21 Anesthesia for Noncardiac Surgery in Children with Congenital Heart Disease
A wide spectrum of extracardiac anomalies has been described in children with CHD.1–5 A great incidence of chromosomal syndromes and genetic disorders is associated with CHD, and the reported prevalence of associated malformations ranges between 10% and 33%.6–8 The organ systems most often affected include musculoskeletal, central nervous, renal-urinary, gastrointestinal, and respiratory. Although many extracardiac malformations are relatively minor and have limited or no clinical implications, many children with CHD have significant noncardiac comorbidities.9 These pathologic and disease processes may necessitate surgical intervention. Other routine ailments and conditions may affect these children and require diagnostic procedures and surgical care.
The challenges of caring for children with CHD are magnified by the diversity of structural malformations, each with specific physiologic perturbations, hemodynamic consequences, and severity. This is further complicated by the variety of medical and surgical management strategies available. Most children require an individualized approach to anesthetic care.10–12
Clinical outcomes for CHD depend on the nature of the anatomic abnormalities and the possibility of successful palliation or correction.13 The primary goal of palliative surgery is to favorably influence the natural history of the defect and decrease the likelihood of the severe consequences of the disease. However, children continue to have abnormal cardiovascular anatomy and physiology, and their abnormal circulation is associated with an increased risk of perioperative adverse events.14–17
Despite these considerations, for children with good hemodynamic results, the risks associated with noncardiac surgery may not be significantly different from those of others without CHD. These children are considered to be doing well clinically, have a good functional status, require few or no medications, have no exercise restrictions, and undergo routine surveillance. They require minimal or no adjustment in perioperative care compared with that provided to children without CHD. In others, however, residual abnormalities exist. In some who are less fortunate, a pathologic process may remain or develop after cardiac surgery that is related to the primary disease or therapy. This may lead to severe cardiovascular or pulmonary impairment. These residua and sequelae may necessitate further medical or surgical interventions and may increase perioperative morbidity during noncardiac surgery.18 Management of these children is influenced by several factors but to a significant extent by the residual problems of the disease and treatment and associated hemodynamic perturbations.19,20
Many publications have examined the implications of anesthesia for children and adults with CHD undergoing noncardiac surgery.10,19–33 However, only a limited number of studies have provided data on perioperative outcomes.34–38 In contrast to the extensive literature regarding perioperative cardiac assessment and risk stratification during noncardiac surgery in adults with heart disease and the development of guidelines aimed at improving clinical outcomes, the lack of rigorous scientific data on this subject for the pediatric age group has made an equivalent effort challenging.39
Preoperative Assessment
A detailed preoperative evaluation is indispensable for identifying and anticipating factors that may place a child with CHD at increased risk during anesthesia (Table 21-1).40,41 An important goal of this assessment is to gather information regarding the nature of the cardiovascular disease and prior therapeutic interventions. A determination of functional status is based on clinical data. The history and physical examination, in addition to the laboratory data and ancillary tests, provide complementary information about anatomic or hemodynamic status, enabling an overall risk assessment. Based on this clinical assessment and consideration of the major pathophysiologic consequences of a particular condition, a systematic, detailed, organized plan should be formulated for anesthesia and perioperative management. In some cases, the preoperative evaluation may establish the need to delay or defer elective noncardiac surgery, other interventions, or diagnostic procedures.
