Accidental Hypothermia

Chapter 5 Accidental Hypothermia

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Although used for medical purposes for millennia, cold modalities were not scientifically evaluated until the 18th century. The hemostatic, analgesic, and therapeutic effects of cold on various conditions were well known. Biblical references cite truncal rewarming of King David by a damsel; various remedies were mentioned by Hippocrates, Aristotle, and Galen.270 Folklore from Maine still recounts the buggy ride of “Frozen Charlotte.”

The effects of cold on human performance are perhaps best documented in military history.62,247 Frosty conditions have decided many battles.137 Numerous casualties occur even in training, such as four students of the U.S. Army Ranger School in 1995. Most cold injuries encountered today affect the urban destitute and wilderness and sports enthusiasts, such as skiers, hunters, sailors, climbers, and swimmers.6,164,298 The popularity of Arctic and mountain expeditions has increased the number of persons at risk.2,156 Among those challenging the environment are climbers of Mt Everest, Mt Hood, and Mt McKinley.127,233,257


In most countries, primary hypothermia deaths are considered violent and are classified as accidental, homicidal, or suicidal.39 Deaths from secondary hypothermia are usually considered natural complications of systemic disorders, including trauma, carcinoma, and sepsis. The true incidence of secondary hypothermia throughout the world is unknown because hypothermic persons found indoors usually have other serious and diverting medical illnesses. In addition, delays are common between hospital admission and death, so secondary hypothermia is significantly underreported. In contrast, death certificate data more accurately quantify primary hypothermia.80

Hypothermia occurs in various locations and in all seasons.244,315,363 In a multicenter North American survey of 428 cases of civilian accidental hypothermia, 69 occurred in Florida.59,342 Urban settings account for the majority of cases in most industrialized countries.59,168,331 There is an annual average of over 600 deaths attributed to primary hypothermia in the United States. Around one-half of these fatalities are in patients over age 65 years.40,151,152

The reason for any year-to-year decline in fatalities is unknown. Of note, the incidence of secondary hypothermia fatalities is far greater, but there are no reliable histologic criteria to confirm that hypothermia is the cause of death.279


Accidental hypothermia is best defined as the unintentional decrease of around 2° C (3.6° F) in the “normal” core temperature of 37.2° to 37.7° C (99.0° to 99.9° F) without disease in the preoptic and anterior hypothalamic nuclei (Table 5-1). Classically, hypothermia is defined as a core temperature below 35° C (95° F). Hypothermia is both a symptom and a clinical disease entity. When sufficient heat cannot be generated to maintain homeostasis and core temperature drops below 30° C (86° F), the patient becomes poikilothermic and cools to the ambient temperature.204,306

TABLE 5-1 Fahrenheit-to-Celsius Conversion Scale

Fahrenheit Celsius*
95 35.00
94 34.44
93 33.89
92 33.33
91 32.78
90 32.22
89 31.67
88 31.11
87 30.56
86 30.00
85 29.44
84 28.89
83 28.33
82 27.78
81 27.22
80 26.67
79 26.11
78 25.56
77 25.00
76 24.44
75 23.89
74 23.33
73 22.78
72 22.22
71 21.67
70 21.11
69 20.56
68 20.00
67 19.44
66 18.89
65 18.33
64 17.78
63 17.22
62 16.67
61 16.11
60 15.56
59 15.00
58 14.44
57 13.89
56 13.33
55 12.78
54 12.22
53 11.67
52 11.11
51 10.56
50 10.00
49 9.44
48 8.89
47 8.33
46 7.78
45 7.22
44 6.67
43 6.11
42 5.56
41 5.00
40 4.44
39 3.89
38 3.33
37 2.78
36 2.22
35 1.67
34 1.11
33 0.56
32 0.00

