocolytic drugs, and perioperative antibiotics (12,13,14). In a study published by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units Network, the authors concluded that, when compared to placebo, weekly injections of progesterone resulted in a substantial reduction in the rate of recurrent preterm delivery in the at-risk patient (14). Information regarding other adjunct therapies is less well defined.

Cerclage placement can be considered elective, urgent, or an emergency (15). Elective cerclage is typically performed between 13 and 16 weeks of gestation in asymptomatic patients with a history of cervical insufficiency or multiple risk factors. Urgent cerclage is performed after ultrasonographic findings of decreasing cervical length (<25 mm) in asymptomatic patients between 20 and 24 weeks of gestation. Emergency cerclage is performed for symptomatic patients with advanced cervical dilation (>2 cm), with or without bulging of the fetal membranes, in the absence of labor. Emergency cerclage is controversial since it carries a higher procedural risk of fetal membrane rupture. The timing for cervical cerclages in relation to neonatal outcome is also debated, as it has not been adequately studied in large, randomized trials.

The optimal surgical technique for cerclage placement is unclear. In general, two approaches are used: transvaginal or transabdominal. The McDonald and the modified Shirodkar are the most common techniques for cerclage placement. Both of these surgical techniques are done by a transvaginal approach and have similar fetal outcomes (16). The McDonald cerclage is less invasive with a purse-string suture placed at the cervicovaginal junction, without bladder mobilization (Fig. 15-1). The Shirodkar cerclage differs from the McDonald in that the suture is placed following bladder mobilization, to allow for a higher insertion level (15,17). In addition, removal of a McDonald cerclage can usually be accomplished without the need for pain medication, whereas a Shirodkar cerclage is more invasive, and removal typically requires analgesia and possibly anesthesia. Transabdominal cerclage, which requires a laparotomy or laparoscopy, serves as an alternative for patients in whom placement of a transvaginal cerclage is exceedingly challenging (e.g., previous cervical surgery) or those who have had a failed transvaginal approach. A systematic review
comparing pregnancy outcomes after a transabdominal versus a transvaginal cerclage in patients with a failed transvaginal cerclage during a previous pregnancy concluded that the risk of perinatal death and delivery before 24 weeks was lower for women who received a transabdominal cerclage (6.0% vs. 12.5%, respectively) (18). However, transabdominal cerclage was also associated with a higher incidence of serious operative complications compared to the transvaginal approach (3.4% vs. 0%; 95% CI 0.01% to 6.8%). Cesarean delivery is typically the mode of delivery for patients with a transabdominal cerclage.

Figure 15-1 McDonald cerclage procedure. A: Suture is placed in four areas around the junction of the vaginal mucosa and cervix. B: Cross-sectional view of the cervix with cerclage in place. Reproduced with permission from: Rock J, Jones HW III. TeLinde’s Operative Gynecology. 10th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.

The most frequent procedural risks associated with cervical cerclages include iatrogenic rupture of membranes, chorioamnionitis, hemorrhage, cervical stenosis, and cervical laceration. Cervical cerclages also increase the number of obstetrical interventions (e.g., administration of tocolytics, cesarean delivery, etc.) and the need for repeat cerclage in the future (19). Moreover, a meta-analysis of eight studies demonstrated that women who underwent cervical cerclage placement had a slightly higher rate of cesarean delivery compared to women who received other forms of treatment for cervical incompetency (relative risk [RR] 1.19; 95% CI 1.01 to 1.40) (20). Cervical cerclage should not be performed in the setting of maternal hemodynamic instability, rupture of fetal membranes, intra-amniotic or vaginal infection, abnormal placentation, active maternal or fetal bleeding, uterine contractions or preterm labor, intrauterine fetal demise, major fetal abnormality incompatible with life, and gestational age >28 weeks (19).

