Section 10 Genitourinary
10.1 Acute kidney injury
The first recognition of illness caused by a sudden decline in renal function (‘ischuria renalis’) was by William Heberden in 1802.1 In 1888 Delafield described a form of ‘acute Bright’s disease’ that was caused by toxins, various infectious diseases and extensive injuries, and where there was degeneration or death of tubule cells.2 Impaired renal function in injured soldiers was described in World War I (‘war nephritis’) and in World War II.3,4 The term ‘acute renal failure’ (ARF) was first used in 1951.5
The basic process in ARF is a rapid (hours to days) reduction in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) due to renal hypoperfusion (prerenal causes), damage to glomeruli, tubules, interstitium or blood vessels (renal causes), or obstruction to urine flow (postrenal causes). The GFR is inversely related to the serum creatinine (SCr) concentration. The diagnosis of ARF is made when there is an increase in the SCr concentration, with or without a decrease in the urine output. A simple definition of ARF is an acute and sustained (lasting for 48 h or more) increase in the SCr of 44 μmol/L if the baseline is less than 221 μmol/L, or an increase in the SCr of more than 20% if the baseline is more than 221 μmol/L.6 A more comprehensive definition (the RIFLE system) is used to classify persons with acute impairment of renal function7 (Table 10.1.1).
Table 10.1.1 RIFLE classification of acute renal failure
Stage | Serum creatinine (SCr) concentration | Urine output |
RISK | Increase of 1.5 times the baseline | <0.5 mL/kg/h for 6 h |
INJURY | Increase of 2.0 times the baseline | <0.5 mL/kg/h for 12 h |
FAILURE | Increase of 3.0 times the baseline or SCr is 355 μmol/L or more when there has been an acute rise of greater than 44 μmol/L for 24 h or anuria for 12 h | <0.3 mL/kg/h |
LOSS | Persistent acute renal failure; complete loss of kidney function for longer than 4 weeks | |
END-STAGE RENAL DISEASE | End-stage renal disease for longer than 3 months |
Aetiology and pathogenesis
Prerenal acute kidney injury
Reductions in renal blood flow (RBF) and GFR occur in the setting(s) of hypovolaemia, hypotension (cardiogenic shock, anaphylaxis, sepsis), oedematous states with a reduced ‘effective’ circulating volume (cardiac failure, hepatic cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome) or renal hypoperfusion (renal artery stenosis, hepatorenal syndrome). Drugs that interfere with autoregulation (e.g. prostaglandin inhibitors, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor antagonists) also reduce glomerular perfusion. The physiological responses to volume depletion and hypotension, and the link to prerenal AKI, are shown in Figure 10.1.1.
Renal (parenchymal) acute kidney injury
Acute tubular necrosis (ATN) is the most common pathological process that causes ARF. While the terminology suggests that the main cause is tubular damage, the actual pathophysiology is more complex: impaired autoregulation and marked intrarenal vasoconstriction (the main mechanism for the greatly reduced GFR), tubular damage (with cytoskeleton breakdown), increased tubuloglomerular feedback, endothelial cell injury, fibrin deposition in the microcirculation, release of cytokines, activation of inflammation and activation of the immune system.8,9
ATN is classified as ischaemic ATN or cytotoxic ATN (due to damage by toxins); both processes are present in some patients. In ischaemic ATN there is a continuum between prerenal azotaemia, the RISK and INJURY stages of AKI, and the development of ATN. ATN caused by administration of intravenous or intra-arterial contrast agents is due to renal vasoconstriction, reduced injury.10 The main mechanisms of AKI or ATN caused by drugs are vasoconstriction, altered intraglomerular haemodynamics, tubular cell toxicity, interstitial nephritis, crystal deposition, thrombotic microangiopathy and osmotic nephrosis.11
Important causes of cytotoxic ATN are listed in Table 10.1.2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) often cause a gradual and asymptomatic decrease in the GFR, but can cause AKI (including ATN). NSAIDs do not impair renal function in a healthy person, but can reduce the GFR in elderly persons with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, in persons with chronic renal failure, when chronic prerenal hypoperfusion is present (e.g. cardiac failure, cirrhosis), or in persons using diuretics and calcium channel blockers.12
