Acute Cardiac Related Pain and Differential Diagnoses
Kunal Mandavawala
Stuart M. Sacks
Kheng Sze Chan
Medical Cardiac Pain
Ischemic Heart Disease
One of the most common presentations of acute pain that is of cardiac origin falls into the category of ischemic heart disease, which includes stable angina pectoris as well as the acute coronary syndromes (ACS). The pain that ensues is due to a narrowing or complete occlusion of one of the coronary arteries or its branches, which leads to an imbalance between blood supply and oxygen demand and thus inadequate perfusion of the myocardial tissue. The four major factors that determine oxygen demand include heart rate, systolic blood pressure (afterload), myocardial wall tension or stress (preload), and myocardial contractility. Myocardial oxygen supply is influenced by the diameter of the coronary arteries, coronary perfusion pressure, and heart rate. Heart rate is relevant as coronary artery flow occurs primary in diastole, which shortens with increasing heart rates.1
Coronary Artery Anatomy
Blood supply to myocardial tissue arises from the coronary arteries, which branch off of the aorta as the left and right coronary arteries. The left coronary artery further branches into the left anterior descending artery and the left circumflex artery (LCX). The right coronary artery gives rise to the posterior descending artery (PDA), which provides blood supply to the posterior and inferior wall of the left ventricle, in 70%-80% of the population, who are referred to as having a right dominant coronary circulation. Five percent to ten percent of the population are left heart dominant, with the PDA originating from the LCX, and 10%-20% are codominant, with the PDA being supplied by both the LCX and right coronary artery.2 This becomes relevant, as the PDA gives off branches, which supply the atrioventricular node.
Stable Angina
Stable angina pectoris is a result of fixed atherosclerotic lesions that cause narrowing of one or more coronary arteries. Patients with stable angina pectoris tend to experience a pain or pressure sensation in the substernal area, which can radiate to the left arm, shoulder, or jaw, by the mechanism of referred pain.3 Pain associated with this condition is typically not present at rest but occurs predictably with physical activity or emotional stress. Pain and other associated symptoms, which can include exertional dyspnea, fatigue, and/or nausea (termed “anginal equivalents”), remit with rest or nitroglycerin.4 Typically, the patient will have difficulty localizing the pain to a specific location.
Should symptoms be present for at least 2 months with no change in severity, character, or triggering factors, then the patient is defined as having chronic stable angina.5
Diagnosis of stable angina is typically by history and physical examination, as well as ECG and laboratory studies. History most often will illustrate chest pain or other anginal equivalents, which arise with activity or stress and remit with rest or nitroglycerin. If an ECG is obtained during the time of anginal symptoms, it will often show ST segment depression, but an ECG may be normal when a patient is asymptomatic. Thus, stress testing is often performed in patients who are asymptomatic at the time of initial evaluation.6
In terms of laboratory studies, cardiac biomarkers (eg, troponin, CK-MB) may also be helpful. However, in a patient with true stable angina pectoris, these markers tend to be negative, as increased biomarkers tend to indicate myocardial injury and thus a diagnosis of ACS.7
Medical treatment of the pain associated with stable angina pectoris has two components: (1) prevention of anginal symptoms and (2) acute symptom management.
There are multiple medications that are commonly utilized as antianginal therapy and include beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, nitrates, and the newer medication, ranolazine. They may be used as monotherapy, but combination therapy is often needed for optimal symptom control.
Beta-blockers tend to be used as first-line treatment, as the resulting decrease in heart rate both leads to an increase in supply (longer diastolic time) and decrease in demand. The decrease in demand can also be attributed to a decrease in myocardial contractility.
Should patients be unable to tolerate a beta-blocker, other therapies such as long-acting nitrates or calcium channel blockers may be used.
Calcium channel blockers can be used as monotherapy or combination therapy, and their mechanism of pain relief is a result of coronary and peripheral vasodilation and reduction in contractility.
Long-acting nitrates reduce time to onset of angina and improve exercise tolerance.
Combination therapy may also be useful,8 and ranolazine, a sodium channel blocker, can be added should other therapies fail.
The cornerstone of treatment for acute anginal symptoms is the use of short-acting nitrates, which is administered sublingually. Should nitrates fail to relieve pain, concern for progression to an ACS arises.