TABLE 21-1 Factors That Place Children with Congenital Heart Disease at Increased Risk during Anesthesia for Noncardiac Surgery
History of implanted device (pacemaker or defibrillator)
Older age at the time of cardiac intervention
Older type of cardiac surgical procedure
Pulmonary hypertension/pulmonary vascular disease
Significant outflow tract obstruction
Significant sequelae or residua
Single-ventricle physiology or complex defects
History and Physical Examination
As for all children undergoing anesthesia, the history and physical examination results are essential components of a thorough preoperative evaluation. In addition to the specifics regarding the present illness and planned procedure, the history should focus on the status of the cardiovascular system. Relevant information includes the type of cardiovascular disease and comorbid conditions, medications, allergies, prior hospitalizations, surgical procedures, anesthesia experiences, and complications. Symptoms, including tachypnea, dyspnea, tachycardia, rhythm problems, and fatigue, should be sought. Feeding difficulties and diaphoresis may represent significant symptoms in infants, whereas decreased activity level or exercise intolerance may be a concern for older children. Palpitations, chest pain, and syncope should be characterized. The history should include an assessment of growth and development because these may be affected in children with CHD. Failure to thrive suggests ongoing cardiorespiratory compromise. Those with decompensated disease, complex pathologies, associated genetic defects, or other syndromes may be particularly vulnerable. Recent illnesses such as intercurrent respiratory infections or pulmonary disease may increase the potential for perioperative complications and require careful appraisal of the risk/benefit ratio in elective cases.42,43
Fasting Guidelines
Although the optimal period of fasting for children before surgery has been the subject of some debate, most centers follow established guidelines to reduce the risk of aspiration.44–47 The same guidelines are applicable to children with CHD with a few additional considerations. Intake of clear fluids or the intravenous administration of maintenance fluids may be required in some children to ensure adequate hydration if the fasting period is prolonged. This is particularly important in small infants and in patients with obstructive lesions, cyanotic disease, or single-ventricle physiology. Maintenance of adequate hydration and ventricular preload may limit potential detrimental hemodynamic changes associated with anesthesia and surgery.
Intraoperative Management
General Considerations
Anesthesia Care Provider
Anesthesia care should be provided by an experienced individual who is familiar with children with CHD, the planned operative procedure, and the surgeon’s usual approach. The most important factor that an anesthesiologist can offer a child with CHD is a comprehensive understanding of the anatomic abnormalities, pathophysiology of the cardiac malformation, and how this may be affected by the anesthetic and surgical procedure. Familiarity with the most likely residua and sequelae is essential.18 Adequate communication among all physicians involved enhances the likelihood of the best possible outcome.
The use of premedication to provide sedation and anxiolysis is routine before most surgical procedures because some degree of fear or anxiety is expected. This facilitates parental separation, entry into the operating room, placement of monitors, and induction of anesthesia. The cardiorespiratory effects of premedication in children may be influenced by the underlying systemic disease.48–52
Commonly used premedications include oral or intravenous benzodiazepines, opioids, and small amounts of hypnotic agents. Drugs such as barbiturates and ketamine are occasionally used. Alternative routes for premedication include intramuscular, intranasal, and rectal methods. Children with hemodynamic decompensation may require little or no premedication. Caution should also be exercised for those with a history of cardiovascular pathology associated with significant increases in pulmonary artery pressure or pulmonary arteriolar resistance because hypoventilation and hypoxemia may be detrimental. Conversely, children susceptible to hypercyanotic episodes or those with catecholamine-induced arrhythmias may benefit from heavy premedication. In selected children (e.g., infants and children with cyanotic heart disease), oxygen saturation monitoring after premedication and the administration of supplemental oxygen is recommended.50
Intravenous Access
Secure intravenous access is mandatory for administration of fluids and medications during anesthesia care. In most children with CHD, intravenous access is established after an inhalational induction. In those considered at great risk, such as children with severe outflow tract obstruction, moderate to severe cardiac dysfunction, pulmonary hypertension, or potential for hemodynamic compromise, consideration should be given for placement of intravenous access before induction of anesthesia or very early in the induction. The size of the intravenous catheter should be determined by the anticipated fluid requirements. If peripheral access is poor, central venous access may be necessary, particularly if there is potential for large intravascular volume shifts and to allow monitoring of central venous pressure. Placement of a central venous catheter may be assisted by audio Doppler or two-dimensional ultrasound guidance (see Chapter 48). In the small infant with single-ventricle physiology, central venous cannulation with catheter placement in the superior vena cava may be undesirable in view of concerns about potential vascular complications that may affect pulmonary blood flow or subsequent surgical palliation. In these children, a small catheter or alternative approach (e.g., femoral venous access) should be considered. In children with an existent or potential right-to-left shunt, all air must be removed from intravenous infusion tubing. Air filters may be difficult to use in the operating room because they may restrict the rate at which intravenous fluids or blood may be administered in emergency situations. They may be more useful in the preoperative and postoperative periods.