* C = (F − 32) × 5/9

F = 9/5 C + 32

Among clinical classifications, the most practical division includes healthy patients with simple environmental exposure (primary), those with specific diseases that produce hypothermia (secondary), and those with predisposing conditions. Other divisions that reflect the etiology of hypothermia include immersion versus nonimmersion, and acute versus chronic heat loss.225,249

Various physiologic stressors and other factors can impair thermoregulation.307 Age extremes, state of health and nutrition, type of exposure, and a multitude of intoxicants or medications can jeopardize thermostability by decreasing heat production or increasing heat loss. Physiologic stressors also include dehydration, sleep deprivation, and fatigue. These challenges increase heat loss via evaporation, radiation, conduction, and convection, and compensatory responses often fail.225 The resulting mortality rates range to well over 50% in many clinical series, depending largely on the severity of risk factors and on patient selection criteria.59,244,289,363

For safety, experimental investigations of induced hypothermia in human volunteers usually terminate cooling at about 35° C (95° F). Naturally, this precludes analysis of some of the more significant pathophysiologic features of moderate or severe hypothermia. Design limitations also occur in studies of anesthetized animals, because the results of these experiments require varying degrees of extrapolation to humans. For example, large differences exist both in the cardiovascular responses to interventions and in the amounts of peripheral musculature that are present, particularly in nonporcine animal models. As a result, clinical treatment recommendations must be predicated on the degree and duration of hypothermia and on the predisposing factors that are subsequently identified.125

Normal Physiology of Temperature Regulation

Warm-blooded animals maintain a precariously dynamic equilibrium between heat production and heat loss.166,167 The normal diurnal variation in humans is only 1° C (1.8° F). Because physiologic changes occurring in humans are modified by predisposing or contributory factors, the normal responses to severe temperature depression require significant extrapolation.229,258

Basal heat production usually averages 40 to 60 kcal/m2 of body surface area per hour, which approximates the heat from a 100-watt incandescent bulb. This increases with shivering thermogenesis,243 food ingestion, fever, activity, and cold stress. Normal thermoregulation in vertebrates involves transmitting cold sensation to hypothalamic neurons via the lateral spinothalamic tracts and the thalamus (Figure 5-1). The physiologic characteristics of the four zones of hypothermia appear in Table 5-2. A complete discussion of the physiology of thermoregulation and cold exposure is presented in Chapters 4 and 6.


Nervous System

Numbing cold depresses the central nervous system, producing impaired memory and judgment, slurred speech, and decreased consciousness. During cold-weather expeditions, leaders are prone to risk-taking behavior and its attendant trauma. Temperature-dependent enzyme systems in the brain do not function properly at cold temperatures that are well tolerated by the kidneys. As a result, most patients are comatose below 30° C (86° F), although some remain amazingly alert.147

Neurons are initially stimulated by a 1° C (1.8° F) drop in temperature, but the brain does not always cool uniformly during accidental hypothermia. After the initial increase, there is a linear decrease in cerebral metabolism by 6% to 10% per degree Celsius from 35° C (95° F) to 25° C (77° F). Hypothermia can afford cerebral protection because of the diminished cerebral metabolic requirements for oxygen.108

The electroencephalogram is abnormal below 33.5° C (92.3° F) and becomes silent at 19° to 20° C (66.2° to 68° F). The triphasic waves commonly noted in hypothermia are also observed in various metabolic, toxic, and diffuse encephalopathies. Visual evoked potentials, another objective measure of cerebral function, become smaller as the mercury drops. After cerebral cortical function becomes impaired, lower brainstem functions are also deranged.

Cerebrovascular autoregulation is protectively intact until the temperature drops below 25° C (77° F). Although vascular resistance is increased, blood flow is disproportionately redistributed to the brain. In canine studies, blood flow in the brain, muscle, kidneys, and myocardium recovers quickly to control levels after rewarming. Flow deficits persist in the pulmonary, digestive, and endocrine systems for up to 2 hours after rewarming.