Revascularization via percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is often indicated for patients who fail medical therapy or do not tolerate medical therapy. For patients who do not have symptom control with medical therapy, PCI often improves symptoms.9 Other interventions such as coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) may also be indicated depending on the severity and location of coronary lesions; however, such guidelines are beyond the scope of this book.
Other treatment modalities
Thoracic epidural
Cardiac sympathetic blockade via the use of thoracic epidural anesthesia has been shown to dilate coronary arteries and has been used for pain control in patients with unstable angina. It has shown to be effective, as perceived pain from myocardial ischemia is mediated by sympathetic afferent nerves.9 Thoracic epidural anesthesia has also been effectively utilized for patients with refractory angina with significant improvement in quality of life.10
Enhanced external counterpulsation
Enhanced external counterpulsation is a noninvasive FDA-approved therapy for refractory angina. The mechanism of action is similar to that of an intra-aortic balloon pump in that a
vigorous pressure pulse is applied during diastole to allow for improved coronary perfusion. Unlike an intra-aortic balloon pump, however, this is accomplished by external blood pressure cuffs, rather than an internal device. Studies have shown that enhanced external counterpulsation likely results in an improved quality of life as a result of improved anginal symptoms. There is class IIb evidence to support its use.11
vigorous pressure pulse is applied during diastole to allow for improved coronary perfusion. Unlike an intra-aortic balloon pump, however, this is accomplished by external blood pressure cuffs, rather than an internal device. Studies have shown that enhanced external counterpulsation likely results in an improved quality of life as a result of improved anginal symptoms. There is class IIb evidence to support its use.11
Transmyocardial laser revascularization
Transmyocardial laser revascularization is a treatment utilized for refractory angina when CABG or PCI is not indicated. The proposed mechanism is that transmyocardial laser revascularization stimulates angiogenesis, which results in reduction of anginal symptoms. It has been shown to lower angina scores, increase exercise tolerance time, and improve patients’ perceptions of quality of life.12
Spinal cord stimulation
Investigation into other treatment modalities for refractory angina pectoris is underway. This includes the use of spinal cord stimulation, which was first described as a therapy for chronic refractory angina in 1987.13 This is a therapy that stimulates the spinal cord to relieve pain via a low-voltage current. The proposed mechanism is via the “gate control” theory of pain, and it is proposed that the electrical stimulation “closes the gate” and inhibits the conduction of pain signals to the brain from the initial source.14 Currently, the use of spinal cord stimulation remains a class IIb recommendation with a level of evidence of B and C.15
Acute Coronary Syndromes
The three presentations of ACS include unstable angina (UA), acute non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). In patients who have known angina, there are various presentations that should raise concern for an ACS: angina at rest for more than 20 minutes, new-onset angina that significantly limits activity, and increasing angina that is more frequent, longer, or occurs with less exertion than previous episodes.
Unstable angina is diagnosed in patients who present with any of the above presentations, with or without changes on ECG, and who do NOT have detectable cardiac biomarkers such as troponin.
Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction is clinically difficult to differentiate from UA but presents with elevated troponins as the differentiating factor.
ST-elevation myocardial infarction presents with symptoms of myocardial ischemia in addition to ST elevation or a new left bundle-branch block on ECG as well as elevated cardiac biomarkers.16
The mechanism of pain associated with ACS is identical to that of stable angina, but the pain associated with ACS is persistent.
Management of these patients is a combination of medical management, which includes pain relief, +/− revascularization. Medications administered to patients suspected of having ACS include 325-mg aspirin, sublingual +/− IV nitroglycerin, beta-blockade (if the patient does not have signs of heart failure or bradycardia), morphine (for pain), heparin, and atorvastatin.
For patients with a diagnosis of STEMI, revascularization is at the core of treatment. Primary PCI is the strongly preferred treatment, but fibrinolysis may be utilized if PCI is not available, and fibrinolysis is not contraindicated. All patients should additionally receive dual antiplatelet therapy and anticoagulation (regardless of whether fibrinolysis is used).17
Surgical intervention is infrequently performed in patients with STEMI and is typically seen following a failed or complicated PCI, patients in cardiogenic shock, or patients with mechanical complications of MI.