The anesthetic management for cerclage placement will depend on the technical approach and timing of the procedure. Transvaginal cerclages are typically performed with spinal, epidural, or general anesthesia, while the transabdominal is more frequently done under general anesthesia. The procedure is usually performed in the outpatient setting, requires 30 to 45 minutes for completion, and a T10 to L1 and S2 to S4 sensory blockade is desired to provide coverage of the cervix, vagina, and perineum. Among the different neuraxial techniques, spinal anesthesia is the preferred choice as it provides a faster and denser block compared to epidural anesthesia. A hyperbaric solution of lidocaine 30 to 70 mg, hyperbaric bupivacaine 5.25 to 12 mg, or mepivacaine 45 to 60 mg are reasonable options for spinal anesthesia. Lee et al. observed that the spread of analgesic effects of spinally administered hyperbaric bupivacaine was enhanced in women in the second trimester compared to the nonpregnant state (21). Lipophilic opioids (e.g., fentanyl 10 to 20 μg) are often used to reduce local anesthetic requirements and duration (22,23).

Although lidocaine may be a better option for cervical cerclage placement in terms of its duration, increased concern for transient neurologic syndrome (TNS) after intrathecal administration has dissuaded many providers from using hyperbaric lidocaine for cerclage placement. Indeed, the incidence of TNS in nonpregnant patients is higher with lidocaine than bupivacaine, and this risk of TNS is not decreased by decreasing the concentration (24,25). Although not completely exempt from the risk of TNS, parturients may be at decreased risk compared to nonpregnant patients. In a prospective study, Wong and Slavenas reported a 0% incidence (95% CI 0% to 4.5%) of TNS in 67 parturients who received hyperbaric 5% lidocaine for cerclage placement (26). Although no cases of TNS were detected, the 95% confidence interval is still less than the 10% to 37% incidence reported in the nonobstetric population (25). In another study, Aouad et al. randomized patients undergoing cesarean delivery to spinal anesthesia with hyperbaric 5% lidocaine or hyperbaric 0.75% bupivacaine, reporting a 0% incidence of TNS (95% CI 0% to 3%) (27). Finally, Philip et al. randomized patients to receive intrathecal hyperbaric 5% lidocaine versus hyperbaric 0.75% bupivacaine for postpartum tubal ligation (28). The authors reported no difference in the incidence of TNS with lidocaine versus bupivacaine (3% vs. 7%) in this patient population. Overall, the evidence suggests that the use of hyperbaric lidocaine intrathecally in pregnant women is likely safe in terms of TNS risk and that this risk is likely less than that in the nonpregnant population, and comparable to the intrathecal administration of other local anesthetics.

Low-dose epidural anesthesia can also be used to provide surgical anesthesia for cervical cerclages (29). Lidocaine 2% with epinephrine 5 μg/mL, 10 to 15 mL, typically provides adequate sensory coverage; fentanyl 50 to 100 μg can be added through the epidural catheter to increase the density of the neuraxial block. Finally, paracervical block is another option for a McDonald cerclage, but it has fallen out of favor due to the potential for fetal bradycardia after local anesthesia injection, with a reported incidence of 2% to 10% (30,31,32). Regardless of the anesthetic technique, postoperative analgesic requirements are none to minimal after transvaginal placement of a cervical cerclage.

General anesthesia is more likely to be used for emergency cerclage as the use of volatile anesthetics provides uterine relaxation, potentially reducing cervical protrusion of fetal membranes. In addition, this anesthetic technique does not require a sitting or lateral position for administration, positions which may not be possible if protruding fetal membranes are present. Mask anesthesia or a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) is an acceptable option for healthy, fasted patients before 18 to 20 weeks of gestation. However, women of 18 to 20 weeks of gestation and later are at increased risk of aspiration, and therefore should undergo endotracheal intubation. If intubation is performed, beware that coughing
and vomiting increase intra-abdominal and intrauterine pressures, precipitating or worsening protrusion of the fetal membranes, or even promoting membrane rupture. Steps should be taken to ensure these perianesthesia events are avoided.

Figure 15-2 Types of breech presentations. A: Frank Breech— the lower extremities of the fetus are flexed at the hips and extended at the knees. B: Complete Breech—both the hips and knees of the fetus are flexed. C: Incomplete Breech—one or both of the lower extremities of the fetus are extended at the hips. Reproduced with permission from: Evans, AT. Manual of Obstetrics. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2007.

