Relevant information

Aircraft: Rotary wing

Local resources: General hospital, no neurosurgery or ICU on-site

Retrieval options: Regional neurosurgical centre 45 minutes by air

Other: Nil


38.1 Outline your plan for initial clinical management.

A quick bedside review of the patient soon after your arrival reveals the following:

• P 60.

• BP 85/55 mmHg.

• SaO2 93% on 50% inspired oxygen.

• Bilateral fixed and dilated pupils.

The neurosurgical team at the receiving hospital has now reviewed the CT scans and telephones as you arrive to say that ‘the intracranial haemorrhage is inoperable and unsurvivable’. They are concerned that the patient may have ‘already coned’.

38.2 Describe the procedures to diagnose brain death. Are you able to diagnose brain death in this case?

38.3 What are the options in this scenario?

38.4 What are the key points of discussion with the family?


‘Determination of brain death requires that there is unresponsive coma, the absence of brainstem reflexes and the absence of respiratory centre function, in the clinical setting in which these findings are irreversible. In particular, there must be definite clinical or neuroimaging evidence of acute brain pathology (e.g. traumatic brain injury, intracranial haemorrhage, hypoxic encephalopathy) consistent with the irreversible loss of neurological function.’

It should be noted that, in Australia and New Zealand, whole brain death is required for the legal determination of brain death. This contrasts with the United Kingdom where brainstem death (even in the presence of cerebral blood flow) is the standard.

Brain death may either be determined by clinical testing (if the preconditions outlined below are met) or imaging that demonstrates the absence of intracranial blood flow (e.g. four-vessel angiography or radionuclide imaging).
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Jul 12, 2016 | Posted by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE | Comments Off on 38

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