For patients with a diagnosis of UA or NSTEMI, all patients should receive dual antiplatelet therapy and anticoagulation regardless of whether PCI is performed.18 Should these patients receive revascularization, PCI is typical, though in patients with multivessel disease, CABG is often preferred.19
Should ACS be associated with cocaine use, one must be sure to avoid the use of betablockade, and benzodiazepines may be used to relieve symptoms.
Vasospastic angina
Vasospastic angina is an alternative condition, which is a result of vasospasm in patients who may or may not have obstructive coronary lesions. It clinically presents with rest angina associated with ST elevation or ST depression on ECG, and pain typically promptly responds to sublingual nitrates. Diagnosis has three components: nitrate responsiveness, transient ischemic ECG changes with no obvious cause, and angiographic evidence of coronary artery spasm. Risk factors and triggers include certain drugs such as cocaine.
Chronic treatment focuses on prevention of recurrence and typically includes the use of calcium channel blockers. Long-acting nitrates are second line for chronic treatment. Nonselective beta-blockers should be avoided due to the possibility of unopposed alpha stimulation of the coronary vessels.20
Acute pericarditis/myocarditis
The pericardium is a fibroelastic sac that surrounds the heart composed of two layers: an outer fibrous layer and an inner serous layer. Pericardial fluid is contained between these two layers.
Acute pericarditis is the result of inflammation of the pericardial sac. Patients with acute pericarditis tend to present with chest pain of sudden onset that can be described as sharp and pleuritic (worsened with cough or inspiration), and it improves with sitting up and leaning forward. Sitting up and leaning forward relieves pain via a reduction of pressure on the parietal pericardium. Pain associated with this condition may also radiate to the trapezius ridge. Radiation of pain is due to referred pain.21
In developed countries, the most common cause is presumed to be viral in origin, and pericarditis often follows a flulike or gastrointestinal syndrome. In developing countries, tuberculosis is the most common cause. Other causes include autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, hypothyroidism, radiation, cancer, and postcardiac injury syndrome, which can manifest after procedures such as PCI, pacemaker insertion, or transcatheter aortic valve replacement. However, often a cause is not found, and most cases are classified as idiopathic.
Diagnosis involves a combination of history, physical examination, laboratory, and imaging studies. History involves chest pain with characteristics described above. On physical examination, patients may have a pericardial friction rub that can be heard with the patient leaning forward as a result of friction caused by inflammation between the layers of the pericardium. ECG findings classically show diffuse ST elevation and PR depression.
Should patients have involvement of the myocardium, troponin may be elevated but does not indicate prognosis in these patients.22 If there is severe involvement of the myocardium, LV wall motion may be severely depressed. Inflammatory markers, such as ESR, and CRP are elevated in most cases but are not specific for this condition. Studies have shown, however, that high-sensitivity CRP identifies patients who have a higher risk of recurrence.23
Imaging also aids in diagnosis, and often echocardiography is all that is needed. Imaging can help identify complications such as tamponade and constrictive pericarditis as well as to identify and quantify any associated pericardial effusion. It can also be used to assess myocardial function in the setting of possible myocardial involvement.24
Anti-inflammatory medication is the primary treatment for acute pericarditis and its associated pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the first-line treatment in these patients. Options include ibuprofen, indomethacin, and ketorolac (if patients cannot take oral medications). If patients have concomitant coronary artery disease, aspirin is preferred to NSAIDs. Colchicine, a microtubule inhibitor, should also be added as it has been shown to reduce “incessant and recurrent pericarditis.”25 Steroids have been used as second- or third-line treatments, with low-dose steroids being superior to high-dose steroids, with lowdose steroids having a lower rate of treatment failure and recurrence.26 Trials investigating other anti-inflammatory agents, such as IL-1 inhibitors, are underway.
Invasive interventions are indicated for patients who develop tamponade or constrictive pericarditis. In the case of cardiac tamponade, pericardiocentesis or a surgical pericardial window is indicated. Should a patient have constrictive pericarditis with active inflammation, anti-inflammatory therapy is attempted first, and pericardiectomy is performed in refractory cases. Should constrictive pericarditis be present without active inflammation, pericardiectomy is the first-line treatment.
Aortic dissection
Aortic dissection is a rare clinical condition that presents acutely with severe chest or back pain and acute hemodynamic instability. Most commonly, aortic dissections result from an intimal tear leading to a “dissection” of blood that courses along the tunica media and separates the tissues along its course. Dissections can course as far as the iliac arteries or even further.