Chilling the peripheral nervous system increases muscle tension and preshivering tone, eventually leading to shivering. Shivering, which is also centrally controlled, is a much more efficient heat producer than are voluntary muscle contractions of the extremities.

Cardiovascular System

Many cardiovascular responses caused by or associated with hypothermia are well described.206,207 Cold stress increases consumption of myocardial oxygen. Autonomic nervous system stimulation causes tachycardia and peripheral vasoconstriction, both of which increase systemic blood pressure and cardiac afterload.

As core temperature drops, there is a fairly linear decrease in pulse rate. After premonitory tachycardia, decremental bradycardia produces a 50% decrease in heart rate at 28° C (82.4° F). Because this bradycardia is caused by decreased spontaneous depolarization of pacemaker cells, it is refractory to atropinization. If there is a “relative” tachycardia not consistent with the degree of hypothermia, the clinician should be concerned. Associated conditions include occult trauma with hypovolemia, drug ingestion, and hypoglycemia.

During hypothermic bradycardia, unlike normothermia, systole is prolonged longer than diastole. In addition, the conduction system is much more sensitive to cold than is the myocardium, so the cardiac cycle is lengthened. Cold-induced changes in pH, oxygen, electrolytes, and nutrients also alter electrical conduction.224

Hypothermia progressively decreases mean arterial pressure and cardiac index. Cardiac output drops to about 45% of normal at 25° C (77° F). Systemic arterial resistance, determined by invasive hemodynamic monitoring, is increased. Even after rewarming, cardiovascular function may remain temporarily depressed, with impaired myocardial contractility, metabolism, and peripheral vascular function.341

Mild, steady hypothermia in patients with poikilothermic thermoregulatory disorders causes electrocardiographic (ECG) alterations and conduction abnormalities.68 First the PR, then the QRS, and most characteristically the QTc intervals are prolonged. Clinically invisible increased preshivering muscle tone can obscure the P waves; ST-segment and T-wave abnormalities are inconsistent.9,347 Of note, ordinary surface ECG electrodes, when attached to dry skin, will accurately reflect cardiac electrical activity. Needle electrodes are not necessary to detect weak ECG signals.187

The J wave (Osborn wave or hypothermic hump; (Figure 5-2), first described by Tomaszewski in 1938, occurs at the junction of the QRS complex and the ST segment. It is not prognostic but is potentially diagnostic.112,197 J waves occur at any temperature below 32.2° C (90° F) and are most frequently seen in leads II and V6. When core temperature falls below 25° C (77° F), J waves are found in the precordial leads (especially V3 or V4). The size of the J waves also increases with temperature depression, but is unrelated to arterial pH.373 J waves are usually upright in aVL, aVF, and the left precordial leads.3,175,262

J waves may represent hypothermia-induced ion fluxes, resulting in delayed depolarization or early repolarization of the left ventricle, or there may be an unidentified hypothalamic or neurogenic factor. J waves are not pathognomonic of hypothermia but occur also with central nervous system lesions, focal cardiac ischemia, and sepsis. They may also be present in young, healthy persons. When pronounced, J waveform abnormalities can simulate myocardial infarction. Computer software is not widely available that can successfully recognize and suggest the diagnosis of hypothermia.202,235,255

The prehospital capability to differentiate between J waves and injury current is important in rural and wilderness settings.57 Thrombolysis is unstudied in hypothermia but would be expected to exacerbate coagulopathies.110

Below 32.2° C (90° F), all types of atrial and ventricular arrhythmias are encountered.75 The His-Purkinje system is more sensitive to cold than is the myocardium. As a result, conduction velocity decreases and electrical signals can disperse. Because conduction time is prolonged more than the absolute refractory period, reentry currents can produce circus rhythms that initiate ventricular fibrillation (VF).