External Cephalic Version

The incidence of breech presentation for term, singleton pregnancies is estimated to be between 3% and 4% (33). Breech fetal presentation occurs when the fetal head is in the fundus of the uterus with the buttocks, legs, or feet presenting. There are three main types of breech presentations: frank, complete, and incomplete (Fig. 15-2). A frank breech occurs when the fetus’s lower extremities are flexed at the hips and extended at the knees so that the feet are against the face and the buttocks only are the presenting part. A complete breech occurs when the fetus’s hips and knees are flexed but the feet do not extend below the buttocks. An incomplete breech (also known as footling breech) occurs when one or both fetal lower extremities are extended and one or both feet present in the vagina.

Although the causes of breech presentation are unclear, there are both fetal and maternal factors that increase this likelihood (Table 15-1). A relative increase in the uterine volume (e.g., prematurity, low birth weight) prevents the accommodation of the fetus to the shape of the uterine cavity leading to malpresentation. Multiparity, multiple gestation, and polyhydramnios are also associated with breech presentation due to increased uterine relaxation. Finally, limited uterine space (e.g., pelvic tumors, uterine anomalies, abnormal placentation, oligohydramnios) and fetal muscular disorders (e.g., muscular dystrophy) can result in fetal malpresentation. In all of these situations, cephalic rotation of the fetus may not occur prior to delivery (34,35,36).

Multiple delivery options exist for fetuses in breech presentation, including cesarean delivery, trial of labor with vaginal delivery, or ECV, each with its respective benefits and risks. The Term Breech Trial (TBT) randomized more than 2,000 women with a singleton fetus in breech presentation to cesarean or vaginal delivery (37), and demonstrated better neonatal outcomes after a cesarean delivery than after vaginal delivery for breech-presenting fetuses, (1.6% vs. 5%, respectively); (RR 0.33; 95% CI 0.19 to 0.56; P < 0.0001). Since this publication, the breech vaginal delivery rate has declined. In a retrospective study that assessed the vaginal delivery rate of breech term pregnancies in the 8 years before and after the TBT, the authors observed that the rate of vaginal delivery in nulliparous and multiparous women decreased from 15.3% to 7.2% in the former group, and from approximately 32.6% to 14.8% in the latter group (38).

Since cesarean and vaginal breech deliveries increase maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality compared to vaginal vertex deliveries. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends the use of ECV to rotate the fetus to a vertex presentation at term (37,39,40,41). ECV is an obstetrical procedure performed for the purpose of changing a nonvertex (typically breech) fetal presentation to vertex by external rotation through the maternal abdominal wall. According to a systematic review of randomized controlled trials, the overall success rate of ECV is 60%, with results ranging from 35% to 85% depending if tocolytics are used (42,43). If successful, ECV not only reduces the need for cesarean delivery, but also results in improved maternal and perinatal outcomes (44,45).

Table 15-1 Predisposing Factors for Breech Presentation

Fetal Maternal
Prematurity Uterine relaxation (e.g., high parity, multiple fetuses, polyhydramnios)
Fetal neurologic impairments (e.g., muscular dystrophy) Abnormal placentation
Fetal congenital anomalies (e.g., hydrocephalus, anencephaly) Contracted maternal pelvis
Short umbilical cord Mullerian duct anomalies
Oligohydramnios Uterine anomalies
Pelvic tumors
Previous breech delivery

Timing of ECV

Several studies have addressed the issue of appropriate timing for ECV procedures. A Cochrane systematic review demonstrated that ECV performed early in the third trimester (i.e., between 32 and 34 weeks of gestation) did not reduce the number of breech fetuses at term, nor did it reduce the number of cesarean deliveries (15). However, the authors were unable to make any definitive recommendations regarding the use of ECV at 34 to 36 weeks of gestation versus 37 weeks or later.

