section 8 Neurology
8.1 Headache
Headache is a common ailment that is often due to a combination of physical and psychological factors. The vast majority are benign and self-limiting and are managed by patients in the community. Only a very small proportion of patients experiencing headache attend emergency departments (ED) for treatment. The challenges are to distinguish potentially life-threatening causes from the more benign, and to effectively manage the pain of headache.
The structures in the head capable of producing headache are limited. They include:
The pathological processes that may cause headache are:
The pathophysiological causes of headache are summarized in Table 8.1.1.
Table 8.1.1 A pathophysiological classification of headache
Extracranial | Intracranial | |
Tension/traction | Muscular headache | Intracranial tumour |
‘Tension headache’ | Cerebral abscess | |
Intracranial haematoma | ||
Vascular | Migraine | Severe hypertension |
Inflammatory | Temporal arteritis | Meningitis |
Sinusitis | Subarachnoid haemorrhage | |
Otitis media | ||
Mastoiditis | ||
Tooth abscess | ||
Neuralgia |
Headache patterns
Some headaches have ‘classic’ clinical features: these are listed in Table 8.1.2. It must be remembered that, as with all diseases, there is a spectrum of presenting features and the absence of the classic features does not rule out a particular diagnosis. Every patient must be assessed on their merits and, if symptoms persist without reasonable explanation, further investigation should be undertaken.
Table 8.1.2 Classic clinical complexes and cause of headache
Preceded by an aura | ![]() | |
Throbbing unilateral headache, nausea | Migraine | |
Family history | ||
Sudden onset | ![]() | |
Severe occipital headache; ‘like a blow’ | Subarachnoid haemorrhage | |
Worst headache ever | ||
Throbbing/constant frontal headache | ![]() | |
Worse with cough, leaning forward | Sinusitis | |
Recent URTI | ||
Pain on percussion of sinuses | ||
Paroxysmal, fleeting pain | ![]() | |
Distribution of a nerve | Neuralgia | |
Trigger manoeuvres cause pain | ||
Hyperalgesia of nerve distribution | ||
Unilateral with superimposed stabbing | ![]() | |
Claudication on chewing | Temporal arteritis | |
Associated malaise, myalgia | ||
Tender artery with reduced pulsation | ||
Persistent, deep-seated headache | ![]() | |
Increasing duration and intensity | Tumour: primary or secondary | |
Worse in morning | ||
Aching in character | ||
Acute, generalized headache | ![]() | |
Fever, nausea and vomiting | Meningitis | |
Altered level of consciousness | ||
Neck stiffness +/– rash | ||
Unilateral, aching, related to eye | ![]() | |
Nausea and vomiting | Glaucoma | |
Raised intraocular pressure | ||
Aching, facial region | ![]() | |
Worse at night | Dental cause | |
Tooth sensitive to heat, pressure |
Tension headache
The pathological basis of tension headaches remains unclear, but increased tension of the neck or cranial muscles is a prominent feature. A family history of headaches is common, and there is an association with an injury in childhood or adolescence. The most common precipitants are stress and alteration in sleep patterns.
The effectiveness of commonly used agents is summarized in Table 8.1.3. Dosing and administration are summarized in Table 8.1.4. At present the most effective agents seem to be the phenothiazines (chlorpromazine, prochlorperazine, droperidol and possibly haloperidol) and the triptans, each of which has achieved > 70% efficacy in a number of studies. Note that triptans are contraindicated in patients with a history of ischaemic heart disease, uncontrolled hypertension or with the concomitant use of ergot preparations.
Table 8.1.3 Pooled effectiveness data from ED studies of the treatment of migraine. (Clinical studies, defined ‘success’ endpoint, minimum of 50 patients studied in aggregate, NNT calculated assuming placebo effectiveness rate of 25%)

Table 8.1.4 Drug dosing and administration
Agent | Drug dosing/administration |
Chlorpromazine i.m. | 12.5 mg intravenously, repeated every 20 minutes as needed to a maximum dose of 37.5 mg, accompanied by 1 L normal saline over 1 hour to avoid hypotension OR 25 mg in 1 L normal saline over 1 hour, repeated if necessary |
Droperidol (i.m. or i.v.) | 2.5 mg |
Prochlorperazine (i.m. or i.v.) | 10 mg/12.5 mg (depending on packaging) |
Sumatriptan (s.c., i.n.) | 6 mg SC, 20 mg i.n. |
Metoclopramide (i.v.) | 10–20 mg |
Ketorolac (i.m. or i.v.) | 30 mg i.v.; 60 mg i.m. |
Tramadol (i.m.) | 100 mg |
Pethidine is not indicated for the treatment of migraine. Its reported effectiveness is only 56%, it has a high rate of rebound headache and it carries a risk of dependence. In two small RCTs haloperidol administered as 5 mg in 500 mL normal saline was reported to give significant pain relief in more than 80% of patients. Lignocaine (lidocaine) has been shown to be no more effective than placebo. The data on dihydroergotamine are difficult to interpret because it is often used in combination with other agents, e.g. metoclopramide; however, it has also been shown to be less effective than chlorpromazine and sumatriptan in acute treatment, and to have a high rate of unpleasant side effects. There are insufficient data to assess the effectiveness of CGRP receptor antagonists. Sodium valproate has also shown moderate effectiveness in small studies, but there are insufficient data to draw a valid conclusion. The efficacy of intravenous magnesium sulphate (1 or 2 mg) remains unclear. It was shown in a small placebo-controlled trial to be effective, but in another study the combination of magnesium with metoclopramide was less effective than metoclopramide and placebo.