In addition to causing bradycardia, widening the QRS complex, and prolonging the QT interval, hypothermia increases the duration of action potentials (Figure 5-3, online).21,22 During rewarming, nonuniform myocardial temperatures can disperse conduction and further increase the action potential duration, another mechanism to develop the unidirectional blocks that facilitate reentrant arrhythmias. At temperatures between 25° and 20° C (77° and 68° F), myocardial conduction time is prolonged further than the absolute refractory period. Another arrhythmogenic mechanism is development of independent electrical foci that precipitate arrhythmias.

Various electrolyte abnormalities can further complicate the situation during hypothermic conditions, because they exacerbate the effects of prolonged action potentials. Most conspicuously, hypothermia-induced cellular calcium loading mimics digitalis toxicity and may predispose to a forme fruste of torsades de pointes.

Hypothermia-induced VF and asystole often occur spontaneously below 25° C (77° F). The VF threshold and transmembrane resting potential are decreased. Because the heart is cold, the conduction delay is facilitated by the large dispersion of repolarization, and the action potential is prolonged. The increased temporal dispersion of the recovery of excitability is linked to VF. Nature’s model of resistance to VF is the heart of hibernating animals during rewarming.163 Animals with this capacity seem to be protected by a shortened QT duration and a calcium channel handling system that prevents intracellular calcium overload.

Asystole and VF may both result from hypovolemia, tissue hypoxia, therapeutic manipulations, acid–base fluxes, autonomic dysfunction, and coronary vasoconstriction coupled with increased blood viscosity. Other causes may include rough handling or jostling, sudden vertical positioning, and acute metabolic stress from exertion or very rapid rewarming.

Core Temperature Afterdrop

Core temperature afterdrop refers to the continued decline in a hypothermic patient’s temperature after removal from the cold (see also Chapter 6). Contributing to afterdrop is the simple temperature equilibration between the warmer core and cooler periphery. Circulatory changes account for another set of observations. The countercurrent cooling of blood that perfuses cold extremities results in core temperature decline until the existing temperature gradient is eliminated. In cold-water immersion, post-rescue collapse may also result from abrupt hypotension after loss of hydrostatic squeeze contributed by the water.

The incidence and magnitude of core temperature afterdrop vary widely in clinical experiments and in surgically induced hypothermia.103,104,125 Hayward128 measured his own esophageal, rectal, tympanic, and cardiac temperatures (via flotation tip catheter) during rewarming after being cooled in 10° C (50° F) water. On three different days, rewarming was achieved via shivering thermogenesis, heated humidified inhalation, and warm bath immersion. Coincident with a 0.3° C (0.5° F) afterdrop during warm bath immersion, his mean arterial pressure fell 30% and his peripheral vascular resistance fell 50%. Therefore the circulatory mechanism is another major contributor to afterdrop.

A human study of peripheral blood flow during rewarming from mild hypothermia suggests that minimal skin blood flow changes can also lead to afterdrop (Figure 5-4). The largest core temperature afterdrops occur when subjects are rewarmed with plumbed garments and heating pads.

In summary, core temperature afterdrop appears to become most clinically relevant when a large temperature gradient exists between the periphery and the core, particularly in dehydrated, chronically cold patients. Both conductive and convective mechanisms are responsible for afterdrop.104 Stimulating peripheral blood flow can increase afterdrop. Major afterdrops are also observed when frostbitten extremities are thawed before crystalloid volume resuscitation and thermal stabilization of the core temperature.

Respiratory System

Any exposure to a big chill initially stimulates respiratory drive, which is followed by progressive depression of respiratory minute volume as cellular metabolism is depressed. The respiratory rate often falls to 5 to 10 breaths/min below 30° C (86° F), and ultimately brainstem neurocontrol of ventilation fails. An important physiologic observation is that carbon dioxide production drops 50% for each 8° C (14° F) fall in temperature. In severe hypothermia, carbon dioxide retention and respiratory acidosis reflect the aberrant responses to normothermic respiratory stimuli.99

Other pathophysiologic factors contributing to ventilation–perfusion mismatch include decreased ciliary motility, increased quantity and viscosity of secretions, hypothermic acute respiratory distress syndrome, and noncardiogenic pulmonary edema.332 The thorax loses elasticity, and pulmonary compliance drops. The respiratory “bellows” stiffen and fail because contractile efficiency of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm declines.

