Section 13 Haematology
13.1 Anaemia
Anaemia is a condition in which the absolute number of red cells in the circulation is abnormally low. The diagnosis is usually made on the basis of the full blood count (FBC). This, together with the blood film, offers qualitative as well as quantitative data on the blood components, and a set of normal values is shown in Table 13.1.1.
Table 13.1.1 Full blood count: normal parameters
Haemoglobin (Hb) | |
Males | 13.5–18 g/dL |
Females | 11.5–16.5 g/dL |
Red blood cell count | |
Males | 4500–6500 × 109/L |
Females | 3900–5600 × 109/L |
Haematocrit | |
Males | 42–54% |
Females | 37–47% |
MCH | 27–32 pg |
MCHC | 32–36 g/dL |
MCV | 76–98 fL |
Reticulocytes | 0.2–2% |
White blood cells | 4–11 × 109/L |
Neutrophils | 1.8–8 × 109/L |
Eosinophils | 0–0.6 × 109/L |
Basophils | 0–0.2 × 109/L |
Lymphocytes | 1–5 × 109/L |
Monocytes | 0–0.8 × 109/L |
Platelets | 150–400 × 109/L |
MCH, Hb divided by RBC; MCHC, Hb divided by HCT; MCV, HCT divided by RBC.
Most automated counting machines now give the red cell distribution width (RDW), a measure of degree of variation of cell size.
The overriding functional importance of the red cell resides in its ability to transport oxygen, bound to the haemoglobin molecule, from the lungs to the tissues. Functionally, anaemia may be regarded as an impairment in the supply of oxygen to the tissues and the adverse effects of anaemia, from whatever cause, are a consequence of the resultant tissue hypoxia. Anaemia is not a diagnosis: rather, it is a clinical or a laboratory finding that should prompt the search for an underlying cause (Table 13.1.2).
Table 13.1.2 Causes of anaemia
Haemorrhage |
Traumatic |
Non-traumatic |
Acute or chronic |
Production defect |
Megaloblastic anaemia |
Vitamin B12 deficiency |
Folate deficiency |
Aplastic anaemia |
Pure red cell aplasia |
Myelodysplastic syndromes |
Invasive marrow diseases |
Chronic renal failure |
Decreased RBC survival (haemolytic anaemia) |
Congenital |
Spherocytosis |
Elliptocytosis |
Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency |
Pyruvate kinase deficiency |
Haemoglobinopathies: sickle cell diseases |
Acquired autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, warm |
Acquired autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, cold |
Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemias |
RBC mechanical trauma |
Infections |
Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria |
RBC, red blood cell.
By far the most common cause of severe anaemia encountered in the emergency department (ED) is haemorrhage. Therefore, the assessment of the anaemic patient is often chiefly concerned with the search for a site of blood loss. The most common causes of haemorrhage are outlined in Table 13.1.3. However, the emergency physician must remain alert to the possibility that the patient is not bleeding but manifesting a rarer pathological condition.
Table 13.1.3 Common causes of haemorrhage in the emergency department
Trauma |
Blunt trauma to mediastinum |
Pulmonary contusions/haemopneumothorax |
Intraperitoneal injury |
Retroperitoneal injury |
Pelvic disruption |
Long bone injury |
Open wounds: inadequate first aid |
Non-trauma |
Gastrointestinal haemorrhage |
Oesophageal varices |
Peptic ulcer |
Gastritis/Mallory–Weiss |
Colonic/rectal bleeding |
Obstetric/gynaecological bleeding |
Ruptured ectopic pregnancy |
Menorrhagia |
Threatened miscarriage |
Antepartum haemorrhage |
Postpartum haemorrhage |
Other |
Epistaxis |
Postoperative |
Secondary to bleeding diathesis |
Clinical features
In the context of trauma the history often gives clear pointers to both sites and extent of blood loss. Consideration of the mechanism of injury may allow anticipation of occult pelvic, intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal bleeding. Intracranial bleeding is never an explanation for hypovolaemic shock in an adult. In the context of non-trauma it is essential to obtain an obstetric and gynaecological history in women of childbearing age. The remainder of the formal history may supply information essential in determining the aetiology of anaemia. The past medical history may point to a known haematological abnormality or to a chronic disease process. A drug and allergy history is always relevant. Many drugs cause marrow suppression, haemolytic anaemia and bleeding. The family history points to hereditary disease; the social history may alert the clinician to an unusual occupational exposure in the patient’s past or, more likely, to recreational activities liable to exacerbate an ongoing disease process. The systems review is particularly relevant to the consultation with middle-aged or elderly male patients, who must be asked about symptoms of altered bowel habit and weight loss.