Arterial Blood Pressure Assessment
Basic blood pressure monitoring begins with pulse palpation. An automated blood pressure cuff is used in most children. The selection of monitoring site may be influenced by vascular anomalies (e.g., aortic arch pathology, aberrant origin and course of aortic arch vessels) or prior surgical interventions (e.g., Blalock-Taussig shunt, arterial cutdown). Direct systemic blood pressure monitoring by an indwelling arterial catheter may be necessary for beat-to-beat assessment and for blood gas analysis. In children, this is usually accomplished after induction of anesthesia. Arterial cannulation can be achieved percutaneously in most circumstances with a reduced risk of complications (see Chapter 48). Use of the radial arteries is preferable, particularly in the neonate, to minimize catheter-related vascular problems. Ultrasound guidance with Doppler or two-dimensional imaging may facilitate cannulation. The decision regarding the need for invasive monitoring is largely based on the child’s clinical condition and nature of the surgical procedure.
An ECG is used to monitor heart rate, cardiac rhythm, and ST-segment analysis. One or multiple leads typically are displayed. Most systems use two leads: standard lead II for arrhythmia monitoring plus inferior ischemia detection and precordial lead V5 for lateral ischemia detection. Arrhythmias may occur as a result of hypoxia, electrolyte imbalances, acid-base abnormalities, intravascular or intracardiac catheters, and surgical manipulations near or around the thorax. Ischemia may be evident on direct examination of the ECG or ST-segment analysis.53 Although in the adult population this is associated with worsened outcome, the implication for children is unknown.54,55
Pulse Oximetry
Placement of an oximeter probe is well tolerated, even by uncooperative children, and it is typically one of the earliest monitors applied during induction of anesthesia. Monitoring arterial oxygen saturation is particularly useful in infants, cyanotic children, and those with complex anatomy or significant hemodynamic compromise. In addition to providing continuous assessment of oxygen-hemoglobin saturation and heart rate, the pulse oximeter waveform may indicate the adequacy of peripheral perfusion and cardiac output.56,57 Other parameters that may be reflected by the Spo2 include intracardiac or great artery–level shunting and pulmonary blood flow.
Capnography can confirm proper endotracheal tube placement, help to assess the adequacy of ventilation, and aid recognition of pathologic conditions such as bronchospasm, airway obstruction, and malignant hyperthermia. In spontaneously breathing, sedated children receiving supplemental oxygen through a nasal cannula, capnography monitors the end-tidal or exhaled carbon dioxide (Petco2) concentration. A prospective, observational study in children undergoing cardiac catheterization with sedation administered by nonanesthesiologists found that monitored Petco2 values provided a reasonable estimate of arterial blood CO2 values.58 Although the absolute value for Petco2 may not be as reliable as in the presence of an endotracheal tube, the capnograph waveform confirms the presence or absence of respirations and air exchange. End-tidal CO2 monitoring also provides a gross index of pulmonary blood flow. In children with cyanotic heart disease, Petco2 values may underestimate arterial carbon dioxide tension (Paco2) measurements due to altered pulmonary blood flow and ventilation/perfusion mismatch.59,60
Transesophageal Echocardiography
Numerous publications have documented the utility of transesophageal echocardiography as a monitoring device in high-risk adults undergoing noncardiac procedures.61–72 Sporadic reports have demonstrated the utility of this imaging approach in children undergoing noncardiac surgery.73–78 However, the contribution or application of this modality in the pediatric age group in this particular setting has not been well defined and requires further investigation.
Selection of Techniques and Agents
Anesthesia Technique
Regional anesthesia has been safe and effective in children with CHD (see Chapters 41 and 42).76–79 Advantages of regional anesthesia, such as epidural and spinal techniques, include an effect largely limited to the surgical site, decreased number of systemic medications, a potentially brief recovery period, and usually a more pleasant experience for the child. Use of these techniques, however, may not always be effective. Regional anesthesia retains the potential for hemodynamic compromise, particularly in hypovolemic children or those with a fixed cardiac output. It is also contraindicated in those with coagulation defects. The administration of agents such as local anesthetics, opioids, or other adjuvants (e.g., clonidine) into the caudal space may attenuate the sympathetic outflow associated with surgical manipulation and noxious stimuli and facilitate postoperative pain management.
The choice of technique affects termination of the anesthesia and emergence. Anesthesia performed with fewer agents is inherently simpler and usually easier and more predictable to terminate. The availability of ultra-short-acting opioids (e.g., remifentanil) and other agents (e.g., dexmedetomidine) has avoided the need for postoperative ventilation solely related to residual effects of depressant drugs. Ventricular function and the presence of intracardiac shunts can significantly affect uptake and distribution of inhalational anesthetics and the kinetics of intravenous medications (see Chapter 6).