Pertinent potentially protective or detrimental factors that affect tissue oxygenation in endothermic humans are listed in Box 5-1.


Coagulopathies often develop in hypothermic patients because the enzymatic nature of the activated clotting factors is depressed by cold.88 In vivo, prolonged clotting is proportional to the number of steps in the cascade. For example, at 29° C (84.2° F), a 50% to 60% increase in the partial thromboplastin time (PTT) would be expected. Kinetic tests of coagulation, however, are performed in the laboratory at 37° C (98.6° F). As the blood warms in the machine, the enzymes between the factors in the cascade are activated. The sample of warmed in vitro blood then clots normally.77

The reversible hemostatic defect created by hypothermia may not be reflected by the “normal” prothrombin time (PT), PTT,292 or international normalized ratio (INR). This coagulopathy is basically independent of clotting factor levels and cannot be confirmed by laboratory studies performed at 37° C (98.6° F). Treatment is rewarming and not simply administration of clotting factors.288 When rapid rewarming is difficult, concentrations of 0.01 to 1 nM of desmopressin may partially reverse hypothermia-induced coagulopathy in vitro.376

Thrombocytopenia as a cause of bleeding becomes progressively significant in severe hypothermia. Proposed mechanisms include direct bone marrow suppression and splenic or hepatic sequestration. Thromboxane B2 production by platelets is also temperature dependent, so cooling skin temperature produces reversible platelet dysfunction. Thrombocytopenia is a common but poorly recognized corollary of hypothermia in older adults and neonates.

Coagulopathy in trauma patients is attributed to enzyme inhibition, platelet alteration, and fibrinolysis.320 The critical temperature at which enzyme activity slows significantly is 34° C (93.2° F).358 In addition, clot strength weakens as a result of platelet malfunction. Fibrinolysis is not significantly affected at any temperature in the range measured (33° to 37° C [91.4° to 98.6° F]) (see Trauma, later).

Physiologic hypercoagulability also develops during hypothermia, with a sequence similar to that seen in disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). This produces a higher incidence of thromboembolism during hypothermia. Causes include thromboplastin release from cold tissue, simple circulatory collapse, and release of catecholamines and steroids. Because fibrin split-product levels can be normal, bleeding is not always considered a hematologic manifestation of DIC.282

Whole blood viscosity increases with the hemoconcentration seen after diuresis and the shift of fluid out of vascular compartments. Red blood cells (RBCs) simply stiffen and have diminished cellular deformity when chilled.276 The elevated viscosity of hypothermia is also exacerbated by cryoglobulinemia. Cryofibrinogen is a cold-precipitated fibrinogen occasionally seen with carcinoma, sepsis, and collagen vascular diseases. Blood viscosity is also increased by the transient increases in platelet and RBC counts seen with mild surface cooling. This could explain the increased mortality from coronary and cerebral thromboses that occur in winter.225

Predisposing Factors

The factors that predispose to hypothermia can be separated into those that decrease heat production, those that increase heat loss, and those that impair thermoregulation.225 There is significant overlap between these groups (Box 5-2).