Two randomized controlled trials, the ECV1 and early ECV2 trials, investigated this issue. The ECV1 trial randomized 232 patients with singleton breech fetus to undergo ECV between 34 and 36 weeks of gestation (early group) or between 37 and 38 weeks of gestation (delayed group) (46). Although the authors demonstrated that malpresentation at delivery was lower in the early group than in the delayed group (56.9% vs. 66.4%, respectively), the results were not statistically significant, likely due to the study being underpowered. As such, the authors performed the early ECV2 trial, in which more than 1,500 women with a singleton breech fetus were randomized to undergo ECV between 34 and 36 weeks of gestation or at or after 37 weeks (47). The authors demonstrated that fewer fetuses were in a noncephalic presentation at birth in the early ECV group (41%) versus (49%) in the late ECV group (RR 0.84; 95% CI 0.75 to 0.94; P = 0.002). Despite this difference, there was no difference in the rate of cesarean delivery between groups. Similarly, there were no differences in the rate of preterm birth or risk of maternal or neonatal morbidity between groups. The authors concluded that even though ECV at an early gestation increases the likelihood of cephalic presentation at birth, it does not result in decreased cesarean delivery rates. Currently, ACOG recommendations state that ECV should be offered to eligible patients at term, defined as after completion of 36 weeks of gestation, due to concerns regarding fetal size, spontaneous versions, spontaneous reversions, and well-being of the preterm fetus (39).


Despite the fact that ECV reduces the rate of noncephalic presentation at term, as well as maternal and neonatal morbidity associated with cesarean and vaginal breech deliveries, there is resistance by both physicians and women to attempt this procedure. Studies have reported that the number of women suitable for ECV who were not offered an attempted procedure ranges from 4% to 33% (46,48). Even when offered, rates of maternal refusal of ECV range from 18% to 76% (49,50). In addition, ECV may not always be beneficial to the mother and/or fetus. ECV is contraindicated whenever the procedure may pose significant harm to the fetus, if the likelihood of success after an attempt is very low, or when the indication for cesarean delivery is not limited to breech presentation (Table 15-2).

Concerns about the safety of ECV are one issue that may dissuade obstetric providers and mothers. However, available evidence suggests that the overall rate of severe complications is relatively low. In a meta-analysis by Collaris et al. of 44 studies involving more than 7,000 women, the most frequently reported complication was transient fetal heart rate changes, occurring in 5.7% of ECV attempts (51). Persistent fetal heart rate changes, vaginal bleeding, and placental abruption occurred much less frequently (0.37%, 0.47%, and 0.12%, respectively). Similarly, the rate of emergent cesarean delivery and perinatal mortality were also low at 0.43% and 0.16%, respectively. However, there was also a 3% risk of spontaneous reversion to breech presentation after successful ECV at or beyond 36 weeks of gestation. Similar findings were also reported in a systematic review of 84 studies of 12,955 ECV-related complications for singleton breech pregnancies after 36 weeks of gestation. In this meta-analysis, the authors found a pooled complication rate of 6.1% (95% CI 4.7 to 7.8), with a risk of serious complications (e.g., placental abruption, fetal death) occurring in 1/417 ECV attempts, and emergent cesarean delivery occurring in 1/286 (52). Overall, the risk of complications from ECV was found to be no different between successful and failed attempts (OR 1.24; 95% CI 0.93 to 1.7) (Fig. 15-3).

Table 15-2 Absolute and Relative Contraindication to External Cephalic Version

Absolute Contraindications Multiple gestation
Severe fetal or uterine anomalies
Ruptured fetal membranes
Intrauterine growth restriction
Nonreassuring fetal status
Placenta previa
Placental abruption
Relative Contraindications Early labor
Small for gestational age fetus
Presence of uterine scar
Maternal obesity

Predictors of ECV Success

The overall success rate of ECV can be predicted by the presence of several clinical and ultrasound factors. Known clinical factors associated with successful ECV include multiparity, low body mass index, a relaxed uterus, and a nonengaged fetal head (53). Interestingly, fundal height and gestational age have no impact on the outcome of ECV (54). Posterior placental location, complete breech presentation, and increased amniotic fluid index are ultrasound parameter predictors of successful ECV (55).

