Acute kidney injury

16.1 Acute kidney injury


Acute kidney injury (AKI), or acute renal failure (ARF), means any acute reduction in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), i.e. in the excretory function of the kidneys, with oliguria (<0.5 mL kg–1 hr–1 in children or <1 mL kg–1 hr–1 in infants) or anuria, and a rise in plasma creatinine. Occasionally it is non-oliguric. It may evolve over hours (e.g. hypoxic–ischaemic cause) or days (e.g. glomerulonephritis). AKI caused by acquired renal disease presenting to the emergency department (ED) is rare. However, it is common in hospitalised critically ill children, where it is associated with significant mortality. AKI caused by shock states may be preventable by attending to circulating volume.

Classically, AKI has been divided into three broad categories, but pathophysiological processes overlap, and the first and second groups can lead to the third when severe or prolonged.


See Table 16.1.1.

Table 16.1.1 Causes of AKI

a Sometimes nephrotic syndrome caused by mesangiocapillary GN may present with features similar to acute post-streptococcal GN.

b In developed countries HUS and post-streptococcal GN are the commonest causes presenting to the ED, whereas in tropical countries ‘prerenal’ causes predominate outside the hospital environment.

c Various infectious agents can produce nephritis similar to that of post-streptococcal GN (e.g. Mycoplasma, Leptospira, atypical Mycobacterium, Varicella, cytomegalovirus, Epstein–Barr virus, Toxoplasma, Rickettsia, hepatitis B and C).

There are many causes of oliguria other than AKI. Beware of urine retention or a blocked bladder catheter before assuming true oliguria (Table 16.1.2).

Table 16.1.2 Causes of oliguria

Table 16.1.3 Causes of polyuria

Table 16.1.4 Causes of water retention and oedema

Table 16.1.5 Causes of uraemia



The kidney has three principal areas of function:

Normal GFR is around 1 mL kg–1 min–1 in newborn infants, rising to 2 mL kg–1 min–1 in adults, but there is wide variation between and within individuals, reflected in wide variations in plasma creatinine (PCr) in normal children. Measurement of GFR is unhelpful in the acute situation. Creatinine clearance approximates to GFR. Plasma creatinine reflects GFR because creatinine production is remarkably constant, both within and between individuals, and is related to muscle mass. It is around 100 μmol kg–1 day–1 in infants, rising to around 200 μmol kg–1 day–1 in adults. There is a little absorption from, or secretion into, the tubule and this is abolished by Histamine-2 (H2) receptor antagonists. In AKI with complete cessation of glomerular function, plasma creatinine (PCr) increases by up to 150 μmol L–1 day–1 in infants and 300 μmol L–1 day–1 in adults. In less severe AKI, PCr rises by >50 μmol L–1 day–1. In stable renal function, GFR can be estimated by the formula: 70/PCr mL kg–1 min–1 in infants or 140/PCr mL kg–1 min–1 in adults, but this is an approximation. The formula does not hold true if GFR is changing.

Although there are published tables of PCr and GFR according to age, gender and size, the variability and different PCr assays in use preclude their being of much use in interpreting isolated creatinine results. A normal plasma creatinine does not exclude AKI. Generally any creatinine >100 μmol L–1 is abnormal, but in infants > 50 should raise a suspicion of impaired GFR, in a 5-year-old >70, in a 10-year-old >80, and in a 15-year-old >100. More important is the rate of increase of plasma creatinine in AKI, which takes 12–24 hours to become evident.

Renal blood flow (RBF) is normally very high (one quarter of cardiac output) in order to effect glomerular filtration. It is auto regulated over a wide perfusion pressure range. Normally 20% of the renal plasma flow is filtered. Up to 50% of urea is reabsorbed, more in oliguric states; hence plasma urea may reflect dehydration more than GFR. The high metabolic rate (for tubular reabsorption) and high endothelial mass (greater than any other organ by weight) make the kidney vulnerable to hypoxia and ischaemia.

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