Inhalational Agents
The use of inhalational anesthetics has been at the forefront of pediatric anesthesia practice for many years.80,81 Sevoflurane was introduced in the mid-1990s, replacing halothane for induction of anesthesia in many centers. A study on the safety and efficacy of inhaled agents in infants and children with CHD during cardiac surgery demonstrated twice as many episodes of hypotension, moderate bradycardia, and emergent drug use in those who received halothane compared with those who received sevoflurane.82 These data and those from other studies that demonstrated the potential benefits of sevoflurane on hemodynamic stability and minimal impact on myocardial performance led to sevoflurane becoming the preferred anesthetic agent for children, particularly those with heart disease.83–88 Nonetheless, in some jurisdictions and under some conditions, halothane may remain the primary anesthetic for children.
Intravenous Agents
Propofol is one of the most frequently used medications for intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. It has been used in children with CHD in numerous settings.89–92 The hemodynamic effects of propofol have been investigated in children with normal hearts and in those with cardiovascular disease. An echocardiographic study in infants with normal hearts undergoing elective surgery demonstrated that propofol did not alter heart rate, shortening fraction, rate-corrected velocity of circumferential fiber shortening, or cardiac index after intravenous induction.93 However, this medication decreased arterial blood pressure to a greater extent than thiopental, an effect attributed to a reduction in afterload. A comparison of propofol and ketamine during cardiac catheterization found that propofol caused a transient decrease in mean arterial pressure and mild arterial oxygen desaturation in some children.94 In view of the significantly faster recovery, it was concluded that propofol was a practical alternative to ketamine for elective cardiac catheterization in children.
Another investigation in 30 children with CHD undergoing cardiac catheterization demonstrated significant decreases in mean arterial blood pressure and systemic vascular resistance during propofol administration.89 No changes in heart rate, mean pulmonary artery pressure, or pulmonary vascular resistance were observed. In children with intracardiac shunts, the net result of propofol was a significant increase in the right-to-left shunt, a decrease in the left-to-right shunt, and decreased pulmonary-to-systemic blood flow ratio, resulting in a statistically significant decrease in the Pao2 and arterial oxygen saturation (Sao2), as well as reversal of the shunt direction from left-to-right to right-to-left in two patients. It was also shown that propofol could lead to further hemoglobin desaturation in children with cyanotic heart disease.
The effects of propofol have been examined in children undergoing electrophysiologic testing and radiofrequency catheter ablation for tachyarrhythmias. The drug has no significant effect on sinoatrial or atrioventricular node function or accessory pathway conduction in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.95,96 However, a study documented that ectopic atrial tachycardia may be suppressed during propofol administration in children.97
Thiopental, a rapid-acting barbiturate, was used for many years for induction of anesthesia. Several investigations have documented the cardiovascular responses to this agent in the pediatric age group. In children with normal hearts, the cardiac index remains unchanged, although the shortening fraction decreases and alterations in load-independent parameters of contractility occur.93 The myocardial depressant properties of barbiturates are well established, as are its effects on venodilation and blood pooling in the periphery. These data suggest that a subset of children who receive thiopental may be at risk for hemodynamic instability. It has been suggested that thiopental should be used with caution, particularly in those with limited reserve or increased sympathetic tone. Thiopental is not available for use in the United States.
Etomidate, a carboxylated imidazole derivative, has anesthetic and amnestic properties but no analgesic effects. This agent demonstrates favorable qualities over other intravenous drugs due to its lack of effect on hemodynamics.98,99 This, combined with laboratory and clinical data that support minimal effects on myocardial contractility, makes this drug a particularly desirable agent in critically ill children and in those with limited cardiovascular reserve.100 Despite these benefits, several undesirable adverse effects are associated with etomidate, including pain on intravenous administration, myoclonic movements that may mimic seizure activity, and inhibition of adrenal steroid synthesis perioperatively.101,102 Although used primarily as an induction agent, etomidate has been administered for sedation of children during cardiac catheterization and in other settings.103–105 A concentrated form of this medication is available in Europe but not in the United States.
