Section 9 Infectious Diseases
9.1 Approach to undifferentiated fever in adults
Fever is a common presenting symptom to the emergency department (ED): about 5% of patients give fever as the reason for their visit. Most patients with fever have symptoms and signs that indicate the site or region of infection. A prospective study of patients aged 16 years or older who presented to an ED with fever ≥ 37.9 °C found that 85% had localizing symptoms and signs that suggested or identified a source of fever, and 15% had unexplained fever after the history and examination.1
Over one-third of patients, who have fever for more than a few days with no localizing symptoms and signs are likely to have a bacterial infection.1,2
If no cause is found in an adult with fever present for over 3 days there is a good chance the patient will have a bacterial infection that needs treatment. Over half of these infections are likely to be in the respiratory or urinary tracts.1
Step 2: Identify those with localized infections or easily diagnosable diseases
There are two caveats when assessing local symptoms and signs.
Step 3: Look for the ‘at-risk’ patient
Clinical pointers: type of patient
Elderly patients
Elderly patients with infections often do not mount much of a febrile response, and fever may be absent in 20–30% of these patients.3
Infectious diseases in the elderly, as in the very young, often present with non-specific or atypical symptoms and signs, and may progress rapidly.4
In adult patients with unexplained fever up to one-third may have bacteraemia or focal bacterial infection. This proportion is even higher in those over the age of 50.1 In the elderly a fever > 38 °C indicates a possible serious infection5 and is associated with increasing risk of death.6
The urinary tract is the most frequent site of infection and source of bacteraemia; symptoms of urinary tract infection are frequently absent in the elderly. The respiratory tract is the next most common site of infection; fever and malaise may be the only clues of pneumonia in the elderly. Urinalysis and chest X-ray will identify about half of occult infections.1
Alcoholic patients
Alcoholic patients present with multiple problems, many of which cause fever. Most are caused by infections, the commonest of which is pneumonia. Multiple infections may occur at the same time.7
Injecting drug users
The risk of injecting drug users acquiring serious or unusual infections is high through repeated self-injection with non-sterile illicit substances, the use of contaminated needles and syringes, and poor attention to skin cleansing prior to injections.8
Clinical assessment cannot differentiate trivial from potentially serious conditions in these patients.8 A history of chills, rigors and sweats strongly suggest the presence of a transient or ongoing bacteraemia. Back pain may be a subtle symptom of endocarditis or vertebral osteomyelitis.
It is difficult to distinguish the patient with endocarditis from other drug users with fever due to another cause. Hospitalization of febrile injecting drug users would be prudent if 24-hour follow-up is not possible. Intravenous drug use in the previous 5 days is a predictor of occult major infection, and is an indication for admission to hospital.9
Patients with diabetes mellitus
Diabetic patients are more prone to developing certain bacterial infections.1 A diabetic patient with an unexplained fever is more likely to have an occult bacterial infection than a non-diabetic patient. In general an insulin-dependent diabetic patient, especially if aged over 50, with fever and no obvious source of infection, should be investigated and preferably admitted.
Clinical pointers: exposure history
Overseas travellers or visitors
Influenza in febrile returned travellers is a concern to EDs worldwide. Outbreaks of avian influenza occur periodically in bird populations throughout Asia. Although the virus does not typically infect humans, direct bird-to-human transmission of H5N1 influenza has been documented. The virus is highly pathogenic, and the mortality of the disease is high. Travellers acquiring influenza overseas may also introduce this infection. Most cases occur within 2–4 days after exposure, but incubation is as long as 8 days. Suspected influenza infection requires isolation and respiratory precautions. The peak season is generally during the winter months, but can vary, especially in the tropics.10
Although rare, viral haemorrhagic fever in returned travellers represents a true medical emergency and a serious public health threat. Viral haemorrhagic fevers are caused by several distinct families of virus, including Ebola and Marburg, Lassa fever, the New World arenaviruses (Guanarito, Machupo, Junin, and Sabia), and Rift Valley fever and Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever viruses. Most exist in Africa, the Middle East or South America. Although some types cause relatively mild illnesses, many can cause severe, life-threatening disease. Viral haemorrhagic fever should be considered in any febrile patient who has returned from an area in which viral haemorrhagic fever was endemic, especially if they have come into contact with blood or other body fluids from a person or animal infected with viral haemorrhagic fever, or worked in a laboratory or animal facility handling viral haemorrhagic fever specimens. All these infections have incubation periods of up to 2–3 weeks, so it may be possible to exclude viral haemorrhagic fever on epidemiological grounds alone. Isolation measures should be instituted immediately in these persons.11
Clinical pointers: non-specific clinical features (Table 9.1.1)
Table 9.1.1 Clinical pointers: non-specific clinical features (‘alarm bells’)
Severe pain in muscles, neck or back |
Impairment of conscious state |
Vomiting especially in association with headache or abdominal pain |
Severe headache in the presence of a normal CSF |
Unexplained rash |
Jaundice |
Severe sore throat or dysphagia with a normal looking throat |
Repeated rigors |
Jaundice in the febrile patient is associated with a greatly increased risk of death, admission to ICU and prolonged hospital stay.6 Jaundice in a febrile patient is unlikely to be due to viral hepatitis, but occurs in serious in bacterial infections such as bacteraemia, cholangitis, pyogenic liver abscess and malaria.