Cluver et al. performed a meta-analysis of 25 studies involving more than 2,500 women, comparing several interventions used to increase the success of ECV (42). The interventions included the use of tocolytic drugs, regional anesthesia, vibroacoustic stimulation, amnioinfusion, and systemic opioids. Of these interventions the authors concluded that only tocolytics improved the success rate of ECV. In addition, the use of regional anesthesia with tocolytics was superior in increasing the ECV success rate than use of tocolytics alone. There was insufficient data to make recommendations on the use of vibroacoustic stimulation, amnioinfusion, and systemic opioids for ECV. Recently, Kok et al. developed a predictive model to calculate the chance of successful ECV. Although this model still requires external validation, it appears to discriminate between women with a poor chance of successful ECV (less than 20%) and women with a good chance of success (more than 60%) in breech pregnancies after 36 weeks of gestation age (56).


Various tocolytic agents have been used to provide uterine relaxation during ECV. When compared to control groups neither ritodrine, salbutamol, nor nitroglycerin have been found to increase the success rate of ECV after their administration
(57,58,59). In a prospective study by Fernandez et al., terbutaline was found to increase the success rate of ECV when compared to placebo (52% vs. 27%, respectively; RR of 1.9; 95% CI 1.3 to 6.5, P = 0.01) (60). In a systematic review, Wilcox et al. observed that patients that received nifedipine compared to terbutaline, had lower rates of successful ECV (pooled risk ratio = 0.67; 95% CI 0.48 to 0.93, P = 0.016) (61). Based on the available evidence, terbutaline is the tocolytic recommended for ECV procedures.

Figure 15-3 Forest plot of odds ratios from individual studies reporting on all complications related to ECV in relation to the ECV outcome. OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval. Reproduced with permission from: Grootscholten K, Kok M, Oei SG, et al. External cephalic version-related risks: a meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol 2008;112:1143–1151.

Analgesic Options

Several studies have investigated the impact of intravenous analgesia, neuraxial analgesia, and neuraxial anesthesia on ECV success rates. Yoshida et al. assessed the ECV success rate as they changed their practice, from the time when they performed ECV without neuraxial anesthesia to when it was offered (62). The authors reported that not only did the overall ECV success rate increase from 56% to 79% after regional anesthesia was offered, but also the cesarean delivery rate in the term breech population decreased from 50% to 33%. Similarly, in a systematic review of six randomized controlled trials, Goetzinger et al. concluded that regional anesthesia was associated with a higher ECV success rate compared with intravenous or no analgesia (59.7% compared with 37.6%) (Fig. 15-4) (63).

Neuraxial Techniques

Compared to no or intravenous analgesia, neuraxial techniques provide several benefits for patients undergoing ECV. First, they allow for relaxation of the maternal abdominal wall, prevention of involuntary abdominal tensing, and improvement of maternal tolerance to the procedure, potentially increasing the success rate of ECV. In addition, maternal pain scores are significantly lower in patients that received neuraxial blockade compared to control groups in several randomized controlled studies (64,65,66). Sullivan et al. demonstrated that patient satisfaction scores were significantly higher in patients who received a combined spinal–epidural technique versus those who received intravenous (IV) fentanyl (10 vs. 7, P < 0.005) (66). Maternal discomfort in control groups can also lead to ECV discontinuation in some cases (65,67). The ability to rapidly extend epidural analgesia to a surgical level of anesthesia for emergent cesarean delivery is particularly beneficial, as it circumvents the need for general anesthesia and its inherent risks. Finally, in patients who undergo a trial of labor after ECV, the presence of a functioning epidural catheter allows for the provision of labor analgesia without the need for a second anesthetic technique.

Several studies have attempted to elucidate the impact of neuraxial anesthesia on ECV success rates. However, the heterogeneity of these studies has led to conflicting results not
only on the impact of analgesic and anesthetic techniques on ECV success rates, but also on its impact on maternal and fetal safety. Factors where studies differ include parity, timing of ECV in relation to gestational age, type and route of administration of tocolytics, local anesthetics used, and dose variations of neuraxially administered medications.