Several investigations have addressed the concern of potential detrimental changes in pulmonary vascular tone resulting from ketamine although no significant effects have been reported on pulmonary arterial pressures and pulmonary vascular resistance at the usual clinical doses.106–109 Regarding its effect on myocardial performance, in-vitro investigations have shown a direct myocardial depressant effect in animal species and the failing adult human heart. This is considered to be the result of inhibition of L-type voltage-dependent calcium channels in the sarcolemmal membrane and may be a consideration in critically ill infants with severely impaired cardiac reserves. Additional undesirable effects of ketamine include emergence reactions, excessive salivation, vomiting, and increased intracranial pressure.
Dexmedetomidine is a selective α2-adrenergic agonist agent being increasing used in the pediatric age group. Compared with clonidine, the drug exhibits greater specificity for the α2-adrenergic receptor over the α1-adrenergic receptor. Favorable effects of the drug include sedation, anxiolysis, and analgesia. This medication provides hemodynamic stability, although adverse effects have been reported, including bradycardia, hypertension, and hypotension. A study of the hemodynamic effects in children undergoing dexmedetomidine sedation for radiologic imaging demonstrated modest decreases in heart rate and blood pressure. These changes in response to moderate doses were independent of age, required no pharmacologic interventions, and did not result in any adverse events; however, high dose dexmedetomidine can be associated with significant bradycardia.110,110a In addition, treatment of dexmedetomidine-induced bradycardia with glycopyrrolate (5 μg/kg) has been associated with severe persistent hypertension.110b
Dexmedetomidine is used as a premedication agent, during diagnostic studies and procedural sedation, to reduce emergence delirium, in the treatment of symptoms associated with opioid withdrawal, and as an adjuvant agent in the operating room and postoperative settings.111 In children with CHD, its benefits have been reported during monitored anesthesia care, diagnostic and interventional cardiac catheterization, intraoperative sedation, after cardiac and thoracic surgery, as a primary agent during invasive procedures, and in the treatment of perioperative atrial and junctional tachyarrhythmias.112–119 This medication has also been used in children with pulmonary hypertension with good results.120,121
The effects of dexmedetomidine on cardiac electrophysiology have been examined in children; the drug significantly depresses sinus and atrioventricular nodal function.122 Other findings included a reduction in the heart rate and increases in arterial blood pressure. Hammer and colleagues concluded that this medication should be considered undesirable for electrophysiologic studies and that it could be associated with adverse effects in patients at risk for bradycardia or atrioventricular block.122 In contrast, another study concluded that dexmedetomidine was not associated with any significant or any atypical ECG interval abnormalities, except for a trend toward a decrease in heart rate in children with CHD.123 Until additional data are available, it may be prudent to exercise caution when considering the use of dexmedetomidine in children with conduction abnormalities.
Although the experience suggests an overall safety profile in children with CHD, fragile patients may not tolerate the heart rate and blood pressure fluctuations associated with dexmedetomidine administration. Significant adverse effects have been described that include severe bradycardia progressing to asystole.124
Opioids and benzodiazepines are widely used medications in pediatric anesthesia practice. Opioids attenuate the neuroendocrine stress response associated with anesthesia and surgery.125,126 After repair of CHD, these medications have been shown to blunt the stress response in the pulmonary circulation elicited by airway manipulations.127 Morphine administration may be associated with histamine release and hypotension. The synthetic opioids are devoid of these effects and provide excellent hemodynamic stability with minimal changes in heart rate and blood pressure in children with CHD.128 The primary concern about opioid administration is their central respiratory depressant effects because their primary cardiovascular manifestations are minimal. Benzodiazepines provide sedation and amnesia during the perioperative period. Midazolam administration may allow a reduction in the inspired concentration of inhalational anesthetic agents, which is a desirable feature in children with labile hemodynamics or in those considered at great risk for the myocardial depressant properties of inhalational anesthetics. Studies of the effects of benzodiazepines in children with CHD are limited.129
Neuromuscular blocking drugs facilitate endotracheal intubation and prevent reflex movement during surgery if the anesthetics alone are insufficient. All inhalational anesthetics potentiate the effects of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants. These medications have various onsets and durations of action and diverse hemodynamic effects. The cardiovascular and autonomic effects of muscle relaxants have been characterized mainly in adults with acquired cardiovascular disease130–133 (see also Chapter 6). Drug selection is based on the need to facilitate endotracheal intubation and surgical relaxation, hemodynamic side effects, and the anticipated duration of surgery.