Clinical pointers: evolution of illness (Table 9.1.2)
How rapidly the illness evolves is often an indication of its severity. Previously healthy individuals do not seek medical attention unless they are worried. Notice should be taken of any person seeking help within 24 hours of the onset of illness, or a person whose illness appears to have progressed rapidly within 24–48 hours (e.g. from being up and about to being bedridden). Similarly, the patient who presents to the ED on more than one occasion over a 24–48-hour period warrants a careful work-up.
Table 9.1.2 Clinical pointers: evolution of illness
Those present early (< 24 hours) |
Those presenting with rapidly evolving symptoms |
Patients presenting to ED on > 1 occasion over a 24–48-hour period |
Step 4: A final caveat
There are a number of infections that must be treated rapidly to minimize morbidity and mortality (Table 9.1.3). With the exception of meningococcal bacteraemia, there are usually some clues in the history or physical examination.
Table 9.1.3 Infections requiring urgent treatment
Disease | Clues |
Meningococcaemia | Myalgia, rash. May be none |
Falciparum malaria | Travel history, blood film |
Bacterial meningitis | Headache, change in conscious state, CSF findings |
Post-splenectomy sepsis | Past history, abdominal scar |
Toxic shock syndromes | Presence of shock and usually a rash |
Infections in the febrile neutropenic | Past history, blood film |
Infective endocarditis | Past history, murmur, petechiae |
Necrotizing soft tissue infections | Pain, tenderness, erythema and swelling in skin/muscle, toxicity |
Space-occupying infection of head and neck | Localizing symptoms and signs |
Focal intracranial infections | Headache, change in conscious state, neurological signs, CT findings |
Meningococcal infection is peculiar in its wide spectrum of severity and variable rate of progression in different individuals (Table 9.1.4). It may be fulminant and cause death within 12 hours, or it may assume a chronic form that goes on for weeks.
Table 9.1.4 Presentations of meningococcal disease
Acute bacterial meningitis ± petechial rash |
Localized infection other than meningitis |
Fever + petechial rash |
Fever + macular rash |
Fever + alarm bells |
Fever + contact history |
Fever alone |
Clinical investigation
Most febrile patients seen in the ED justify a fever work-up.
Full blood examination is of limited use. White cell count (> 15 × 109/L), marked left shift, neutropenia or thrombocytopenia are pointers to a possible bacteraemia or occult bacterial infections, but they may also be seen in viral infections.12 Similarly, non-specific markers of inflammation such as C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate have not been shown to be useful in predicting outcomes for febrile patients in the ED.13
Urinalysis and urine culture should be done in febrile adults over the age of 50 unless the pathology clearly lies in another body system. However, if the history does not suggest urinary sepsis and the dipstick urinalysis is normal, then urine cultures are usually negative.14
Blood cultures should be done in anyone suspected of having bacteraemia, endocarditis or meningitis, in compromised patients with a fever, all febrile patients over the age of 50, and possibly in anyone with an unexplained high fever. It should be noted that only 5% of blood cultures in this setting will be positive, and less than 2% will alter clinical management.15 In general, a patient considered ‘sick enough’ to warrant blood cultures should be admitted to hospital or followed up within 24 hours.