Clinical investigations
Red cell morphology, particularly the mean corpuscular volume (MCV), can help elucidate the cause of anaemia. The finding of a pancytopenia suggests a problem in haematopoiesis, rather than haemolysis or blood loss. In women of childbearing age, assay of blood or urine β-HCG is important.
The principles of management of haemorrhage are as follows:
The indications for red cell transfusion are discussed in Chapter 13.5. The faster the onset of the anaemia, the greater the need for urgent replacement. Patients who are tolerating their anaemia may require no more than an appropriate diet with or without the addition of haematinics. Elderly patients with severe bleeding often need red cells urgently. Excessive administration of colloid and/or crystalloid precipitates left ventricular failure, and it can then be difficult to administer red cells.
Megaloblastic anaemia
The finding of a raised MCV is common in the presence or absence of anaemia. Alcohol abuse is a frequent underlying cause, and other causes are listed in Table 13.1.4. MCVs greater than 115 fL are usually due to megaloblastic anaemia, which in turn is usually due to either vitamin B12 or folate deficiency. Vitamin B12 and folate are essential to DNA synthesis in all cells. Deficiencies manifest principally in red cell production because of the sheer number of red cells that are produced. B12 deficiency is usually the result of a malabsorption syndrome, whereas folate deficiency is of dietary origin. Tetrahydrofolate is a co-factor in DNA synthesis and, in turn, the formation of tetrahydrofolate from its methylated precursor is B12-dependent. Unabated cytoplasmic production of RNA in the context of impaired DNA synthesis appears to produce the enlarged nucleus and abundant cytoplasm of the megaloblast. These cells, when released to the periphery, have poor function and poor survival.
Table 13.1.4 Some causes of a raised mass cell volume
Alcohol |
Drugs |
Hypothyroidism |
Liver disease |
Megaloblastic anaemias (B12 and folate deficiency) |
Myelodysplasia |
Pregnancy |
Reticulocytosis |
The work-up for folate deficiency is similar to that for B12. Occasionally, patients require investigation for a malabsorption syndrome (tropical sprue, coeliac disease), which includes jejunal biopsy. Folate deficiency is common in pregnancy because of the large folate requirements of the growing fetus. It can be difficult to diagnose because of the maternal physiological expansion of plasma volume and also of red cell mass, but diagnosis and treatment with oral folate supplements are important because of the risk of associated neural tube defects.
Other causes of decreased red cell production
The myelodysplastic syndromes are a group of disorders primarily affecting the elderly. In these states there is no reduction in marrow cellularity but the mature red cells, granulocytes and platelets generated from an abnormal clone of stem cells are disordered and dysfunctional. There is peripheral pancytopenia. These disorders are classified according to observed cellular morphology (Table 13.1.5). These conditions were once termed ‘preleukaemia’, and one-third of patients progress to acute myeloid leukaemia.
Table 13.1.5 Classification of the myelodysplastic syndromes
Refractory anaemia |
Refractory anaemia with ringed sideroblasts |
Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts |
Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia |
Patients whose main problem is haemolysis are encountered rarely in the ED. The most fulminant haemolytic emergency one could envisage is that following transfusion of ABO-incompatible blood (discussed in Ch. 13.5), a vanishingly rare event where proper procedures are followed. Haemolysis and haemolytic anaemia are occasionally encountered in decompensating patients with multisystem problems. Rarely, first presentations of unusual haematological conditions occur.
