B9780729538848100260/gr1.jpg is missing


A 34-year-old female has presented to a rural community clinic with headache, back pain and a rash.

Clinical information at time of tasking:

• P 130.

• BP 70/40 mmHg.

• RR 28.

• GCS 15.

• Body temperature 35.9°C (96.6°F).

Relevant information


26.1 How will you further manage this patient with a view to retrieval?


26.1 The patient has three criteria of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) plus evidence of infection, organ hypoperfusion and hypotension despite fluid resuscitation. The diagnosis is septic shock and it is recognised that prompt treatment will improve outcome. The destination is over 3 hours away when packaging, transfers and other factors are taken into account. The appropriate course of action is to begin treatment and attempt to stabilise the patient before transfer. A suggested path using an ‘ABC’ approach is described but simultaneous management is expected and the order of treatment may vary.

Jul 12, 2016 | Posted by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE | Comments Off on 26

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