Section 5 Cardiovascular
5.1 Chest pain
The incidence of acute chest pain presenting to the emergency department (ED) appears to be increasing. Awareness of the importance of early treatment for myocardial infarction has led to public information campaigns that increase ED attendances with chest pain. Meanwhile, general practitioners are increasingly being bypassed in favour of an emergency ambulance response. These changes in health service use have coincided in many developed countries with a reduction in the incidence of coronary heart disease. It therefore seems likely that patients presenting to the ED with acute chest pain have a decreasing prevalence of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and an increasing prevalence of more benign conditions.
Differential diagnosis
The main differential diagnoses are outlined in Table 5.1.1. The most common causes of acute chest pain are ACS (unstable angina or myocardial infarction), musculoskeletal pain, anxiety, gastro-oesophageal pain and non-specific chest pain. The most serious causes (in terms of threat to life) are ACS, pulmonary embolism and aortic dissection. Because ACS is both common and life-threatening it is inevitably the primary focus of assessment. ACS is discussed in detail in Chapter 5.2, pulmonary embolus in Chapter 5.5 and aortic dissection in Chapter 5.10.
Table 5.1.1 Causes of acute chest pain
Musculoskeletal | Muscular strain |
Epidemic myalgia | |
Tietze’s syndrome | |
Cardiac | Myocardial infarction |
Unstable angina | |
Stable angina | |
Pericardial | Pneumomediastinum |
Pericarditis | |
Gastro-oesophageal | Gastro-oesophageal reflux |
Oesophageal spasm | |
Psychological | Anxiety/panic attacks |
Hyperventilation | |
Cardiac neurosis | |
Pleuritic | Pulmonary embolus |
Pneumothorax | |
Pleurisy | |
Pneumonia | |
Neurological | Cervical/thoracic nerve root compression |
Herpes zoster | |
Abdominal | Peptic ulcer |
Biliary colic/cholecystitis | |
Pancreatitis | |
Mixed | Aortic dissection |
Clinical features
ACS is classically associated with chest pain that is crushing, gripping or squeezing in nature and radiates to the left arm, but presenting features in the ED may be much more variable, particularly in patients with no past history of coronary heart disease and a non-diagnostic ECG. Table 5.1.2 shows the likelihood ratios of clinical features that may help to diagnose ACS. It is notable that pain radiating to the right arm or to both arms is a powerful predictor of ACS. Pain described as ‘burning’ or ‘like indigestion’ can be associated with ACS in ED patients, as is pain occurring on exertion. So the diagnoses of gastro-oesophageal reflux or stable angina should be made with great caution. Pain that is sharp or associated with inspiration or movement is less likely to be cardiac, but these findings alone do not exclude ACS. Risk factors for coronary heart disease should be routinely recorded, although they may have surprisingly little diagnostic value. This is perhaps because patients are aware of these risk factors and take them into account when deciding whether or not to seek help for episodes of chest pain. In this respect, social and cultural factors may have an importance influence upon patients’ interpretation of their symptoms and health-seeking behaviour.
Table 5.1.2 Likelihood ratios of clinical features useful for diagnosing acute myocardial infarction
Useful for ruling in myocardial infarction | |
Radiation to the right arm or shoulder | 4.7 |
Radiation to both arms or shoulders | 4.1 |
Described as burning or like indigestion | 2.8 |
Association with exertion | 2.4 |
Radiation to left arm | 2.3 |
Associated with diaphoresis | 2.0 |
Associated with nausea or vomiting | 1.9 |
Worse than previous angina or similar to previous myocardial infarction | 1.8 |
Described as pressure | 1.3 |
Useful for ruling out myocardial infarction | |
Described as pleuritic | 0.2 |
Described as positional | 0.3 |
Described as sharp | 0.3 |
Reproducible by palpation | 0.3 |
Inframammary location | 0.8 |
Not associated with exertion | 0.8 |
Clinical examination is of limited diagnostic value and aimed mainly at identifying non-cardiac causes of chest pain or complications of ACS, such as arrhythmia, heart failure or cardiogenic shock. Pain that can be reproduced by chest wall palpation is less likely to be cardiac, but this finding does not exclude the possibility of ACS. It is also important to determine specifically that chest wall palpation is reproducing the pain that led to presentation. Simply identifying chest wall tenderness has little value – everyone has a tender chest wall if you press hard enough!