Figure 15-4 Meta-analysis of the outcome of successful ECV comparing neuraxial anesthesia with intravenous or no anesthesia. The pooled risk ratio (RR) is 1.58 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.29–1.93), I2 = 14.9%. Reproduced with permission from: Goetzinger KR, Harper LM, Tuuli MG, et al. Effect of regional anesthesia on the success rate of external cephalic version: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol 2011;118:1137–1144.

Low-dose Neuraxial Techniques

Low-dose intrathecal bupivacaine (i.e., 2.5 mg) with opioid have been shown not to improve the success of ECV. Dugoff et al. compared the success rate of ECV in patients who randomized to spinal anesthesia (0.5% bupivacaine 2.5 mg and sufentanil 10 μg) or no analgesia, and demonstrated no difference in overall ECV success rate between groups (44% spinal vs. 42% no spinal, P = 0.86) (67). Similarly, Sullivan et al. randomized patients to CSE technique (0.5% bupivacaine 2.5 mg and fentanyl 15 μg) versus intravenous fentanyl 50 μg before the procedure (66). The authors reported an ECV success rate of 47% with CSE compared to 31% in the intravenous group, although this result was not statistically significant.

Intermediate-dose Neuraxial Techniques

Weiniger et al. investigated the effect of a higher dose of intrathecal bupivacaine (7.5 mg) on ECV success rates in two separate studies that controlled for parity. The first study randomized term, nulliparous women to spinal dosage of bupivacaine 7.5 mg or no analgesia (65). The success rate of ECV was 67% in the spinal group compared to 34% in the control group, (P = 0.004). The follow-up study also randomized term, multiparous patients to spinal analgesia (bupivacaine 7.5 mg) or no analgesia, resulting in similar success rates of 87% in the spinal group compared to 57% in the control group, (P = 0.009) (64).

High-dose Neuraxial Techniques

Schorr et al. randomized term parturients scheduled for ECV to receive an epidural or no epidural anesthesia (68). Lidocaine 2% with 1:200,000 epinephrine was administered through the epidural catheter with the goal of achieving a T6 level. The success rate was higher for the epidural group, with 69% compared with 32% in the control group (P = 0.01). Mancuso et al. performed a similar study with epidural anesthesia, obtaining comparable results (69).

A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials by Goetzinger et al. suggest that neuraxial blockade is associated with an increased success rate of ECV (60% compared with 38%; RR 1.58; 95% CI [1.29 to 1.93]) but the risk of cesarean delivery was not significantly different for parturients that received neuraxial blockade compared to those that received intravenous or no analgesia (48% compared with 59%; RR 0.8; 95% CI 0.55 to 1.17) (63). Similar results were reported in a 2012 Cochrane Collaboration regarding interventions that improved the success rate of ECV. The authors concluded that regional analgesia, in addition to tocolytics, increased the success rate of ECV. Cephalic presentation in labor or cesarean delivery rate, however, was not different (42).

Results regarding the ideal neuraxial technique to improve the success rate of ECV are inconclusive. In Goetzinger’s study the association between regional anesthesia and higher ECV success rate prevailed when the data was further divided into spinal and epidural groups, with epidural technique associated with a higher chance of ECV success (RR 1.91, 95% CI 1.29 to 1.93) than a spinal or CSE technique (RR 1.46, 95% CI 1.14 to 1.87), although this difference may be explained by the higher doses of local anesthetic used in the epidural groups (63). Lavoie and Guay performed a meta-analysis that compared randomized controlled trials on ECV success rates after neuraxial blockade with analgesic versus anesthetic doses, and concluded that the success rate for ECV is only increased by a neuraxial blockade in anesthetic doses (Fig. 15-5) (70).

There are several limitations to many of these studies. Neuraxial blockade is poorly defined, as the terms analgesia and anesthesia are used arbitrarily. Different tocolytics have been used at different doses and routes of administration. While β-mimetics increase the success rate of ECV, information regarding the effectiveness of other tocolytics (e.g., calcium channel blockers and nitric acid donor) is limited (42). Multiparity increases the success rate of ECV and by not controlling for parity the success rate may not achieve the same positive effect.