With few exceptions the following groups of febrile adults should be investigated and admitted:
In general there should be close liaison with the admitting unit, and the issue of empirical therapy for septic patients should be discussed. For the dangerously ill, e.g. those with septic shock or bacterial meningitis, antibiotics should be commenced almost immediately.
Future research directions
1 Mellors JW, Horowitz RI, Harvey MR, et al. A simple index to identify occult bacterial infection in adults with acute unexplained fever. Archives of Internal Medicine. 1987;147:666-671.
2 Gallagher EJ, Brooks F, Gennis P. Identification of serious illness in febrile adults. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 1994;12:129-133.
3 Norman DC, Yoshikawa TT. Fever in the elderly. Infectious Disease Clinics of North America. 1996;10:93-99.
4 Fontanarosa PB, Kaeberlein FJ, Gerson FW, et al. Difficulty in predicting bacteraemia in elderly emergency patients. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 1992;21:842-848.
5 Marco CA, Schoenfeld CN, Hansen KN, et al. Fever in geriatric emergency patients: clinical features associated with serious illness. Annals of Emergency Medcine. 1995;26:18-24.
6 Tan SL, Knott JC, Street AC, et al. Outcomes of febrile adults presenting to the emergency department. Emergency Medicine. 2002;14:A22.
7 Wrenn KD, Larson S. The febrile alcoholic in the emergency department. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 1991;9:57-60.
8 Marantz PR, Linzer M, Feiner CJ. Inability to predict diagnosis in febrile intravenous drug abusers. Annals of Internal Medicine. 1987;106:823-826.
9 Samet JH, Shevitz A, Fowle J, et al. Hospitalisation decisions in febrile intravenous drug users. American Journal of Medicine. 1990;89:53-57.
10 Beigel JH, Farrar J, Han AM, et al. Avian influenza A (H5N1) infection in humans. New England Journal of Medicine. 2005;353:1374-1385.
11 Ufberg JW, Karras DJ. Commentary (viral haemorrhagic fever). Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2005;45:324-326.
12 Wasserman MR, Keller EL. Fever, white blood cell count, and culture and sensitivity: their value in the evaluation of the emergency patient. Top Emergency Medicine. 1989;10:81-88.
13 Van Laar PJ, Cohen J. A prospective study of fever in the accident and emergency department. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 2003;9:878-880.
14 Sultana RV, Zalstein S, Cameron PA, et al. Dipstick urinalysis and the accuracy of the clinical diagnosis of urinary tract infection. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2001;20:13-19.
15 Kelly A. Clinical impact of blood cultures in the emergency department. Journal of Academic Emergency Medicine. 1998;15:254-256.
9.2 Meningitis
Bacterial meningitis is a serious cause of morbidity and mortality in all age groups. The causes vary according to age, as shown in Table 9.2.1. Neisseria meningitidis serogroups A and C tend to cause endemic cases of meningitis, especially in Aboriginal populations, whereas serogroup B is more commonly associated with epidemics.1 There has been an increase in the incidence of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae, especially in children.2
Table 9.2.1 Causes of meningitis
Viral | Bacterial | Other |
Neonates (<3 months old): | Mycobacterium tuberculosis | |
Children (<6 years old): | ||
Adults |
The combination of fever, headache, meningism and mental obtundation is found in approximately 85% of cases of bacterial meningitis.9 It is also a common pattern in viral or aseptic meningitis, where obtundation is less of a feature. In fungal or tuberculous meningitis these symptoms are much less common (less than 40% of cases of cryptococcal meningitis). Elderly patients or those who have had recent neurosurgery may present with subtle or mild symptoms, and lack a fever.10
The course of the illness may also indicate the cause. Meningococcal or pneumococcal meningitis is often characterized by a rapid, fulminating course, often going from initial symptoms to death over an interval of hours. Viral causes tend to be a slower course over days. Fungal or tuberculous meningitis shows a more chronic course over days to weeks, with milder symptoms.
Focal neurological signs should be a cause for concern, as they can indicate a poor prognosis.
Lumbar puncture
The pattern of cell counts and glucose and protein levels is shown in Table 9.2.2. This can act as a guide only, and the clinician needs to be guided by the complete clinical picture.