Clinical assessment should not just focus on ACS, but should aim to positively identify other causes. Pulmonary embolism is diagnostically challenging. Suspicion should be raised by chest pain that is clearly pleuritic in nature, haemoptysis, associated breathlessness, features of deep vein thrombosis or risk factors for venous thromboembolism (immobilization, malignancy, recent trauma or surgery, pregnancy, intravenous drug abuse or previous thromboembolism). Clinical examination may reveal tachycardia, tachypnoea or features of deep vein thrombosis (see Chapter 5.5). Aortic dissection is characterized by severe pain radiating to the back with associated diaphoresis. Neurological symptoms or signs, sometimes transient, are common. Clinical examination may reveal a discrepancy between blood pressure in the right and left arms (see Chapter 5.10).
Clinical investigation
The ECG is the most useful clinical investigation and should be performed on all patients presenting with acute non-traumatic chest pain. Table 5.1.3 shows the value of ECG features for diagnosing myocardial infarction. It is important to recognize that a normal ECG does not rule out myocardial infarction. ST segment elevation or depression, new Q-waves and new conduction defects are specific for acute myocardial infarction and predict adverse outcome. Patients with these features should be managed in a coronary care unit. Other changes associated with myocardial infarction are less helpful. T-wave changes are often non-specific and may be positional, or due to numerous other causes. ECG changes in pulmonary embolism are also non-specific.
Table 5.1.3 Likelihood ratios of ECG features useful for diagnosing acute myocardial infarction
New ST elevation >1 mm | 5.7–53.9 |
New Q wave | 5.3–24.8 |
Any ST-segment elevation | 11.2 |
New conduction defect | 6.3 |
New ST-segment depression | 3.0–5.2 |
Any Q wave | 3.9 |
Any ST-segment depression | 3.2 |
T-wave peaking and/or inversion >1 mm | 3.1 |
New T-wave inversion | 2.4–2.8 |
Any conduction defect | 2.7 |
Intuitively, clinicians tend to be most concerned about sensitivity. If a marker lacks sensitivity then it may miss cases of myocardial infarction, leading to potentially catastrophic discharge home without appropriate treatment. However, sensitivity and specificity are often related and may be influenced by the threshold of the marker used to determine a positive test. The lower the threshold used for a positive test the higher the sensitivity and the lower the specificity. Many evaluations of new markers deliberately optimize sensitivity by selecting a low threshold and sacrificing specificity. This may be an acceptable trade-off in a high-risk population, but ED patients with no past history of coronary heart disease and a non-diagnostic ECG typically have a low prevalence of myocardial infarction (<10%). In these circumstances a test with low specificity will generate many false positive results, requiring hospital admission and investigation, as well as unnecessary anxiety for the patient.
Provocative cardiac testing, usually using an exercise treadmill, is becoming a practical option in many EDs. Patients typically undergo a short period of observation and cardiac marker testing to rule out myocardial infarction before undergoing an exercise treadmill test. Concerns about the safety of this procedure have been addressed by data from a number of centres: however, it should be recognized that selection of low-risk patients plays a key role in ensuring safety. Performing an exercise test on a patient with ACS can be an alarming experience!
The Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) score has been developed and validated as a predictor of adverse outcome in patients with diagnosed ACS (see Chapter 5.2). Studies have evaluated the TIMI score in ED patients with suspected ACS and shown that higher scores are associated with a higher risk of adverse outcome. This has led to the TIMI score being used to risk-stratify patients with chest pain before a diagnosis of ACS has been confirmed.
Treatment of acute chest pain is obviously directed at the specific cause. The treatment of acute coronary syndrome is outlined in Chapter 5.2, pulmonary embolus in Chapter 5.5, and aortic dissection in Chapter 5.10.
Non-specific chest pain obviously presents a diagnostic challenge. With no clear diagnosis it is difficult to advise an appropriate treatment. However, patients can be advised that, although no clear diagnosis can be made, about half such patients presenting to the ED have no further episodes of pain over the following month. Those who do suffer further episodes are unlikely to be troubled. Treatment is therefore unlikely to be required.
Likely developments over the next 5–10 years
Antman E, Tanasijevic MJ, Thompson B, et al. Cardiac-specific troponin I levels to predict the risk of mortality in patients with acute coronary symptoms. New England Journal of Medicine. 1996;335:1342-1349.
Chase M, Robey JL, Zogby KE, et al. Prospective validation of the thrombolysis in myocardial infarction score in the emergency department chest pain population. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2006;48:252-259.
Chun AA, McGee SR. Bedside diagnosis of coronary artery disease: a systematic review. American Journal of Medicine. 2004;117:334-343.
Conway-Morris A, Caesar D, Gray S. TIMI risk score accurately risk stratifies patients with undifferentiated chest pain presenting to an emergency department. Heart. 2006;92:1333-1334.
Fleet RP, Dupuis G, Marchand A, et al. Panic disorder, chest pain and coronary artery disease: literature review. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 1994;10:827-834.