BOX 5-2 Factors Predisposing to Hypothermia

Decreased Heat Production

Thermogenesis is decreased at both extremes of age. In older adults, neuromuscular inefficiency and decreased physical activity impair shivering. Aging progressively diminishes homeostatic and cold adaptive capabilities. Although most older adults have normal thermoregulation, they tend to develop conditions that impair heat conservation.283,286

Older adults are physiologically less adept at increasing heat production and the respiratory quotient (the ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide produced to the volume of oxygen consumed per unit of time). Impaired thermal perception, possibly caused by decreased resting peripheral blood flow, leads to poor adaptive behavior. Metabolic studies also demonstrate that in severely hypothermic older adults, lipolysis occurs in preference to glucose consumption.256,271

Neonates have a large surface area–to–mass ratio, relatively deficient subcutaneous tissue layer, and virtually no behavioral defense mechanisms. Newborn “unadapted” infants attempt to thermoregulate with initial vasoconstriction and acceleration of metabolic rate. In contrast, “adapted” infants who are older than 5 days can increase lipolysis immediately and burn oxidative brown adipose tissue.

No cause-and-effect relationship has been found between hypothermia and the mortality rate of premature infants.129,301 Although the smaller infants in a neonatal intensive care unit are at the greatest risk for hypothermia, mortality is related to hypothermia only in larger neonates.

Emergency deliveries and resuscitations are responsible for most acute neonatal hypothermia. Other common risk factors are prematurity, low birth weight, inexperienced mother, perinatal morbidity, and low socioeconomic status. In babies with more chronically induced subacute hypothermia, lethargy, a weak cry, and failure to thrive are common.335

Many cold infants have “paradoxical rosy cheeks,” looking surprisingly healthy. After the first few days of life, hypothermia frequently indicates septicemia and carries a high mortality rate. Low weight and malnutrition are common. Hypothermia in a low-birth-weight neonate should suggest the possibility of intracranial hemorrhage; hypothermia is also observed in shaken baby syndrome.

Endocrinologic failure, including hypopituitarism, hypoadrenalism, and myxedema, commonly decreases heat production. Interestingly, congenital adrenal hyperplasia with mineralocorticoid insufficiency is more common in cold climates, possibly an adaptive response to prolonged exposure to cold temperatures, because “normal” cold diuresis is reduced in these patients.

Hypothyroidism is often occult, with no history of cold intolerance, dry skin, lassitude, or arthralgias. The physician should check for a thyroid scar or any history of thyroid hormone replacement. The degree of temperature depression correlates fairly directly with mortality. Eighty percent of patients in myxedema coma, which is several times more common in female patients, are hypothermic.

The effects of insufficient nutrition extend from hypoglycemia to marasmus to kwashiorkor. Kwashiorkor is less often associated with hypothermia than is marasmus, because of the insulating effect of hypoproteinemic edema. Central neuroglycopenia distorts hypothalamic function. Many alcoholic patients with hypothermia are hypoglycemic. Malnutrition decreases insulative subcutaneous fat and directly alters thermoregulation. Poor nutrition predisposes to hypothermia and its attendant clumsiness in older adult women with femoral neck fractures. Partly because of fuel depletion, hypothermia is as great a threat as hyperthermia in marathon races run in cool climates. Runners slowing from fatigue or injury late in a race are at serious risk of hypothermia.170

Increased Heat Loss

Poorly acclimated and insulated individuals often have high diaphoretic, convective, and evaporative heat losses during exposure to cold. Because the skin functions as a radiator, any dermatologic malfunction increases heat loss. Such erythrodermas include psoriasis, exfoliative dermatitis, and toxic epidermal necrolysis. Hypothermia with hypernatremic dehydration is also seen in congenital lamellar ichthyosis.

Burns and inappropriate burn treatment cause excessive heat loss, as do other iatrogenic factors, including massive cold intravenous (IV) infusions and overcooling heatstroke victims.188 When carbon dioxide is used for abdominal insufflation before laparoscopy, warming the gas before administration helps prevent hypothermia. Environmental immersion exposure is discussed in detail in Chapter 6.102

Many pharmacologic and toxicologic agents both increase heat loss and impair thermoregulation.165167343 The most common is ethanol, which interacts with every putative thermoregulatory neurotransmitter. Although ingestion of ethanol produces a feeling of warmth and perhaps visible flushing, it is the major cause of urban hypothermia.59,244 In fatal cases of accidental hypothermia, many victims are under the influence of ethanol. In children with ethanol intoxication, hypothermia is common.