Induction of Anesthesia
Induction of anesthesia in children with CHD most commonly can be accomplished using the inhaled or intravenous route. The intramuscular route (i.e., ketamine administration) may be preferable in some cases, particularly in an uncooperative, developmentally delayed, or combative child. Less common induction techniques include subcutaneous, intranasal, and rectal administration of agents. These various approaches may also be used in combination (see Chapter 4).
If intravenous access is not available, an inhalational induction is performed in most cases. A carefully titrated inhalational induction and early placement of an intravenous catheter usually is safe even in children with moderate hemodynamic disturbances, particularly after premedication has been given. This produces loss of consciousness, with acceptable conditions for establishing intravenous access. Inhalational induction may be delayed in cyanotic children and those with right-to-left shunts, particularly for anesthetics with reduced blood solubility, because the decreased pulmonary blood flow limits the rate of increase in the concentration of the anesthetic in the systemic arterial blood. The rapidity of an inhalational induction is increased in the presence of a reduced cardiac output because the anesthetic partial pressure in the alveoli increases more rapidly as less anesthetic is removed by the smaller pulmonary blood flow (see Chapter 6). Left-to-right intracardiac shunts have limited effects on the speed of induction of inhaled anesthetics.
Postoperative Care
Hemoglobin or hematocrit values are monitored as a measure of oxygen-carrying capability in cases in which significant blood loss or the administration of fluids might have occurred. Serum electrolytes are screened if fluid shifts have taken place during the surgical and postoperative periods. Although digoxin is now used less frequently, particular attention should be given to the avoidance of hypokalemia in children receiving this drug. Serum glucose levels should be followed in neonates and small infants and dextrose-containing fluids administered as appropriate. Determination of ionized calcium (iCa2+) levels may be indicated for patients with a history of DiGeorge sequence because of a propensity for hypocalcemia. The required fluid replacement is dictated by the child’s heart defect, type of surgery performed, and volume losses (see Chapters 8 and 10).
Perioperative Problems and Special Considerations
Cyanosis is a common finding in children with defects characterized by limited pulmonary blood flow or intracardiac mixing. As surgical management strategies evolve to target the youngest of infants, the effects of cyanosis may be limited in these children. However, in those requiring delayed surgery, palliation, or staged correction of their defects, the effects of cyanosis may be long lasting. Chronic hypoxemia affects all major organ systems. Compensatory mechanisms that attempt to provide adequate systemic oxygen delivery in the presence of chronic hypoxemia include polycythemia, increases in blood volume, alterations in oxygen uptake and delivery, and neovascularization. Despite the favorable effects of the adaptive responses, these alterations may be detrimental. Polycythemia, the most significant compensatory response, is associated with increases in blood viscosity and red cell sludging. The common occurrence of iron-deficiency anemia in cyanotic children further enhances hyperviscosity and the unfavorable consequences of this condition. Several hemostatic abnormalities (e.g., thrombocytopenia, altered platelet function, and clotting factor abnormalities) have been documented as a result of hypoxemia and erythrocytosis that may affect the coagulation system and increase perioperative risks.134–139 This is compounded by increased tissue vascularity, with a large number of blood vessels per unit of tissue.
The increased blood viscosity in children with cyanosis is associated with stasis and a risk for thrombotic events.140 If the hematocrit exceeds 65% preoperatively, some clinicians advocate phlebotomy to reduce the hematocrit to 60% to 65%. This limits sludging of red blood cells and increases oxygen delivery to tissues. If blood is removed by preoperative phlebotomy, it may be saved for autologous transfusion in the perioperative period.