Some of the haemolytic anaemias are hereditary conditions in which the inherited disorder is an abnormality intrinsic to the red cell, its membrane, its metabolic pathways or the structure of the haemoglobin contained in the cells. Such red cells are liable to be dysfunctional, and to have increased fragility and a shortened lifespan. Lysis in the circulation may lead to clinical jaundice as bilirubin is formed from the breakdown of haemoglobin. Lysis in the reticuloendothelial system generally does not cause jaundice but may produce splenomegaly. The anaemia tends to be normochromic normocytic; sometimes a mildly raised MCV is due to an appropriate reticulocyte response from a normally functioning marrow. Serum bilirubin may be raised even in the absence of jaundice. Urinary urobilinogen and faecal stercobilinogen are detectable and serum haptoglobin is depleted. The antiglobulin (Coombs’) test is important in the elucidation of some haemolytic anaemias. In this test, red cells coated in vivo (direct test) or in vitro (indirect test) with IgG antibodies are washed to remove unbound antibodies, then incubated with an antihuman globulin reagent. The resultant agglutination is a positive test.
Sickle cell anaemia
Pain relief should commence early. A morphine infusion may be required for patients with severe ongoing pain. Other supportive measures are dictated by the presentation. Intravenous fluids are particularly important for patients with renal involvement. Aim to establish a urine output in excess of 100 mL/h in adults. Antibiotic cover may be required in the case of febrile patients with lung involvement. It may be impossible to differentiate between pulmonary vaso-occlusion and pneumonia. Many patients with sickle cell disease are effectively splenectomized owing to chronic splenic sequestration with infarction, and are prone to infection from encapsulated bacteria. The choice of antibiotic depends on the clinical presentation. Indications for exchange transfusion are shown in Table 13.1.6. The efficacy of exchange transfusion in painful crises remains unproven.
Table 13.1.6 Indications for exchange transfusion in sickle cell crisis
Neurological presentations: TIAs, stroke, seizures |
Lung involvement (PaO2 < 65 mmHg with FiO2 60%) |
Sequestration syndromes |
Priapism |
TIA, transient ischaemic attack
Haemoglobin S-C disease
Sickle trait or Hb S-C disease occurs in up to 10% in the black population. The clinical presentation resembles that of sickle cell disease but is usually less severe.
Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia
In this important group of conditions intravascular haemolysis occurs in conjunction with a disorder of microcirculation. Important causes are shown in Table 13.1.7.
Table 13.1.7 Causes of microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia
Disseminated intravascular coagulation |
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome |
Malignancy |
Malignant hypertension |
Snake envenoming |
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura |
Vasculitis |
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
In adults, the presentation is usually one of a neurological disturbance (headache, confusion, obtundation, seizures or focal signs). The blood film reveals anaemia, thrombocytopenia, reticulocytosis and schistocytes. Coombs’ test is negative.
Other causes of haemolysis
Haemolysis may be due to mechanical trauma, as in ‘March haemoglobinuria’. Artificial heart valves can potentially traumatize red cells. Historically, ball-and-cage type valves have been most prone to cause haemolysis, whereas disc valves are more thrombogenic. Improvements in design have made cardiac haemolytic anaemia very rare. Haemolysis is sometimes seen in association with a number of infectious diseases, notably malaria. Other infections that have been implicated are listed in Table 13.1.8. Certain drugs and toxins are associated with haemolytic anaemia (Table 13.1.9). The haemolytic anaemia that is commonly seen in patients with severe burns is attributed to direct damage to the red cells by heat.
Table 13.1.8 Infections associated with haemolysis
Babesiosis |
Bartonella |
Clostridia |
Cytomegalovirus |
Coxsackie virus |
Epstein-Barr virus |
Haemophilus |
Herpes simplex |
Malaria, especially Plasmodium falciparum (Blackwater fever) |
Measles |
Mycoplasma |
Varicella |
Table 13.1.9 Drugs and toxins associated with haemolysis
Antimalarials |
Arsine (arsenic hydride) |
Bites: bees, wasps, spiders, snakes |
Copper toxicity |
Dapsone |
Lead (plumbism) |
Local anaesthetics: lidocaine, benzocaine |
Nitrates, nitrites |
Sulfonamides |
Bain BJ. Morphology in the diagnosis of red cell disorders. Hematology. 2005;10S(1):178-181.