Ethanol is also a poikilothermia-producing agent that directly impairs thermoregulation at high or low temperatures.165 Body temperature is lowered both from cutaneous vasodilation with radiative heat loss and from impaired shivering thermogenesis. Chronic ethanol ingestion damages the mamillary bodies and posterior hypothalamus, which modulates shivering thermogenesis.277 Ethanol also increases the risk for being exposed to the environment, by modifying protective adaptive behavior. The ultimate example is paradoxical undressing, or removal of clothing in response to a cold stress. As an organic solvent, ethanol confers a few theoretically redeeming qualities in freezing cold injuries by lowering the cellular freezing point.114,115

The neurophysiologic effects of ethanol are modified by duration and intensity of exercise, food consumption, and applied cold stress.94 Aging increases sensitivity to the hypothermic actions of ethanol in some primate experiments. Chronic ingestion yields tolerance to its hypothermic effects, and rebound hyperthermia may be seen during withdrawal. Conditions associated with ethanol ingestion that adversely affect heat balance include immobility and hypoglycemia.368

Inhibited hepatic gluconeogenesis coexists with malnutrition. Hypothermic alcoholic ketoacidosis is reported.363 Intravenous thiamine is diagnostic and therapeutic for Wernicke’s encephalopathy, another cause of reversible hypothermia. The acute triad of global confusion, ophthalmoplegia, and truncal ataxia is often masked by hypothermia, and temperature depression may persist for weeks.

Impaired Thermoregulation

Various conditions that impair thermoregulation can be considered as having central, peripheral, metabolic, and pharmacologic or toxicologic effects.


Peripheral thermoregulation fails after acute spinal cord transection. Victims are functionally poikilothermic as soon as peripheral vasoconstriction is extinguished.242 Other peripheral impediments to thermostability include neuropathies and diabetes mellitus. Hypothermia is more common in older adult diabetics than in the general population, even after excluding patients with diabetic metabolic emergencies. The common denominator in metabolic derangements may be abnormal plasma osmolality that interferes with hypothalamic function. Similar causes of hypothermia include hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, and uremia. Remarkably, the pH was 6.67 in one hypothermic survivor with lactic acidosis, and 6.41 in another.253

Pharmacologic or Toxicologic

Numerous medications and toxins in therapeutic or toxic doses impair centrally mediated thermoregulation and vasoconstriction.172,272,377 The usual offenders are barbiturates, benzodiazepines, phenothiazines, and the cyclic antidepressants. Reduced core temperature may be a prodrome of lithium poisoning. Organophosphates, narcotics, glutethimide, bromocriptine, erythromycin, clonidine, fluphenazine, bethanechol, atropine, acetaminophen, and carbon monoxide all cause hypothermia. In experimental studies, hypothermia after acute carbon monoxide poisoning is associated with increased mortality.

Recurrent Hypothermia

Recurrent and episodic hypothermias are widely reported. The recurrent variety is more common and is usually secondary to ethanol abuse, with one person having survived 12 episodes.56 Severe, recurrent presentations are also caused by self-poisoning and anorexia nervosa.

Persons with episodic hypothermia can be divided into two groups, albeit with significant overlap, as follows:

Group 1: Diaphoretic episodes precede the temperature decline, which lasts several hours. This group includes those with hypothalamic lesions and agenesis of the corpus callosum (Shapiro syndrome) and persons with spontaneous periodic hyperthermia. Resultant hyperhidrosis and hypothermia are successfully treated with clonidine, a centrally acting α-adrenergic agonist. The hypothermia of corpus callosum agenesis is also seen with hypercalcemia and status epilepticus. Because no hypothermia results from experimental sectioning of the corpus callosum, associated lesions, including lipomas, probably cause thermoinstability. Spontaneous periodic hypothermia may reflect a diencephalic autonomic seizure disorder and can accompany paroxysmal hypertension. Vasomotor and thermoregulatory mechanisms are successfully treated with anticonvulsants. Florid psychiatric symptoms often mask these intermittent hypothermic episodes.