Trigeminal neuralgia
Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and Faculty of Pain Medicine. Acute pain management: scientific evidence, 2nd edn. Canberra: National Health and Medical Council (Australia), 2005.
Friedman BW, Greenwald P, Bania TC, et al. Randomized trial of IV dexamethasone for acute migraine in the emergency department. Neurology. 2007. (Epub ahead of print)
Kelly AM. Specific pain syndromes: Headache. In: Mace S, Ducharme J, Murphy M, editors. Pain management and procedural sedation in the emergency department. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006.
Kelly AM, Kerr D, Clooney M. Impact of oral dexamethasone versus placebo after ED treatment of migraine with phenothiazines on the rate of recurrent headache: a randomized controlled trial. Emergency Medicine Journal. 2008;25:26-29.
8.2 Stroke and transient ischaemic attacks
Ischaemic strokes
These are the results of several pathological processes (Table 8.2.1):
Ischaemic stroke |
Intracerebral haemorrhage |
Haemorrhagic stroke
Haemorrhagic stroke is the result of vessel rupture into the surrounding intracerebral tissue or subarachnoid space. Subarachnoid haemorrhage is the subject of a separate chapter in this book (see Chapter 8.3). The neurological defect associated with an intracerebral haemorrhage is the consequence of direct brain injury, secondary occlusion of nearby vessels, reduced cerebral perfusion caused by associated raised intracranial pressure, and cerebral herniation. The causes of intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) include:
This particularly applies to ischaemic strokes. Non-modifiable risk factors for stroke include:
Primary prevention
Hypertension is the most important modifiable risk factor. The benefit of antihypertensive treatment in stroke prevention has been well shown. The other major risk factors for atherosclerosis and its complications – diabetes, smoking and hypercholesterolaemia – often contribute to increased stroke risk. These should be managed according to standard guidelines. The most important cardiac risk factor for TIA and stroke is atrial fibrillation, both chronic and paroxysmal. Warfarin is recommended to prevent cardioembolism, except in unsuitable patients. Those with contraindications to warfarin should initially receive aspirin. Other major cardiac risk factors include endocarditis, mitral stenosis, prosthetic heart valves, recent myocardial infarction and left ventricular aneurysm. Less common risk factors include atrial myxoma, a patent foramen ovale and cardiomyopathies.
A carotid bruit or carotid stenosis found in an otherwise asymptomatic patient is associated with an increased stroke risk. However, the role of carotid endarterectomy in these patients is controversial. In a highly selected patient group, the asymptomatic carotid atherosclerosis study (ACAS)1 showed a small but significant benefit in reduction of stroke or death at 5 years following surgery for angiographically proven stenosis >60% compared to medical therapy. The benefit was much lower than that achieved in symptomatic carotid stenosis shown in the North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Study (NASCET 2),2 and can only be achieved with low perioperative mortality and stroke rates.
Ischaemic stroke syndromes
The symptoms and signs of stroke or TIA correspond to the area of the brain affected by ischaemia or haemorrhage (Table 8.2.2).
Anterior circulation ischaemia
The anterior circulation supplies blood to 80% of the brain and consists of the ICA and its branches, principally the ophthalmic, middle cerebral and anterior cerebral arteries. Hence this system supplies the optic nerve, retina, frontoparietal and most of the temporal lobes. Ischaemic injury involving the anterior cerebral circulation commonly has its origins in atherothrombotic disease of the ICA. Atherosclerosis of this artery usually affects the proximal 2 cm, just distal to the division of the common carotid artery. Advanced lesions may be the source of embolism to other parts of the anterior circulation, or cause severe stenosis with resultant hypoperfusion distally if there is inadequate collateral supply via the Circle of Willis. This is usually manifest by signs and symptoms in the middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory (Table 8.2.3). Less commonly, lesions of the intracranial ICA and MCA may cause similar clinical features.
Table 8.2.3 Signs of middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion
Homonymous hemianopia |
Contralateral hemiplegia affecting face and arm more than leg |
Contralateral hemisensory loss |
Dysphasias with dominant hemispheric involvement (usually left) |
Spatial neglect and dressing apraxia with non-dominant hemispheric involvement. |
Embolism to the ophthalmic artery or its branches causes monocular visual symptoms of blurring, loss of vision and field defects. When transient, this is referred to as amaurosis fugax, or transient monocular blindness.