Goodacre SW, Angelini K, Arnold J, et al. Clinical predictors of acute coronary syndrome in patients with undifferentiated chest pain. Quarterly Journal of Medicine. 2003;96:893-898.
Goodacre S, Locker T, Arnold J, et al. Which diagnostic tests are most useful in a chest pain unit protocol? BioMed Central Emergency Medicine. 2005;5:6.
Goodacre S, Nicholl J, Dixon S, et al. Randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of a chest pain observation unit compared with routine care. British Medical Journal. 2004;328:254-257.
Joint European Society of Cardiology/American College of Cardiology Committee. Myocardial infarction redefined – a consensus document of the Joint European Society of Cardiology/American College of Cardiology Committee for the Redefinition of Myocardial Infarction. European Heart Journals. 2000;36:959-969.
McCord J, Nowak RM, McCullough PA, et al. Ninety-minute exclusion of acute myocardial infarction by use of quantitative point-of-care testing of myoglobin and troponin I. Circulation. 2001;104:1483-1488.
Mitchell AM, Brown MD, Menown IBA, et al. Novel protein markers of acute coronary syndrome complications in low-risk outpatients: A systematic review of potential use in the emergency department. Clinical Chemistry. 2005;51:2005-2011.
Panju AA, Hemmelgarn BR, Guyatt GH, et al. Is this patient having a myocardial infarction? Journal of American Medical Association. 1998;280:1256-1263.
Swap CT, Nagurney JT. Value and limitations of chest pain history in the evaluation of patients with suspected acute coronary syndromes. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2005;294:2623-2629.
5.2 Acute coronary syndromes
Aetiology, pathogenesis and pathology
ACS may be associated with a number of life-threatening complications. Myocardial ischaemia or infarction may lead to arrhythmia, such as atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. Supraventricular tachycardias are not usually associated with ACS. Heart block may occur with small infarcts affecting the nodal branch of the right coronary artery or larger septal infarcts. Infarction may lead to myocardial dysfunction, resulting in heart failure or cardiogenic shock. Massive MI may cause papillary muscle dysfunction and mitral regurgitation, ventricular septal defect or cardiac rupture. The probability of any of these complications occurring increases with the severity of myocardial damage incurred.
Clinical features
Clinical assessment of suspected ACS is described in detail in Chapter 5.1. Chest pain is suggestive of MI if it radiates to either arm, both arms or shoulders; is described as burning, like indigestion, heavy, pressing or band-like; occurs on exertion; is associated with diaphoresis, nausea or vomiting; or is worse than previous angina or similar to previous MI. Chest pain is less likely to be MI if it is sharp, pleuritic, positional, reproduced by palpation, inframammary in location, or not associated with exertion.
Clinical examination is generally unhelpful in making the diagnosis of ACS, which should be based on clinical history and investigations. However, clinical examination is essential to identify complications of ACS. Heart failure may be identified by poor peripheral circulation, tachycardia, pulmonary crepitations, elevated jugular venous pressure and a third heart sound on cardiac auscultation. The additional finding of hypotension suggests cardiogenic shock. A systolic murmur raises the possibility of papillary muscle rupture or ventricular septal defect secondary to MI, although pre-existing aortic or mitral valve disease are much more common.
Differential diagnosis
Alternative diagnoses and their differentiation from ACS are described in Chapter 5.1. The most potentially serious alternative diagnoses are pulmonary embolus and aortic dissection. These should be considered in any patient with suspected ACS who is diaphoretic, tachycardic, tachypnoeic, hypotensive, or reports associated neurological symptoms but does not have definite ECG features of ACS.
Clinical investigation
Other ECG changes may be useful in diagnosing AMI and are described in Chapter 5.1 and Table 5.1.3. Q waves typically follow ST elevation, but may appear as early as 4 hours after symptom onset. Their presence does not therefore preclude early reperfusion. Tall, upright T waves (‘hyperacute’ T waves) may be present in the very early stages of infarction. Deep (>3 mm) inverted T waves suggest a subendocardial MI and a troponin rise can be expected. Similarly, patients with significant (>1 mm) ST depression have an increased risk of adverse outcome and are likely to have a troponin rise. Unfortunately, despite suggesting an increased risk of adverse outcome, neither ST depression nor deep T-wave inversion is associated with benefit from thrombolytic therapy.
Biochemical markers are discussed in detail in Chapter 5.1. Their role in emergency medicine is principally diagnostic, in that they are used to identify patients with ACS from among those presenting with chest pain, and to rule out ACS if negative. However, it should be remembered that a negative cardiac marker, even if highly sensitive and performed at an optimal time after the worst symptoms, does not rule out CHD, or even necessarily ACS. Patients with negative markers will still require risk stratification and further cardiac testing if ACS is considered a likely diagnosis.