Group 2: The second group consists of persons who remain cold for days to weeks, rather than hours. These people have more seizure disorders, and the central hypothalamic thermostat is set abnormally low.

Patients with intermittent hypothermia usually show some characteristics of both groups.225 Circadian rhythm disturbances are also seen in persons with neurologic disorders who have chronic hypothermia.


Hypothermia protects the brain from ischemia but can result in arrhythmias, acidosis, and coagulopathies, and it can extract a high metabolic cost during rewarming.97 Hypothermia hinders protective physiologic responses to acute trauma and affects pharmacologic and therapeutic maneuvers necessary to treat injuries.18,27

An inverse relationship usually exists between the Injury Severity Score (ISS) and core temperature of traumatized patients on arrival in the emergency department (ED). This observation does not settle whether hypothermia is just another risk factor for increased mortality or reflects the fact that the most severely injured patients are in hemorrhagic shock.132

One study assessed the impact of hypothermia as an independent variable during resuscitation from major trauma.97 Patients not aggressively rewarmed with continuous arteriovenous rewarming (CAVR) had increased fluid requirements, increased lactate levels, and increased acute mortality.

Of the clinical entities associated with hypothermia, traumatic conditions causing hypotension and hypovolemia most dramatically jeopardize thermostability. Hypothermia is often obscured by obvious hemorrhaging and injuries. Liberalized indications for Focused Assessment With Sonography for Trauma (FAST) ultrasound examinations can minimize unnecessary computed tomography (CT) imaging. On the other hand, traumatic neurologic deficits, including paresis and areflexia, can be misattributed to hypothermia. In trauma patients requiring surgery, the mean temperature loss was greater in the ED than in the operating room.117 Thermal insults are often added during a trauma resuscitation. The patient is completely exposed for examination, and resuscitative procedures cause further heat loss.308

In a study stratifying subjects with the anatomic ISS, hypothermic patients had a higher mortality rate than did similarly injured patients who remained normothermic.171 Another study did not corroborate this finding,322 but those investigators stratified using trauma revised injury severity score (TRISS) methodology, which is probably less valid during hypothermia because its physiologic components overestimate injury severity. To illustrate this point, some component of hypotension is normal for a given degree of hypothermia.

Various adverse physiologic events accompany hypothermia with trauma. Decreased skin and core temperatures without compensatory shivering thermogenesis are reported in patients with major trauma as defined by the ISS.

Hypothermia directly causes coagulopathies in trauma patients through at least three avenues (see Coagulation, earlier).33 The cascade of enzymatic reactions is impaired, and plasma fibrinolytic activity is enhanced, producing a clinical presentation similar to that of DIC. Also, platelets are poorly functional and become sequestered.

Hypothermia is protective only when induced before shock occurs. This reduces adenosine triphosphate (ATP) utilization while ATP stores are still normal, as during elective surgery. ATP stores in traumatized patients are already depleted. Hypothermia worsens the effects of endotoxins on clotting time in vitro and may synergistically exacerbate the coagulopathy seen in trauma.88 The average temperature of 123 initially normothermic trauma patients in whom lethal coagulopathies developed was 31.2° C (88.2° F). In another study, postinjury life-threatening coagulopathy in the seriously injured who require massive transfusion was predicted by persistent hypothermia and progressive metabolic acidosis.50,89

The appropriate target core temperature for a hypothermic patient with an isolated severe head injury may be 32° to 33° C (89.6° to 91.4° F). This target temperature balances neuroprotection against the adverse hematologic and physiologic consequences of hypothermia19,231,232 (see Cerebral Resuscitation, later.)

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