Table 10.1.2 Causes of toxic acute tubular necrosis
Exogenous agents |
Radiocontrast |
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs |
Antibiotics: aminoglycosides, amphotericin B |
Antiviral drugs: aciclovir, foscarnet |
Immunosuppressive drugs: ciclosporin |
Organic solvents: ethylene glycol |
Poisons: snake venom, paraquat, paracetamol |
Chemotherapeutic drugs: cisplatin |
Herbal remedies |
Heavy metals |
Endogenous agents |
Haem pigments: haemoglobin, myoglobin |
Uric acid |
Myeloma proteins Correct intravascular volume depletion |
Maintain perfusion pressure |
Choice of resuscitation fluid |
Diuresis in rhabdomyolysis |
Avoid nephrotoxins |
Use derived GFR or creatinine clearance when calculating drug doses |
Once ATN is established there is a persistent and marked reduction in RBF and in GFR that lasts for 1 to 2 weeks. During this time the patient is usually oliguric, and cannot excrete concentrated urine. Renal autoregulation is impaired, and renal perfusion depends directly on the systemic blood pressure. A fall in systemic blood pressure during the ATN phase causes more renal damage. Recovery from ATN is associated with increased renal blood flow (reperfusion), an increase in GFR and (often) a large volume urine output because the concentrating ability of the regenerating nephrons is impaired.
Abnormalities of renal interstitial structure and function are present in ATN. However, AKI and ATN can be caused by a primary abnormality of the interstitial tissues: acute tubulointerstitial nephritis (ATIN). The damage in ATIN is due to immunological mechanisms, the most important involving cell-mediated immunity. ATIN is usually due to a drug reaction, but can also be caused by infections (e.g. infection with hantavirus, a RNA virus that causes haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome.13 Drugs that cause ATIN include antibiotics (β-lactam antibiotics, sulphonamides, fluoroquinolones), NSAIDs, cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, proton pump inhibitors, diuretics, phenytoin, carbamazepine and allopurinol.
Postrenal (obstructive) acute kidney injury
Obstructive uropathy refers to the functional or structural processes in the urinary tract that impede the normal flow of urine, and obstructive nephropathy is the renal damage caused by the obstruction. Hydronephrosis is a dilatation of the ureter(s); it can occur in the absence of obstruction, and some persons with obstruction do not have a dilated urinary collecting system.14–16
The annual incidence of ARF in European communities is between 209 and 620 cases per million per year, with an incidence of severe acute renal failure (SCr greater than 500 μmol/L) of 172 cases per million per year.17–20 About 1% of patients in the USA have ARF on admission to hospital, and ARF develops in 5–7% of all hospitalized patients.21–23 The frequency of ARF in hospitalized patients is about 19 per 1000 admissions.24
Studies of the pathogenesis of community acquired ARF have produced conflicting results. In one study the major processes were identified as prerenal in 70% of cases, renal in 11% of cases and postrenal in 17% of cases.21 Other studies found a lower incidence of prerenal factors (present in 21–48% of cases) and a higher incidence of renal factors (present in 34–56% of cases, most commonly due to ATN).19,25 Acute on chronic renal failure was present in 13% of persons in one study.19 The basic processes in hospital acquired ARF are prerenal in 35–40% of cases, renal in 55–60% of cases and post-renal in 2–5% of cases.6
Using the RIFLE criteria the community incidence of AKI is 1811 per million of population, and AKI occurs in 18% of hospitalized patients (9% had changes in SCr concentration and urine output consistent with RISK, 5% had renal INJURY and 4% developed FAILURE).26,27
There are geographical differences in the causes of ATN. In Africa, India, Asia and Latin America ATN is usually caused by infections (e.g. diarrhoeal illnesses, malaria, leptospirosis), ingestion of plants or medicinal herbs, envenomation, intravascular haemolysis due to glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency or poisoning.28 The incidence of ATN due to crushing injuries is increased in earthquake-prone areas.
The processes involved in the prevention of AKI are shown in Table 10.1.3.