Although most of the current studies seem to indicate that anesthetic doses can improve the success rate of ECV, the authors’ opinion is that the risk-to-benefit ratio to both
the mother and the fetus as well as the costs engaged after the administration of an anesthetic dose should all be considered before final recommendations are made.

Figure 15-5 Meta-analysis investigating the effect of neuraxial anesthetic technique on the success rate of ECV. I2 = 30.25% for the overall analysis and 0% for each subgroup. The two subgroups are significantly different from each other (P = 0.007). Reproduced with permission from: Lavoie A, Guay J. Anesthetic dose neuraxial blockade increases the success rate of external fetal version: a meta-analysis. Can J Anaesth 2010;57:408–414.

Overall, the available evidence is inconclusive to recommend a specific neuraxial technique or dosage of local anesthetic which increases the success of ECV. Well-designed randomized controlled trials that specifically address the effect of neuraxial techniques on ECV outcomes and control for confounding factors are needed before any firm recommendations can be made. Nevertheless, the majority of studies suggest a strong association between higher neuraxial doses of local anesthetic and improved ECV success rates. Moreover, a CSE technique seems to be a better alternative to a spinal or epidural technique, in that it offers the benefit of a spinal anesthetic (e.g., rapid onset, dense and reliable block, lower doses of local anesthetic needed) with the versatility of an epidural catheter (e.g., ability to quickly augment block to surgical level of anesthesia, ability to be used for labor analgesia).


Tan et al. studied the cost-effectiveness, from society’s perspective, of ECV compared to schedule cesarean delivery for term breech presentation. Cost-effectiveness, defined by a certain quality-adjusted life year, was less for ECV compared to scheduled cesarean deliveries for breech presentation. However, this only held true if the probability of successful ECV was >32% (71). Moreover, Bolaji and colleague demonstrated that even if the use of a neuraxial technique would increase the number of successful ECV by 15%, this would result in more than $33,000 in savings due to the decreased rates of cesarean delivery and its complications (72).


ECV should be attempted in the operating room or in the labor and delivery unit with an operating room available in case an emergent cesarean delivery becomes necessary. However, considering the cost of utilizing an operating room, it may be cost effective to perform this procedure in the labor and delivery unit. In addition, both mother and fetus should be monitored throughout the procedure. Blood pressure and pulse oximetry should be used for the mother, while fetal monitoring should be performed before and after each ECV attempt. Moreover, left uterine displacement should be ensured whenever the patient is supine, and providers should have the ability to rapidly treat hypotension if it develops. Finally, ECV should be performed at times that do not detract from the care of the rest of the patients in the labor and delivery unit (Table 15-3).

Table 15-3 General Recommendations for External Cephalic Version

  • Fetal presentation should be reassessed before preparing the patient for ECV.
  • Verify nil per os (NPO) status of the patient.
  • Discuss with the obstetrician the delivery plan for each scenario, if the ECV is successful or not.
  • Consider placing an epidural catheter if the plan is to deliver the fetus after the ECV, regardless of success of the procedure, to provide either labor analgesia for induction of labor, or anesthesia for a cesarean delivery.
  • Perform ECV in the labor and delivery room, preoperative holding area or postoperative unit, after confirming that there is an operating room available for emergent cesarean delivery.
  • Plan for routine noninvasive monitoring of the mother, especially when neuraxial blockade is performed.
  • Maintain left uterine displacement throughout the procedure.
  • Fetal heart rate monitoring before and after each ECV attempt is recommended.

Figure 15-6 Percent distribution of women aged 15 to 44 years, by current contraceptive status: United States, 2006 to 2008. Data from The National Survey of Family Growth. From: Mosher WD, Jones J. Use of contraception in the United States: 1982–2008. Vital Health Stat 23 2010;29:1–44.

