TOPIC 9 Intensive care
Cardiac output monitoring
1. To aid management of patients with haemodynamic instability. This may be in the setting of isolated cardiac dysfunction, e.g. myocardial infarction or acute left ventricular failure; more often in critically ill patients there is combined pathology – hypovolaemia and distributive shock as well as associated cardiac dysfunction. Rationalizing appropriate vasoconstrictor, inodilator and fluid therapy is enhanced with knowledge of cardiovascular parameters.
New technology has resulted in a number of techniques, which range vary in invasiveness (Table 9.1).
Table 9.1 Invasiveness of monitoring methods
Invasive | Moderately invasive | Noninvasive |
Pulmonary artery catheter |
Test: Pulmonary artery catheter
• Position less assured with advent of newer techniques and uncertainty of outcome benefit in addition to suggestion of possible harm.
• Balloon-tipped catheter is floated through right heart and ‘wedged’ in medium-sized pulmonary artery.
• Two methods:
– Cold injectate – 10 mL normal saline or 5% dextrose solution (cold or room temperature) injected quickly through proximal port produces a temperature change in blood detected by thermistor. Area under curve of resultant temperature/time curve (Fig. 9.1) is inversely proportional to CO. Usually averaged over three measurements at end-expiration.
Fig. 9.1 Cold injectate temperature change. Area under curve inversely proportional to Cardiac Output.
Provides information regarding pulmonary as well as systemic vasculature.
Test: Oesophageal Doppler monitor (ODM)
• Flexible ultrasound probe placed in distal oesophagus under anaesthesia/sedation via mouth or nose and focused to produce a Doppler waveform trace corresponding to flow of blood in descending aorta (Fig. 9.2).
• Flow time (FT) represents systolic time and is corrected (FTc) to a heart rate of 60 bpm with a further correction factor for the unmeasured upper extremity blood flow (i.e. carotid/subclavian flow).
• Calculated variables: Stroke volume, peak velocity (PV), cardiac output, flow time, systemic vascular resistance.
• FTc (330–360 ms) – reduced in hypovolaemia and vasoconstriction. High values may represent cardiac failure or vasodilatation in a volume replete patient.
Test: Lithium dilution cardiac output (LiDCO plus)
• Blood is drawn from an arterial line, past a lithium sensor producing a lithium concentration/time curve.
• Pulse power cardiac output software (Pulse CO) uses this information to calibrate the arterial waveform such that each pulse is a quantified estimate of the patient’s stroke volume (Fig. 9.3).
• Also has the facility to quantify the pulse pressure variation (PPV), systolic pressure variation (SPV) and stroke volume variation (SVV) – each providing preload status information.
Test: Pulse-induced contour cardiac output (PiCCO)
• Some similarities to cold injectate thermodilution pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) and LIDCO method.
• Transpulmonary thermodilution curve produced and modified Stewart-Hamilton method applied to calculate cardiac output.
• Pulse contour analysis (Table 9.2) applies a calibrated algorithm to calculate the stroke volume from each pulse wave.
Table 9.2 Variables in monitoring contour cardiac output
Thermodilution variables | Pulse contour variables |
Cardiac output | Continuous cardiac output |
Global end-diastolic volume index (GEDI) |