Posterior circulation ischaemia
Specific brainstem syndromes include:
Pre-hospital care
A pre-hospital evaluation tool that has been developed and validated is the Cincinatti Prehospital Stroke Scale or FAST: F –facial movements, A –arm movements, S – speech, and T – test.3 Pre-hospital personnel who identify patients with acute onset of neurological deficits identified using this simple scale can then notify the ED in order to mobilize appropriate staff and forewarn Radiology, so as to expedite assessment and imaging, particularly if thrombolysis is being considered.
Clinical evaluation in the ED
Central nervous system
This includes assessing the level of consciousness, pupil size and reactivity, extent of neurological deficit, presence of neck stiffness and funduscopy for signs of papilloedema and retinal haemorrhage. Quantifying the neurological deficit using a stroke scale such as the 42-point National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS)4 is useful in the initial assessment, and also for monitoring progress in a more objective way than clinical description alone. Strokes with a NIHSS score >22 are classified as severe.
In the case of TIA all clinical signs may have resolved. The average TIA lasts less than 15 minutes.
Differential diagnosis (Table 8.2.4)
Table 8.2.4 Differential diagnosis of stroke
Intracranial space-occupying lesion |
Subdural haematoma |
Brain tumour |
Brain abscess |
Postictal neurological deficit – Todd’s paresis |
Head injury |
Encephalitis |
Metabolic or drug-induced encephalopathy |
Hypoglycaemia, hyponatraemia etc. |
Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome |
Drug toxicity |
Hypertensive encephalopathy |
Multiple sclerosis |
Migraine |
Peripheral nerve lesions |
Functional |
Complications of stroke
TIAs and non-disabling strokes should be evaluated similarly in order to promptly diagnose and manage a potentially treatable process that might lead to a subsequent major stroke. The risk of a stroke following a TIA is now appreciated to be much higher than previously thought, and may be as high as 30% in the first week. The ABCD stroke risk score from TIA has been developed and validated to evaluate the risk of a stroke in the first 7 days following a TIA.5 This has the potential to guide the urgency of investigations, such as carotid ultrasound, required to determine the underlying causes of the TIA. The scoring system is outlined in Table 8.2.5. In patients with an ABCD score <4 there is minimal short-term risk of stroke. With scores of 4, 5 and 6 the risk is 2.2%, 16.5% and 35%, respectively. Other patient groups are at increased risk of stroke independent of the ABCD scoring system. These include patients with diabetes, multiple TIAs within a short period, and patients with a probable or proven cardioembolic source. Diabetes has been incorporated in the recently published ABCD2 scoring system (see Further Reading).
Table 8.2.5 The ABCD TIA Risk Score
ABCD | Risk factor | Score |
Age | Below 60 | 0 |
Above 60 | 1 | |
Blood pressure | BP > systolic 140 mmHg, and/or diastolic 90 mmHg | 1 |
Clinical | Unilateral weakness of face, arm, hand or leg | 2 |
Speech disturbance without weakness | 1 | |
Duration | Symptoms lasted >60 min | 2 |
Symptoms lasted 10–60 min | 1 | |
Symptoms lasted < 10 min | 0 |
(From Rothwell PM, Giles MF, Flassmann E, et al. A simple score (ABCD) to identify individuals at high risk of stroke after transient ischaemic attack. Lancet 2005; 366: 29–36)
Brain imaging
A head CT or MRI scan is indicated in most patients with TIA to exclude lesions that occasionally mimic TIA, such as subdural haematomas and brain tumours. CT, and more particularly MRI, may show areas of infarction which match the symptoms of an ischaemic event that, on clinical grounds, has completely resolved. CT is less sensitive than MRI in detecting posterior territory ischaemic lesions, particularly in the brain stem. In TIAs due to atrial fibrillation or another known cardiac source, brain imaging to exclude ICH is necessary prior to commencing anticoagulation. The exception is in cases of emboli from endocarditis in which anticoagulation is contraindicated owing to the increased risk of secondary ICH.
Imaging vessels
Imaging in stroke
Brain imaging
Recent studies have suggested that MRI is as accurate as CT in diagnosing acute ICH.6 This is significant, as it means that, where facilities are immediately available, CT may be bypassed in acute stroke and MRI can be used to both to exclude ICH and to scan for ischaemia/infarction with DWI. As already mentioned, other modalities such PWI and MRA/MRV may also give important diagnostic information and influence treatment decisions. However, MRI may not be feasible in a significant number of stroke patients, due either to standard contraindications to MRI or other factors such as haemodynamic instability, impaired consciousness or vomiting and agitation. In one study the proportion of patients intolerant of MRI was 1:10.
Ischaemic stroke
A more active approach to the acute management of ischaemic stroke is seen as having the potential to improve neurological outcomes. The ED is the place where these important treatment decisions will largely be made. Most patients with a stroke will require hospital admission for further evaluation and treatment, as well as for observation and possible rehabilitation. Studies of stroke units show that patients benefit from being under the care of physicians with expertise in stroke and a multidisciplinary team that can manage all aspects of their care.10

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