Tetralogy Spells
Hypercyanotic episodes may result from further decreases in pulmonary blood flow in children with tetralogy (i.e., tet spells) and significant dynamic right ventricular outflow tract obstruction. Tet spells are rare during noncardiac surgery, probably because general anesthesia attenuates the triggers. Occasionally, however, increased cyanosis may occur without warning in response to obscure stimuli. Whatever the cause, worsening cyanosis implies increases in dynamic obstruction and exacerbation of ventricular-level right-to-left shunting. Factors that decrease systemic blood pressure and systemic vascular resistance, such as hypovolemia and extreme vasodilation, should be avoided. Therapy consists of increasing blood volume and systemic vascular resistance, the latter using either phenylephrine 5 µg/kg IV initially and then 1 to 5 µg/kg/min by continuous infusion or norepinephrine 0.5 µg/kg IV initially and then 0.1 to 0.5 µg/kg/min by continuous infusion. Increasing the inspired oxygen concentration and reducing inspiratory ventilatory pressures may also produce clinical improvement. Additional therapies include increasing the level of sedation or anesthetic depth and β-adrenergic blockade (esmolol [50 μg/kg/min] has largely replaced propranolol in this setting) (see also Chapters 15 and 16). Pulmonary vascular resistance does not play a major role in the physiology of hypercyanotic episodes in tetralogy of Fallot.
Heart Failure
In a retrospective review of 21 children with severe heart failure who underwent 28 general anesthetics, 10% had a cardiac arrest requiring unplanned postoperative admission to the intensive care unit, and 96% required perioperative inotropic support. The investigators concluded that general anesthesia for children with severe heart failure is associated with a significant complication rate.141
Ventricular Dysfunction
In children with cardiomyopathy that was accompanied by severe ventricular dysfunction, general anesthesia for noncardiac procedures was associated with an increased frequency of complications.142 They often required hospital support before and after the procedure that in many cases included intensive care management. Hospital stay was prolonged for children with severe ventricular dysfunction compared with those with a lesser degree of impairment. Based on these findings, early consideration of perioperative intensive care support was recommended for monitoring and optimization of cardiovascular therapy.142
Pulmonary Hypertension
A less common entity is increased pulmonary vascular resistance, which may be reactive or fixed. The diagnosis is formally determined at cardiac catheterization and involves pulmonary vascular reactivity testing. Pulmonary hypertension and increased pulmonary vascular resistance represent risks for major perioperative complications in children, regardless of cause.143,144
Several factors can increase pulmonary vascular tone (Table 21-2). Therapy should be aggressive in the acute setting, aimed at reducing pulmonary artery pressures with interventions such as additional sedation, hyperventilation, hyperoxygenation, and treatment of acidosis. The use of selective pulmonary vasodilators (e.g., inhaled nitric oxide, other agents) and inotropic support of the right ventricle may be indicated. Manipulation of pulmonary hemodynamics is challenged by the difficulty of directly measuring these parameters in children. Management of critical situations requires a thorough understanding of the pathophysiologic process and experienced clinical judgment. Because of the significant morbidity and potential periprocedural mortality for children with a history of severe pulmonary hypertension, an in-depth evaluation of the risk/benefit ratio of the planned procedure and its impact on the overall quality of life is essential.
TABLE 21-2 Factors Associated with Increased Pulmonary Vascular Tone
Endocarditis Prophylaxis
The latest guidelines of the American Heart Association for the prevention of infective endocarditis indicate that routine antibiotic prophylaxis is no longer needed for most children with CHD (see Table 14-4).145 In contrast to earlier guidelines, the administration of antibiotics solely to prevent endocarditis is not recommended for children undergoing genitourinary or gastrointestinal tract procedures, although neither of these subspecialty professional bodies have fully adopted the new guidelines. It is important to discuss the need for prophylaxis with the responsible physician.
