
48.1 What processes can be applied to both monitor and manage such incidents and events?

48.2 How can the quality of clinical care and the safety of the service be improved?


48.1 Modern pre-hospital and retrieval services are expected to ensure that the right patient receives the right treatment in the right time and is then transported to the right destination via the right transport. There are subsequently a number of opportunities for adverse clinical and operational incidents to occur. These may vary both in terms of severity (potential or actual outcome) and frequency.

Incident monitoring and the management of incidents or adverse events is an important component of overall risk management. However, when compared to an in-hospital clinical unit, risk management and incident monitoring may be more challenging for a pre-hospital and retrieval service for the following reasons:

Key incident and event monitoring and management tools include:

Jul 12, 2016 | Posted by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE | Comments Off on 48

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