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Losek JD, Hellmich TR, Hoffman GM. Diagnostic value of anemia, red blood cell morphology, and reticulocyte count for sickle cell disease. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 1992;21(8):915-918.
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Thomas C, Thomas L. Anemia of chronic disease: pathophysiology and laboratory diagnosis. Laboratory Hematology. 2005;11(1):14-23.
13.2 Neutropenia
Neutropenia is defined as a decrease in the number of circulating neutrophils. The neutrophil count varies with age, sex and racial grouping. The severity of neutropenia is usually graded as follows:1
Pathophysiology and aetiology
For a previously normal individual to become neutropenic there must be decreased production of neutrophils in the marrow, decreased survival of mature neutrophils or a redistribution of neutrophils from the circulating pool. The important causes are shown in Table 13.2.1.
Table 13.2.1 Important causes of neutropenia
Decreased production |
Aplastic anaemia |
Leukaemias |
Lymphomas |
Metastatic cancer |
Drug-induced agranulocytosis |
Megaloblastic anaemias |
CD8 and large granular lymphocytosis |
Myelodysplastic syndromes |
Decreased survival |
Idiopathic immune related |
Systemic lupus erythematosis |
Felty syndrome |
Drugs |
Redistribution |
Sequestration (hypersplenism) |
Increased utilization (overwhelming sepsis) |
Viraemia |
It is a defect in neutrophil production that is most likely to prove life threatening. Consumption of neutrophils in the periphery, as occurs early in infectious processes, is likely to be rapidly compensated for by a functioning marrow. Fortunately, most of the primary diseases of haematopoiesis are rare, and in practice many of the acquired neutropenias are drug induced. Processes interfering with haematopoiesis, often involving autoimmune mechanisms, may affect neutrophils both in the marrow and in the periphery. Some drugs cause neutropenia universally but many more reactions are idiosyncratic, be they dose-related or independent of dose. Some commonly implicated drugs are listed in Table 13.2.2. Cancer chemotherapy drugs are now recognized as the commonest cause of neutropenia.
Table 13.2.2 Drugs commonly associated with neutropenia
Antibiotics: chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, isoniazid, rifampicin, β-lactams, carbenicillin |
Antidysrhythmic agents: quinidine, procainamide |
Antiepileptics: phenytoin, carbamazepine |
Antihypertensives: thiazides, ethacrynic acid, captopril, methyldopa, hydralazine |
Antithyroid agents |
Chemotherapeutic agents: especially methotrexate, cytosine arabinoside, 5-azacytidine, azothioprine, doxorubicin, daunorubicin, hydroxyurea, alkylating agents |
Connective tissue disorder agents: phenylbutazone, penicillamine, gold |
H2-receptor antagonists |
Phenothiazines, especially chlorpromazine |
Miscellaneous: imipramine, allopurinol, clozapine, ticlopidine, tolbutamide |
Clinical features
Neutropenia is frequently anticipated based on the clinical presentation, such as fever developing in the context of cancer chemotherapy, by far the most common scenario in which severe neutropenia is seen in the ED. Alternatively, it may be identified in the course of investigation for a likely infective illness, or it might be an incidental finding during investigation for an unrelated condition.
Chronic neutropenia may be asymptomatic unless secondary or recurrent infections develop. Acute severe neutropenia may present with fever, sore throat, and mucosal ulceration or inflammation.2 Symptoms or signs of an associated disease process may also be present, such as pallor from anaemia, or bleeding from thrombocytopenia, as might occur in conditions causing pancytopenia.
Physical examination may reveal necrotizing mucosal lesions, pallor, petechial rashes, lymphadenopathy, bone tenderness, abnormal tonsillar or respiratory findings, spleno- or other organomegaly.2 Careful examination of the skin of the back, the lower limbs and the perineum for evidence of infection is important. The presence of indwelling venous access devices should be noted and insertion sites inspected for evidence of inflammation or infection.

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