Table 10.1.3 Use derived GFR or creatinine clearance when calculating drug doses
Correct intravascular volume depletion |
Maintain perfusion pressure |
Choice of resuscitation fluid |
Diuresis in rhabdomyolysis |
Avoid nephrotoxins |
Maintaining intravascular volume and renal perfusion
Acute haemorrhage causes prerenal azotaemia, but the incidence of ARF is low (1.5% in major gastrointestinal bleeding29) if the hypovolaemia is treated promptly and there are no other risk factors. In severe trauma the incidence of ARF needing dialysis is about 0.1%.30 Severe progressive ARF after cardiopulmonary resuscitation is rare, and pre-existing and post resuscitation haemodynamics are more important risk factors for AKI than the degree of hypoperfusion during resuscitation.31
Choice of resuscitation fluid
Hypovolaemia is initially treated with crystalloid rather than colloid, with colloid being added in specific clinical settings (e.g. burns, anaphylaxis) or if there is no initial improvement in vital signs or urine output following crystalloid administration (e.g. in sepsis). The liberal use of crystalloid and colloid in high-output sepsis with AKI may increase the incidence of ARF or need for dialysis.32
Use of derived GFR in drug administration
Formulas are available to calculate the estimated creatinine clearance or estimated GFR from the measured SCr concentration.33,34
Most studies on the prevention of ATN after rhabdomyolysis have been in persons with crush injury after earthquakes, where the incidence of AKI is about 50%. In this situation fluid resuscitation should, if possible, begin before the crush is relieved. These patients may require massive amounts of fluid because of fluid sequestration in the injured muscles. The goal of intravenous fluid treatment is to produce a urine output of 200–300 mL/h while myoglobinuria (discoloured urine) persists. There is no evidence to support this rate of fluid replacement in persons who have rhabdomyolysis and AKI without crush injury, although a urine output of 100 mL/h would be reasonable while the urine is discoloured. The intravenous administration of mannitol and sodium bicarbonate to produce an alkaline diuresis as a means of preventing ATN in severe rhabdomyolysis has not been shown to be effective.35
Clinical features
The diagnosis of AKI should be considered when there is a decrease in urine output, an elevated SCr concentration or increases in SCr concentration. The clinical features depend on the pre-existing conditions that increase the risk of developing AKI, the initiating factor(s), and the effects of AKI (Fig. 10.1.2). The history should include a detailed drug history, enquiry about recent invasive vascular or radiological procedures, and any family history of renal disease. This is followed by clinical examination and evaluation of investigations. A number of key issues then need to be resolved (Table 10.1.4).
Table 10.1.4 Evaluation of acute kidney injury
Assess the intravascular volume |
Look for renovascular disease |
Look for symptoms or signs of obstruction to urine flow |
Systematic search for presence of infection or sepsis |
Evaluate for pre-existing renal disease or chronic renal failure |
Obtain a detailed history of medication or drug use |
Consider possibility of glomerulonephritis |
Evaluation of prerenal (intravascular volume) status
Imprecise or lazy terminology such as ‘dry’ or ‘dehydrated’ should be avoided. ‘Dehydration’ refers to situations where more water than electrolyte(s) has been lost, shrinking body cells and increasing the serum sodium concentration and osmolality.36 In other words, ‘dehydration’ means water depletion. Hypovolaemia is a decrease in the intravascular volume due to loss of blood (haemorrhage, trauma) or loss of sodium and water (e.g. vomiting, diarrhoea, sequestration of fluid in the bowel, etc.).
The ‘typical’ features of intravascular volume depletion (tachycardia or hypotension or both in the supine position, or postural hypotension) are not as consistent or reliable as implied by textbook descriptions. About one-third of persons with hypovolaemia due to trauma have bradycardia rather than tachycardia.37,38 The presence of (supine) tachycardia has low sensitivity as a diagnostic feature of increasing acute blood loss in healthy persons.39 An increase in the pulse rate of 30 beats per minute or more between the supine value and the standing values is a highly sensitive and highly specific sign of hypovolaemia after phlebotomy of large volumes (600–1100 mL) of blood, but the sensitivity is much less after phlebotomy of smaller volumes.39 The inability to stand long enough for vital signs to be measured because of severe dizziness is a sensitive and specific feature of acute large blood loss.39 The persistence of tachycardia after intravenous administration of fluids in clinical conditions causing hypovolaemia suggests that hypovolaemia is still present, but tachycardia due to other causes (pain, fever) will persist after correction of hypovolaemia.