Biochemical markers (particularly troponin) have a valuable prognostic role. Any patient with an elevated troponin is at increased risk of adverse outcome and has the potential to benefit from hospital admission. If ACS is the likely cause of a troponin elevation then the patient should be admitted under the care of a cardiologist. As a general rule, the higher the troponin level the greater risk of adverse outcome. So patients with minor troponin elevations may be managed conservatively and possibly without ECG monitoring, whereas those with substantial troponin elevations should be managed on a coronary care unit and considered for early percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), even if they have no significant ECG changes.
Provocative cardiac testing, such as exercise treadmill testing, is also described in Chapter 5.1. Its main role is to risk-stratify patients with chest pain who do not have ECG or biochemical changes suggesting ACS, and thus allow discharge home if negative. Provocative testing can be used to risk-stratify patients presenting with chest pain and known CHD. In these circumstances an early positive test will prompt rapid referral to cardiology for consideration of cardiac catheterization, whereas a late positive or negative test suggests that conservative treatment is appropriate. The use of provocative cardiac testing to risk-stratify patients with troponin-positive ACS is best left to the cardiologists.
As described in Chapter 5.1, radionuclide scanning and CT imaging may be used in some EDs to screen for significant CHD, but their use is not currently widespread and relates mainly to ruling out CHD in low-risk patients rather than risk-stratifying those with ACS.
Criteria for diagnosis
The original World Health Organization (WHO) diagnosis of MI is outlined in Table 5.2.1. It required an elevation of creatinine kinase to more than twice the upper limit of the normal range. With the development of troponins it became apparent that this definition failed to include a substantial number of patients with prognostically significant myocardial damage, as evidenced by a troponin rise. Therefore the American Heart Association and European Society of Cardiology (AHA/ESC) developed a new definition of MI, outlined in Table 5.2.2, which required a rise in serum troponin above the 99th percentile of the values for a reference control group.
Table 5.2.1 WHO criteria for definite acute MI (1970)
Table 5.2.2 The AHA/ESC criteria for MI (2000)
Typical rise and fall of biochemical markers of myocardial necrosis with at least one of the following: |
The diagnosis of ACS can be made in the absence of a troponin rise if the patient has characteristic ECG changes, such as ST-segment deviation or deep T-wave inversion. However, significant ECG changes are usually associated with a troponin rise. This means that the clinical diagnosis of ACS without MI is usually based on the clinical history, possibly augmented by provocative cardiac testing, myocardial perfusion scanning or coronary artery imaging. As the clinical features are known to be unreliable for ACS (see Chapter 5.1) and many patients with suspected ACS do not receive further cardiac testing, differentiation between ACS and either stable angina or non-coronary pain may be uncertain. This fact is often overlooked when guidelines are developed for ACS. Identifying a patient with ACS or suspected ACS relies on clinical judgement that is often imperfect. This is an important issue because only a minority of patients admitted to hospital with ACS have diagnostic ECG changes.
Treatments for all ACS
GTN and intravenous (i.v.) morphine are the analgesic agents of choice. Sublingual GTN may be appropriate if pain is mild to moderate, but severe pain usually requires titrated i.v. morphine. Doses of up to 20 mg, in small increments, are sometimes required. If i.v. morphine fails to control pain and the clinical condition is suitable, i.v. GTN by infusion at a rate titrated to effect (20–200 μg/min) is indicated. If this is insufficient to control pain and the patient is tachycardic, control of rate with small increments of β-blocker may be beneficial. It is important to note that ongoing severe pain, particularly in the absence of ECG changes, should raise concerns about an alternative diagnosis, such as aortic dissection.
Fibrinolytic agents include streptokinase and tissue fibrin-specific agents such as alteplase and tenectaplase. Available evidence suggests that fibrin-specific agents reduce mortality compared to streptokinase, despite an increased risk of intracranial bleeding. Note that streptokinase should not be given to patients who have been previously exposed to it (more than 5 days ago). There is also some evidence that it may be less effective in populations with high levels of exposure to streptococcal skin infections, such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Contraindications to fibrinolytic therapy are shown in Table 5.2.3.
Table 5.2.3 Contraindications to fibrinolytic therapy in STEMI
(Modified from Antman EM, Anbe DT, Armstrong PW, et al. Circulation 2004; 110: e82–292).
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors
The role of GP inhibitors is evolving and data are conflicting and complex. At this stage, some guidelines consider it ‘reasonable’ to use abciximab with primary PCI. The use of full-dose GP inhibitors with fibrinolysis should be avoided because of the increased bleeding risk, and the combination of GP inhibitors with reduced doses of fibrinolytic therapy is not recommended, as it does not improve outcomes compared to full-dose fibrinolytic therapy and increases the bleeding risk.