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A 24-year-old male motorcyclist has collided with a bus. He was briefly trapped and has burns to his lower limbs. He is conscious but hypotensive (SBP 80 mmHg).

Relevant information

Aircraft: Offline. Rapid response road vehicle available

Ground resources: One land ambulance and crew. Police and Fire & Rescue Services

Retrieval options: General hospital 5 minutes by road. Major trauma hospital 15 minutes by road

Other: Raining



11.1 Potential hazards should be considered. In the absence of further information, fire should be considered a risk to the PHR team whenever burns are reported. The patient is hypotensive following a significant mechanism of injury. The focus should therefore be on rapid assessment, preservation of blood volume, careful packaging and swift movement to definitive care. Patients with multiple injuries displaying pre-hospital physiological instability are best managed in a major trauma hospital, which is the destination of choice in this instance. A high degree of suspicion should apply to the patient with a significant mechanism of injury regardless of the initial findings.

11.2 The scene has been cordoned. The stability of the bus is unclear. Furthermore, the bus engine cover has been removed and there is evidence of recent use of a fire extinguisher. Clarification should be sought from on-scene senior Fire & Rescue Service personnel regarding scene safety. A motorcycle has come to rest between the underside of the bus and the road kerb. There is significant damage to both the motorcycle and the rear of the bus. The patient lies supine in close proximity to the incident. Initial monitoring, exposure and lower limb wound care has commenced. Both lower limbs are somewhat externally rotated, raising the suspicion of a pelvic ring disruption.

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Jul 12, 2016 | Posted by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE | Comments Off on 11

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