A leukocyte count (WCC) of more than 1000/μL with a predominantly neutrophilic pleocytosis is considered positive for bacterial meningitis. Ten per cent of cases, especially early in the course of the illness, may have a predominance of lymphocytes. As a general rule, bacterial meningitis is characterized by a raised CSF protein and a low CSF glucose level. The ratio of CSF to serum glucose levels is also lowered. The combination of CSF glucose <1.9 mmol/L, CSF to serum glucose ratio <0.23, CSF protein >2.2 g/L, and either a total WCC >2000/μL or a neutrophil count of >1180/μL has been shown to have a 99% certainty of diagnosing bacterial meningitis.11 Aseptic meningitis will often have cell counts near the normal range. This does not exclude infection with less common agents, such as herpes viruses, or L. monocytogenes.
CT scan
CT scanning of the brain is indicated as a prelude to lumbar puncture in the presence of focal neurological signs, mental obtundation or abnormal posturing. It must be noted, though, that a normal CT does not exclude the risk of cerebral herniation in bacterial meningitis,12 and therefore those with the above signs should have lumbar puncture delayed until they are conscious and stable.
Polymerase chain reaction
This potentially allows identification of the causative organism, and even the serotype for organisms such as meningococcus. The test can be performed on CSF or EDTA blood samples, and may remain positive for up to 72 hours after the commencement of antibiotics. In CSF the reported sensitivity is 89% with a specificity of 100%, and in blood a sensitivity of 81% with a specificity of 97%.13
Antigenic studies
Latex agglutination, immunoelectrophoresis or radioimmunoassay techniques can be used to screen for antigens from S. pneumoniae, Hib, group B streptococcus (S. agalactiae), Escherichia coli K1, N. meningitidis and C. neoformans. The tests can be performed on serum, CSF or urine. Serum or urine samples tend to allow greater sensitivities (around 96–99%) than CSF (82–99%). The test is no more sensitive in untreated cases than either a positive Gram-stain or the presence of CSF pleocytosis.14 The main purpose of antigenic studies is in allowing rapid identification of the causative organism in cases confirmed by the CSF findings, or in cases where partial treatment with antibiotics renders the CSF sterile on culture. In many laboratories, these tests have been superseded by PCR methods.
General investigations
FBC, UEC, blood cultures, ESR and a throat swab can assist in building an overall picture.
Blood cultures should be taken prior to parenteral antibiotics, especially in patients where lumbar puncture has been delayed. One study found that blood cultures grew the causative organism in 86% of proven cases of bacterial meningitis, and that the combination of blood culture, CSF Gram staining and antigen testing identified the cause in 92% of cases.15
Differential diagnosis
Management depends on the likely causative agents, as well as the severity of the illness.
Patients with raised intracranial pressure may need pressure monitoring, and measures to reduce the pressure, such as nursing the patient 30° head up, and the administration of hyperosmotic agents such as mannitol. Hyperventilation is controversial, as it may reduce intracerebral pressure at the expense of reduced cerebral perfusion. Obstructive hydrocephalus requires appropriate neurosurgical treatment with CSF shunting.
The choice of antimicrobial agent will be determined by the likely causative organism, and is therefore determined primarily by age and immune status. It is important that antibiotic therapy is not delayed by investigations such as lumbar puncture or CT, and should be administered as soon as the diagnosis is made. Table 9.2.3 shows the recommended choice of antimicrobial for different situations and organisms. Table 9.2.4 shows the recommended dosage of each. As a general rule, the combination of a third-generation cephalosporin and benzylpenicillin will cover most organisms in all age groups. It is important to note that there is emerging resistance to penicillins in S. pneumoniae (currently 7.6% of isolates in Australia). If Gram-positive diplococci are found or S. pneumoniae is identified on antigen or PCR testing, vancomycin should be added to the therapy.
Steroids have been shown to improve the prognosis of bacterial meningitis in both adults and children. There is a reduction in both mortality and longer-term complications, such as sensorineural deafness, and neurological deficits. Steroids are usually administered as dexamethasone 0.15 mg/kg i.v. q6h (up to 10 mg), started before or with the first dose of antibiotics, and continued for 4 days. The main adverse effect is gastrointestinal bleeding, which may be reduced by limiting treatment to 2 days.16
Prophylaxis should be offered in cases of H. influenzae type b, or Meningococcus infection to: