Abdominal pain

7.1 Abdominal pain


Abdominal pain is a common reason for children to attend an emergency department (ED), occurring in up to 5% of all presentations in some institutions.1 Most commonly the underlying cause is non-surgical and surgery is required in only 1–7% of children who present with abdominal pain.1,2 It is not possible to make a definitive diagnosis in all children with abdominal pain. In one study, as many as 15% of children presenting to emergency with abdominal pain did not have a specific diagnosis at their discharge. Some children arrive at the ED soon after the onset of symptoms and it may take time, expectant management and review before a diagnosis becomes clearer or the symptoms of a self-limiting cause resolve. It is important, however, to exclude causes of abdominal pain that may require early surgical consultation, observation or investigations within the ED.

The priorities in managing children presenting with abdominal pain are:

If a clear diagnosis cannot be reached in the ED, then exclusion of serious/life-threatening diagnoses is the priority. Subsequent disposition and follow up is dependent on various factors including: likelihood of a serious diagnosis; severity of the pain; availability of review; and psychosocial factors that may be contributory.


The sensation of abdominal pain is transmitted by either somatic or visceral afferent fibres.3 Visceral pain from visceral peritoneum is poorly localised, whereas somatic pain arising from parietal peritoneum or the abdominal wall is more localised. Referred pain also occurs due to visceral and somatic pathways converging in the spinal column. Two examples of referred pain are diaphragmatic irritation leading to pain at the shoulder tip due to convergence of visceral and somatic pathways at C4, and somatic pain from pneumonia leading to T10–11 pain sensed in the lower abdomen.3 Abdominal pain may occasionally be found to be psychosomatic in origin after a thorough assessment of alternative causes.


There is a broad range of causes of abdominal pain in children and one needs to initially keep an open mind regarding the diagnosis (Table 7.1.1). The age and sex of the child need to be considered, as well as features of the abdominal pain and associated symptoms, and examination findings to determine the diagnostic possibilities.

Table 7.1.1 Causes of acute abdominal pain in children
Inflammatory gastrointestinal
Meckel’s diverticulum
Mesenteric adenitis
Food poisoning
Peptic ulcer, gastritis
Inflammatory bowel disease
Tonsillitis, pharyngitis
Pneumonia (especially basal)
Pyelonephritis, cystitis
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Intra-abdominal abscess
Infectious mononucleosis
Acute rheumatic fever
Herpes zoster
Intestinal obstruction
Incarcerated hernia
Abdominal trauma
See Section 3
Gall bladder
Cholecystitis, cholelithiasis
Leukaemia, lymphoma
Haemolytic crisis
Sickle cell disease
Neuroblastoma, Wilms’ tumour
Diabetic ketoacidosis, hypoglycaemia
Adrenal insufficiency
Henoch–Schönlein purpura
Periarteritis nodosa
Kawasaki disease
Renal colic
Nephrotic syndrome
Toxic ingestion, e.g. lead
Ectopic pregnancy
Dysmenorrhea, Mittelschmerz pain
Mesenteric artery occlusion
Acute intermittant porphyria
Familial Mediterranean fever
Abdominal migraine
Psychosomatic – including abuse

Source: Adapted from Rudolph 1996.


In considering a child who has presented with abdominal pain with no history of trauma, five important questions have to be addressed:

1 The age of the child

The age of the child helps narrow the diagnostic possibilities. The most common diagnoses to consider according to age are:

Neonates and infants

They usually present with a change in behaviour to signify pain.4 This may be persistent crying, irritability, inability to be consoled, fussiness, sleeplessness, and poor feeding.4 Serious or potentially life-threatening conditions not to miss in this age group are listed in Table 7.1.2.

Table 7.1.2 Serious conditions not to miss in neonates and infants
Surgical causes Medical causes
Testicular torsion Diabetic ketoacidosis
Appendicitis Toxic, e.g. iron ingestion
Peritonitis Sepsis
Necrotising enterocolitis  
Volvulus Haemolytic uraemic syndrome
Intussusception Urinary tract infection
Hirschsprung disease  
Incarcerated hernia  

The diagnoses of acute gastroenteritis or ‘colic’ need to be made after excluding more serious causes.

4 Whether there are any relevant pre-existing conditions

The child’s past medical and surgical history should be fully explored. In older females an adolescent approach (see Chapter 30.1) and a menstrual and sexual activity history may be important. Family history and racial background may be relevant, along with a psychosocial history that may contribute if there is a suggestion of somatisation.

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Sep 7, 2016 | Posted by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Abdominal pain

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