The guidelines target individuals at increased risk for a poor outcome if they develop endocarditis (see Chapter 14). Preventive antibiotics for dental procedures are recommended for children with the following conditions:
History of infective endocarditis
Unrepaired cyanotic CHD, including palliative shunts and conduits
Completely repaired congenital heart defect with prosthetic material or a prosthetic device, whether placed by surgery or by catheter intervention, during the first 6 months after the procedure
Repaired CHD with residual defects at the site or adjacent to the site of a prosthetic patch or prosthetic device (which inhibit endothelialization)
Cardiac transplant recipients who develop cardiac valvulopathy
Anticoagulants, antiplatelet drugs, and thrombolytic agents are increasingly being used in children, particularly in those with CHD.146–150 Decisions regarding management are primarily influenced by the nature of the procedure, urgency of the intervention, specific drug therapy, and expected effects or laboratory data. The major concern is the potential for bleeding. Recommendations for the management of children taking warfarin (Coumadin) vary widely.151–153 The proposed strategies are quite heterogeneous, and the lack of consensus reflects the paucity of randomized trials addressing this issue. The problem is further complicated by the lack of guidelines specific to pediatric practice.154
If the indications for anticoagulation are for native valve disease or atrial arrhythmias, the risk of a major thromboembolic event is considered to be relatively small, and warfarin may be discontinued 1 to 2 weeks before the day of surgery. In those with mechanical prosthetic valves, the risk of thromboembolic events is greater. Many recommend discontinuing the oral anticoagulant a few days before surgery and allowing the prothrombin time to return to within 20% of normal.151 Administration of parenteral vitamin K or clotting factors, including fresh frozen plasma (FFP), may be required to restore the prothrombin time within an acceptable range, especially in those with liver disease and in emergency cases. Some experts advise preoperative hospitalization, particularly in high-risk individuals such as those with mitral or combined valve prostheses, to discontinue warfarin therapy and to initiate a heparin infusion, which is continued up until a few hours before surgery. Others suggest that low-molecular-weight heparin may be the better option instead of unfractionated heparin because the perioperative conversion from warfarin therapy to heparin can be accomplished without the need for hospitalization.152
The risk of bleeding from the surgical intervention versus the risk of a thromboembolism from a reduced anticoagulant dose determines to what extent and for what duration the anticoagulant therapy should be reduced. In some cases, the cardiologist and surgeon may decide to temporarily use aspirin therapy before and after surgery. There is disagreement regarding whether antiplatelet therapy is preferable to anticoagulation in children with prosthetic aortic valves or after certain surgical interventions.155–158
Conduction Disturbances and Arrhythmias
Acute rhythm disturbances may occur with the use of any anesthetic agent or technique and may be related to several factors. The administration of agents with vagolytic or sympathomimetic properties requires consideration in patients with prior history of or pathology associated with arrhythmias. Bradycardia may occur during induction of anesthesia, laryngoscopy, and endotracheal intubation, particularly in infants and in children with Down syndrome.159–161 In most cases, bradycardia is self-limited and requires no therapy.
Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators
An in-depth discussion of perioperative considerations related to implanted pacemakers or defibrillators can be found in Chapter 14. Consultation with a cardiologist or electrophysiologist is essential when caring for children with implanted devices. Unit interrogation and programming are required in most cases. The main goal is to avoid problems with hardware malfunction related to electromagnetic interference (i.e., electrocautery). Chronotropic agents and backup pacing modalities (e.g., transvenous, epicardial, transcutaneous) should be readily available and carefully considered in the event of pacemaker malfunction associated with an inadequate underlying heart rate. A magnet should be accessible to enable asynchronous pacing if required. Perioperative ECG monitoring is essential, as well as the use of modalities that can confirm pulse generation during pacing. Implanted devices should be interrogated and reprogrammed after the procedure.
Eisenmenger Syndrome
Eisenmenger syndrome is characterized by irreversible pulmonary vascular disease and cyanosis related to reversal in the direction of an intracardiac or arterial level shunt.162,163 This is unlikely to occur in the current surgical era, but it may occasionally occur in older children, adolescents, or adults with CHD. Morbidity is linked to problems associated with chronic cyanosis and erythrocytosis. Other problems include hemoptysis, gout, cholelithiasis, hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, and decreased renal function. Variables associated with poor outcome include syncope, increased right ventricular end-diastolic pressure, and significant hypoxemia (i.e., systemic arterial oxygen saturation less than 85%). Life expectancy is significantly reduced.164 Most succumb suddenly, probably from ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Surgical modalities that have been advocated in selected patients include combined heart and lung transplantation165 and lung transplantation alone.166
Despite the overall poor prognosis and the extremely high risk of a bad outcome, several reports have documented successes with a variety of anesthetic techniques and agents.167–171 Nevertheless, it is vital that the family and patient, if of appropriate age, understand these risks before undertaking any procedure requiring anesthesia or deep sedation.
Cardiac Transplantation
Cardiac transplantation may be considered the best option in end-stage cardiac pathology as a result of congenital or acquired disease.172,173 A major consideration in the care of these children is the lack of external nerve supply of the transplanted heart. The physiology of the denervated heart implies that the usual autonomic regulatory mechanisms are not operational, increasing the vulnerability of transplanted children to hemodynamic alterations.174 Compensatory responses may be delayed, further increasing the potential for compromise.

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