A systolic blood pressure of 95 mmHg or less in the supine position has high specificity but low sensitivity after acute blood loss.39 Postural hypotension is present in 10% of normovolaemic person younger than 65 years, and in up to 30% of normovolaemic person older than 65 years. Postural hypotension in persons who can stand without developing severe dizziness is of no diagnostic value after blood loss due to acute phlebotomy.39
The textbook descriptions of the signs of saline depletion in adults (dry mucous membranes, shrivelled tongue, sunken eyes, decreased skin turgor, weakness, confusion) are neither specific nor sensitive compared to laboratory tests for hypovolaemia. The presence of a dry axilla argues somewhat for the presence of saline depletion; the absence of tongue furrows and the presence of moist mucous membranes argue against the presence of saline depletion.39
Evaluation of the renovascular state
Atheromatous disease of the renal arteries is common in persons older than 50 years with widespread atherosclerosis. There is a 7% prevalence of renal artery stenosis in persons older than 65 years, and one-third of elderly persons with heart failure have renovascular disease.40,41 Persons with stenosis or occlusion of one or both renal arteries can develop an elevation in SCr concentration after starting treatment with ACE or ARB drugs, or develop acute on chronic renal failure.
Acute kidney injury and acute renal failure
The urine output usually decreases, and the patient may be oliguric (urine output less than 400 mL per day) or anuric (urine output less than 100 mL per day). Persons with AKI and oliguria have more severe kidney impairment than those without oliguria. Only a few conditions cause complete anuria: total obstruction, vascular lesions, severe ATN or rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. The clinical features caused by ARF are shown in Table 10.1.5.
Table 10.1.5 Clinical features of acute renal failure
1. Anorexia, fatigue, confusion, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, and pruritus |
2. Signs of salt and water retention in the intravascular and interstitial spaces: an elevated jugular venous pressure, peripheral oedema, pulmonary congestion, acute pulmonary oedema |
3. Abnormal plasma electrolyte concentrations, particularly hyperkalaemia |
4. Metabolic acidosis |
5. Anaemia |
6. Uraemic syndrome: ileus, asterixis, psychosis, myoclonus, seizures, pericardial disease (pericarditis, pericardial effusion, tamponade). |
Differential diagnosis
The diagnosis of AKI requires synthesis of data from the patient’s history, physical examination, laboratory studies and urine output. The category of AKI (RISK, INJURY or FAILURE) may be difficult to determine in the emergency department (ED) if the baseline SCr is unknown. The reversibility of the AKI may be inferred if there is a marked increase in urine output after correction of prerenal problems, but a reduction in SCr (due to an increase in GFR) may not be seen for 12–24 h.
Criteria for diagnosis
Serum biochemistry
The SCr concentration is the best available guide to the GFR. Acute reductions in GFR produce an increase in the SCr concentration. The changes in SCr concentration lag behind the change in GFR, and can be affected by the dilution effect of intravenous fluid. Correct interpretation of the SCr concentration extends beyond just knowing the normal values (Fig. 10.1.3). Creatinine is a metabolic product of creatine and phosphocreatine, which are found almost exclusively in skeletal muscle. The SCr concentration is affected by the muscle mass, meat intake, GFR, tubular secretion (which can vary in the same individual and increases as the GFR decreases) and breakdown of creatinine in the bowel (which increases in chronic renal failure). The GFR decreases by 1% per year after 40 years of age, yet the SCr concentration remains unchanged because the decrease in muscle mass with age reduces the production of creatinine. The GFR (corrected for body surface area) is 10% greater in males than females, but men have a higher muscle mass per kilogram of body weight. The SCr concentration in men is thus greater than in women.
The creatinine clearance (CCr) or GFR are estimated indirectly using formulae (Cockcroft–Gault formula or the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Study Equation) based on the SCr concentration33,34 (Fig. 10.1.4). These equations assume a steady-state SCr concentration, and are inaccurate if the GFR is changing rapidly. They will also be less accurate in amputees, very small or very large persons, or persons with muscle-wasting diseases.

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