There are various complications associated with aortic dissection, which may include rupture into the pericardium leading to tamponade, acute dissection of the aortic valvular annulus leading to acute aortic regurgitation, dissection extension into the coronary arteries leading to myocardial infarction, and renal or other end-organ failure due to obstruction of branches such as the renal arteries or carotid arteries.
There are two anatomical classifications to aortic dissection, the Debakey and Stanford classifications, but the Stanford (Daily) system is more widely used. Dissections involving the ascending aorta are classified as type A dissections, while those that involve sites distal to the ascending aorta are classified as type B dissections.
Risk factors for aortic dissection include hypertension (the most important factor), cocaine use (leads to an abrupt change in blood pressure), connective tissue disorders such as Marfan or Ehlers-Danlos syndromes, preexisting aortic aneurysm, bicuspid aortic valve, aortic instrumentation or surgery, coarctation of the aorta, Turner syndrome, and vasculitides such as Takayasu and giant cell arteritis.27,28
Patients with acute aortic dissection can have variable symptoms depending on the extent of dissection and the structures affected. Pain associated with this condition is most commonly abrupt, knifelike, and is located in the chest or back. Patients describe this as pain they have never experienced before. Type A dissections tend to be associated with more pain in the anterior chest, while type B dissections tend to be associated with more pain in the back. Pain can radiate anywhere in the thorax or the abdomen. Syncope, heart failure, or stroke may be other presenting symptoms, though painless dissection is relatively uncommon.
Other symptoms that may be noted include pulse differential between extremities due to extension to the subclavian artery in some cases. In addition, lower extremity pulses may be affected if the dissection extends to the iliac vessels. Patients may also have focal neurological deficits as well as acute aortic valve regurgitation.
Diagnosis of aortic dissection is often a combination of history, physical examination, and imaging studies. CT angiography is the most common imaging study used for diagnosis if the patient is hemodynamically stable, but TEE can also be used. In fact, TEE is typically recommended for diagnosis if the patient is hemodynamically unstable, as this suggests involvement of the ascending aorta.29
Management varies depending if the patient has a type A or type B aortic dissection. In general, type A dissections require emergent surgery, whereas type B should be medically managed. Early management focuses on pain control and limiting propagation of the dissection via “impulse control” therapy. Typically, this involves controlling blood pressure by keeping systolic blood pressure between 100 and 120 mm Hg and heart rate <60 beats per minute. Common medications used for this purpose include esmolol or labetalol as well as vasodilators such as nitroprusside or nicardipine. Care must be taken that vasodilators are not begun until after beta-blockade is established, as vasodilators can lead to a reflex tachycardia. In terms of pain control, IV opioids are preferred.30
As stated above, a type A aortic dissection is a surgical emergency. A type B dissection that shows evidence of malperfusion is treated with aortic stent-grafting or surgery, but a type B dissection without malperfusion can be managed medically with impulse control and serial imaging.
Surgical Cardiac Pain
General anatomical considerations
A median sternotomy is the most common incision for open heart surgeries, as it affords the best access to the mediastinum and provides for easier exposure of every chamber and valve of the heart, with the exception of the posterior-lying left atrium.31 A median sternotomy involves a longitudinal incision through the sternum, which is composed of three parts: the manubrium, body, and xiphoid process. In broad terms, the anterior thoracic wall is innervated by the intercostal nerves, which are formed by the anterior rami of the T1-T11 spinal nerves.32 After exiting the intervertebral foramina, these nerves travel anteriorly in between the innermost and internal intercostal muscles. As they pass the internal mammary artery, they rise anteriorly and become the anterior cutaneous branch of the intercostal nerves.3 More specifically, the anterior thoracic wall is innervated by the anterior cutaneous branches of the 2nd-6th intercostal nerves, while the posterior and lateral walls are innervated by the 2nd-11th intercostal nerves. Each thoracic nerve provides innervation to a striplike dermatome of the chest wall, with the exception of T1, which typically supplies only a small portion of the back and most of the medial forearm.32 The area overlying the manubrium and superior-most aspects of the sternal body is innervated by the supraclavicular nerve, which arises from the C3 and C4 nerve roots. A dermatomal map is illustrated in Figure 13.1.

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