Postpartum Tubal Sterilization

Tubal sterilization is a highly effective form of female birth control, with a failure rate of <1%. Due to its reliability and permanence, this form of contraception was utilized by 16.7% of women in the United States between 2006 and 2008, second only to oral contraception in frequency of use among women (Fig. 15-6) (73). It is also one of the most commonly performed operations in the United States with 643,000 patients undergoing this procedure in 2006, approximately 340,000 of which are performed postpartum (74). Since more than 50% of tubal sterilizations are performed during the early postpartum period, anesthesiologists providing obstetric care to women are frequently called upon to provide care for this procedure.

Surgical Considerations

Performing tubal sterilizations during the postpartum period offers several advantages. First, the fallopian tubes are right below the abdominal wall at the level of the umbilicus, allowing for easy access. Second, abdominal wall laxity allows for manipulation of the incision to be located above each uterine cornu. Third, the patient is already an inpatient, forgoing the additional inconvenience and cost of a second hospital visit. Moreover, many women tend to have epidural labor analgesia, which can usually be augmented to a surgical level of anesthesia, eliminating the need for a second anesthetic. There is also a lower failure rate (7.5 pregnancies/1,000 sterilizations) with tubal ligations performed during the postpartum period compared to interval procedures, i.e., tubal ligations performed more than 6 to 8 weeks of postpartum (75). Finally, women who do not receive a requested postpartum tubal ligation are more likely to become pregnant again within 1 year after delivery than women who did not request one, resulting in increased economic and social burdens on both the patient and the community (76).

However, there are some disadvantages to performing tubal sterilization during the immediate postpartum period. First, there may not be enough time to allow for proper newborn assessment after vaginal or cesarean delivery. If there is any adverse neonatal outcome, a mother may wish to have additional children, which would be more challenging if permanent tubal sterilization is performed immediately postpartum. Similarly, a national, multicenter cohort study in the United States demonstrated that women who underwent tubal sterilization during cesarean delivery or immediately after vaginal delivery had a higher probability of regretting her decision 3 to 7 years later, than if she would have had the procedure performed at a later time (77). This risk of regret increases if the patient is 30 years old or younger, or reports substantial conflict with her husband prior to the procedure (78). Finally, immediate postpartum sterilization may not be safe in women with obstetric complications or comorbid medical conditions. Women may be at increased risk for uterine atony and postpartum hemorrhage immediately after delivery, rendering a patient hemodynamically unstable. In addition, since there is a significant increase in afterload, cardiac output, and venous return immediately postpartum, women with cardiac disease may have deterioration in their hemodynamic status, making it unsafe to proceed with this procedure.

Several surgical techniques are utilized for tubal sterilization, each with their respective benefits and drawbacks (Fig. 15-7). Of these techniques, the Parkland and Pomeroy methods are the most commonly employed for postpartum tubal ligations (79). Typically, a mini-laparotomy approach is used during the postpartum procedure, although laparoscopy may also be considered. Although the risk of major morbidity (e.g., bowel perforation, vascular injury) is similar between two methods, minor morbidity and operative times have been shown to be less with the laparoscopic approach (80). Failure rates of the different techniques depend on patient age at the time of sterilization, as well as the method of tubal occlusion (75). However, compared to other forms of female contraception, the failure rate from tubal ligation, regardless of surgical technique, is significantly lower.

Anesthetic Considerations

Despite external demands to perform postpartum tubal ligations relatively soon after delivery (e.g., obstetrician availability, hospital costs, avoidance of prolonged hospital stay, presence of functioning anesthetic technique with labor epidural analgesia), they are considered to be an elective procedure. As such, these procedures should only be performed if the patient is medically stable, meets appropriate fasting guidelines, and can be performed without compromising other aspects of patient care on the labor and delivery unit. In 2007, the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Task Force on Obstetric Anesthesia published an updated report on systemic recommendations for the anesthetic management of obstetric patients, including five guidelines for postpartum tubal ligation (81):

Sep 16, 2016 | Posted by in ANESTHESIA | Comments Off on Anesthesia for Nondelivery Obstetric Procedures

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